Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 220 Another gift?

Chapter 220 Another gift?

After parting ways with Yu Ziqi in Yunmeng Market and watching him leave with a few men in Shu costumes, Lu Wei turned around and strolled down the slightly deserted streets again.

Almost all the special people who came to Shouchun at this time were for the upcoming battle between Qin and Chu.Yu Ziqi's role as a guard of Yu Yuan who hides his identity is nothing more than this.

The land of Bashu was the territory of Qin a long time ago, but Shushan still has a high degree of independence because of its remote location.

Although the Shu people nominally surrendered to the Qin people under the leadership of Shushan, for various reasons, they had a closer relationship with the Chu state.

The Chu caravan's ability to pick those Qiqi fruits is proof of this.

Otherwise, if Shushan does not allow it, a mere caravan will not be able to easily enter the 'Shu Dao Maze' and steadily provide sufficient sour berries to Shouchun.

The merchants sent by King Jian of Qi and the guards of Yu Yuan sent by Shushan.On the first night when the hall leader returned to Shouchun, he had already discovered two unusual forces.

These two forces have no direct connection with this war. King Qi can still understand why the people behind them would send them, but Shushan is probably also vaguely aware of something.

For example, some traces of the Yin Yang family's actions may have penetrated into Shushan, causing strong uneasiness in Shushan, which forced them to pay attention to the general situation outside Shu.

Lu Wei was always approached by the Moon God and Xinghun, and there was no way to look for traces of these two protectors.

The two parties could not establish a communication channel, so he did not know that the goal of the Sun, Moon and Star trio was also Shouchun.

But this does not prevent him from speculating on the progress of the Mirage project.

In the next few days, he and Yu Ziqi can simply deepen their friendship. After establishing a good relationship first, they will meet again in the mirage in the future.

But before that, Hall Master Lu still has some important things to do in Yunmeng Market tonight.

Before being stopped by Yu Ziqi, he happened to see a group of Xiang's guards on the street on the fifth floor of Yuewufang.

One of them had a face. When Lu Wei went hunting with Xiang Bo in the past, he remembered that it was Xiang Yan's personal guard.

When they came to Yunmeng Market, the hall master seemed to be quietly following a young child.

After a little thought and combined with some of their forward movements, it is easy to guess that there is a high probability that it is the future hope of the Xiang family, Xiang Yu.

The master of the hall could see the whereabouts of the young master of the Xiang family just by casually glancing at the street outside from a high place, so some forces that were particularly concerned about the General's Mansion must also be aware of this matter.

In this way, by following Xiang Shaoyu's surroundings, we should be able to investigate a lot of valuable information~
Laying out the floor plan of Yunmeng Market in his mind, Lu Wei calculated the time and the distribution of shops in the market, and after roughly confirming the direction of the other party, he followed it.

However, after turning a few corners, he was keenly aware of the special atmosphere in the street atmosphere, which made him stop.

It's 'Great Hidden in the City', Duke Nan of Chu!
Following this breath, Lu Wei changed direction and came to a pot throwing stall. The figure of the short old man was very conspicuous in the sparse crowd.

The little old man was stroking his beard, smiling and mingling with the excitement. His figure had not changed in any way from when they first met many years ago.

It's just that the "hidden in the city" he used at the moment was too deliberate and unnatural. This made Lu Wei aware of the other party even though he was far away.

This kind of 'hidden in the city' seems more like a special type of 'fishing bait'.
"Nangong is waiting for me?"

Stepping forward quickly, Lu Wei blended into the other party's "Hidden in the City" and asked lightly.

The abnormality displayed by Chu Nan Gong was probably an attempt to attract special people in the Yunmeng market, and it was by no means just targeting Lu Wei alone.

However, from another perspective, Lu Wei was also part of a special group of people. It was rare for him to meet Nangong, so he naturally wanted to talk to the little old man.

"Well, it turns out to be Mr. Lu." Chu Nan Gong looked at the figure that suddenly appeared next to him in surprise. He smiled and touched his beard in response. At the same time, he also sighed:

This guy's strength has improved again
"Why did Mr. Lu come to Shouchun again and dress up like this? Aren't farmers trying to protect themselves wisely in the world in order to preserve their strength?"

Chu Nan Gong gently poked the ground twice with his crutch. The stick he was holding now was not the jade stick that Lu Wei had given him a few years ago, but another ordinary jujube wood stick.

Jade has always been "for viewing from a distance but not for playing with". Although it is indeed beautiful to watch, it would be a waste of natural resources to use it as a crutch to "smash" against the bluestone on the ground.

While Duke Nan of Chu was speaking, someone happened to be in the center of the pot throwing game and hit all the arrows, which made the onlookers cheer and applaud.

The voice was so loud that it drowned out the last two words of Nangong.

Lu Wei had deep inner strength, so naturally he could hear clearly without being affected, but he still pretended not to hear. After applauding along with the people, he looked at Nangong with a smile:
"When I was young, I was young and full of energy. I didn't know how to give in and only knew how to move forward. Now that I'm older, I naturally want to dress myself more calmly."

"You are only in your early twenties and you feel that you are old. I should have been lying down long ago!"

Regarding the former's pretense of madness, Chu Nan Gong blew his beard, shook his head, laughed and cursed, but did not continue to repeat his question.

