Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 230 Han Xin

Chapter 230 Han Xin
The attack on Ju Yang made King Chu of Chu furious.

The fact that the first batch of attackers was Luo Yu can be determined from the spider tattoos on the bodies left behind, but the most important thing is that the latter group of thieves actually had a team of a thousand people, wearing Chu army armor and holding Xiang's token in the former capital. Juyang cheats.

This matter must be investigated!

Just when the Chu State took action, the instigator of the incident, Tian Guang, found Lu Wei again.

If nothing else, this will be the last meeting between the two of them for a long time.

"Are you going to Lishan next?"

After Lu Wei said this place name, what immediately came to his mind was: Tian Guang still has more value that he can use for himself!
The prisoners of Lishan were a well-known identity. In history, in the face of the intensifying wave of uprisings, Zhang Han pardoned and armed these prisoners to Hu Hai, which played a huge role in emergencies!
But Hallmaster Lu also knew that before Zhang Han, there was another figure in history who also used slaves and prisoners as an army to fight. This person's name was Zi Shou, the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty: Shang Zhou. king.

The former rebels defected and attacked to the north of the rear, bleeding everywhere.

"As the farmer is unwilling to lower the trap, they will naturally use some means to make me surrender." Tian Guang responded calmly. Since he participated in the Qinglong Project ten years ago to get closer to Yan Dan, he has been walking on the cliff all the time. Above, I have long been accustomed to being hit by wind and rain occasionally.

Although he is now over sixty years old, as long as he is not dead yet, he will do so until death.

Judging from the time, Tian Guang took over as the leader of the peasant family when he was in his 20s or 30s. At that time, he was at least a few years older than Mr. Lu. Think about what a young man he was in his prime three or forty years ago. Talented.

Now, the gray hair on the temples has inevitably grown out.

"This place may not be a bad place." Lu Wei took out the Shennong Order from his sleeve under the table, rubbed the hard pattern on it, but did not take it up: "The composition of Lishan prisoners is very complicated."

"This is exactly what you said about hiding the sun." Tian Guang chuckled upon hearing this: "Making friends with all kinds of people is what I learned from the first day I entered the world when I was 14 years old."

"The more friends, the better. This is also one of the creeds of the farmer's family. It is precisely because of adhering to this creed that the farmer's family can now have one hundred thousand disciples."

"The number of prisoners in Lishan is probably several times greater than the number of disciples in the entire farm family." Lu Weiyi pointed out.

"So, are you going to give orders to Tian Guang?" Tian Guang stood up slowly, solemnly bowed to Lu Wei with his fists clasped.

He has been a knight leader for decades, but if Tian Guang goes back to the time when he was an ordinary disciple decades ago and respectfully bowed to others, he will not be different.

After all, whether he is a high-ranking peasant hero or a lonely knight, Tian Guang's innocent thoughts as a farmer have never changed.

"Why do you have to be like this?" The master of the hall jumped up in surprise and helped Tian Guang up, as if he didn't dare to be worshiped.

"Now you are the hero~" Tian Guang calmly stared into Lu Wei's eyes. Lu Wei did not dodge, letting his 'true feelings' show out: "But Tian Guang is the hero of someone Lu forever!"

Before the Autumn Harvest Conference nine years ago, when the two met outside Jicheng for the first time, Tian Guang could always read the young man's thoughts easily.

However, several years later, he could no longer tell whether Lu's thoughts and words were true or false.

Emotionally, Lu Wei's emotions at this time were extremely deep.But rationally, Tian Guang knew that this sentence must be false: it was just because the other party hoped that he would have more value in going to Lishan.

The heir chosen by him in front of him was ruthless and almost mean.This is one of the reasons why Tian Guang chose him.

The one hundred thousand disciples of the farm family, who are nominally connected by brotherhood, always need the most ruthless hero to lead him. Just like him, he himself would personally kill Tian Zang and Tian Zang, the juniors of the same clan who he watched grow up. it's the same.

Tian Guang believed that what he had done was extremely against chivalry for his betrayal of Lord Changping who supported the peasant family.

Faced with being constantly watched, Lu Wei talked and laughed calmly: "There is a hero there in Lishan. I don't need any instructions from you. The hero will make the best choice for the farmer based on the actual situation."

"I will do it." Tian Guang temporarily expelled the rational thinking in his mind, making himself appear to be moved, nodded heavily, and said: "I don't want to stay here in Shouchun. After the year, the Qin army will be ready." There will be an attack, this place is very dangerous."

"Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, how could I not understand this~"

After sending Tian Guang away, the smile on Lu Wei's face immediately disappeared, he frowned and thought for a while, and then came to the Yin Yang family stronghold again.

The three members of the Yin Yang family, Sun Yuexing, have made slow progress in exploring the Chu Palace these days. The main difficulty lies in not exposing their identities.

Xinghun was very dissatisfied with this efficiency. He wanted to catch the King of Chu carrying the cud, or the next best thing was to catch a few Chu princes to use his silk puppet technique to manipulate and play with.

