Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 223 Moon God’s Confidence

Chapter 223 Moon God’s Confidence

Next, how to deal with this woman is a problem.

There is no need to go into details about what happened, but from the moment Lu Wei was surrounded by the sun, moon and stars of the Yin Yang family, he instantly understood that the moon god wanted to capture the only concubine Dongjun Yan who was not one of his own here today.

Xinghun also noticed this, so he has been cooperating with the actions.

But Concubine Dongjun Yan is known as the strange woman of the Yin and Yang family, and her temperament can be said to be strong. Even if she is caught, it will be extremely difficult to turn her into one of her "ones" like Xinghun: Xinghun is There is hatred towards Qin and the Yin Yang family itself, so both sides have a common goal.

However, since Luna chose to take action, it means that she has a solution, otherwise tonight's activities will seriously damage Luna's plan.

The Yin Yang Family is her territory, and Lu Wei is just the Moon God's collaborator in matters related to the Yin Yang Family.Right now, he needs to cooperate and be the bad guy.

Calmly using his peripheral vision, he had a silent exchange with the moon god behind Concubine Yan. The master of the hall smiled, and approached Concubine Yan with a bit of sarcasm: "Master Dongjun has a good character, but he has lost it. His ability to move around is so calm.”

"It's such a pity that Mr. Dongjun just didn't tell you what he wanted to do with me." He pinched the opponent's chin and raised the head of the beautiful woman who was kneeling on one knee: "Otherwise, I will let you know the method from your mouth." It will definitely be fun to try it yourself~"

It was the first time in her life that Concubine Yan was so humiliated. She bit her lip and widened her eyes. Her heart was filled with emotions, but she could not speak because her acupuncture points were blocked.Moreover, compared to being captured, the fact that both Moon God and Star Soul actually betrayed the Yin Yang family made Concubine Yan even more incredible.

"Take it away first, it's too dark here."

After letting go and turning around, Lu Wei said in an arrogant tone.

The bad guys have already done their job, and it’s up to Luna to do what he does next.

The three of them, together with Concubine Yan who could not move, quickly left the dark alley where nothing happened.
Arriving at the Yin Yang Family's stronghold in Shouchun, the Moon God went to imprison Concubine Yan. Hall Master Lu and the Star Soul Protector discussed what happened tonight.

"If something goes wrong in dealing with Concubine Yan, does Hall Master Lu know what the consequences will be?"

Xinghun basically had a fun-loving mentality throughout tonight. He was very interested in arresting Dong Jun. Now it was not until the curtain fell that he asked about this troublesome character as a matter of course. The aftermath comes.

The best result is of course to let Dongjun become one of our own, so that the three 'guardian-level' combat powers from Donghuang to the elders of the Yin and Yang family are all in the same camp, and the elders are basically under control. Under the jurisdiction of the Protector, the aloof Dong Huang was completely reduced to a mere commander.

Star Soul's subsequent training goal of revenge against Donghuang and reaching the top level of Yin Yang Art to wash away hatred will also be easier to achieve.

Although he knew that it would not be easy to subdue Dongjun, but since Lu Wei could cooperate with an unpredictable woman like Yueshen, Dongjun was still easier to guess than Yueshen.

"She is in our hands, how can she escape." Lu Wei didn't know Dong Jun well enough, and it was really difficult for him to suddenly arrest her and immediately think of a way to subdue her, but here in Xinghun, the hall master Your Excellency is still full of confidence: "Did the Emperor of the East send you to Chu to take advantage of the war to get the Canglong Copper Box from Chu?"

"That's right. Last time I failed in Wei State, that ghost didn't do anything. He only sent me, Yue Shen and Dongjun to take action this time."

Xinghun answered Lu Wei's changing topic casually: "Although it is a good thing that he is not held accountable, I can't see through Donghuang at all. Any of his unusual behaviors may have deep meaning. This time, I must take the copper box from Chu State back."

"Then there is no need to rush." ​​Lu Wei smiled and said: "There are still two years, whether it is to deal with Dongjun or seize the Canglong Copper Box, you can take your time and plan!"

"Two years?" Xinghun murmured a few words about the time in a low voice, then raised his head and said, "Are you so sure?"

The correct way to ask this question is "How can you be sure?". The reason why Xinghun wanted to replace a few words was because he might be able to give a valuable answer.

"The peasant family has the peasant family's network of contacts." Hall Master Lu did not hide anything: "Changping Lord will soon rebel against Qin and raise an army to revolt. Li Xin will fail this time."

"It will take time until the Qin army comes back for the second time."

