Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 227 Changping Lord and Canglong 7 Stays

Chapter 227 Changping Lord and Canglong Qisu
Thief Zhi waited in the dark cabin for a long time. After confirming that no one was following him, he came to the back room.

By manipulating a mechanism under the bed in the room, a secret passage was opened, leading directly to the underground.

After flexibly drilling into the secret passage and re-closing the entrance to the secret passage below, he followed the underground to the real Mohist stronghold.

"Hey, there is a lot of news about Qin's defeat outside now. Even the possible rage scene of Ying Zheng in Xianyang Palace has been beautifully acted out."

After getting out of the secret passage, Thief Zhi dusted his hands, squinted his eyes and smiled at everyone in the stronghold: "If Ying Zheng didn't behave like that when he heard the news, it must be Ying Zheng's fault!"

"Hahaha!" The big hammer in the stronghold raised his head and laughed a few times: "That tyrant suffered a big loss this time!"

Although the Mo family in Xiang Yanchu's army who defeated Li Xin sent out machine beasts as help, they ended up not using them because the situation developed too fast.Although the Mohist family played a small role in this victory, it did not prevent Big Hammer from being happy for the Qin army's defeat.

As a member of the Yan army in the past, he had no good impressions of the Qin people who attacked his hometown.

"This victory is indeed not easy to come by." Gao Jianli also showed a smile on his lips: "People from the six countries will be excited about this!"

"Where's the giant? Haven't you come back yet?" Thief Zhi saw clearly that except for their three commanders, the others in the stronghold were all ordinary disciples, and he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It should still be in General Xiang Yan's mansion." Big Iron Hammer replied in a thick voice: "After you left during the day, the disciples of Juzi sent a message back, asking us to be careful these days. There may be people from Qin or people in the city. Lurking towards the traitors of the Qin people."

"This group of people is hiding deep, but the giant has already noticed it." Gao Jianli took over and said, "There is a mixed crowd in Yunmeng Market. Now that the Chu army has won a great victory, we must pay close attention to those rangers who have abnormal emotions."

"Qin King Yingzheng will definitely be anxious to regain his face now. He may sacrifice some cannon fodder and create some disturbances in the capital of Chu."

"You don't need to talk about this matter, I'm already investigating." Pirate Zhi nodded and sat on a chair with his arms folded, crossing his legs: "But there is no clue for the time being. Now everyone in the taverns and even the music and dance studios in the entire Yunmeng Market They all ridicule Qin."

"I think even if the real Qin spies are lurking among them, they will not oppose everyone on this point at this time."

"The Xiang family does not need the help of the Mohist family when it comes to military affairs. Ensuring stability in the hearts of the people at the Jianghu level and preventing Qin people from destroying them is one of the few things that the Mohist family can do now." Gao Jianli lowered his head and looked at the cold water sword in his hand, and said firmly:
"This is the task of the giant, and it is also part of the resistance against the violent Qin. Next, everyone must pay close attention to the trends in the city."


The Chu Palace's precautions are much more rigorous than those of the Yan Palace.

At least Concubine Yan couldn't sneak in as easily as she could by hiding in the cold palace of Yan State.Jicheng of Yan State had just experienced a civil war at that time. After the victory of the civil war, the internal cleanup was naturally relaxed, and the prevention was naturally relaxed: the focus of prevention at that time was mainly on the external Qin State and Liaodong Yan State.

The national power of the Chu State was several times that of the Yan State. Although the talents and strangers recruited by the royal family were not as profound as the Mohists controlled by Yan Dan, and the technical skills, such as mechanism skills and weapon forging techniques, were even further behind, they were far behind. In terms of pure force protection, it is not bad at all, and is even stronger than the overall strength of the Mo family without Six Finger Black Man and Jing Ke.

It is true that most of these people can only be killed with a few moves compared to Sun Yuexing and Lu Wei of the Yin Yang Family.But once their whereabouts are exposed, it will always be troublesome to escape when faced with a blockade by the army.

The most likely place where Canglong Qisu is kept is not far from the palace where King Chu lives. This is something both Moon God and Xinghun have experienced.

Lu Wei showed off to Sun, Yue and Xing, and in less than half an hour, Sun, Yue and Xing walked out each holding a 'Canglong Copper Box'.

"?" Lu Wei shook his head silently as he looked at the boxes in the hands of the three people that looked the same in appearance. Sun Yuexing also understood that what he was holding was probably a fake, because there was really no box like this in the Chu Palace. Less can even be called a lot!

In several nearby palaces, wherever decorations and small boxes for objects are needed, boxes consistent with the style of the Canglong copper box are used.

