Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 229 Attacking the Treasure House

Chapter 229 Attacking the Treasure House
Mrs. Changpingjun is five months pregnant, which means she was conceived shortly before Changpingjun set out for the expedition.

Now that he has returned to his hometown, this child has come at the right time.

It would be better if it could be a boy, but it doesn't depend on Changping-kun's wishes.

Madam's physical condition was checked by many doctors beforehand. Although there were bumps on the way to escape from Qin, it was not serious.Zhu Jiawu, the master of Shennong Hall, specializes in acupuncture skills on his fingers and has unique achievements in medical skills. Lord Changping asked him to take another look, not only for the sake of safety, but also for the purpose of talking later.

"My wife is in good health and I hope she can give birth to the child safely."

After the Zhu family entered the backyard, they came out only after a stick of incense. Although he brought good news verbally, the mask on his face was still very serious. Behind him, Mi Lian, the eldest daughter of Changping Lord, followed uneasily. .

After checking the pulse, the lady took the initiative to ask Mi Lian, who was watching curiously, to follow Uncle Zhu to find her father, which suddenly gave Mi Lian a bad feeling.

"To be born at such a time, this child's future will be very bumpy." Although Changping Jun was delighted with the appearance of the child, he could not help but shake his head and sigh at his fate: "Actually, in this era, each of us will be very bumpy, except That high and mighty King of Qin."

"The Qin army has suffered a new defeat. Why should Lord Changping be so pessimistic?" Zhu family symbolically dissuaded him: "Next year's 60 troops plus the defeated 20 troops are almost equal to the entire Qin State's total available for war. troops."

"General Xiang Yan is a famous general in the world, and he is also named Wu'anjun. Even if the ratio is 40 to 60, Chu State has a home field advantage in the land of Chu State, and the Chu army also has a considerable advantage."

"Hall Master Zhu, there is no need to comfort me. I know very well the difference in national power between Qin and Chu."

The Zhu family's words were too biased towards Chu, and they did not mention that the leading general on the Qin side was undoubtedly the 'number one general in the world' since Li Mu's disappearance, Wang Jian!

Although Xiang Yan is strong, compared with Wang Jian, he is still one level behind.

Changping Jun turned around and looked down at the Zhu family and his daughter Mi Lian. They were about the same height, and his daughter was slightly taller: "What happened to Tian Guang Xiakui's place?"

"This matter is a long story." The Zhu family masked sadness, deleted some secrets about the incident in Daze Mountain, and only described the scenes about Tian Guang's disappearance, and then said: "The farmer has been targeted, and the net has penetrated It’s hard to prevent, especially since this infiltration may have started ten years ago.”

"The results of infiltration are difficult to describe. But the six halls are now suspicious of each other, and it is no longer possible to work together."

"Ten years ago, was it the time when Lu Wei of Gonggongtang rose to prominence?" Mr. Changping analyzed the chaos in the farmhouse with great concentration. He felt very familiar with the time 'ten years ago'.

"Brother Lu was indeed appointed as the general manager of Gonggongtang nine years ago, but he couldn't have been a trap. He was only 14 years old at the time, and overall he was a kind man." The Zhu family subconsciously defended Lu Wei.

The Zhu family really wanted to compete for the title of hero, and Lu was undoubtedly the person closest to the title of hero in each hall. However, the Zhu family could not regard him as a traitor to the peasant family or a spy lurking into the peasant family. come out.

No matter what, we are all farm brothers and part of the farm family.No matter who becomes the hero in the end, the other hall leaders will also be the right-hand men of the new hero. In this internal fight, only insiders can participate in the fight.

"Really?" Changping Jun said calmly: "Since Hall Master Zhu trusts this person, I won't mention this matter."

"Is the peasant family really completely unable to participate in the subsequent resistance against Qin?"

"Yes." The Zhu family's mask changed several times, but in a deep voice, he still said the answer that Mr. Changping didn't want to hear.

"Farmers can only protect themselves now and cannot revolt against Qin."

"That's alright." Changping Jun looked from the Zhu family to his daughter Mi Lian, and waved to her gently: "Lian'er, come here."

Mi Lian was obedient and hurried to her father's side. She understood the conversation between her father and the short masked uncle just now in the way she could understand.

Her understanding may not be correct, but it is consistent with her knowledge.

"I understand the difficulties faced by farmers. Now Qin is strong and Chu is weak." Mr. Changping touched his daughter's head with one hand and stroked his beard with the other. There was no joy or anger on his face: "There is nothing wrong with following the trend. "

"Mr. Changping has said it, the situation of the farm family is really bad." The Zhu family was shocked and hurriedly wanted to say something, but Mr. Changping waved his hand to stop him: "Master Zhu, there is no need to say more. Farmers live in rivers and lakes, and it is really not appropriate to get involved in national disputes. .”

