Chapter 233

The mission of the Yin Yang Family Sun Yue Xing sent to the Chu Kingdom has been completed. At this time, there are still several months before Wang Jian attacks the Chu capital.

Theoretically, the three of them could go back to Xianyang directly, but they each had other things to do, so they temporarily kept the copper box with the Moon God, and then the Sun, Moon and Star separated.

Concubine Dongjun Yan went north to the Mohist government city.Now several of the top leaders of the Mo family are in Shouchun, and Yan Dan is also in Shouchun. If the Yin Yang family invades Guancheng at this time, the lower-level disciples of the Moh family will suffer heavy losses.

However, Concubine Yan was not in a hurry to destroy the Mo family. She wanted Yan Dan to be killed by his daughter, so she went north this time to teach him the art of yin and yang.

Calculating the age, next year, the daughter of Yan Dan and the child named Princess Gaoyue will be six years old. At this age, it is somewhat early to teach her the art of yin and yang.But Concubine Yan didn't care. Even though the child was innocent, half of Yan Dan's blood was flowing in her body!

Lord Dongjun is not soft-hearted.

Luna also wanted to visit the children, but she wanted to visit her own children.

Xiao Qian'er is more than a year younger than Gao Yue, so it is not suitable for him to learn onmyoji at this time.

Luna has a clear plan for teaching Lu Qian. The reason why she went to Daze Mountain this time was mainly to continue to lay a solid foundation for little Qian'er.At the same time, as his mother, Luna hopes to have more of a presence in Qian'er's growth.

Lu Qian's material life is not bad. After all, he is the young master of Gonggong Hall. He is usually cared for by the former head of the medical family, so there will be no problems.

But in terms of family relationships, the little guy's parents are very busy and receive very little personal attention from Lu Wei and Yueshen.

Among them, Yueshen is not allowed to go most of the time because of his status as a member of the Yin Yang family, and Lu Wei, his career is more important than his two children!

In the past, the hall master once mocked Tian Guang, "Yan Dan has good kingly qualities, but kingly qualities are generally not good." Now he is just a "mud-legged master" and has learned bad habits. .

This is all the fault of learning Onmyoji!Hall Master Lu openly found a reason for his ruthlessness in his heart.

Of course Xinghun has no children to visit, but compared to the atmosphere of the Yin Yang family, he is naturally more willing to wander outside.

Xinghun's grandfather Gan Mao was once praised by Su Dai in the past as "from Yao Sai to Gui Valley, the terrain is dangerous and difficult." He had no chance to take a look at the road his grandfather had traveled before, but now he can take a look.

Sun, Moon and Star are about to leave, but Lu Wei is not ready to return to Daze Mountain with Moon God.

Now that they have arrived in Chu State, they might as well go southeast and visit Jingxian County. The construction there will see a lot of changes in the new year.

When the last contact was made to dispatch disciples to Juyang to cooperate with Tian Guang's plan, Xiao He briefly reported part of the content in his letter:

First of all, the reconstruction work on Jinghu Medical Village on the central island of Jinghu Lake has been completed. Next time Lu Wei takes Xue Nu, Duan Murong and others to go south for vacation, there will be no need to be crowded.

In addition, due to the rapid development of Jingxian County, the sphere of influence inevitably overlapped with the Dongou Kingdom further to the southeast. This was essentially an invasion by Jingxian County, but instead of using swords and swords, it was replaced by Multiple soft oppression of food, civilization and the inevitable potential threat of force.

Although the Ouyue people are descendants of the former Yue King Goujian, they were far away from the civilization of the Central Plains and forced by the environment. After merging with the Linhai indigenous people, they gradually developed into a primitive people with "broken hair tattoos" and eating snakes, frogs, fish and clams. form.

As a result of the introduction of Jingxian County's "advanced civilization" culture, some people at the bottom of Ouyue are yearned for and rejected by others, but these people do not have sovereignty.

Civilians are just civilians, and the key point facing Jingxian infiltration lies in the attitude of Dongou King Ouyang Yao towards this.