Firstly, it is meaningless, and secondly, the other party has actually answered it.

The farmers now want to 'give in' to Qin.

Regarding this choice, Chu Nanggong was noncommittal, but he would also choose this way in the future.Many new arrivals in the city, capable people with different ideas and lofty ideals, are generally like this.

The Qin State is powerful, and it is indeed easy to break when faced with a head-on situation.

Duke Nan of Chu once gave Lu Wei advice on the alliance between Changping Lord and Xiang Yan, with the intention of getting the farmer to join in. However, the farmer now retains the option of strength, and he does not feel that his investment in someone has been wasted.

Based on the character Lu Xiaozi was, he was fully capable of working as a lackey for the Qin State to gain greater power and status, but he did not. He only adhered to his own farm, obviously having another set of self-judgments about the situation.

Whether this set of judgments was right or wrong, Chu Nan Gong did not know, but as for which path Lu Wei would take, the sage from Chu believed that he would not be wrong about the person.

"Nangong, I bought sesame cakes!"

While Lu Wei and Chu Nan Gong were chatting, a young man in gray linen clothes held a piece of black cloth on his chest and hurriedly squeezed into the "Great Hidden City".

He was surprised to see Chu Nan Gong talking to a rich man in gorgeous clothes, and couldn't help but shut his mouth.

The boy's patched clothes were not thick, his messy hair was down, and his eyes held an incredible calmness that was completely opposite to the surprise on his face.

This is a child with a very strong heart.

Lu Wei put aside his weak aura and glanced at him. Although the boy couldn't help but tremble all over under his gaze, the calmness in his eyes did not change at all.

"Is Han Xin back? Come on, give me the sesame seeds. The old man is already hungry."

Chu Nangong tapped the cane again, this time with a much stronger force. The young man who was locked by Hall Master Lu's inner breath felt as if he had just woken up from a dream. He hurriedly opened the black cloth on his chest, revealing two slightly burnt white ones. cake
Han Xin?


Li Xin was called brave by the King of Qin many times, and he liked the compliment very much.

This time, the State of Qin did not use Wang Jian and made him the commander-in-chief of the attack on Chu. In addition to Qin Wangzheng's expectations for Li Xin, Li Xin himself also had high expectations for himself.

20 soldiers and horses were indeed not many compared to the huge Chu State, but he still chose to divide his troops. He and his deputy Meng Wu each led an army to attack the Chu army along two different roads.

Li Xin's strategy is to rely on his own "bravery" to launch a fierce attack and fight alone to win a quick victory!

Unlike when he was full of confidence in the palace, he actually knew very well that if he wanted to safely annihilate the Chu State, 20 troops would definitely not be enough. It would be a big problem just to retain troops to occupy and maintain order every time a city was captured.

At the same time, the deeper you go into the Chu territory, the protection of the grain road will also consume a lot of troops.

The longer it takes, the greater the risk for the Qin army.

But just to defeat the Chu army, 20 is enough. This is the confidence that Li Xin can complete to destroy Chu.

As long as we can defeat the main force of the Chu army, advance directly to Shouchun City, and capture the King of Chu to bear the cud, then the Chu Kingdom will be nominally subjugated.

When the time comes, I will ask for support from Xianyang to attack other stubborn places. This is justifiable and will not hinder the slogan of "Destroy Chu with 20 men".

This battle must start like thunder!

"General, Lord Zhanri of Luowang would like to see you."

"Covering the sun?" The division of troops between Li Xin and Meng Wu had been completed. On the eve of entering Chu Land, a piece of news reported by his personal guards surprised him.

Luo Wang is a gangster killer organization, affiliated with King Qin, and they are indeed his colleagues.

However, the areas that the two sides are responsible for are completely different, and it stands to reason that there is not much overlap.

However, considering that the person behind Luo Wang was the popular Lord Li Sili, and that the Luo Network organization would be of high value when used as a scout, Li Xin met with this man.

The Luowang Tianzi-level killer dressed as an ordinary Qin army walked into the side accounts. When he met with Li Xin, the first words he said were very valuable:
"General Li, does he know that the Chu State and the Mohist rebellion have colluded this time, and the Mohist machine beast is quietly ambushing Xiang Yan's army!"

"Mo Family!" Although there were some disturbances in Li Xinxin's mind, he was not too surprised: "I have fought against these rebellious people in Yan State, and I am not afraid of them if I prepare in advance. I wonder how much the Mo Family has prepared this time." A white tiger?"

"This matter is urgent. Luo Wen is still investigating. If there are any clues, Luo Wen will notify the general as soon as possible."

The vicissitudes of the sun's voice continued to sound: "In addition, Luo Wang has also detected that Chu State may be making moves on Chen Ying's side."

"What's the scale?" Li Xin frowned slightly when he heard the news: "Chang Pingjun of Chen Ying is trying to appease the people, and he only has a limited number of soldiers."

"The scale is extremely small and does not have the capability of military attack. However, the Chu State keeps the operations there extremely confidential. Luo Wang thought there must be a problem, so he informed the general." Zhi Ri said calmly.

"I will write a letter to Lord Changping to take precautions about this matter. Luo Wang has monitored the Chu army very well. After the war, I will direct the king to ask for credit for Lord Li Si."

"Thank you so much, General~"

(End of this chapter)

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