Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 219 Yu Ziqi

Chapter 219 Yu Ziqi

The talent rate of peasant disciples is definitely the lowest among all the disciples. There are only less than 20 disciples recorded in Taoist materials out of hundreds of thousands.

There was no need to think about these 20 people one by one from their age to the martial arts they were good at. Xiaomeng was already sure that the person who saved him in Wei State was the leader of the Gonggong Hall named Lu Wei.

As for the reason, the information clearly states that the name of Lu Wei's sword is the Swallowing Sea Sword.
In this era, if you want to investigate a person's information, his secrets that are not mentioned a word in some documents may be clearly written directly in another document. The key point is only how to obtain those precious information. And read them carefully.

After getting the information she wanted, Xiaomeng used her considerable internal energy to throw the bamboo slips back to where they belonged in the correct order.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl holding the Qiuli Sword didn't think much about it. Taking advantage of the fact that she was still in the mood for enlightenment today, she started her retreat tonight.

From his Qiuli Sword to the Sea-Swallowing Sword, it was a matter of following the trend. When the result of following the trend is perfect, there is no need to delay the business.

As for the sword debate between heaven and man that is about to begin, that is what senior brother Chi Songzi and the human Zong Xiaoyaozi who have never met need to be concerned about. No matter what the outcome of the sword debate is, it has nothing to do with her now.

Taoist retreat is an activity that every Taoist disciple must go through. To sum up, the contents of retreat can be roughly divided into three parts: stopping speech, cutting off external connections, and concentrating on the Tao.

Although it is not completely invisible, explaining things in simple terms is the most basic.

In terms of talent, the retreat for ordinary disciples lasts for ten days, 20 days, or one month.

Those who are dedicated may be able to achieve it for half a year, one year, or even three years.

This time, Xiaomeng will be in seclusion for ten years!
Enter at the age of eight and leave at the age of eighteen
Riding horses to Shouchun, Lu Wei deliberately changed the green robes he was used to wearing when he came to Chu State this time, and replaced them with white clothes and wide sleeves to cover up his strong muscles.

The hair on the top of the head is neat and orderly, and everything from the trimming of the eyebrows to the control of the expression is as soft as possible.

The position of the Swallowing Sea Sword on his waist turned into a jade flute. After almost all the sharpness on the outside was removed, the hall master's entire body became 'softer'.

As soon as it got dark and entered the city, he went straight to a music and dance studio in Yunmeng Market to have fun.

The current structure of the rivers and lakes in Shouchun City is indeed much more complicated than before. On the way to Lewufang, you can even see some merchants dressed in Qi costumes who are obviously different from ordinary people walking in the city.

Hall Master Lu knew that Qi State surrendered and perished in the end, but before surrendering, Qi Wangjian had not tried to resist at all.

It's just that he has been "cowardly" for decades. Even if he could be a little tough for a while, he would become soft again after being frightened by the Qin people and persuaded by the latter.

At this point in time, these merchants from Qi who were sent to the Chu Kingdom to inquire about information may be a prelude to his attempt to harden up.

Such a prelude may give the sensitive Chu people some imagination, but in the end there will be no follow-up and nothing will happen.

The real benefits of King Jian of Qi's 'cowardice' are, apart from the fact that the people of Qi have not experienced the direct devastation of war for 40 years like the people of the other five kingdoms, I am afraid that his own descendants have to compare with the other six kings. All clans, including the clan of the King of Qin, will prosper.

The descendants of King Jian of Qi changed their surname to "Wang" in order to avoid being killed in the war of the late Qin Dynasty. Later, from the time of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, the family's power flourished until at its peak, the "saint" Wang Mang emerged.
Mixing among the crowd and guests, Lu Wei applauded the slender-waisted Chu girl on the stage for matching the atmosphere. Lu Wei turned his mind away from the useless Qi merchants, picked up the sour wild berries in the fruit plate at hand, and after biting them, Numbness in the mouth and tongue is too irritating.

