Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 232 Obtaining the Canglong Copper Box

Chapter 232 Obtaining the Canglong Copper Box
The owner of the footsteps was Mi Lian, who had just left.

The daughter of Lord Changping came back alone without any maid behind her.

She did not stop at the teaching office and continued to chase towards the Zhu family.

Judging by the time, Mi Lian ran over to her mother before she reached the inner courtyard. She probably forgot to explain something to her father Changping Jun or her teacher Zhu Jia.

Lu Wei Xinghun was not in a hurry to leave. There was still some time before the late night rendezvous. During this period, the two of them would only stay here. In theory, if people in the front yard wanted to go to the rooms in the inner yard, they would always have to pass through this yard.

The Changping Lord's Mansion is tight on the outside and loose on the inside. The outer defense is another copy of the Chenying City Gate, but there are fewer guards inside the mansion, especially in the inner courtyard, where there are almost no patrolling guards.

It was obvious that Mr. Changping wanted to create a tolerant and relaxed environment as much as possible for his family in a tense situation.

About half an hour later, Mi Lian returned, but this time she held a familiar-looking golden metal box in her arms.
Canglong copper box!

Lu Wei didn't expect that on the first day he came to investigate, the target would appear without warning, and while he was still thinking about it, the star soul had already rushed down from the tree.

In the blink of an eye, a few steps in front of Mi Lian who was holding the box, there was a strange young man of similar height and age to himself.

Her pupils widened and trembled, and she subconsciously took a step back.

"Don't make any noise." Xinghun had suspicious blue flames on his hands and walked towards the little girl step by step with a sly smile: "Give me that box, okay~"

Mi Lian's whole body went numb under the gaze of Lord Protector Zuo, and all the air in the courtyard was contaminated by the strong scent of Onmyoji. For an ordinary person, under this layer of pressure, it was as if he was facing a bloodthirsty beast. , unable to move his whole body.

"It seems you acquiesced~" Xinghun joked and stretched out a hand to reach for the copper box.

'The noise caused was a bit too big.' Hall Master Lu stayed where he was and watched Star Soul move without making any move, but he made some guesses about his behavior.

With Xinghun's strength, he could take the box from a mere little girl without showing his face at all. He would choose to procrastinate so much that the target was not just the box.

"Get out of the way to the left!"

As expected, the abnormal atmosphere in the backyard attracted the Zhu family and Lord Changping, who was guarded by a large number of guards.

Zhu Jiafei stepped forward, made a hand gesture with the fingers of both hands in front of his chest, and pointed his Qi in an arc from the right direction towards Xinghun.

With a cold snort, Xinghun quickly grabbed the box in Mi Lian's arms and grabbed it. At the same time, he gathered energy into a blade with his other hand and cut open the finger pointing towards him.

Taking this opportunity, the Zhu family grabbed Mi Lian by the collar and threw it back, and then continued to fight with the left guardian of the Yin-Yang family back and forth.

Both of them are people with superb inner energy, but in terms of depth alone, the Zhu family is still above the Star Soul at this time.

However, the subtlety of gathering energy to form a blade is more focused on lethality than the Zhu family's point-pointing and fingering techniques. The two exchanged several moves, and when the palms of their hands finally separated, the Zhu family had to take a few more steps back.

Holding the copper box with one hand, Xinghun raised his head proudly. The Zhu family was about to go forward again, but was stopped by Changping Jun who took the initiative to step out of the guard's protection:

"Master Xinghun of the Yin Yang Family came here to kill me under the orders of Ying Zheng."

Xiong Qi looked at Xinghun with a calm expression. As for the Canglong copper box in his hand, he didn't show anything strange.

"No." Xinghun used his energy-gathering blade to roughly scratch the copper box, but the box didn't move at all: "I'm just here to get this box~"

"Really?" Xiong Qi turned to look at his frightened daughter and said in a deep voice: "In that case, Lord Xinghun has got what you want, so please leave."

As soon as Lord Changping said this, the Zhu family's expressions changed, but they didn't say much. Xinghun was also stunned for a moment, and then quickly said with a smile: "This box is not completely indifferent to you~"

"Master Xinghun just let go of my daughter, and now he's just taking away a small box. How can I not agree?" At this time, Chang Pingjun even laughed in cooperation.

With the distance just now, if Xinghun really wanted to attack Mi Lian, the Zhu family would indeed have no time to rescue her.

"However, I still have a small question. I wonder if Mr. Xinghun can explain it?" Mr. Changping said in a leisurely tone, as if the tense atmosphere did not exist at all.

"I can consider whether to answer." Xinghun was not worried whether Lord Changping was stalling for time. On the one hand, he knew the speed of mobilizing the army, and Xinghun had a bottom line calculation for his stay time.On the other hand, the Zhu family can detect such a big movement here, and the Moon God Dongjun in the inner courtyard will not fail to notice it.

"How does Lord Xinghun know that this thing is in my hand?" Chang Pingjun's expression looked particularly curious, but the curiosity is an emotion that appears on the face of such an old fox-level figure. The authenticity cannot be trusted.