"Are you raising an army to revolt?" Xinghun was stunned. This news was very exciting, but he did not doubt the source of Lu's intelligence. The Moon God had told him about Jing Ke's strange behavior when he assassinated Lord Chang Ping of Qin: "This is indeed something that can be done in the short term. The way to cause the greatest harm to Qin is if he continues to be the right prime minister, he may be able to play a greater role in the future."

Under the general trend, Chu State will not be able to survive for long because of the participation of Lord Changping. It is a pity that anti-Qin allies of this level are exposed like this.

Then he seemed to suddenly think of something from this. After he lowered his head and pondered for a while, he slowly said: "Tell me, if you kill King Qin at this time, will it be okay?"

Xinghun's words were not continued, but the meaning was clear: the prime minister rebelled, the Qin army was defeated, and the King of Qin died. If these three things broke out at the same time in a short period of time, the consequences of the turmoil within the Qin State would be unpredictable.
"No." Lu Wei decisively rejected his idea, and then showed a gentle fake smile under Xinghun's gaze: "The old dignitaries of the Six Nations will benefit the most from King Qin's death at this time."

"How can we make wedding clothes for others!"

"You are so ambitious, you should know that opportunities don't come to you all the time." Xinghun reminded.

"As long as you keep trusting me unconditionally." The hall master is much more confident in dealing with Qin than in dealing with Dong Jun.

In this era, whether he helps Ying Zheng or not, the other party has the ability to unify the seven countries.On the contrary, after unification, regardless of whether he personally rebels against Qin or not, Qin will also perish.

Lu Wei does not think that his status as a time traveler can change the general trend. He sees himself very clearly: he can follow the times and seize the fruits of victory of the times under his own name, making himself a new nobleman who is superior to others. Living a comfortable life is the best result that can be achieved without much effort.

Only by grasping this kind of fruit in your own hands can you have time to worry about other things!
After staring at Lu Wei for five seconds, Xinghun silently nodded and turned to leave.

And not long after he left, the moon god Shi Shiran walked into the room.

"Have you convinced Dongjun?" Lu Wei knew that this was very unlikely, but he still asked.

"No, if she can give in so easily, I don't have to take advantage of tonight's opportunity to catch her."

Luna sat down at the table calmly. The two of them did not need to talk about their sudden encounter in Shouchun. They just went straight to the topic and said: "Concubine Yan has a tough temperament. We want her to join our plan. In terms of general means, , it’s difficult.”

"I can see that she is not afraid of death, and there is no one who can threaten her existence."

Moon God did not bring good news. Before the other party revealed the specific plan that he did not reveal, Lu Wei calmly expressed his opinion: "From my point of view, for Dongjun, it is of course more beneficial to you to conquer him. Mirage plan, but if she stubbornly refuses to care, we must make full use of her death."

Conquering it is the task of the Moon God. Although the Moon God must have thought of an implementation plan with a high probability of success, another possibility must be considered.

If the Moon God fails, Concubine Yan must be killed, and after killing her, Donghuang will have an insurmountable obstacle.It's better to use Concubine Yan as bait and get rid of her and the captured Donghuang once and for all!

Although the mirage plan will probably fail in this way, the Yin and Yang family will most likely be divided. The ghosts of Hebo Mountain will take the Zhou royal family's treasure trove of Ji Dynasty and become hidden enemies. The Qin State will also give an explanation.
But this does not hinder Lu Wei's plan.

At most, the value of the Moon God to him will inevitably decrease a little.

"No one has weaknesses." Yueshen understood what Lu Wei meant and knew that this was the bottom line. However, since she would take the initiative to catch Dong Jun now, she would not let the matter develop to the bottom line. : "The same is true for Concubine Yan."

"You should know something about her and Yan Dan's story."

"Have you heard about a ridiculous love story between a prince of a country and a heroine who eventually turned into a life-and-death enemy?" Hall Master Lu nodded.

"Concubine Yan is 'the most amazing woman in Yin-Yang arts'." Yun Danfeng mentioned the title of the other party lightly. Yueshen has now automatically adjusted his competitor to Donghuang, the leader of the Yin-Yang family.As for the fight between herself and Concubine Yan, she has already given up.

"Ever since she was a child, Concubine Yan's entire focus has been on studying the art of Onmyoji. Because she focused on her talent, she obtained the status of 'Dongjun' second only to Donghuang at a very young age."

"No one in my generation can surpass Concubine Yan, including me at that time."

"It wasn't until she encountered obstacles in her research on Canglong Qisu and met Yan Dan who was serving as a hostage in Qin that she temporarily embarked on another path."

Luna paused and continued:
"Concubine Yan's devotion to Yan Dan could be called sincere love before she used the Yin Yang Technique to wash away hatred. However, now, I think it would be more appropriate to describe it as 'passing the love barrier'."