As for Ouyang Yao’s cultural invasion of Jingxian County, of course he strongly welcomes it!

The king of Dongou could no longer bear the barbaric conditions in his country, and he was determined that even if he could not restore the country to the prosperity of Gou Jian's ancestors, he could not continue to maintain the scornful image despised by the Central Plains countries.

The kings of Yue basically surrendered to the Chu State in name only. The Chu State had no interest in the remote Yue land in the past or now, and would not actively donate some civilized fire to the Yue State. Although the country cannot do it, the two counties can implement it.

The alliance between Jing County and Fan County has spread throughout the Baiyue Land and has not been rejected by the Yue people.

They will not invade the territory of the Yue people by force, nor will they interfere with the appointment of the ruling class in the country of the Yue people. This is the most basic sincerity in communication with Baiyue.

Ouyang Yao's Dongou was the Yue people closest to the territory of Goujian Yue Kingdom, so he was the first to seize the opportunity to send envoys to Jingxian County for in-depth exchanges.

In the past few years, when Jingxian County was not yet established, Fanjun of Fanxian County would send caravans to barter with the Yue tribes, and the communication between the two parties basically relied on Fanxian County to take the initiative.Now the Yue people have exerted their subjective initiative, which is obviously an inevitable move to survive in troubled times.

Xiao He agreed to the request of the Dongouyue people without hesitation, and the relationship between the two parties developed rapidly within a year.

After Dong Ou took the initiative, the ruler of Minyue further south, Wu Zhu, was also ready to take action.

If all Ouyue and Minyue are classified as allies, plus Fanxian, such an alliance will basically have no enemies on the south bank of the Yangtze River.Only Nanyue, Xiou, and Luoyue in the far south are hidden in the mountains and forests, and rarely interact with outsiders. Even Fanjun Wu Bing has not much contact with them.

These three Yue people will also be the most durable Yue people to resist Qin in the future. With the strength of the Qin army, facing the forests of Mitsukoshi, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will be sacrificed.

Xiao He sent a caravan of envoys to the Mitsukoshi land. After discovering that the other party was indifferent, he rationally only maintained a fixed and low frequency of exchanges, which could barely maintain contact between the two parties.

Lu Wei went to Jing County this time because Xiao He had formulated some methods to appease the Yue people and wanted to communicate and negotiate with the hall master in detail.

A large area on the south bank of the Yangtze River was a barbaric and barren land at this time. In every aspect, from developed resources to population, it was poorer than the Yellow River area.

But how could it be the turn of Lu Wei to be infected if we were not sleepy?
Moreover, if in the future from Shushan, to Fanxian, Minyue, Ouyue, Jingxian, and then up north to Daze Mountain in Qidi, and further to Yandi, the chaos in these remote border areas depends entirely on someone from Lu. A front line for the anti-Qin uprising was formed semi-encircled.
"This is the Chu Kingdom's 'Cloud Pattern Bronze Forbidden City'. The bodies of the precious beasts clinging to the body are all made of pure gold. The eyes, claws and other special parts of each precious beast are dotted with gems of different colors. In the dark night, It’s in seven colors.”

In a treasure-preserving pavilion in Jingxian County, Chen Ping, a disciple of the Taoist sect, smiled and pulled the Dongou envoy around a rectangular object about four feet long and one and a half feet wide to admire it.

As he clapped his hands, the attendants on both sides extinguished the candles in coordination. At this time, the gems on Tongjin's body were indeed glowing with a faint colorful light as described, making the envoy's eyes dazzled and immersed in the exquisiteness of the treasures.

"It is said that when King Kaolie was alive, he loved this artifact so much that he couldn't bear to let it sleep in the dark tomb and chose to leave it in the human world." Looking at the envoy's appearance, Chen Ping smiled and made up a few more stories casually. It makes the things in front of you more sacred.

"It is actually an artifact of a big country. Dongou is a small country with a weak people. There is no such treasure in the country." Ouyang Yang, as the nephew of King Ouyang Yao of Dongou, is quite trusted. This time he came to Jingxian County as a messenger of New Year's gifts. Jingxian County not only prepared a high-standard banquet reception, but the county magistrate Xiao He also asked Chen Ping, his junior brother who came to Jingxian County to visit Jingxian County from the Taoist "Heaven and Man Sword", to personally receive it.

