Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 226 Tian Guang’s new plan

Chapter 226 Tian Guang’s new plan
The 'Hiding the Sun Sword' has been lurking in Shouchun City for many days. After his meeting with Li Xin, Tian Guang, who briefly joined forces with the real Sun-Hiding Sword, had already anticipated the news of the Qin army's defeat coming from the front.

He was a high-level participant in Lord Changping's plan. During the Xinzheng Rebellion, in order to prevent Liusha from possible irrational behavior, he was also the reserve force that Lord Changping summoned to Han in advance.

But before he went to Xinzheng, he was completely unexpected to get this dark red sun-shielding sword with a golden hilt.

Because in some respects, cooperating with Zhi Sun would allow his farm plan to advance to the second stage. So he chose to cooperate without any doubt.

As a farmer, 'Tian Guang' had to work hard for Chang Pingjun and Yan Dan's Qinglong plan, but as a stand-in for Zhanri, he could boldly act according to his own thoughts.

But before that, the task of dealing with the snare at certain necessary moments was somewhat of a shackle, both for him and for the real occultation of the sun.

Fortunately, in the past year, Zhenri has captured "Tian Guang" and discovered "Clues of Changping Jun", which is enough for a long time.

To betray some of the secrets of his old identity for his new identity, his reputation as a "jiexia" can be said to have been thrown away.

Although Li Xin was only told two dispensable information about the differences between the Mo family's assistant Chu and Chen Yingcheng, it did not affect the overall situation of Lord Changping, but the betrayal was a betrayal after all.

There is no need to find excuses for what has been done. Tian Guang betrayed it for personal gain. He will give an explanation to Changping Jun who has supported the farm family for more than ten years in the future.

He killed all the farmers and fields in Daze Mountain himself, for no other reason than that they would only be an obstacle to the farmers without him.

Moreover, as his confidants, they knew too many of his secrets, so they might as well be killed, and they could also contribute to the plans of Mr. Lu and Mr. Zhou.

The living have their uses, and the dead have their uses.

As for the decades-long relationship with them, when facing something important, love can be very important or worthless.

Tian Guang did not inform Lu Wei and Zhou Wen at all about his plan to cover up the sun.On the one hand, this was because the incident happened suddenly, and on the other hand, it was also so that after I died, the two of them could boldly act according to their plan.

After all, after becoming the 'Hiding the Sun No. [-]', he is no longer the chivalrous leader. Tian Guang will have a lot of innocent blood on his hands.

Among the people, Zhou Wen should be the most painful one. For the sake of the plan, when he was approached by the real Hidden Sun, he had no chance to pass on the information. Therefore, Zhou Wen's betrayal of Tian Guang that night can be understood as a cover-up. True betrayal under Japanese surveillance.

Even though this betrayal was planned in advance.

Wu Kuang, who was outside the Liuxian Tomb, would know his location, which was actually his whereabouts that he betrayed himself.

Later, Zhou Wen's sneak attack from behind on the rainy night was really aimed at killing Tian Guang.

Zhou Wen didn't know that Tian Guang was colluding with Zhan Ri, and Zhan Ri didn't know that Zhou Wen wasn't really a traitor, but the farmer had another plan.

This plan could have been milder. It was Tian Guang who was both manipulative and skillful in deliberately creating a unequal information between the two parties and hiding each other's secrets at the expense of himself being seriously injured.

As for hiding the sun, his level of trust is also limited.

The summoning order for the snare in Shouchun City was issued by Zhao Gao himself. The real cover-up of the sun does not know what happened and how many people participated.

But as a cover-up, he will definitely lead the execution of the final action phase.

But come to think of it, there aren't many targets that Luo Wang will pay attention to.

Either for the Canglong Qisu of the Chu State, or for the secret treasure trove of the Chu State.

Most of the famous swords in the world come from Chu. This is especially true after the Yue Kingdom was destroyed by the Chu Kingdom.

Luowang now recruits wandering swordsmen from all over the world, and searches for famous swords from all over the world.The treasure trove of the Chu State that collected famous swords before Luo Wang could undoubtedly satisfy the increasing and strong needs of Luo Wang's subordinates.

According to Jiri and Tianguang's guess, the secret of Canglong Qisu is indeed important, but Chu State is too conspicuous a target, and Canglong Qisu will attract too much attention on the surface.

After all, Luo Wang served Qin and was basically Qin's slave.Even if they can get Canglong Qisu, as long as the slightest information leaks out, the leader Zhao Gao will be the first to offer the things without the King of Qin having to say anything.

Therefore, compared to Canglong Qisu, perhaps robbing the secretly hidden treasure house of Chu State will be more hidden and the success rate will be higher.

However, no matter how many people there are in Operation Luowang, they can only take away the required famous swords and some valuable treasures. The more common property in the treasure house. Instead of leaving it to the Qin army to take away, it is better for my farmer to use it!
My peasant family is poor and deserves to receive those copper-smelling things.

Tian Guang had heard about the news that thousands of disciples of Gonggongtang went south to Chu in the past few years. Although he did not know where these people were now, since they were in Chu, it would not be too difficult to transfer them to Shouchun.

