Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 222 You are surrounded by us

Chapter 222 You are surrounded by us
Most of the people who make the Hall Master feel familiar are friends that he has dated before.

He has few enemies, and he usually kills them on the spot. Some of them can run away, but not many.

Lu Wei didn't recognize any of the faces of the three rangers on the second floor, but the look in the eyes of one of them was too familiar to him.

Lu Wei had seen that clear gaze many times. Even though this person was completely inconsistent with the Moon God in terms of gender, appearance, and eye shape, the unobstructed gaze felt like a deliberate reminder.

Among the three people, one is the Moon God and the other is the Star Soul.

As for the third person who is lying on the guardrail, giving people a strong sense of danger, and is also the person who shows the most interest in him, from the expression and communication actions, he seems to have the same status as the two guardians of the Yin Yang family.

Is this person Dongjun Yanfei?
Looking away, the Yin and Yang family would actually send these three people to work in Chu State. The power level of Jianghu forces in Shouchun city would change dramatically.
The hall master was shocked, but not worried. They probably had nothing to do with him.The goals of the Shadow Guards and the Yin Yang Family should be different. If they really want to know where they will converge their sights, I'm afraid the Mo Family will suffer another disaster.

Lu Wei found no suspected traces of Yan Dan in Yunmeng Market in recent days, but since Thief Zhi, the king of thieves, was in the city, Gao Jianli, who had been to Daze Mountain with him, should also be there.

Although the two of them have a high status in the arena, they are not qualified to be involved in the battle between Qin and Chu.

Therefore, Yan Dan must be there, and only he can gain Xiang Yan's trust.

Is it because of the failure of Xinghun in Wei that the Mo family and Canglong Bronze Box dispatched Sun, Moon and Star together?
Lu Wei was guessing while playing the flute, and the three people on the second floor seemed to have reached an agreement and made a decision and left the tavern.

If there is an outsider here, it will be a lot of trouble for Xiang to communicate with the Moon God and Star Soul.

Zhang Han's investigation of intelligence is still continuing, and he has already discovered something: while the drinkers were touting, they speculated on the appearance of a large number of farm disciples in Shouchun City in the past few days.

farmhouse?This is an unexpected but reasonable name.

Zhang Han raised his head and drank with a flash of light in his eyes.

The number of disciples from peasant families is the largest among Jianghu. In theory, wherever there are Jianghu, it is possible to meet people from peasant families.

However, the number of peasant disciples first gathered in large numbers in the Chu State and then disappeared. There must be some kind of planned action involved.

From the information of the Shadow Guards, I learned a lot about the situation of some farmers in the Six Kingdoms. It is clear that the farmers at least have some cooperation projects with Zhao, Yan and Chu. Some of these projects also played a huge role in the unified attack of Qin. Obstacles: For example, the farmer's action of growing grain for Zhao is a typical example.

However, the peasant family never resisted the Qin army head-on on the battlefield, and did not openly oppose Qin like the Mohist family rebelled.

In addition, the Yin Yang family's Moon God Protector and Star Soul Protector's rebellious evaluation of Jianghu forces shows that the peasant family is also at a relatively low level and does not pose an active threat to the long-term stability of the Qin Dynasty.

Among the other schools of thought before the Nongjia, there were also prominent schools such as Mohism and Confucianism, which all posed greater dangers in culture and reality.

The powerful and aristocratic classes in various countries have been influenced by these two families to a certain extent.

Despite the situation, now that we have found out the information about the farmer first, we might as well let the Shadow Guard practice their skills with the clues about the farmer in Shouchun City~

There is a war on the front line, but it does not affect the taverns and music and dance studios in Shouchun City that stay open all night.

It's just that Lu Wei, a musician, only has one hour to work. When the time is up, he puts away his flute and leaves.

Zhang Han was still among the drinkers. He seemed to be planning to wait until the tavern closed before going back to catch up on his sleep.

After a while, the streets of Yunmeng Market became dim.Fortunately, the bright lights in the entertainment and romantic places helped to bring some brightness outside, so that when people returned home, they would not be able to see the road ahead completely.

Just ten steps out of the tavern, and as he continued walking, the quiet atmosphere around him slowly transitioned into something abnormal.

There seemed to be some treasure in his intuition that attracted Lu Wei to go to a remote alley.

This is illusion.

With a clear mind, Lu Weixing followed the guidance of the illusion in his mind as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the place where the master of the illusion wanted him to go.

While walking, the master of the hall carefully savored the illusion method that works on a person's intuition. After some analysis, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion in his heart at its subtlety.

The most effective deception is to deceive oneself naturally. A person's intuition can often defeat complex rational thinking in many cases. If he had not known the existence of the three people of the Yin and Yang family in advance, and the illusion belonged to the Moon God, He was very familiar with part of the aura, and he was really deceived.

The illusion technique used by Sun and Moon together was truly incredible.

But what is their purpose?

No, it should be: What is the purpose of the moon god?
Hall Master Lu tied up the hair on the back of his head with his backhand. He carefully observed the surroundings and thought calmly in his mind: Judging from the identity of the Moon God in the tavern and the breath reminder left in the illusion, it should be that person. Concubine Yan wants to attack herself.

