Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 231 Chen Ying Palace

Chapter 231 Chen Ying Palace
Compared with Zhang Liang, Han Xin has an advantage in that he does not have too persistent recognition of his Chu identity, so there are no shackles to limit his choices.

After all, one of them has been a relative for five generations, while the other is an orphan at a young age and has trouble eating and sleeping every day.

Han Xin is more like the ordinary people in the border areas. Today he is a Chu person, and tomorrow when the Qin army comes over, he becomes a Qin person. After the Chu people fight back, he becomes a Chu person again.

For these people, the change in status is just that the officials who rule them change clothes of another color, and nothing else changes.

It is true that Duke Nan of Chu is teaching Han Xin, but in terms of life, Nan Gong will not give him any support, and he even often eats and drinks at Han Xin's place, which is also part of his teaching.

The hardships in life did not make Han Xin too eager to change his current life. What he pursued was a truly 'manly' life in the future.

Whether it was Zhang Han's original solicitation or Lu Wei's invitation, he did not agree immediately.Han Xin knew that he was still young, and he had not yet seriously observed the world.

The studies here at Nangong were not completed, and it was just Shouchun's experience and vision, which was far from enough.

Hall Master Lu was not surprised by Han Xin's choice. He just wanted Han Xin to remember him now.

After Mr. Lu left, Han Xin looked at the large table of dishes, sighed deeply, and then continued to eat.

The favor has to be owed. You can't let yourself miss this table of delicious food because of something that is irreversible.
Leave a few dishes untouched and bring them to Nangong to taste and ask him to teach you something more.

Nan Gong may not care about these cold dishes, but he can definitely guess his meeting with the farmer Hall Master Lu from these dishes.

Maybe Nanhui will give him some lessons from this.

After paying the bill and walking out of the restaurant, Lu Wei walked around Yunmeng Market for a few times without encountering Chu Nan Gong. He only saw the big hammer of the leader of the Mo family competing with the blacksmith who was walking by him.

Because of the Chu State's firm anti-Qin stance, the Mohists, who were also anti-Qin, would not only not be wanted if they showed up here, but would instead be praised by the Chu people.

Although the other party did not recognize him, the hall master did not have time to stay and watch their performance. When he returned to the Yin Yang family stronghold, the three of Sun, Moon and Star had once again transformed into ordinary rangers.

The original appearance of the three of them was too eye-catching when walking around the world. Perhaps Dongjun's appearance was not bad, and he could pretend to be an ordinary woman just by changing his clothes, but the different hair colors of Moon Goddess and Xinghun had to be adjusted. Carefully hidden.

But the concealment of changing clothes is not as convenient as Onmyoji.

Hall Master Lu also changed himself into a black outfit to return to his usual toughness, and the four of them rode out of the city together in the evening.

It took several days on the way, and they mainly avoided all the sentries they encountered.

Those who would go to Chen Yingcheng at this time can be said to be bold, and most of them were either martyrs or spies.

Lord Changping set up sentries with strict rules at the four gates of Chenying, and all persons going out must undergo strict interrogation.

Everything from name, place of origin, age and reason for leaving or entering the city must be recorded.

Only after passing the interrogation can you get a wooden sign representing your identity and enter the city.And if there is no sign, even if you sneak into the city, you will not be able to find a place to stay.

People in the city also have the right to report any person who is moving strangely. Once the report is valid, they can receive high rewards, which makes it more difficult for outsiders without passes to hide.

For Lu Wei and Riyuexing, making up an identity would not reveal any flaws, but the difficulty lies in what kind of reason they should use to enter the city.

If the ranger is just wandering around, he cannot enter the city.And if you say that you are here to resist the Qin State, you will immediately be pulled into the military camp to be trained as new soldiers.

Under the management of Lord Changping, the entire Chenying entered a harsh wartime state.

It is almost impossible to enter the city legally through formal channels with evil intentions, and the only option is to sneak into the city at night.

Although you can't stay in an inn after entering the city, there is always a place for four people to temporarily stay in such a large city.

Chen Ying City's defense was even stricter at night. The soldiers on the city wall had their crossbows cocked and the arrow tips sharp with cold light. They did not need to listen to excuses or arrest anyone who found illegal immigrants, they could just shoot them.

Taking advantage of the Chu army's patrol break, he used Qinggong to quickly sneak into the city. Lu Wei disappeared into the silent night with the figure of the sun, moon and stars.
After searching for a place to stay, they hid themselves directly in Chen Ying's old palace.

Relatively speaking, it is safer here.