"People in the world of martial arts naturally have their own rules. I have also been in contact with the new giants of the Mohist family, and we have also talked. At present, allowing Mohist disciples and peasant disciples to directly participate in this war of millions of people can have a very important effect. limited."

"The foundation of a farm family lies in farming. Next, Shennongtang will continue to provide a certain share of grain and grass for Chu State." After hearing this, the Zhu family solemnly made a new guarantee.

"There are only over [-] disciples of Shennong Hall. It is rare to be able to farm enough to supply the disciples in the hall every year. In the last war, Shennong Hall made a great contribution. If we continue to deliver food to the Chu State, it will inevitably make the disciples in Daze Mountain feel sad. Dissatisfied."

However, Changping Jun shook his head and rejected the Zhu family's contribution. He was once the right prime minister of the Qin State. Although he had never personally worked in the fields, he still knew how many days of grain a strong man could cultivate in a year.

He was able to handle every matter of the entire Qin State in an orderly manner. As for the warehouse reserves of Shennongtang, Lord Changping was able to have a rough idea of ​​​​it by just deducing from a few pieces of data.

If Shennong Hall is squeezed again, the materials squeezed out will have little effect in the next battle involving millions of people, unless the Zhu family draws all [-] disciples into the Chu army, which is obviously impossible.

In this case, instead of draining Shennongtang dry, it is better to leave Shennongtang as another chess piece.

He had already tried his best for Chu State, but the next result was still unclear.Even Yan Dan would entrust his wife and daughter to the government city before he faked his death last time. It would be useless for Xiong Qi to send Huaying to build Zuimeng Tower a few years ago.

He hid his wife and daughter in Daze Mountain, and was protected by the powerful daughters of the Chu State and the Zhu family, so their safety would not be a problem.

And if the Chu State fails in the next war, Shennongtang can be preserved as a force in the world, continue to spread the Qinglong Project, and work with the Mohist family to retain a glimmer of hope at the level of the world.

After all, the upcoming war was too short, the number of Mohist disciples was too small, and the peasants were unwilling to crush Bao to death in the Chu Kingdom.

It was originally expected that riots would break out in the land of the Three Jins in the north because of this victory in the south, but the result was disappointing. There was no guidance from forces like quicksand in the Xinzheng Rebellion, and nothing happened.

The people of any country are the same. As long as they can survive, they will not rebel.

"I hope Hall Master Zhu can agree to my other two requests." Mr. Changping's expression turned grim and he paused.

The Zhu family cupped their hands and clasped their fists:

"Please give me your instructions, Lord Changping."

"First of all, if the Chu State is defeated, please ask Hall Master Zhu to protect my daughter Mi Lian."

After hearing this, Mi Lian suddenly raised her head and looked at her father. She was about to say something, but her father glared down at her and lowered her head again timidly. "Shennongtang will definitely live up to Lord Changping's wishes!"

"The second is about the Qinglong Project"

Mr. Changping said and gave his daughter another look. Under the gaze of the Zhu family, Mi Lian trotted into Mr. Changping's study.

After a while, she walked out with difficulty holding an ancient metal box.

"This is it?" The Zhu family looked at the wonderful patterns on the box and noticed a sense of heaviness.

"Canglong Copper Box!" Chang Pingjun read out the answer directly.


When the number of Luowang killers near Shouchun reached a hundred, the mission was sent from Xianyang. As expected, the first task was to attack the Chu State's treasure house.

As for the Canglong Copper Box, Zhao Gao's order was to let Zhenri decide at his discretion.

This discretion basically represents the abandonment of the snare.

The location of the Chu treasure treasury is not in Shouchun City, but according to careful inspection by Luowang, it is believed that it should be in Juyang, two hundred miles west of Shouchun.

Juyang was the last capital of Chu State and the first capital moved by King Chu Kaolie.

In 253 BC, the tenth year after King Kaolie succeeded to the throne, he moved the capital from Chendu to Juyang. Later, in order to avoid Qin soldiers, it moved to the present Shouchun in 241 BC.

Moving a country's capital has always been of great importance. King Kaolie moved the capital twice, but inevitably some functions remained in the old capital.

The special treasure trove is the function of being left in Ju Yang.

As Juyang was the old capital, Chu State specially arranged for an army to be stationed here, numbering 500 people.

Under normal circumstances, this number of soldiers is more than enough for garrison, and the people have no power to compete with them.