They could only roughly pick out a box that might be genuine and escape without being discovered by the guards.

"Let's go first." The master of the hall said softly. The three of them did not stay long and changed their route to leave the vast Chu Palace.

When they came outside, the Swallowing Sea Sword was quickly unsheathed and passed through the box held by Sun Yuexing.
The cutting felt smooth, without any obstruction. All three copper boxes were cut in half horizontally.These are all fake.

There were no accidents in Sun, Moon and Star, but his face was inevitably a little ugly. The right guardian Moon God closed his eyes at this time and said: "There are many astrologers and various wizards in Chu State, and over the hundreds of years, there have been some who are not inferior to us. The role of the Yin Yang Family and the study of the Canglong Bronze Box are the most profound among the Seven Kingdoms."

"These imitation copper boxes are probably made by them."

"Chu Wu?" Xinghun gathered energy into a blade and cut the copper box in his hand a few more times: "The problem now is that we can't verify all the copper boxes in the palace. With this efficiency, even if they are not discovered, Who knows what kind of secret rooms and hiding places there are in the Chu Palace."

"This should be within Donghuang's expectation." Concubine Yan adjusted her mentality very well, as if there was no gap between her and the people present, and said calmly: "If you want to find the real box, I'm afraid it's best not to make a big fuss. No more."

Lu Wei listened to Riyuexing's speech, and then looked at the fake copper box fragments on the ground. He was thoughtful, as if he wanted to catch something suddenly, but he couldn't think of a specific clue at the moment, so he just said: "Go back first. We need to sort out the clues.”

"Do you have any clues?" Luna asked.

"You must have no clues if you stay here."

Returning to the Yin Yang family stronghold, there were no precious things in the stronghold. The four of them were not afraid of someone breaking in and ambushing them, so they did not set any complicated traps. It was just that Dongjun Yueshen set up some small Yin and Yang forbidden spells before leaving. As a warning for home invasion.

Lying on the bed with his eyes closed and meditating, Hall Master Lu had no memory of the original work of Canglong Qisu of Chu State.

However, he knew clearly that the later royal representatives of the Chu Kingdom were the daughters of Lord Changping: Mi Lian and Mi Xin.

If calculated based on this, among the "seven countries, seven descendants" of Canglong Qisu, Mi Lian is the secret descendant of Canglong in the Chu lineage, then the descendant before her should be Lord Changping!

However, even after returning to Chu, Lord Changping did not return to Shouchun, but only stayed in Chenying.Looking at the current situation, if he never comes back to Shouchun from the beginning to the end, is it possible that the Canglong Qisu belonging to Chu State was not in Shouchun at the beginning, but in the hands of Lord Changping!
You should know that Shouchun was the capital of Chu for a short time. It was moved here after King Kaolie succeeded to the throne.And Lord Changping was the son of King Kaolie.

If King Kaolie had left Chu's Canglong copper box to Lord Changping before fleeing Qin as a hostage, then: Why did Lord Changping still hold a deep affection for Chu despite having never set foot on Chu? It is understandable that he misses and prepared to fight against Qin 20 years ago.Perhaps, King Chu Kaolie gave his son Changping Lord a secret mission before he left. Maybe!

The next day, regarding this conjecture, Lu Wei directly informed Sun Moon Star of the possibility of the result. As for the process of inferring the result, it was all information reported by the farmer's mysterious intelligence network.

The three Yin and Yang families are not qualified to torture themselves, even if it is an honest lie, as long as they know that they can get it
"Even though Lord Changping is the son of King Kaolie, you can hide the secret of Canglong Qisu in him. King Kaolie has no reason to do this."

Concubine Yan shook her head and said that she had researched Canglong Qisu. After encountering obstacles, she turned her target to Yan Dan because she could not attack the King of Qin in Qin.

If Changping-kun had a box with her, wouldn't she have been in the same city as the copper box but never discovered it?
"I also have doubts about Lord Changping possessing the Canglong Copper Box, but if we use this as a premise to find a reason," Xinghun raised his hand and pinched his chin: "Master Dongjun, it is better not to be too arbitrary."

"What advice do you have, Lord Xinghun?" Moon God asked lightly.Although Gan Luo, the predecessor of Xinghun, officially became an official and mixed in the Qin political circles and was forced to join the Yin Yang family soon after, he had been following Lu Buwei, the Wenxinhou, since he was a child.

As for some secrets in the past political arena of Qin and even the political arena of the Seven Kingdoms, these semi-pure people in the world must not know as well as he does.

