Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 224 Concubine Yan’s Conversation

Chapter 224 Concubine Yan’s Conversation
After Concubine Yan was captured, apart from the initial shock and anger, she quickly calmed down.

What happened that night seemed unbelievable, but if you think about it carefully, it wasn't that surprising.

When Xinghun joined the Yin Yang family, she was still in Jicheng. After returning, she investigated this talented young man and understood that he had hatred in his heart.

A person who wants revenge may do anything. She knows this best.

As for Luna, well, Luna knows her very well, and she knows Luna too!
Ever since she was little, Dongjun has had only one competitor, so how could she not pay attention to him.

Both of these guys could betray, but Concubine Yan didn't expect that both of them were related to the farmer and betrayed at this time.

The peasant hall master named Lu Wei, on the one hand, has contacts with the Mo family, and on the other hand, he has the means to cooperate with the Moon God and Xinghun. Does he also have delusions about Canglong Qisu?
'Your Excellency Donghuang will regret sending the Moon Goddess to contact that special star'

Concubine Yan was not worried about her situation and just meditated calmly.

Squeaking, the wooden door where she was imprisoned was pushed open by someone who deliberately made a noise: Moon God would not do this, and Xinghun was only a facilitator in this incident, so...
Slowly opening his eyes, the person who walked in was indeed the farmer's hall master, Lu Wei!

Today is the fifth day, and the other party finally came.

"Lord Dongjun seems to have made the next step for his situation."

After seeing Lu Wei step into the room and the wooden door automatically closing behind him, Concubine Yan remained motionless and said calmly:
"Hall Master Lu and Lord Moon God are not kind people. The reason why they keep me here is naturally because there is greater benefit in not killing me than in killing me."

"And the acupuncture points on my body have been sealed, so I can't resist. What's the plan? What's the use?"

"Of course it's useful." Lu Wei came to the room and sat down on the table and chairs. In the past few days, Yue Shen would chat with Concubine Yan for some time every day. After the other party showed a certain willingness to cooperate, the master of the hall came over today. of.

Dong Jun's staunchness is true, but she is not loyal to the Yin Yang family: Concubine Yan was able to betray the Yin Yang family once for Yan Dan.Now as long as she can see the hope of progress in the art of onmyoji, will this woman mind betraying her for the second time?
"If Lord Dongjun is willing to cooperate with our plan, you can go out earlier."

"Really?" Concubine Yan smiled lightly and said leisurely, "Then what can I get?"

After repenting after betraying the Yin Yang family last time, the leader Donghuang easily forgave her, but this time there will be no escape route.

If he was forced to become someone else's slave, Dongjun would be willing to die.

She knows that she still has value, and this value comes from the possibility that if she doesn't cooperate, the other party's plan will suffer certain losses or even be completely shattered.

If they cooperate, the other party's plan can not only go a step further, but they can also get a powerful helper like themselves.

Dongjun believes that he should get equal gains from the different benefits.

In other words, she has to be a collaborator. Even if she is just a prisoner now.

"With the current situation, Mr. Dongjun, do you still want to negotiate terms?"

"If we don't negotiate terms, then even if I verbally agree to cooperate with you, will Hall Master Lu have the confidence to believe me?"

Concubine Yan snorted and asked a question.

Her situation is indeed not good at the moment, but because of this, even if she is arrogant and domineering, it will not make her situation worse.

Concubine Yan can show that she doesn't need to take the overall situation into consideration, but is always the one in charge of planning.They can get more from the plan, so they have to give some benefits to the actors below.

Concubine Yan understood that if she didn't plan to die now, she would only have one chance to negotiate terms.

Although she is not afraid of death rationally, she is not willing to die easily. This is the basic reason why Lord Dongjun expressed his willingness to cooperate after the Moon Goddess chatted with her for a few days.

Moreover, Concubine Yan's revenge for her past betrayal of Yan Dan through the Yin and Yang Technique was only halfway through.It would be disgusting if I died like this in Shouchun and allowed that person to live calmly in the world and implement his plan!

Lu Wei's humiliation to her that night was nothing more than a Jianghu matter, but not one ten thousandth of what Yan Dan did!

Later, Yueshen personally demonstrated the existence of a higher level of Onmyoji to his "good sister" yesterday, allowing her to see the possibility of pursuing the "Dao". This was a layer of guarantee for Concubine Yan to change her mind and actively cooperate.

Luna told him all these reasons before letting Lu Wei come over, but he still had to pretend not to know and listen to Concubine Yan personally describing the other party's conditions.

Since it is a negotiation, both parties must make concessions, and the degree needs to be grasped: if Concubine Yan is fed at once, subsequent control will be troublesome.

Lord Dongjun never wants to be controlled, she wants to ensure that she has the freedom to do whatever she wants.The master of the hall naturally wants to strictly control her, and he can command her at will as a subordinate like the fourth younger brother.

