Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 221 Capturing Lu Wei

Chapter 221 Capturing Lu Wei
After receiving the letter from Li Xin that "Chu State has differences in Chen Ying", Lord Changping, who was far away at Chen Ying's banquet, looked calmly at the Qin officials and generals who came from Xianyang to raise their glasses. Silk stuffed into sleeves.

In this attack on Chu, Li Xin was in charge of fighting at the front, and Xiong Qi was in charge of reassuring the people in the rear. Although the two sides were cooperative partners, generally speaking, Changping Jun really didn't expect that the other party would send him a letter about Chen Ying.

And the content of the letter is so shocking.

As for the authenticity of the content, Chen Ying will of course have discrepancies. After all, the person behind the discrepancies is Chang Pingjun himself.

However, the problem is that there is definitely something wrong with Li Xin actually getting this news from Luo Wang!

Ever since Lord Changping returned to his dreaming hometown of Chu and took the first step into Chenying City, he couldn't help but clenched his fists after concealing his emotions for 20 years.

On the surface, Xiong Qiming entered the old capital of Chu State as the Right Prime Minister of Qin State, and the purpose of his coming here was to restore his identity as a Chu native in an honest and fair manner.

Lord Changping's contact with Xiang Yan in Chen Yingzhong was indeed more frequent than when he was in Xianyang, but the people he used were still his close confidants.

And only one close confidant is responsible for running back and forth between the two sides to prevent any possibility of being exposed midway.

The dead soldiers on my side are still here, and they haven't said anything unusual has been discovered.Xiang Yan's reply will only be given in the secret room of the General's Mansion.

Only Xiang Yan knew the existence of the secret room, and even Yan Dan would not know the content of Xiang Yan's reply.

Then the question arises: since there are no accidents from the two ends to the middle, the snare is either impossible to discover, or if discovered, it will directly implicate the entire plan.

As soon as the current 'different' comes out, the situation can only be the latter.

What is difference?The different details mentioned in Li Xinxin's letter are that Chu State launched a secret plot against Chen Ying. This is completely nonsense. Changping Jun and Xiang Yan have never acted against Chen Ying in the name of Chu State in recent times.

And the King of Chu didn't even know that he had the intention to return to Chu. After all, the Chu King's royal family had undergone drastic changes in the past few years, and it was difficult to choose which Chu King to inform.

The reality now is that Luo Wang has pointed out that Chen Ying is different. So, no matter how it was exposed, the exposure itself must have happened.

At this time, you can't take chances and react immediately.

Chen Ying's situation seems to be very similar to the Xinzheng Rebellion
It's just that the problem with Xinzheng is that confidentiality is not strict there, and the contents of his contacts with Xiang Yan are absolutely top secret.

'It's time to do something.'

Lord Changping beckoned to his cronies in public and asked them to bring over the carefully prepared jars of clear wine.

Even though it was unplanned, it had to be done.

Let’s take advantage of this banquet to deal with all the troublemakers!

Two hours later.

There was deathly silence in the brightly lit Chen Ying banquet hall.

Except for the main seat, everyone's table was littered with cups and plates. Qin officials in neat uniforms fell in various shapes on their seats. Only one person was lying on the middle aisle, pointing at Lord Changping with his index finger with a ferocious expression. But the person himself had already lost his breath.

After the banquet entered the second half, Lord Changping specifically asked a few more Qin officials who were not of a high level to join in the final banquet.

Eventually they lay together on top of each other, and no one else could doubt the amber-honey clear wine offered by Lord Changping, the Right Prime Minister, before the first man who showed signs of poisoning fell.

The entire Chen Ying was completely controlled by Xiong Qi.

Next, he can do something bold and bold. He can raise troops at any time if he wants, but for the time being, he can block news for another half month.

In Shouchun City, Han Xin, who was no more than [-] years old, also brought a gift from Zhong Lijuan of the same age, which can be said to be a get-one-get-one-free gift.

Of course, Han Xin is now studying with Chu Nan Gong, and Zhong Lihuan is much less talented. Although he is Han Xin's friend, due to his family's decline, in order to survive, he has to follow his elders to hunt in the mountains to make a living. .

It's rare for the dignitaries of Shouchun City to let go of their control over the forest and allow ordinary people to make a living there.

Zhong Lihuan's relationship with Duke Nan of Chu was far less than that of Han Xin, but he was also awarded a copy of the 'Wind Chasing Arc Arrow' martial arts. The little old man was so attentive in arranging military inheritance for the two children. The hall master was very grateful to him for his contribution to his common people. The workshop cultivates talents.