"Is it a matter of love?" Lu Wei understood what Moon God meant and said thoughtfully, "So do you think this Dongjun has passed the matter of love now?"

"No." Lord Protector Right shook his head. Although she no longer regarded Concubine Yan as a rival, past competitions still made Yue Shen know her 'good sister' better than anyone else:
"Before Yan Dan died, this relationship was another way for her to hone her Yin and Yang skills."

"In the past, Concubine Yan was the most diligent explorer of Yin-Yang in the Yin-Yang family."

"Those years when passionate love and hatred intertwined, it was her daring to love and hate as a woman, a layer of yin and yang illusion that she blinded herself."

"If Yan Dan really marries her, she may never wake up again, but now that the bubble has burst, Concubine Yan has returned to her original appearance."

Luna concluded at this point: "She and we have common interests. After being betrayed, she returns to the supreme pursuit of onmyoji, which is her weakness!"

"I see, but her pursuit conflicts with your pursuit, right?" If he remembered correctly, Lu Wei remembered that the reason why Yue Shen wanted to replace Donghuang was also for the supremacy of Onmyoji!
"That's right." A faint charming smile suddenly bloomed on Moon God's cold face: "There can only be one person who can be the supreme master of Onmyoji, and that person can only be me!"

"However, it would be more interesting to have such a chaser on my way to the top, wouldn't it~"

A confident woman is poison to a blind man, and the charm of Luna becomes even more exciting.

Just as Lu Wei was about to make a move of desire, she blocked him with her Yin Yang technique: "Wait a minute, I haven't taken a shower yet."

"Neither do I, we can come together."

The righteous and awe-inspiring tone combined with the malicious words made Luna couldn't help but shake her head.
But he didn't refuse either.

On the border between Qin and Chu, Xiang Yan had personal experience of Li Xin's "bravery".

'Courage' has always been a positive adjective for an army. Compared with the armies of the Six Nations, the Qin army itself is known for its bravery.

Different Qin generals will give their own different tactical characteristics to the Qin army when commanding.And Li Xin is becoming more and more courageous!
The overwhelming offensive caused the Chu State's planned vanguard army to be defeated. Its momentum made Xiang Yan understand the careful warning of Lord Changping a little more deeply.

Without Chang Pingjun's follow-up plan, even if Chu could be undefeated against Li Xin, the risk of defeating him would be quite high.
Next, we can't confront the Qin army head-on. We just need to keep the distance to prevent the opponent from advancing or retreating.

The land of Chu State is vast, and it can be slowly worn out by Li Xin.

Lord Changping of Chen Yingcheng paid attention to the progress of Li Xin's army every day. Seeing the Qin army going deeper and deeper into the front line, he became calmer and calmer.

He then launched an uprising and cooperated with Xiang Yan to attack the Qin army from both sides. Li Xin was bound to be defeated.

But defeat is not enough, they are also pursuing the annihilation of these 20 Qin troops!

The price of luring the enemy deeper was slightly higher because of Li Xin's bravery, which immediately caused a certain degree of commotion in Shouchun City.Relevant rumors became more and more intense, and news even spread that the main force of Chu State was defeated, which made the whole city's hearts fluctuate.

Under this circumstance, the Xiang family awarded the seven-year-old young master the Seven Seas Dragon Armor, making him officially a soldier of the Chu State, which became an effective means to appease the hearts of the Chu people.

The young master of the Xiang family, who wore the mighty Seven Seas Dragon Armor and patrolled the city on horseback to execute troublemakers, was quickly recognized by the entire city thanks to his reputation as the "strongest" in the Xiang family.

Among them, Zhang Han was naturally included.

The Shadow Guards have gained a lot from the investigation of the peasant family in the past few days. They even learned that a large number of peasant disciples joined the Chu army. However, just that, it cannot be judged as the peasant family rebelling against Qin.

After all, in addition to the Jianghu identity, a person always also has a national identity.Zhang Han can also be considered a soldier. Although the Chu people are now enemies, he doesn't think there is any problem with the Chu people joining the Chu army.

Before the world is unified, it is natural for the people of all countries to fight for each other and for their parents and children.

This is limited to people from Chu and Qi. If people from the old Zhao or Wei wanted to revive the country, then in Zhang Han's mind, they would be unpardonable rebels.

There is no news that any high-ranking peasant family appeared in Shouchun, and most of the peasant disciples who joined the Chu army were Chu people affiliated with Shennongtang. For the time being, there is no evidence that the peasant family tried to resist Qin.

Among all the schools of thought, the school with the largest number of disciples is Anshun. This is good news.

Next, the Shadow Guard should focus more on the Mo family and the young master of the Xiang family.
(End of this chapter)

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