Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 228 Ying Zheng’s Choice

Chapter 228 Ying Zheng’s Choice
Yu Ziqi also saw Musician Lu. After nodding to each other and watching a round of music and dance performances, they went to the top floor of the music and dance studio again.

"Brother Lu, I'm going back to Shushan."

Shushan costumes are full of mystery and a certain wild element.Maybe it's because Shushan can be very hot?The skin exposed area of ​​Shu clothing is relatively bold for both men and women. Except for some necessary covering parts, other parts can be described as casual.

In addition, the exposed skin of the whole body is dyed with slightly darker paint, and special patterns are painted on the face, making the Shu people's alien identity very conspicuous compared with the people from the Central Plains.

"It's almost the end of the year. Shushan has our own sacrificial event every New Year. I have to go back to participate."

After explaining the reason, Yu Ziqi sincerely extended an invitation to Lu Wei: "Brother Lu, if you are interested, would you be interested in coming back to Shushan with me?"

"Can outsiders also participate in Shushan's sacrifice?" Lu Wei asked with a smile.

"Shushan does not welcome enemies, and will never reject friends." Yu Ziqi continued: "The dance and music of Shushan may help create new inspiration for Brother Lu's music."

The battle between Qin and Chu had come to an end, and considering that the time was approaching, it was normal for Yu Ziqi to go back.Hall Master Lu had planned a trip to Shushan, but he definitely didn't have time to visit now.

Things in Chu State are more important than Shushan, so Master Lu had no choice but to reject Yu Ziqi’s invitation with an apologetic expression: “Sorry, Brother Yu, I have to wait for a friend in Shouchun, his whereabouts are unknown. , but I will definitely come to Shouchun."

"I'm sorry that I can't accompany you on this trip to Shushan."

"That's it." Yu Ziqi nodded without changing his expression: "Since Brother Lu has something to do, I can't force him."

"I can only wish Brother Lu and his friends an early reunion!"

He shouted loudly and clasped his fists, and Lu Wei responded in kind: "See you later!"

Yu Ziqi was not very optimistic about whether there would be a future meeting. Shushan was almost semi-isolated from the Central Plains. He might not leave Shu again after returning this time.

Even after leaving Shu, the world is so vast and it is so difficult to meet old friends again in the vast sea of ​​people.

However, he still smiled and replied: "See you later!"

"If Brother Lu wants to come to Shushan in the future, just give me Yu Ziqi's name if you encounter trouble in the Shushan area!"

The two of them separated, and Yu Ziqi's mood became heavier. Lu Wei turned around and let a gentle smile appear on his lips, and continued to lie on the guardrail and look down at the street below.

If you have to squeeze in time to go to Shushan according to your schedule, you should wait until the Qin Dynasty is unified.

At that time, it was the peak moment when various schools of thought and the anti-Qin forces from various countries were colluding with each other. His disappearance might be coordinated with the peasant family's plan.

In addition, you can also send instructions to the Sun, Moon and Stars to persuade the First Emperor to attack Shushan in advance.

Let Qin Jun and Yun Zhongjun do all the bad things. As the savior, I only want to accept the hearts of the Shu people~
Tian Guang found it faster than Lu Wei expected.

Just the night he left the Yin Yang Family stronghold, there was a knock on the door of Lu Wei's inn room.

The visitor took off the human skin mask, and the true face revealed was the former Xia Kui who disappeared in Daze Mountain.

"I thought you would continue to be secretive." Lu Wei looked at the opponent's waist, but he didn't have the Sun-Concealing Sword.

"The requirement of the plan is to continue to hide it, but I can't hide it from you anyway, so I will be honest with you."

Tian Guang walked into the room and asked Lu Wei straight to the point: "How many disciples from outside Daze Mountain can you mobilize to quietly arrive in Shouchun within a month?"

Want to use disciples from outside Daze Mountain?
Lu Wei thought thoughtfully. The thousands of disciples of Gonggong Hall going south in the past few years must have been hidden from the former Xiagui. However, Jinghu Lake was located in a remote location. Tian Guang did not have time to track it personally at the time, and he had no reason to track his disciples, so he would not Know the existence of Jing County.

In theory, Tian Guang's impression was that he could mobilize more than a thousand disciples to come to Shouchun. The gathering of more than a thousand people was no small matter.

Wherever these people appear, they will arouse the vigilance of local officials, and the situation in Shouchun is so eye-catching now. Even if these more than a thousand people do not come from Qi State, they will be exposed if they are just transferred within Chu State.

"I want to know what you're doing."

Lu Wei stared at the other party and did not answer. Instead, he asked the reason first.Now among the two, he is the real hero of the peasant family, not Tian Guang.

"Luo Wang has a plan." Tian Guang knew this clearly, so he didn't feel offended.If Lu Wei really still obeys his orders, this will worry him. Although he was once a true hero, the other party only followed orders as appropriate.
The former knight leader said in a deep voice: "In the towns and villages around Shouchun, the net has summoned more than 60 killers in total."

"There are nearly ten people including me in Shouchun City. Their operation this time is very large."

"Compared with Luo Wang's actions this time, I am more curious about what are you and that person hiding the sun planning?" During the pause, the hall leader calmly added a supplementary question to his previous question.

No matter how good Luo Wang's plan is, it is not as worthy of attention as Tian Guang's connection with Zhan Ri!