The ideas on both sides are understandable, but the ideas on both sides are also unrealistic.

The tone should be high at first, and then there will be room for a little concession.In order to maximize interests, both parties must make appropriate concessions. In the final cooperation, there will be a maximum balance between control and freedom.

"So what kind of conditions does Mr. Dongjun want?" Lu Wei looked at the other party's cloud-like hair hanging on his chest calmly, and raised his hand to signal her to continue talking.

"Nothing happened about the misunderstanding between us. Hall Master Lu just hit it off with the Yin Yang Family and volunteered to help the Yin Yang Family obtain the Canglong Copper Box from the Chu Kingdom and the subsequent attack on the Mo Family. I think the Hall Master has no objection to this. Bar."

Concubine Yan's first condition is a piece of nonsense.

This was to create a good atmosphere for the harsh conditions that followed. Lu Wei could definitely agree to it, but he didn't:

"Of course I have always been friends with the Yin Yang family, but I am also friends with many people in the Mo family. How can I participate in the attack on Mo against morality? If it is just Yan Dan, I have no objection to this."

"Okay!" This condition was originally insignificant. Concubine Yan did not need outsiders to participate in her revenge, so she could change or delete it if she wanted.

This is the first article that has been changed. If the other party makes changes next time, they must be more restrained.
"Second, regarding Hall Master Lu's inner energy."

Half an hour later, Lu Wei walked out of Concubine Yan's room.

The detention of Mr. Dongjun of the Yin-Yang Family has not ended yet, but the doors and windows were not locked from the beginning. Only the Moon God strengthened the seals on his acupuncture points every day.

Concubine Yan, who didn't have any Yin and Yang skills, didn't need a sturdy cell, it was just an ordinary room, and she was sensible enough not to escape.

After she stepped forward and obtained reasonable cooperation conditions from the other party, Concubine Yan had to show her personal sincerity.

No matter how heavy the promise made by Concubine Yan herself was, it was just verbal words. She had to ensure that she could not turn back or betray Lu Wei's camp again.

This can only be taken over by the Moon God.

Concubine Yan's value basically only lies with the Yin Yang family. The problems of the Yin Yang family's sun, moon and stars mainly involve the Yin Yang family itself, which is their internal matter.

He inadvertently helped the Moon God to complete the harmony with the sun, moon and stars in Shouchun. Although the chain reaction was beneficial to him, this was not the main purpose of Lu Wei's coming to Shouchun and could only be regarded as a branch line of the book.

However, for the benefits promised to Concubine Yan, one must also remember to give Xinghun an equal share and not let her feel that she favors one over the other.

Star Soul is very proud and needs to be respected. It cannot lead to possible changes in him due to ignorance.
It is really troublesome to maintain a 'friend' relationship with the pursuit of profit. You must pay attention to every detail at all times.

Looking back to Shouchun City, Young Master Xiang, who was wearing Seven Seas Dragon Armor, suddenly didn't show up for a few days, which made all parties, large and small, suspicious.

According to rumors, it is said that this 'Shao Yu' was accidentally injured when he was dealing with a ranger fight in the 'Tianxiang Tower' and fell out of the window from the seventh floor.
Fortunately, the Xiang clan sent experts to guard their young master and caught him in time. Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous.

But even if the young master of the Xiang family was not injured that time, he was still greatly frightened and might have become afraid of heights. Therefore, he needed to recuperate his body and stayed away for a long time.

The special status of the Xiang family in Chu State attracted a lot of attention to them.After the secret guard Zhang Han finished investigating the farmhouse, he planned to let his men try to take action against Young Master Xiang, but something happened to him accidentally.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Even if Xiang Yan led his troops and was not in the mansion, it would be wishful thinking to sneak into General Xiang's mansion with only twenty shadow guards.

After having to modify the plan so that the secret guards would only investigate and record the Mo family's action information, Zhang Han walked casually on the streets of Shouchun, trying to see if he could find any clues and knock on the door automatically.

Suddenly, a target sitting on the roadside attracted his attention: he was a child of about ten years old with torn clothes and messy hair.

It was Han Xin who was ordered by Chu Nan Gong to squat at the intersection and observe pedestrians!
Like Lu Wei, the first thing Zhang Han noticed was the child's eyes: they were not the eyes he should have at this age.

It's not the look that ordinary people who can only spend all their energy on surviving all day should have.

'He's a talented person who might be able to tap into the Shadow Guard! '

Zhang Han noticed Han Xin, and Han Xin also noticed Zhang Han.

Although they were far away, the ranger who suddenly stopped on the road looked at him for a moment, and Han Xin realized that this person's true identity was not just a ranger!
The two looked at each other deeply, and then looked away together:

'It's worth sending Shadowkeep to investigate the background. '

'This is what Nangong said: shouldering a special mission. '

Both sides had their own thoughts and walked away from each other in opposite directions for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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