If other countries' armies attack here, their first target must be the capital city of Shouchun, which is two hundred miles away. The enemies have already reached the capital city, and it doesn't matter whether the old capital is still defended or not.

This year, in order to face the attack of the Qin army, the Juyang garrison was mobilized with 200 people, leaving only [-] regular soldiers.

After Chu's victory, because Qin openly claimed that it would launch an army of 60 to attack Chu the following year, those 200 people continued to stay on the front line and did not return.

This gives the trap an opportunity to take advantage of.

It would not be very difficult for a hundred killers to launch an attack on the Chu army of [-] barracks, and among them there was a first-class leader like Zhan Ri.

Even if there are not many mid-level and high-level killers in these traps, most of them are just cannon fodder at the Juezi level.

But the treasure trove they were aiming for was not guarded right under the noses of the three hundred Chu troops.

If this action was carried out quickly, the Chu army might not even notice it and everything would be over.


Nights with a sparse moon and stars are not suitable for doing bad things.But as Zhan Ri gave the order, the Snare Killers rushed out one by one like vicious dogs, killing the few guards in the city's treasure house.

These old palace guards were not many in number, and their strength was better than the three hundred Chu troops outside the city. However, faced with the professional siege of the snare killers, they only made a little noise, and they were all covered with blood. land.

Without any obstacles, we can proceed slowly to crack the treasure house.After two sticks of incense, everyone in Luowang successfully broke into the treasure house door. Facing the dazzling jewels, some untrained wild lower-level killers could not help but have other thoughts in their eyes.

Zhanri's thoughts on these were very clear, but he did not give any warning. He just ordered these killers to act according to the mission requirements. Those who did not obey the orders would naturally be killed after the mission to scare the monkeys.

However, at the critical moment, an accident happened.

Not long after they entered the treasure house, the sound of armor fluttering from outside surprised the faces under the sun mask.

The performance of the other trap killers was even worse. On the other side, Tian Guang, who also covered his face, had been guarding the door of the treasure house. He came in and brought bad news: Three hundred Chu troops outside the city entered the city for unknown reasons and have now entered the palace. Come to them!
At this moment, the distance from them was too late to allow most of their killers to escape with their belongings.

"Get ready to meet the enemy!" Zhanri took a deep look at Tian Guang and shouted sternly.

Compared with the initial success, it was much more difficult to kill the 32 Chu troops who were prepared and had clear goals. [-] people were killed or seriously injured on the spot by the trap killers.

There are also many others with varying injuries, but they do not hinder their walking. This is also thanks to the presence of two first-class masters, Hidden Sun and Tian Guang.After all, most of these killers are just cannon fodder that Luo Wang temporarily recruited from the death row prisoners and people with bad conduct in the Chu State. There is a huge gap in quality between the orthodox and trained local-level killers!
Bang, the Hiding Sun Sword returned to its sheath. Hiding Sun looked at the few killers who were still alive, and watched from a distance as the mighty team holding torches approaching from the east gate of the old royal city. It was estimated that the number of newly arrived Chu troops was no less than a thousand. The man couldn't help but clenched his fists: "The intelligence is wrong, there are more than 300 Chu troops here!"

"The first requirement of the mission is the famous sword in the treasure house." Tian Guang came to Zhanri and looked at the fire dragon approaching quickly, and suggested aloud: "It would be unreasonable to continue fighting. The new Chu army has just arrived. East Gate, we still have time to take some things and retreat."

"Do as you say." Zhan Ri regained his composure and said softly, "I'll hold the intelligence accountable when I go back."

Failure to exceed the quota to complete the task and obtain a high evaluation, but only achieving the minimum living allowance can still be regarded as a success in the task.

The task of snaring the net ended in a hurry.

Before the newly arrived Chu army of thousands came to the treasure house, other guards from the old palace arrived here first.

They looked at the square in front of the treasure house littered with corpses. Each of them looked horrified and trembled. Peng Yue, the commander of the Chu Army who arrived, sent people to guard the treasure house first. As for the treasure house where some treasures had been stolen, they were also guarded by these people. A team of thousands of people temporarily took over.

After discussion, it was determined that the old royal city was unsafe, so the property in the treasure house was transferred to Shouchun by the thousands-strong Chu army holding the token of the strongest Xiang clan.

The local city guards and officials at all levels were investigated and detained for three full days before it was determined that they had not collaborated with foreign bandits and were released from prison.

At this time, the thousand-man Chu army under the banner of the Xiang clan had long disappeared without a trace. Even if the officials of the old royal city noticed something was wrong during the interrogation, they did not dare to question it in the face of the bright Chang Ge, and they were released I later went to Shouchun to report the matter, but of course it was too late.
(End of this chapter)

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