Let the Snare Killer fight and plunder the first batch of items, and then let Mr. Lu lead people to move away the other items in the treasure house!
Although the size of the treasure house is certainly not as large as the treasury in the Shouchun Palace, it is still an extremely rich treasure for a peasant sect.

This is an important part of the reason why Tian Guang took the initiative to find Lu Wei in Daze Mountain as a masker.

Lu Xiaozi is suspicious and has a vicious vision. If he goes there, his identity will most likely be exposed. Although this goes against Tian Guang's initial plan to hide his connection with Zhidian, it doesn't matter.

Some of his actions were revealed to Xin Xia Kui, and both parties acted in tacit agreement.As for Zhou Wen, although it is cruel, the fewer people know about this ultimate secret, the better.

Tian Guang made serious calculations in his heart. Now that the Chu State had just won on the battlefield, it would still take some preparation time before the Qin army came again.The snare needs to lurk deeper now.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could send news to Mr. Lu in the city.

There was a knocking sound, and the door was unlocked, so the visitor took the initiative to push the door open and enter.

Tian Guang threw the Sun-hiding Sword to the opponent without any surprise, and the real Sun-hiding sword came back.

After the other party held the sword, he said calmly: "Obviously, you have been sent to Lishanling. You need to understand the situation there on your own."

"When you finish your affairs in Chu State, you won't need me in a short time. I will go to Lishan Mountain by then." Tian Guang nodded.

"In addition to the Qin people, the prisoners in Lishan Mausoleum also include many soldiers and people from the six kingdoms of Shandong, as well as some people from the Jianghu who are unwilling to succumb to the trap. There is nothing to do there."

Zhanri lingered for two steps and then said: "Five years later, I need your help to come out again."

"Of course, this is our plan." Tian Guang laughed in the darkness.

"Don't you have anything else to arrange for the farmhouse? The internal fighting situation in the six halls can be resolved under your rule."

"The earth benefits all things, and Shen Nong will never die. No one in the farm family is indispensable, and a farm family that is too unified may not be a good thing."


I don’t know what kind of sincerity Concubine Yan showed to convince the Moon God that she knew the current affairs, so the three of them, Sun, Moon and Star, finally stood together openly.

According to the careful thoughts of the Moon God, there must be no loopholes in Concubine Yan's guarantee. The Yin Yang family's protector-level figure second only to Dong Huang is about to challenge Dong Huang.

The location of the challenge will be the mirage that has yet to take shape.

Before that, what is based on the present is to obtain the Chu Canglong Qisu for the three of them, so that they can return to the Yin Yang family and continue to gain trust.

Now that the sun, moon and stars are not in the Yin Yang family, Donghuang will directly issue orders to several elders of the Yin Yang family during this period.They don't know what will happen to the Yin and Yang family during this period.

This is a variable.

Lu Wei plus the three people of Sun, Moon and Star could be said to be fearless among the forces in Shouchun City, but if they wanted to force their way into the Chu Palace, it would still be a huge risk.

Jianghu sects are a hidden danger to a country's rule, but never in history has a Jianghu sect been able to threaten the foundation of national rule.

Moreover, he paid too much attention to Canglong Qisu's plan in secret, which was indeed not suitable for an aboveboard plan.

We can only investigate secretly first and wait for chaos before taking it.

However, if there is a possibility of taking it away during the investigation, they don't mind taking it.

Meeting the 'King of Thieves' from the Mo family on the way to the palace was an accident. By quietly tracking this person and discovering the Mo family's stronghold in the city, it was a gain of some significance.

After Concubine Yan received a small amount of Lu Wei's Five Virtues Rejuvenation Gong inner energy, her need for the practice of Yin Yang Art to wash away hatred has decreased. Although she still has to take revenge, she has more important things to do at the moment, and she has already done so in the prison city. There is an arrangement and there is no rush.

Calculating the time, Liusha's attack on the government city in the future may coincide with Concubine Yan's plan.

However, as part of the Qinglong Plan, why did Liushahui agree to Qin's attack on the Mo family?
In Chenying City, Lord Changping distributed all the rewards from King Chu to the soldiers and people in the city, once again winning over a wave of hearts.

Such behavior is not politically smart. However, the threat of Qin has not been eliminated. No matter how smart you are politically, you must first serve the military. Xiong Qi has already made psychological preparations to welcome the Qin army in Chenying City. This realistic preparation, Can't relax either.

His younger brother Changwenjun also successfully escaped from Qin with his family, which made Changpingjun very happy.Even though Xiong Qi had prepared to be a loner long ago, it was certainly a good thing that his wife and daughter could be saved.

Next, he can prepare for war against Qin without any worries.

Mrs. Changping Jun unconditionally supports her husband, but little Mi Lian complains about the sudden drop in salary in her life.

She was very curious about life outside Xianyang at first, but her curiosity did not last long.

But after all, she could still live with her father and mother, so Mi Lian didn't complain much.

In order to strengthen Chen Ying's defense, Xiang Yan specially handed over the Hidden Tiger Army to Lord Changping. This was also part of Lord Changping's plan.

The general of the Hidden Tiger Army, Ji Bu, whose family had long since taken refuge with Lord Changping, even sent his twin sister to run the business in the world.

That was an escape route for his family.

(End of this chapter)

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