Of course, to the outside world, Chen Ping was no longer a disciple of Renzong in name, but had a position in Jingxian County and was an official of Jingxian County.

"If the envoy likes it, I will immediately have it packaged and sent to the post house. When the envoy returns after the year, he can take it back to the country and taste it carefully~"

Chen Ping smiled, clapped his hands again, and the lights in the room were lit again.

"This is disrespectful to me." After holding back his words for a while, Ouyang Yang couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch the copper ban, and nodded in agreement.

"Dongou Kingdom and Jingxian County have a close cooperation. Brother Ouyang has worked hard in it as the Prime Minister of Dongou Kingdom. These mere utensils are just a small gift." Chen Ping said in a friendly tone: "Jingxian County also prepared another gift for King Dongou. I hope Brother Ouyang can bring it back and offer it as a present."

"We will definitely fulfill our mission." Ouyang Yang nodded in agreement with a smile on his face, and reciprocated the favor by saying, "Friends from Dongou Country and Jingxian County are as close as brothers, and the two sides will become even closer in the future."

As the two of them finished admiring the artifacts and walked away to visit another location, Lu Wei and Xiao He walked out of the room next door that was only separated by a wall.

Looking thoughtfully at the two departing figures with his hands behind his back, the hall master shook his head and said: "It's just a dongou. Although it is important, there is no need to treat him so highly."

Xiao He's etiquette for receiving Dong Ou was too high. Although these treasures were only brought back by Peng Yue's people from a trip north, wasting them carelessly would not be conducive to the long term.

"This is a thousand pieces of gold to buy horse bones." Xiao He calmly responded to Hall Master Lu's inquiry: "Although the Dongou Kingdom is weak, if we set it as a model among hundreds of Yue, the Yue people will naturally be close to us."

"Is that just that?" The hall master stared at Xiao Xian Cheng with a meaningful look, and the latter smiled even more intensely: "It is not beyond the hall master's guess that this thousand gold purchase of horse bones also bought me. Junior Brother Chen Ping.”

"Tell me in detail." Lu Wei said calmly.

"Junior Brother Chen Ping's talent, the hall master naturally understands it, and there is no need for me to elaborate on it." Xiao He led hall master Lu around the booming Jing County, and his words were not shy at all: "If the hall master wants to recruit Working with him to contribute to Gonggongtang not only demonstrates the strength of Gonggongtang, but also demonstrates the resources that Gonggongtang can bestow upon him.”

"Junior Brother Chen Ping is very capable, but he has never been able to control several valuable treasures at will like today, and the object of control is only the small Dongou Kingdom."

"The more advantageous he is now, the more he feels that he has made the best use of everything. After breaking away from the luxurious support of Gonggongtang, he will inevitably be disappointed when he returns to the small Junjinxuan. So I will invite him again If you come to serve the Hall Master, you will definitely succeed."

Under Xiao He's honest appearance, he showed no mercy when plotting against his junior brother.

"What does the hall master think of buying horse bones for such a large sum of money?"

"Brother Xiao He's words really enlightened me!" Hehehe smiled, and the hall master was very pleased with Xiao He's wholehearted consideration for Gonggong Hall.

"This matter can only be implemented by the hall master who is wise and generous. Xiao He is just following the trend." Xiao He smiled lightly and raised his hand to stroke his newly grown beard. He was also very grateful for Lu Wei's appreciation. .

Xiao He was using the resources of Gonggongtang to buy horse bones from his junior brother Chen Pinglai for thousands of dollars, and Lu Wei was letting himself be deliberately stupid at the right time to give Xiao He time to show off and further buy horse bones from the prime minister of Xiao County~
And do Chen Ping and Xiao He, who are attracted by 'buying horse bones', know this?

Of course these two smart people know~
But if you see through it, don't tell it. As the beneficiary, why bother asking so much?

(End of this chapter)

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