Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 225 Li Xin’s defeat

Chapter 225 Li Xin’s defeat
"If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful, and if he learns, he will not be solid. If he is loyal to the Lord, if he has no friends, he will not be afraid to correct his mistakes."

In the Little Saint's Village, Fu Nian listened to the sounds of the disciples below shaking their heads as they read the text aloud. He raised his eyes and glanced at them inadvertently. Everyone in the school immediately raised their voices to become more sonorous.

With a satisfied "yes", he picked up the bamboo slips from the corner of the table in front of him, spread them out and browsed them.

The use of paper has become very common in the Little Sage's Manor: half of the collections in the library have been copied into volumes using the farm's fine snowflake paper, and there is a fixed ration of coarse paper for ordinary disciples.

Although there is some awareness of imitations of farmhouse writing instruments on the market, most of them are small workshops with lax quality control.

The imitation costs of Qi's official craftsmen's offices were also high, and they could not produce large quantities at relatively low prices, and the products they produced could basically only be supplied to the capital Linzi.

No matter in terms of cost, quality or morality, Xiaoshengxianzhuang's official paper procurement is still at the Gonggongtang Sanghai branch.

Fu Nian is the head of Confucianism. He rarely uses bamboo slips in his daily life. The bamboo slips he holds now are sent back by Confucian disciples who are away from home.

The content is related to Taoism.

A brief sentence at the beginning: Xiao Mengzi, a close disciple of Master Bei Mingzi, has officially entered retreat.

In terms of seniority, Bei Mingzi was of the same generation as Master Fu Nian. Therefore, the eight-year-old Xiao Mengzi was of the same generation as Master Xun in Little Sage Village and was Fu Nian's senior.

According to the development of the world, Fu Nian, as the head of Confucianism, will have to interact with the elites of hundreds of schools of thought in the future. No matter whether the other party is an enemy or a friend.

Fu Nian Benjue's Little Saint Xianzhuang abides by his duties in troubled times. No matter whether he serves as an official for the soon-to-be-unified empire, there will be no major crisis.

But since Li Si, who had become more and more trusted in the Qin court last year, came back but was expelled by Xunzi, Fu Nian felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Fu Nian will not comment on whether Xunzi was right or wrong in chasing Li Si.But as the head of Little Sage Village, he must guard against the slightest mistake and let Little Sage Village survive.

Li Si is a man with outstanding abilities, but he is jealous in his heart. After being so embarrassed, even though he seems not to care on the surface, he must be prepared to see if he will take revenge.

After Xiaomeng, the bamboo slips mentioned the results of the Taoist sword discussion between heaven and man.

Taoist Tianzong Chisongzi is nearly seventy years old and has been in charge of Xueji for two consecutive rounds. Compared with his old rival Xiaoyaozi, Chisongzi has a much calmer psychological advantage.

Xiaoyaozi's own experience is also exciting enough.Before the age of 30, he was passionate about karma and revenge, and was known as the best hero in the world. Later, he enlightened and escaped into Taoism and became a disciple of the Renzong.It's just that in the battle for Xueji where heaven and man discuss swords, Tianzong has had a huge advantage in the past ten years.

At this year’s Taiyi Mountain Viewing Platform, the winner was Tianzong Chisongzi after all.

In terms of the Taoist theory of Taoism, Tianzong and Renzong, Tianzong now has the upper hand.

This is the Taoist's own business. After Fu Nian understood this, his dignity did not change. He rolled up the bamboo slip and threw it aside. At this time, the disciples in the hall also finished reading what he had circled, so they continued the class.

Winter is approaching, and Songhai has shown signs of cooling down recently.

After the class, Zhang Liang walked out of the school and was waiting by the corridor outside the door. He was also holding a bamboo slip that looked "dusty" in his hand, as if he was waiting for him.

"Brother, head!" Zhang Liang smiled and saluted with his hands in hand.

"What can I say to Zifang?" Fu Nian nodded, and the two of them walked side by side from the corridor to the endless lake bridge.

Whenever any disciple sees these two elders, they will stay away and no one will bother them.

"It's about the battle between Qin and Chu. It may have an impact on Little Saint Xianzhuang, so I came here to report to senior brother."

Zhang Liang said with a smile, his tone was passionate and uplifting, and he did not hide his emotions too much.His senior brother knew that given his position, it would still be a gentleman to be more frank.

"Did Chu win?" Fu Nian asked in a deep voice. Before taking the bamboo slips from Zhang Liang, he could guess the outcome from his junior brother's emotional expression and the fact that he came to him.

"Yes, and it's a great victory." Zhang Liang looked up at the sky in the distance and felt that the blue sky today was better than yesterday: "The Prime Minister of Qin, Chang Pingjun, rebelled against Chu in Chenying City, which made Qin generals Li Xin and Meng Wu We have to change the existing offensive and turn around to quell the chaos.”