Chen Ying's old palace has not been inhabited by the Qin and Chu royal families for a long time. A few months ago, the inner city walls lacked repairs and were very dilapidated.After Lord Changping came, because King Yingzheng of Qin originally planned to patrol through it during the later stages of the Qin-Chu War, he sent people to roughly repair the appearance.

However, Lord Changping rebelled against Qin in this city, and King Qin's tour plan was temporarily shattered.After Li Xin's disastrous defeat, Lord Changping did not live in the old palace, but simply sealed it up and found another courtyard in the outer city to accommodate his family.

His status is sensitive, and living in a palace, even just an old palace, will arouse unnecessary suspicion.

No one lived there, so the old palace became Lu's place to stay.

Arriving grandly into the dark old palace hall, Lu Wei sat down directly on the cold throne without ceremony.

"Sui Wanbang, Lou Fengnian, destiny is unreasonable."

Touching the metal texture of the armrest of the king's chair with his palms, the hall master's mouth curled up, his eyes looked indifferently at the empty hall below, and he continued to read in a soft voice with feeling: "King Huanhuan Wu, keep the troops in all directions, Keding Jue’s family.”

"It shines in the sky, and the emperor shines in the world!"

What Lu Wei was reading was from "The Book of Songs - Zhou Song - Huan". Although his voice was low, the other three people present were all masters with outstanding internal strength, and the sun, moon and stars could hear them all clearly.

The original text of the Book of Songs is to praise King Wu for being ordered by heaven to conquer the Shang Dynasty and take over the world. However, Lu Wei sat on the throne and read this praise with great ambition. Naturally, it cannot be to praise King Wu of Zhou for his merits.

At this time, even Concubine Yan, who was the last to join the camp, understood someone's ambition. She looked deeply at Lu Wei on the throne, then looked back at Moon God and Star Soul, and found that the two of them were calm about this. She obviously knew this. .Mr. Dongjun's first thought was that the other party was having an outlandish idea. After a little hesitation, he still thought that Lu was having an outlandish idea.

Xinghun laughed silently and had no other reaction.

Luna fixed her eyes firmly on Lu Wei, waited for the other person to finish reciting, then slightly blinked her eyelashes, and said slowly: "It's peaceful here and will not be disturbed, but how are we going to confirm Changping next?" Do you have the Canglong copper box in your hand?"

"What's so difficult about this? The defense of Changping Lord's residence is far inferior to that of Shouchun Palace. It's much easier to interrogate him than to interrogate King Chu." Concubine Dongjun Yan wanted to use some practical means.

"Yes, as far as I know, this Lord Changping also has a daughter, who is only in her teens and is very delicate." Xinghun played with the suspended silk puppet thread that appeared out of thin air in his hand. His intention was obvious, but his words suddenly changed. Another twist: "It's just that the sensitivity of Lord Changping's identity is even more special than that of King Chu."

After Concubine Yan heard this, she shut up and remained silent. She really didn't think carefully.

In terms of talent in onmyoji, Master Dongjun is an extraordinary woman, but in terms of overall intelligence, Master Dongjun is far inferior to Ganluo Xinghun.

"Why worry?"

The master of the hall stood up from the throne without any attachment.After all, this is not his throne, it is just an abandoned product of the old era.

As for how to obtain the Canglong Copper Box from Lord Changping, according to Lu Wei's idea, the safest way is to wait until the Qin army attacks the city in Chu before taking action. But now that they are all here, there is no harm in trying it first.

"We are new to Chen Ying and have not investigated Changping Lord's house. We will go check it out tomorrow night and then make a decision."

After the Zhu family came to Chen Ying and talked with Mr. Changping, they did not leave. Instead, they stayed at the house to continue to take care of his wife's condition, and at the same time, they also wanted to protect the safety of Mr. Changping's house.

As the leader of a farm hall, even though the Zhu family is short and fat, their skills are much stronger than those of the guards in the house.

Especially the unique skill 'Thousands of People and Thousands of Faces', which is almost equivalent to an army of thousands of people!
It's just that the conditions for using 'Thousands of People and Thousand Faces' are stringent and extremely labor-intensive, and every time you use it, you will instantly consume 20 years of internal energy!
To recover after use, it takes a lot of time and precious medicinal materials to replenish it.

The Zhu family has never shown up in front of others for many years. To force him to use this trick, it is possible only to make him completely cornered.

"Uncle Zhu, I'm here." Mi Lian personally found the Zhu family in the backyard of the mansion holding a scroll of bamboo slips. Behind her, the maids on both sides brought two large plates of bamboo slips. The names engraved on them were all the names of medicinal materials. .