Although Chu Nan Gong was more likely to cultivate future elites for the Chu people, and showed an attitude of 'protecting' Han Xin from getting too close to Lu Wei, Ke Ren had legs after all.

In the future, whether these two people choose Chu or Nong, they will make their own decision.

If you are really indecisive, the hall master can also help the two of you make a rational choice~

For the time being, it is better to keep the two children with Chu Nan Gong. They are both real heroes. After they have found their own way, Lu Wei will come to pick the fruits again.

Nangong and Xiang Yan were not directly connected, so they did not know the details of the Mo family's trip to Daze Mountain to invite Lu Wei to join the anti-Qin plan. However, based on the signs that the peasant disciples in Shouchun City first prospered and then declined, they had already guessed that the peasants were planning to find out. Time's up.

According to his understanding, the peasant family should shrink to the Daze Mountains next, but Lu Wei actually came to Chu State.

This person is not someone who just hangs around with nothing to do. Chu Nan Gong asked this question directly out of curiosity, and the hall master’s answer was also very straightforward: He saw that the Chu country was in war and was in danger, so he was worried about Nan. Public security is in danger, so I came here specifically to take Nangong to Daze Mountain to enjoy the blessings!

The little old man smiled at this, praised Lu Wei for his respect for the elderly, and left the busy city with Han Xin without looking back.
With Lu Wei's current strength, it would be easy to catch up.

However, there is no need for that. Hall Master Lu has always been generous and kind and never forces others. What's more, Nangong and Han Xin are old and young. It is even more unethical to bully them.

He simply went on to talk to Yu Ziqi about Shushan.

In addition, this time Lu Wei was hanging out in Shouchun City as a musician, and occasionally had to do things consistent with his status.

Although his musical talent is average, with his own martial arts ability, he has no difficulty in copying several of Yuki Onna's performance techniques.

As for saying that one cannot be considered a true violinist if he cannot integrate emotions, that doesn't matter. Common people just listen to music and they can understand the emotions on their own.


The forces that had infiltrated into Shouchun City were exposed bit by bit as time went by.But the party who least wants their identity exposed is Zhang Han's secret guard.

As the personal bodyguards of the King of Qin, the expansion of the Shadow Guards is imperative, and the training of their abilities cannot be limited to just one Xianyang city. Fighting against the forces of the Six Kingdoms is a rigorous growth test.

When he was in Wei State, Wang Ben attacked too quickly. After the siege, he immediately flooded the main beams and destroyed a country in a few months.

As soon as the Shadow Guard's action was taken, everything was over.

After Wei, Zhang Han, who was in Wei, received an order from King Qin Zhengxin: Go south to Chu.There are still no specific instructions. What to do and how to do it are all decided by Zhang Han alone.

Good or bad, it will affect the organization of the Shadow Guard and Zhang Han himself in the king's mind.

Twenty subordinates plus one person can only play a very limited role on the frontline battlefield. Only by going deep behind enemy lines and operating in Shouchun City can it be possible to stab the enemy in the heart!

It is true that this is an extremely dangerous decision, but the rewards are equally rich.

There is no shortage of famous generals and capable ministers in the court of the Qin Dynasty. Those who dare not do big things have always been able to stand out!
Regarding Shouchun City, Zhang Han visited the city as an envoy of Qin ten years ago, and he deliberately paid attention to the layout of the city at that time.

This city has not changed much in the past ten years. Using old memories and a little money, the Shadow Guards successfully lurked in Shouchun.

What they do next in the city is very crucial.

Regardless of the difficulty, groping into the palace of the King of Chu and catching the King of Chu with his cud would undoubtedly create the greatest merit.

Although this is indeed a bit whimsical, preparation is not impossible.

If King Chu Chu accidentally made a mistake and gave the Shadow Secret Guard an opportunity, it would be extremely painful if he escaped due to lack of preparation and saw the opportunity with his own eyes.

However, the arrest of King Chu of Chu can only be regarded as a surprise. It is meaningless to implement this whim wholeheartedly.

Moreover, in Zhang Han's view, it was destined that Qin would dominate the world, and attacking the world was not the director of the Shadow Secret Guards, nor was it the original intention of establishing the Shadow Secret Guards.

Investigating the list of forces in Shouchun City that are rebellious against Da Qin is what the Shadow Guard should really do.
Zhang Han's actions were very careful, and because the Shadow Guards organization was far less famous than Luo Wang, even if their actions were not flawless, no one would associate this group with the power of the Qin State.

Unless the other party knows Zhang Han's true identity and knows the Shadow Secret Guards organization. For example, a certain Hall Master Lu.