"This, a friend told me~" Xinghun said with deep meaning: "I've probably never actually seen this friend Chang Ping, but I must have heard someone mention it." After that, Master Zuo of the Yin Yang Family took the lead. Hold the thing and use Qinggong to leave.

The Zhu family and the guards looked at Lord Changping, waiting for his order.

However, until Xinghun disappeared without a trace, Xiong Qi did not issue a pursuit order.
"Father." Mi Lian came to her father cowardly at this time. She only dared to bury her head in her chest and looked down at her shoes: "I'm sorry."

"Well, go see your mother, don't let her worry." Chang Pingjun responded calmly, without making too many comments on the surface, rolled up his sleeves and turned back to the front yard.

"Although the Yin Yang family's Xinghun has good strength, if a siege is launched, he will still have to stay." In the meeting hall in the front yard, the Zhu family expressed their opinions.

"The Canglong Copper Box is just a box after throwing away the secrets it hides." Xiong Qi shook his head easily: "Xinghun did not attack Lian'er, which proves that he was not sent by Yingzheng. As long as the box does not fall, It doesn’t matter if it’s in the hands of Ying Zheng or anyone else, there’s no need to take risks.”

"Then let the Yin Yang family take the box away like this?"

"Xinghun intends to be exposed today, and he still has the mind to listen to my chat under the circumstances just now, which proves that he has absolute confidence to leave safely. There should be other powerful accomplices. Just in case, we just let him leave the mansion first. That’s all.”

"What does Mr. Changping mean?"

"Secretly mobilize troops at night and surround the old palace in the city tomorrow morning!" Xiong Qi said calmly.

"Old palace?" The Zhu family was surprised, and their masks changed into doubts.

"The gate records of Chen Ying City do not contain any abnormal characters entering the city. Xinghun and his accomplices did not enter the city through regular channels." Mr. Changping picked up a scroll of bamboo slips on the table, spread it out and read it attentively. At the same time, he spoke Said: "The one loophole I deliberately left in the city is the old palace."

"If the other party wants to stay in Chen Ying, they will definitely be there."

"It turns out that Mr. Changping has already made arrangements." The Zhu family became even more confused when they said this: "But if the other party is not here, let alone the siege again tomorrow morning, they can leave directly tonight."

"The Yin Yang family's various methods are ever-changing. Surrounding our soldiers at night is even more detrimental." Xiong Qi patiently explained to the farmer's hall leader: "If the other party is not here or has left, then let them take the box with them." Let’s go.”

"There is no shortage of that box in Chu State now. The secret of Canglong Qisu has not been solved for nearly 500 years since Duke Zhuang of Zheng. In the past 500 years, there have been many influential people who have no idea about this secret. Just take it away if someone wants to." .”

Lord Changping was very interested in the Canglong Copper Box. Without this secret, the Qin State would be so powerful now. If the world could be unified with just a few boxes, what would be the point of the struggle of generations?
Xiong Qi believes that his Qinglong Plan is easier to change the world than the so-called Canglong Qisu.

Maybe there were gods in ancient times, but now is an era ruled by humans, and humans are already greater than those illusory gods!
Lord Changping has never told anyone such disrespectful thoughts.Perhaps because of such disrespect, he was the Xiong Qi who voluntarily gave up his position as the Right Prime Minister of the Qin State and chose to fall into danger with the Chu State!


Back in the old palace, as soon as Xinghun put down the box, the figures of Lu Wei, Yueshen, and Dongjun appeared.

"The things are indeed in Changping-Jun's place. Your information is correct." Lord Protector Zuo confirmed the authenticity of the box.

Chang Pingjun didn't know they were coming, and there was no need to make a fake box for his daughter to play with.

"It's so easy. Did you plan this?" Dongjun opened his hand and sucked the box into the air. After checking it again, he squinted at Lu.

"Of course not, I'm also surprised." The hall master smiled and shook his head, but his look and the words in his mouth were not very convincing.

Especially when they saw with their own eyes that people from the farm had infiltrated the Changping Lord. Maybe the Zhu family was Lu’s dog at the farm!
"Anyway, at least I got the thing." Although Yueshen knew a lot of Lu Wei's secrets, he was still not sure how many additional things he had hidden.

"The top priority is to leave Chen Ying immediately." After Lu Wei took the box and looked at it, he compared it with the box from the Wei Kingdom in his memory, and then threw it to the Moon God.

"Are you worried that Lord Changping will send troops to encircle and suppress you?" Xinghun thought for a while and guessed the reason for Hall Master Lu's suggestion.

Dongjun and Yueshen remained silent on these matters, while Lu Wei nodded calmly: "If I were him, after the Canglong Copper Box is lost, I should find a way to force you out of the city. Sending troops to encircle and suppress you is obviously a good plan."

"Are you just trying to force us to leave?" Xinghun raised the corner of his mouth.

"Of course he would also have the idea of ​​siege. After all, even if he guessed that you were not here alone, he definitely couldn't guess that the four of us were here." Hall Master Lu pointed at himself as a matter of course:

"Especially since I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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