"Chu General Xiang Yan's main force of the Chu army has always kept a subtle distance from Li Xin. He did not rush to fight or stay away, which put huge pressure on Li Xin's Qin army. After Changping Jun raised his rebel army, he followed the direction of the Qin army. Suddenly Launch a counterattack."

"The two sides fought fiercely for three days. Li Xin was defeated and the losses were unpredictable. However, according to the Chu army's intelligence alone, seven Qin army captains were killed."

"Oh?" Fu Nian has little knowledge of military command, and is even more unfamiliar with military formations, but he knows that captains are mid-level and senior military attachés in various countries' armies, and those above them are generals. Seven of them will be lost this time. The Qin army The loss was without a doubt a real crushing defeat.

After unfolding the bamboo slips and browsing the detailed information recorded there, Fu Nian turned his hands behind his back and looked into Zhang Liang's bright eyes: "Changping Jun is the right prime minister of the Qin State and has a high status. He would rebel at such a time."

Fu Nian didn't know much about Lord Changping, but his identity as 'right prime minister of Qin' could already explain a lot of problems.

"Abandoning his high position, power, glory and wealth, and betraying Qin and returning to Chu just for the sake of morality in his heart, Lord Changping's choice is indeed unexpected by the world."

Zhang Liang sighed with admiration. After he learned about the cooperation between Yan Dan and Liusha from Lu Wei a few years ago, he conducted a wave of analysis on the anti-Qin forces of various schools of thought.

When Zhang Liang heard about the outbreak of the Xinzheng Rebellion, he did not agree with it at first.This uprising seemed meaningless. It was just a needless sacrifice of precious anti-Qin forces, and it also caused the people of old Korea to suffer another war persecution.

But now it seems that the Xinzheng Rebellion is definitely of great significance. It is the starting point of the long-planned anti-Qin plan.

That time, it was Lord Changping who was sent out by the Qin State to quell the rebellion.

Because of this merit, Lord Changping was assigned to Chen Ying, the old capital of the Chu State, to appease the people of the old Chu State. This led to the sudden rebellion against Qin, causing the Qin army's plan to attack Chu to fail miserably.

"Zifang just said that Lord Changping 'returned to Chu'?"

Fu Nian didn't appear very moved. Lord Changping's behavior could be described as majestic and upright as Zhang Liang said, or he could be described as an unforgivable traitor.

This Confucian leader only regards himself as a neutral Qi person and is cautious about his words and deeds in this kind of war.

"Yes, according to Zifang's understanding, this Lord Changping is from Chu!" Zhang Liang replied softly: "He is the son of King Kaolie of Chu."

The powerful people are entangled in relatives at all levels. If you are not in that circle, it will be difficult to understand many matters. Fu Nian's understanding of the powerful people is far less than Zhang Liang's.

"If something like this breaks out, the war will continue for a few more years." Fu Nian was startled. He nodded first to express understanding, but then suddenly shook his head: "But this has nothing to do with my little Saint's Manor. How does Zifang feel about it? Can it affect Confucianism?" "Senior brother, do you think that a unified Qin State is beneficial to the development of Confucianism, or is the original situation of seven countries standing side by side beneficial to Confucianism?"

Zhang Liang asked in a deep voice.

"Zifang." Fu Nian's face was already serious. After Zhang Liang asked, his face became as dark as water, and he scolded sternly: "Confucians cannot choose the general trend because of temporary self-interest. What we pursue has always been a A world where the king is wise, the ministers are respectful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.”

"You're standing at the wrong angle!"

"." The faint smile disappeared from Zhang Liang's face, and his whole body tensed up. Regarding his senior brother's admonishment, he understood that what he originally wanted to achieve was the happiness of the people, but
Zhang Liang's 'Zhang' belongs to South Korea after all.
He is a Korean, and has been Korean for generations, and the country and family hate each other. Compared with the great principles in the book, rationally, he should stick to the righteousness like a senior brother, but he is only in his twenties, and after all, he is not mature enough.
"Senior Brother's words, Zifang realizes his mistake"

"He who can do the five things is benevolent in the world: respectful, tolerant, trustworthy, sensitive, and helpful." Fu Nian thrust the roll of Chu's war report back into Zhang Liang's hand, and his tone returned to his usual unhurried and unhurried tone: "Zi Fang was so obsessed with the hatred of country and family that he lost his mind."

"Don't forget the wisdom of the sages. Zifang should copy the entire Analects twice, give it to me once, and keep it for yourself."

"Engraving means deep. In order to strengthen memory, use bamboo slips and carving knives to copy."

After saying that, Fu Nian turned and left.

Zhang Liang was so excited about Chu's great victory that he wanted to go to Shouchun in person to contribute. After being scolded, he smiled bitterly and did not say any more requests to go out.

'I have indeed lost my composure. Thanks to Senior Brother for admonishing me, this kind of character still needs to be tempered.'


Before news of Li Xin's defeat reached Xiaoshengxian Village, there was already an uproar in the Qin State.