In a large tavern in Yunmeng Market, Lu Wei, who imitated the behavior of Gao Jianli of the Yan Kingdom in the past and acted as a performing musician, glanced at Zhang Han, who was dressed as a rough and wild ranger, without revealing any flaws.

He had seen this Qin general in Wei not long ago.

We met again in Shouchun so soon. To the hall master, the other party can be said to be a priceless bounty~

Now that the war between Qin and Chu has begun, if the personal bodyguard organization of King Qin Yingzheng is captured in Shouchun, and then Lord Changping rebels and leads to Li Xin's defeat, Qin will lose face.

Whether Zhang Han's value can be used and how to use it is a choice.
In the tavern, the flute was playing melodiously and the drinkers were noisy. Zhang Han disguised his identity and chatted among the drinkers. Lu Wei disguised his identity and was observing the leader of the Shadow Secret Guard. There were also people observing the two of them at a higher place. .

"A guard of the King of Qin and a farmer's hall master. One of them plays the role of a ranger and the other plays a musician in a place like this. This is the world~"

Lord Protector Zuo of the Yin Yang Family, Star Soul, and Yin Yang Wei Qi looked down at the guardrail and made a mocking sound: "Chu Country is not a place they should stay."

The disguised Moon God's cold eyes flickered between the two targets pointed by Star Soul without saying a word.

She also didn't expect to meet someone in Shouchun.

"General Zhang Han is already in danger, but the one who is more dangerous than him should be Hall Master Lu, Lord Moon God thinks~"

Concubine Yan stood up directly, leaned against the guardrail, stretched out her head, and after Xinghun spoke, she smiled and turned to look at Protector Right, who was drinking tea indifferently, and asked.

All in all, this is the second time Lord Dongjun of the Yin Yang Family has met Lu Wei. The first time was in the dreamland of Robber Zhi in Jicheng.

She remembered that Lu Wei in the thief's dream was very weak and was easily defeated by the master of the dream with just a few moves.

Concubine Yan, who has now learned about the master of the Gonggong Hall in detail, will naturally not believe the authenticity of the scene in the dream, but no matter how powerful Mr. Lu is, the three people of the Yin Yang family, Sun, Moon and Star, are all here now.

"What do you mean, Master Dongjun?"

Faced with the gaze of 'good sister', Luna remained calm, even raising the corners of her mouth a few degrees, and continued to hold the small tea cup with both hands.

"This Lu Wei is the target sent by Lord Donghuang to Lord Moon God, but Lord Moon God has been making slow progress."

Concubine Yan turned her head to look at the 'weak' musician on the first floor with interest: "This time we met in Shouchun, although our mission is the Canglong Copper Box from Chu State, we can capture this person by the way and bring him back to the Yin Yang Family together. , I believe His Excellency Donghuang will be happy."

"What do you think, Lord Moon God?"

"Does Master Xinghun think so?" Moon God raised his eyes and glanced at Concubine Yan's smile, then half-closed his eyes and asked the question to Xinghun.

"This is really an interesting proposal!" Xinghun looked at the two companions with strange eyes, and Concubine Yan noticed from his eyes that he meant to watch a show: "When the tavern closes, let's do it right away!"

"But~" Xinghun suddenly changed his words and lowered his eyes no longer looking at the first floor: "Has Lord Dongjun thought about how this matter will end?"

Inexplicable question, are you cooperating with me to make fun of the moon god?

Concubine Yan chuckled when she thought of this:
"It won't end well. Just capture it and seal the acupoint so it won't prevent us from seizing the Canglong Copper Box."

"If you both think it's a good idea, let's do it."

The calmness of the Moon God made Concubine Yan suddenly feel cold in her gut, but she didn't know where the coldness came from.

At her level, any abnormality has a reason. Concubine Yan did not ignore this 'chill'.

But thinking about it, she didn't think there was any problem with this arrest plan.

Although Concubine Yan actually didn't want to arrest Lu Wei at first, this person was a member of the Moon God after all.The reason why I brought it up was just to wait for the Moon God to express his objection, and then let it go.

Now they are actually unanimously generated through weird feelings.

But if the sun, moon and stars attack together, there is no way that the farmer's leader can be his opponent. Even if he has a toying attitude, he can only win in three rounds at most. Is it possible that the moon god will be able to betray him then?
This is obviously impossible.

So where does the problem come from?

Lu Wei suppressed his own strength, but his gaze from the second floor was too long, so he had to stare back.

Taking a closer look, he saw a table of three rangers. One of them was lying on the side of the guardrail, looking at himself with interest.

He doesn't know this person himself, but the two rangers behind him look a bit familiar?
(End of this chapter)

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