Taking care of the wife's pregnancy and protecting the safety of the house will be very urgent in emergencies, but in normal times, it is more leisurely.

The Zhu family was not idle during these leisurely moments. At the request of Lord Changping, he took the time to teach Mi Lian about herbal medicine.

Medical skills and medicinal materials knowledge are highly professional knowledge and require orthodox inheritance to learn. The most famous Jianghu sects in this field are doctors and farmers.Each family has its own specialties, but in comparison, the farmer's family is better at identifying medicines, and the pure method of saving people is ultimately much inferior to that of the doctor's family.

In troubled times, medicine is always a useful skill.If something unexpected happens, Mi Lian can survive outside if she can understand these skills.
According to Mi Lian's identity, when she was in the Qin State, she had always only learned aristocratic artistic skills such as etiquette, chess, calligraphy and painting, but now she has switched to learning practical crafts, which proves that her future life will be decoupled from the life of the rich and powerful in Lord Changping's imagination.

This will be the case no matter whether the war with Qin next year is won or lost.

The study of herbal medicine requires more interest than etiquette, at least not a rejection mentality.Mi Lian has a strong aristocratic aura, which is not a disparagement here but a compliment, because no matter whether she likes something or not, if it is needed in reality and requested by her father, Mi Lian can always force it. Learn it yourself.

The afternoon passed by in a blink of an eye. During the several hours of study, the daughter of Lord Changping showed no sign of boredom and could only follow the study with concentration.

When encountering a difficulty that she doesn't understand, the little girl will definitely frown and ask teacher Zhu Jia in a low voice for a solution. Sometimes she even has to ask several times after asking for advice but still doesn't understand.

In terms of IQ talent, Mi Lian is only an average person, but this concentration and the educational resources available to her are destined to allow her to embark on a path that is better than ordinary people. If Mi Lian does not Words that pull at the other side of what this identity represents.

After it got dark, the Zhu family went to ask Mr. Changping about some special matters, while Mi Lian went back to the backyard to be with her mother.

Not long after the two left, Lu Wei and Xing Hun suddenly appeared at the original teaching position in the backyard: "They are your colleagues from the farm~"

The Zuo Guardian of the Yin Yang Family sat down where the Zhu family had just sat with great interest, and smiled meaningfully: "If you don't want to take action, I can get rid of him for you."

"Any time~"

After the Kingdom of Wei had killed Wei Jiu, the vindicated Lord of Ningling, for Lu Wei, Xinghun guessed that if Lu Tang made a breakthrough as the leader of the peasant family, some troublesome enemies would simply let them disappear. Falling off is easier.

Shennongtang was second only to Gonggongtang in strength among the six farm halls, and the Zhu family had always had a good reputation in the world, so it already met the criteria of being troublesome: blocking someone's way.

"If I want to be a farmer, I can become a hero at any time." Lu Wei was always very confident when facing Xinghun. For such a proud young man, showing embarrassment would encourage his arrogance.

If Xinghun is still Gan Luo, then there is no need for the Hall Master to be like this.But the other party has now become a star soul. The deeper you practice Yin Yang, it seems that it will always change a person's personality to another appearance.

He needs to impress his 'invincible posture' in front of the Star Soul first, so that he can securely control this 'not growing up' boy in the future.

"It's up to you, my promise will always be valid." Xinghun laughed evilly and skipped the topic: "But since Changping Lord is so close to your farmer colleague, how about testing the Canglong Copper Box from him? ?”

"Or do you directly come forward as your own identity and negotiate with this Lord Changping?"

"If the thing is definitely in this mansion, it must not be able to escape." Lu Wei responded calmly: "Let's wait and see the information from Yueshen and Dongjun."

The two of them, Sun and Moon, went to Changpingjun's wife to investigate. The entire Changpingjun mansion had fewer rooms than the Shouchun Palace, and there were not a large number of fake Canglong copper boxes blocking the view. It was much easier to search the surface.

"If I were Lord Changping, and the precious copper box left behind by 'father' before his departure has not been exposed for decades after being hidden in Xianyang, I would definitely keep it myself after coming to Chen Ying." The corners of Hun's lips curled up in ridicule: "Moreover, for Lord Changping, the importance he attaches to this box cannot be compared to the lives of his wife and daughter."

Ta-ta-ta, before Xinghun finished speaking, the sound of a sudden trot quickly approached here.

After the two looked at each other, they stepped back and hid their figures.
(End of this chapter)

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