Compared with the failure of this battle, the loss of troops is actually nothing.

A mere 20, even if the entire army is annihilated, the current Qin State can still afford it.

However, everything from the selection of the main general to the Changping Lord sent to calm the people in this battle were all personally selected by Qin Wangzheng.
The king's prestige has suffered a heavy blow in this battle, which makes it even more important.

The air pressure in the entire Xianyang Palace was extremely low. Zhao Gao sent the six sword slaves who had just become combat-ready to search the Changping Lord's mansion. As a result, the mansion was already empty, and only a secret passage leading to the residences in the city was found.

Lord Changping's wife and daughter have escaped.

There are a lot of treasures in the mansion, but most of them were gifts from King Qin in the past. It would only be more ridiculous to seize them back.

When such results were reported, there was naturally another burst of thunderous fury.
All those who could run away who were related to Lord Changping ran away, but there were still some who couldn't run away: for example, Lord Changping's sister and his son Fusu.

Besides, someone has to be responsible for this defeat.

Although this battle was lost because of Lord Changping, once Changping Lord is involved, a question will inevitably arise: Who trusted so much to send Lord Changping to Chen Ying to take over the power?
Therefore, in this battle, Lord Changping became a taboo.

Lord Changping's crimes against Qin were unforgivable, but the failure of this war could not be solely blamed on Lord Changping.

Li Xin, as the leader of the army attacking Chu, must take responsibility.

The reason for the defeat of this battle was because Li Xin boasted in Haikou that he only needed 20 to destroy Chu!
Of course, Ying Zheng also knew that Li Xin had only shouldered the responsibilities that could be stated on the surface, so it would be too unfair to execute him like this.

It's just that this promising young Qin general can no longer lead an army.

"Where is the old general Wang Jian!" In the messy government affairs hall, Qin Wangzheng's face was dark. Lord Changping's name could not be mentioned again, and Li Xin was listed as a wrong example. Then Wang Jian, who corresponded to him in the past, must be correct. .

"Your Majesty, General Wang has resigned and returned home."

It is impossible for Ying Zheng not to know that Wang Jian has returned home, but at this time, he needs to let outsiders tell him: "Li Xin's arrogance has caused our Qin Dynasty to lose its troops and generals. I personally go to Pinyang to ask the old general to return to command."

"Invade Chu again!"

Following eight years ago, when Zhao Wuanjun Li Mu defeated Fan Yuqi and annihilated [-] Qin troops, the six Shandong kingdoms had no more successful battles against the Qin army.

In the past few years, the Qin army destroyed Han and Zhao, Yan and Wei, and was invincible.

Now Xiang Yan actually connected with the right prime minister of the Qin State, Chang Pingjun, and defeated Li Xin, who performed well in destroying Zhao and destroying Jicheng Yan State. More important than the results of the battle, it was the revitalization of people's hearts!
After Li Mu disappeared, there was another Chu general in the world who could defeat Qin generals!The King of Chu was overjoyed and immediately conferred the title of "Jun Wu'an" on Xiang Yan!
However, Xiang Yan was fond of sealing titles, and Fu Chu obviously had no idea how to deal with Lord Changping, who was also the son of King Kaolie.

Lord Changping also anticipated the troubles of the current King of Chu. He took the initiative to stay in the city of Chen Ying, who had returned to Chu land, and fought for Chu against Qin.

Even if he returns to Shouchun, Xiong Qi doesn't have enough cronies to use, so he might as well continue to work on the territory he already controls.

Fu Chu rewarded Wu Mingfen, and then generously gave away a large number of jewels as a reward. Because the Qin State was a foreign enemy, the Chu State would not be able to fight within a short period of time.

It seems that the Chu State's army and people are united, the powerful are united, and the situation of resisting Qin is excellent.

But what they have to face next is Wang Jian and the 60 Qin army who have made a comeback.
One ugly night, Shouchun City, which was not the Yunmeng Market, was generally silent at this time.

A ghostly figure scurried from left to right. After observing the surroundings vigilantly, he silently pushed open the door of a private house and got in.

Phew, where the night wind blew gently, four figures appeared on the roof opposite the house, aiming their sights at the ordinary house.

Judging from the height, it can be easily confirmed that one of them is the left guardian star soul of the Yin Yang family, and then the identities of the other three will also be clear.

"This is the Mo family's stronghold in Shouchun. I wonder if the Moh family's 'new giant' is among them at the moment."

"He won't be inside." Concubine Yan, who regained her freedom, replied with certainty: "I know the location of the government city. It is just such a stronghold and is of no use to me."

"Then continue to the palace." Hall Master Lu retreated first, followed closely by the Yin Yang family's Sun Moon Star trio.

'The water is not muddy enough, at least the traces of the snare have not been exposed in the city.'

Lu Wei, who was assigned to Chu by Tian Guang, frowned slightly as he thought about it.
(End of this chapter)

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