These berries are small and cute in appearance, with multiple color combinations. They are as colorful as small crystal gems. The music and dance workshop said that these are the best fruits from the land of Shushan. A small plate is worth the price. In the past half month, It is very popular in Shouchun, but the taste is not satisfactory to the hall master.

After taking a bite, the reaction between the tip of his tongue and the almost bitter acid was vividly displayed on his intentionally undisguised face.

Seeing that most of the other guests were expressionless and even enjoying eating the same variety of berries, maybe some of them really liked the taste, but Lu Wei was sure that most of them were just following the trend.

The Master of Life Hall has experienced hardship and pleasure, and he thinks that his sense of taste is normal.

He didn't hear anything interesting in the dance room. Lu Wei shook his head and stood up. Without disturbing the sight of the guests behind him as much as possible, he came to the corridor guardrail on the fifth floor of the highest floor of the music and dance studio, looked down and admired the night view of Yunmeng.

The reason why he chose to come to this music and dance studio was mainly because it was a condescending place.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of Yunmeng Street in previous years, the biggest area is that all Qin clothing merchants have disappeared.

The proportion of Jianghu disciples wearing peasant clothes was not large, but what was noteworthy was that in addition to the people from Shennong Hall, Hall Master Lu actually saw a pair of Tian family disciples from Lieshan Hall passing by.

"Those berries do come from Shushan, but their role in Shushan is just a decoration. The people of Shushan will not take them. They do not represent the true quality of Shushan food."

Just when Lu Wei was observing a group of interesting targets on the street below, a relatively youthful voice suddenly came from behind him.

Turning around, he saw a boy with short hair and a young face. He was only about sixteen or seventeen years old, and his skin was slightly dark.

Although he was dressed in Chu clothes, his appearance clearly gave off the feeling of a foreigner.

The young man seemed to know this, so when he noticed Lu Wei looking at him, he took the initiative to grin and clasped his fists and said, "I'm Yu Ziqi, from Shushan!"

The Yu Zi period in Shushan?
The master of the hall had an idea in his mind, and a gentle smile bloomed on his lips: "It turns out that he is Brother Yu from Shushan. I am Lu Wei, a native of Chu, and he is a musician."

After saying that, he lowered his hands, revealing the jade flute tied around his waist~——————

"It turns out that the Chu State's caravans specially picked those beautiful berries that are mainly for ornamental purposes on Shu Mountain to trick the Shouchun people into selling them at high prices for consumption."

"Brother Yu noticed something strange and came here to investigate before he discovered this?"

Lu Wei lowered his voice.He and Yu Ziqi were far away from the crowd at the moment. After listening to the other party's story, he instantly understood the simple hype process.

"Yes." Yu Ziqi nodded, then hesitantly said: "Those things are inedible to Shu people, but I saw that they could eat them one by one. It's hard to say anything."

"It wasn't until I saw Brother Lu showing displeasure after tasting it from a distance that I came here to explain the situation to Brother Lu."

Looking at Yu Ziqi's slightly averted eyes, in addition to the embarrassment about the berries, there should also be the guilt of deceiving new 'friends' with words.

Before these berries appeared in Yu Ziqi, Lu Wei did not know their real names. However, after Yu Ziqi said this, the master of the hall immediately remembered that he had actually seen the introduction of these fruits:
Magic Butterfly Fruit, these fruits are not just for viewing, they are also an important part of the "Shu Dao Maze" in Shu Mountain. They are often seven groups of small round fruits of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple on a bush, so It is also called 'Qiqi Fruit' by Shu people.

It can be used for medicinal purposes after special treatment, which can relieve the body's perception of the pain of injury.

But what deserves special attention is that the red fruit of Qiqi Guo contains toxins and is also a casting medium for Shushan Gu.

The above are all recorded in the Shushan Notes given by Chu Nan Bus to Hall Master Lu a few years ago.