The Moon God and Star Soul had the ability to stop it, but they did not do so.If Xinghun might be watching the show in a bad way, then according to Yueshen's calmness, she always has a purpose in doing things, which is more realistic than Lu Wei.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will be surrounded by the three people of the sun, moon and stars, and then
At the end of the silent alley, a few crows seemed to be frightened by something. They suddenly croaked and flapped their wings and flew away, attracting Lu Wei's attention.

After waiting for the trace of the crow to disappear, Hall Master Lu returned his gaze to the road ahead, when a figure flashed and appeared three feet away from him.

The second figure turned sideways and silently blocked Lu Wei's retreat.

On the roof on the right, the third figure appeared to be in a posture to prevent him from escaping from above using Qinggong.

No surprise, it was the three 'rangers' on the second floor of the tavern just now.

At the same time, Lu Wei's personal intuition of the excitement of treasure hunting suddenly disappeared. When the illusion was lifted, there was also a faint sadness of being lost.
The figures of the rangers in front, behind, and above also released their transformations and restored their respective prototypes:
Lord Dongjun of the Yin-Yang family blocked the way forward, while Moon God and Star Soul were at the back and at the top respectively.

"Are you surprised~"

Xinghun, who was not too concerned about the excitement, seemed not worried about his target escaping. He sat down on the eaves and gathered energy in his hand to form a blade, ready to go.

Looking away at him, the master of the hall just laughed calmly: "The three Yin Yang family designed to find me, I don't know why?"

This indifference fell into Concubine Yan's eyes. She did not immediately pay attention to the target. Instead, she looked past him and glanced at the Moon God who was making a hand seal. Seeing that there was no reaction, she said slowly:

"Hall Master Lu has a good character. He is so relaxed when surrounded. Do you think that after being captured later, he will be confident that he will not be killed?"

The intention in this sentence is self-evident.

"So you want to arrest me?" Lu Wei raised his hand to touch his chin, staring at the 'Three-Legged Golden Crow' that appeared out of thin air between Concubine Yan's raised hands, and said thoughtfully: "Surrounded by the three of you, I must have run away. If I can’t let it go, if I just surrender, I don’t know what I’m going to do with this Lord Dongjun.”

Although he said this, there was no intention of begging for mercy in his tone. Xinghun and Moon God both remained silent, and Concubine Yan felt uneasy again.

"You will naturally experience this after you are captured without any help!" Although our side has a great advantage, no matter what, we still have to capture the person first before speaking with greater confidence.

The three-legged golden crow in Concubine Yan's hand locked her eyes on Lu Wei and spread her wings to fly towards him. Then Master Dongjun quickly formed a seal on his hand and replenished the spell in the air. At the same time, she looked around. In addition to the Moon God, Star Soul Unexpectedly, they didn't move at all. They silently watched the two people in the center of the field working alone.

'These two guys' Concubine Yan pursed her lips and increased her output.

The master of the hall faced the incoming attack, took out his jade flute, poured in his inner energy, and slashed at the three-legged golden crow.

This Golden Crow is condensed from the Yin Yang family's "Long You Qi", which is mixed with a large amount of Yin and Yang magic spells. It seems that it can be easily destroyed, but at the moment of destruction, the Yin Yang magic spells will overflow. Every feather on this Golden Crow is a weapon for attack.

Therefore, when the sword energy on the jade flute was about to hit the Golden Crow, Lu Wei turned his wrist and took the initiative to collect the energy. At the same time, he gently touched the top of the black bird's head with the jade flute, and a burst of cold air was output from the end of the flute. .

Almost instantly, the Golden Crow turned into an ice sculpture and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Tang stepped forward and played the flute to stab Concubine Yan in front of her.

With the blue static fire covering her palms, Concubine Yan faced the enemy and calmly accepted the attacks with her bare hands, going back and forth with Lu Wei without revealing her disadvantage.

Compared to the shaky situation when facing the Six-Fingered Black Man many years ago, Lord Dongjun has diligently honed his practical skills in recent years.

But just that is not enough to capture someone from Lu.

"You two, it's time to take action!"

Phew, the blue Yin and Yang technique collided with Lu Wei's inner energy. If the air wave caused was not blocked, it would be impossible to leave even a single intact brick on the roofs of the surrounding houses.

Shouchun City is now crowded with experts. Moon God and Star Soul do not want the noise caused by the fight to attract troublesome people, so they block the air waves that erupt on both sides. This action naturally makes Concubine Yan take advantage of the situation and ask them to hurry up together. Take Lu Wei.

"Okay, let's go together."

Lu Wei, who took three steps back, started to express his nonsense.

After hearing the request from their companions, Moon God and Xinghun used the Yin and Yang techniques in their hands one after another, and then directly took Concubine Dongjun Yan!

The pupils shrank for a while. Concubine Yan looked at her companions who were besieging Lu Wei in shock. She couldn't help but bite her silver teeth:
The one being surrounded is actually myself?
From a practical point of view, Hall Master Lu is definitely no match for the Sun, Moon and Star trio.For the same reason, Concubine Yan could not accept the combined efforts of Lu Wei and the rebels Moon and Star.

In just a few moves, the slightly embarrassed Lord Dongjun was bleeding from the corner of her mouth. With her acupuncture points sealed, she was pressed by the Moon God and Star Soul, and fell into the hands of the Hall Master!
(End of this chapter)

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