But at this time, without the need for Moon God Dongjun to stop him, Xinghun himself suddenly remembered: the kings of Chu changed frequently in the past few years. The current king of Chu was born as a commoner, and the previous king of Chu was assassinated by him.

The existence of the Canglong Copper Box cannot be obtained in an orthodox way. Even if it is obtained from the confidential records kept by the royal family, given the current situation faced by the Chu State, there will be no time to study it.

Combined with the fact that there are so many fake copper boxes in the palace, it is indeed very possible that even Fuchu does not know about the existence of the real copper box, or it is really not in Shouchun but in Chenyingcheng. "Chen Ying's situation is likely to be even more difficult next year. There won't be as many fake copper boxes as there are in the palace. Let's go to Chen Ying first to rule out the situation." Xinghun suggested.

Although Chen Yingcheng has attracted a lot of attention, there are not many people in the arena within it.

In terms of difficulty, searching there is much easier than Shouchun.If nothing is found in Chenying City, it will just be an extra trip back and forth to search for Shouchun.

Or you can divide your forces into separate operations.

The strength of the four of them together means that there is almost no one to worry about at the Jianghu level. Even if they are separated into two teams, it is not difficult to leave in case of danger.

After Lu Wei discovered that Lord Changping really had no intention of returning to Shouchun, he was basically certain that the box was in Lord Changping's hands. He advocated rejection of the idea of ​​dividing the troops for operations.

In the end, the four of them left Shouchun in accordance with Xinghun's decision to go to Chen Ying and Lu Wei's decision not to divide the troops.

Before leaving, Lu Wei found little Han Xin again in the city.

During this period of time, various forces emerged one after another in Shouchun City.Taoism, Confucianism and even Liusha Baifeng have all appeared in the city.

These forces appeared after the Chu army's victory, with different purposes.Before Lu, Zhang Han from Qin had actually been in contact with Han Xin.

Zhang Han's secret guards were on the enemy's territory. They did not dare to investigate the newly emerged schools of thought and Jianghu forces too deeply. They could only record their names and places of appearance first, but the investigation of Han Xin could be more detailed. Be bold.

After investigation, Zhang Han found out incredibly that Han Xin had no background.

Judging from Han Xin's performance, although this young man usually treats others with silence, the abilities he occasionally displays are not ordinary.
And when he heard some denunciations of the Qin Dynasty, he also showed very little concern. It seemed that although he was from Chu, he had no hatred for the Qin State that was going to attack the Chu State next.

This is very suitable for recruiting the Shadow Guard for careful training.

"How does Nangong evaluate the Qin people's wooing?"

After hearing the information about Zhang Han from Han Xin, Lu Wei asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know the identities of those people. It was Nan Gong who guessed that they were from Qin." After devouring the food on the table, Han Xin found a moment to answer to the hall master.

The two of them are now in a private room of a restaurant in Shouchun.Han Xin had no money, so this lunch was naturally invited by Lu Wei.

Even Duke Nan of Chu did not know the name 'Shadow Secret Guards', but it was not difficult to deduce the identity of the Qin people from their actions.

"Really?" Hall Master Lu looked at Han Xin's gluttony and suddenly smiled: "Your current performance does not seem to be suitable for the role of 'disciple' that can be selected by Chu Nan Gong?"

"Chu Nangong taught me, but he is not my master, and I am not his disciple yet." Han Xin said vaguely and indifferently, expressionless: "I will never have the opportunity to eat such a feast for a long time in the future. Not much, now I can’t treat myself badly just to be ‘courteous’.”

"Besides, Hall Master Lu is not someone who cares about such things. In this case, I don't have to eat slowly."

"Besides, keeping myself busy will limit the questions I can ask, right?" Lu Wei added a third item with a smile.

"I am in a weak position facing Hall Master Lu, so I have no choice but to resort to small tricks." Han Xin's expression did not change after being called out, and he just nodded and admitted.

"It seems that you have a clear plan for your future at such a young age." The master of the hall held his chest and looked at Han Xin's patched old clothes, and smiled slightly: "Then you should also be able to tell That’s why I’m here, and I know I’m a hard person to refuse~”

"There are tens of thousands of disciples in this farmer's Gonggong Hall. I think there are many capable people and lofty ideals among them." Han Xin tried to play dumb: "Think about it, there is no shortage of my children."

"Do you want to be named a general?" Lu Wei stared at him and asked suddenly.

"Ambitions must be more ambitious." Han Xin did not answer directly.

"Forget it." The master of the hall stood up and did not delve deeper into the topic, but seemed to be preparing to leave. He also came from the age of children, so he generally never bullied children.

Before leaving, Hall Master Lu said again: "Today's meal has a total of 18 dishes. How about you owe me 18 favors?"

"Palace Master Lu." Han Xin opened his mouth with a strange expression, but before he could finish his words, someone Lu interrupted him and said blatantly and unreasonably: "Since you think 18 is too many, let's count it as one. "


Little Han Xin nodded helplessly and agreed.
(End of this chapter)

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