"King Kaolie of Chu came to Qin as the prince of Chu as a hostage, but when King Qingxiang of Chu was critically ill, King Zhaoxiang of Qin refused to let him return to Chu."

Xinghun clearly recounted this past history, and Qin's reputation in this regard was indeed not very good.The most typical example is the story of how King Huai of Chu was deceived several times.
Many of them seemed to be King Huai of Chu who was "stupid", but the "treacherous" people of Qin may not necessarily be clever.

The name of "Bao Qin" neither spread among the six countries overnight, nor can it be washed away overnight.

"Later, with the help of Huang Xie, a left disciple of the Chu State, he was able to escape by disguised as an envoy of the Chu State. Huang Xie was therefore named Lord Chunshen."

"The process of King Kaolie's escape back to Chu can only be summarized in one or two sentences in historical records, but the struggle must have been extremely thrilling."

Xinghun then thought about it and said: "If Canglong Qisu is used as a back-up tool to prevent himself from being caught immediately, it is indeed possible that the Canglong copper box of Chu State will be in the hands of Lord Changping who remains in Qin State."

"This is a conclusion drawn from the current rebellion of Lord Changping, which proves that he has always been thinking about Chu."

"There is a possibility, but it is only a possibility." Concubine Yan was silent and added this sentence.

"If the thing is really in Lord Changping's hands, then the difficulty of getting it will increase." Moon God frowned slightly. Now Lord Changping and Chen Yingcheng are very bright in the world.

"The Qin army is newly defeated, so there is no need to be too impatient." Lu Wei chuckled and said, "Just be careful and search the Chu palace for a few days. If you find nothing, you can look at Lord Changping again."

"Have you always been so confident in your grasp of time?" Xinghun sounded curious.

"Now that the three of you can honestly hold the same goal, it is all because of my role. Do you still need to doubt this?" Hall Master Lu held his head high and had no worries about his self-confidence.


The next step at Riyuexing is a troublesome job. Lu Weishen's non-participation will have little impact, so naturally he will not participate.

After walking out of the Yin Yang family stronghold, this place can be a safe house. If you encounter troublesome enemies in Shouchun City, you will definitely be able to run here.

Lu returned to the Yunmeng Market and was about to go to the Music and Dance House to see if he could find any interesting things to do. However, he passed by a tavern and the familiar music inside attracted his attention:

"This is a Yan song." The hall master, who grew up in Yan, easily identified the nationality of the song and made an accurate guess as to the identity of the player.

Lu Wei is now more or less a sideline musician. Although his level is not high, he still knows a little about music.

The tavern was crowded with people. Judging from the music, the playing skills of the luthier in the tavern were among the best in the world. There were very few people who could get this evaluation. In addition, he knew the existence of the Mo family in Shouchun. This person could only be Gao Jianli. .

Such a high profile, unlike Gao Jianli's style, does the Mo family have any special plans?

After casually guessing some possibilities, but there were still too few clues, Lu Wei, who had no answer, did not enter the tavern to join in the fun, but continued walking in the direction of his goal without stopping.

Zhang Hanke was in the city, and Gao Jianli's high-profile behavior made it easy to guess his identity. The Shadow Secret Guard was probably lurking nearby at this moment.

He and Zhang Han had met in another tavern before. The other party didn't know his identity yet, but they had met so many times in different places that it was hard to tell.

Let the Mo family and the Shadow Guards fight in advance. I have not been able to contact Tian Guang so far, but as long as I go to the music and dance studio a few more times, the other party will definitely be able to find me.

In the music and dance studio, when Lu Wei entered the music and dance studio, he immediately saw Yu Ziqi who had changed into Shu costumes. This guy always stayed in this music and dance studio. He must have come here to enjoy himself in the name of a mission~

But it had nothing to do with him, and Yu Ziqi could only enjoy peace for a few years.

Regarding Shu Mountain, Hall Master Lu also asked the Moon God in the past few days when he and the Yin Yang family met, and the result was that the Yin Yang family was ready for the war against Shu Mountain, and the King of Qin was also convinced by Yun Zhongjun.

As long as the keel of the mirage is built and the general structure is completed, when the Fusang sacred tree on Shushan Mountain is needed, it will naturally be the time when Shushan Mountain will be destroyed.

The person in charge of this matter in the Yin and Yang family is Yun Zhongjun, but Concubine Dongjun Yan will probably also go there just in case.

The great elder in Shushan still has some abilities. Even if the Qin army can sweep through Shu, there is no chance that the great elder will do something secretly.

This must be guarded against!
(End of this chapter)

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