At that time, Lu Wei planned to visit Shushan to make a good relationship, but later he had to cancel the trip because the condition of Dr. Nian Duan, the second daughter of the family, deteriorated.

It is understandable that Yu Ziqi hid the true purpose of Qiqi Fruit for the reason of keeping Shushan witchcraft secret.

However, in addition, he also concealed the real reason why he came to Shouchun. This was for safety reasons in Shushan. Even Lu Wei, who was generous, could understand, but Yu Ziqi was a little ashamed because of these two deceptions. After all, he was too Younger.

"Brother Yu, don't worry, Lu will not dislike Shushan because of this." Yi Ran maintained an elegant fake smile throughout the conversation, and Hall Master Lu said in a serious tone: "Speaking of Shushan, in the past few years, I was very fond of Shushan. Because I was stuck in a bottleneck, I even wanted to go there to collect information.”

"It was just a pity that the trip couldn't be made due to some trivial matters."

The purpose of going to Shushan is to make friends with Shushan. Now that Yuyuan's guard from Shushan is standing in front of him, he naturally doesn't have to go all the way to Shushan.

And it's not just a Yu Yuan guard.If I remember correctly, Yu Ziqi's sister: Xiao Yu, or just call her Yu Ji, is also a guard of Yu Yuan, or is she some kind of princess of Shushan?

He and Yu Ziqi hit it off like old friends.

Yu Ziqi's Chinese Mandarin learning was almost flawless, but this visit to Shouchun was his first time out of Shu.

Apart from reading about Chu and the Central Plains region in books, he only had a few brief exchanges with businessmen traveling to Shu.

The more he read and communicated, the more he inevitably yearned for the world outside Shushan.

For Lu Wei, a friend made by coincidence, although he was wary at first, he couldn't stand the fact that the hall master was too good at it!

From the Yan State in the north, to the Han, Zhao and Wei states in the Three Jin Dynasties, and even the Yue customs in the southeast of Chu State, this Lu musician has almost endless stories to tell on his topic.

There are also all kinds of interesting stories about the world, the academic discussions of Mo, Nong and Confucian scholars, and the rich amount of knowledge that makes Yu Ziqi dumbfounded.

Even though a lot of the knowledge actually only has a thin outer layer, Hall Master Lu would not be able to explain it if it were more profound, but the young Yu Ziqi's knowledge is too narrow after all.
The fact that he can keep silent about his identity as Yu Yuan's guard and the fact that he can avoid certain secrets within Shushan proves that his ability to keep secrets is pretty good.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Lu Wei not deliberately calculating.

The value ratings of Yu Ziqi and Shushan are not very high, and they were originally only casual chess that could be invested with low investment.

But since the Moon God devised Mirage's plan to seize power from the Yin Yang Family, the value of Shu Mountain has correspondingly increased to a certain extent:
The establishment of the mirage is inseparable from the sacred hibiscus tree in Shushan. When the mirage plan develops to a certain stage, the Qin State, which has become an empire by then, will send troops to destroy Shushan together with the Yin and Yang family, seize various precious treasures in Shushan, and transport them to Shushan. That 'city on the sea'.

Therefore, Shushan and the people of Shu actually have no choice. They will be pushed to the side of Lu Wei's allies by the Qin State. When the time comes, it will be a big favor if the hall master is willing to take them in.

It will be much easier to decipher some of the strange secrets in the mirage if Shushan joins in. They will become the vanguard against the Eastern Emperor.

Later, when they rebelled against the Qin Dynasty, the Shu people pulled out a team of thousands of people, which was somewhat of a help.

'After I ascend to the throne in the future, the Bashu region will also need Shushan as a local leader to help manage it! '

With a thought in his mind, Hall Master Lu walked out of the music and dance studio side by side with Yu Ziqi with a full smile.

The lights outside are bright and lively~
(End of this chapter)

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