In Daze Mountain, compared to the liveliness of Shouchun, after Xia Kui was suspected of having an accident and the search failed, it was calmer than most people expected.

Tian Mi, the leader of Kuei Hall, is at the bottom of the Six Halls, both herself and her subordinates. Her definition of herself is to wait for an opportunity to defect to the party with the upper hand in the internal fighting among the Six Halls.

It's just that Liutang seems to be divided now, but the fight between them is not so fierce. Tian Mi has nothing to do, so she can only continue to stay in Kuikai Hall and play with men.

At Siyuetang, Situ Wanli's big gamble in Daliang City was almost in vain.

Daliang City was flooded for three months, and the people in the city suffered terribly. However, the fighting between the Qin and Wei soldiers was even milder than that of Jicheng and Handan.

After the king of Wei pretended to surrender, Daliang City was quickly taken over by the Qin army. Siyue Hall had no relationship with the Qin State, and because most of the disciples were not in the city, all the unguarded shops, restaurants and other assets were taken over by the Qin people. occupy.

As for the restoration and reconstruction project after being flooded, Siyuetang also failed to recover.

The huge losses severely damaged Situ Wanli's prestige, and Siyuetang now devoted all its energy to dealing with internal problems.

The quietness of the fierce tiger brothers Chiyoutang and Lieshantang Tian is even more unexpected, but in fact Tian Hu is very ready to make a move, but Tian Meng deliberately suppresses it, so Tian Hu can only listen to his brother's words.

The base of these two halls is in Qi State, and the external war has almost no impact on the two halls. Therefore, relatively speaking, the power of the Tian family has increased a lot compared to the other halls with foreign surnames.

Gonggongtang has long been prepared for war, not to mention that in Zhao and Yan, Gonggongtang has experienced several Qin occupations and has rich experience.Therefore, there was no problem with their placement in Wei State, and because they withdrew their forces from Daliang City in advance, the losses in the Qin-Wei War were almost negligible, and there was no need to worry if the Qin-Chu War could not reach Jingxian County.

Before Hall Master Lu left, he re-decentralized the decision-making circle in the hall: the loyal Ayu was responsible for supervision, the snow girl Lu Ni was responsible for finance, Li Mu Dianqing was responsible for managing the elite combat disciples, and Lu Qing Ashan was responsible for administrative management.

These people's power comes from themselves, and their conduct is upright and loyal, and they are not afraid of being ignored if they leave for too long.

The Zhu family of Shennong Hall is the one who is most active in searching for the hero.

The main force of Shennongtang is in Chu. The war in Chu led to the Shennongtang branch in Shouchun. He could not ignore it, but because of the incident of Xia Kui, the Zhu family had a more urgent reason.

However, when the personal letter from Lord Changping came, even if he could not go to Shouchun, Chen Ying could not.

The moral demands of the Jianghu family kept the Zhu family's gratitude to Lord Changping in mind. The Mohist family had no kindness to the Zhu family, so he could smile and refuse the Mohist family, but Lord Changping obviously could not refuse easily.

For this reason, the Zhu family had no choice but to leave the task of finding Xiakui to the disciples below, while he himself rushed to Chen Ying.

As soon as we arrived at Chenying City, we could see that the solid defense measures were still being reinforced. The Chu people and soldiers were busy building various fortifications in the winter to prepare for the Qin army's attack next year.

It is said that the King of Qin personally went to the hometown of veteran general Wang Jian. After repeated requests, Wang Jian was allowed to return to the court as a general and promised to attack Chu with his 60 troops next year!
60 Qin soldiers!Including the 40 Chu troops prepared by Chu State, next year's battle will be the ultimate decisive battle that determines the lives and deaths of millions of people!

The last war in the world with such a large number of troops dates back to the Changping Battle between Qin and Zhao more than 30 years ago.
As a 'betrayer', Lord Changping will definitely be deeply hated by the King of Qin. The Qin soldiers may set Chen Ying as their first target.

However, what neither Xiong Qi nor Xiang Yan expected was that although Ying Zheng did hate him, he hated him very much.There was so much trust in the past, but now there is only ten times the hatred.

However, after the news of Li Xin's defeat came back, Ying Zheng rejected Zhao Gao's plan to send six sword slaves to assassinate Lord Changping, but he refused on the spot.

The King of Qin did not hate those shady methods, but decided from the bottom of his heart to be upright and aboveboard, so that the traitor could see:
How Da Qin destroyed his country every mile!
Before Shouchun is attacked, Chen Ying City will not be attacked by any Qin soldiers!

This was the self-confidence of the King of Qin. Lord Changping had studied Ying Zheng for 20 years, but he underestimated this. In other words, he did not dare to bet that Qin soldiers would not come to Chen Ying.

The initiative in war lies with Qin, not with Chu.

Although the King of Qin hated the betrayer, and he was indeed very vindictive, but the unification of the world was right in front of him, and his priority would only be the general trend of the world.

Lord Changping, after all, is just a mantis trying to use his arms as a chariot.

After the Zhu family applied for an audience, they successfully met Lord Changping himself.

But the first words they said when they met were not about any grand war plan, but about Lord Changping's wife:

"Madam, is she pregnant?" The Zhu family was surprised: "I'm going to check her pulse right now."

(End of this chapter)

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