Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 234 The Eve of the Attack on Chu

Chapter 234 The Eve of the Attack on Chu
After the banquet with the Dongou envoy in the evening, Lu Wei, Xiao He, and Chen Ping had another private banquet in the pavilion on Jinghu Lake.

It's winter and the weather is slightly cold. It's fun to put a small stove on the lake, warm wine and chat under the cold wind.

Hall Master Lu is wearing a bright red fox fur coat, so that in winter he doesn't feel cold even if he doesn't use his inner energy.

The coat was presented by the country of Dongou, and the fur material came from the fire fox, a specialty of Ouyue. Because the fur was as warm as a burning flame, it was sold at a high price in Shouchun.

The number of firefoxes is rare, but survival has always been a problem for the Dongou people. It is impossible for them to be hungry and pay attention to protecting and cherishing animals.

Xiao He, among the three, has lived here the longest, so he sat next to the wine warmer and presided over the task of dividing the wine.

The three of them put aside their utilitarian identities today, and did not mention a word about what happened during the day. They only talked to each other as disciples of various schools of thought. The first topic of conversation was inevitably the concluded Taoist theory of heaven and man. Sword contacted.

As one of the witnesses, Chen Ping's evaluation of the sword fight between Chisongzi and Xiaoyaozi was very fair and objective, and he was not biased against Xiaoyaozi because he was a disciple of the Renzong.

The battle itself ended with Akamatsuko's victory.Chisongzi has been keeping Xueji for ten years and has a very deep understanding of the sword's meaning.

The two heads of the two sects of Heaven and Man are both well-known Taoist masters in the world. Due to the gap in their concepts of "Heaven and Man", the two sides have very different choices in the ever-changing current situation.

Regarding the general trend of the world, Chi Songzi firmly adheres to the tenets of Tianzong, devotes himself to practicing in Taiyi Mountain, accepts the teachings of Tianzong's predecessor Bei Mingzi, and continues to realize the realm of "unity of heaven and man" in pursuit of personal cultivation.

As the head of the Human Sect, Xiaoyaozi would occasionally go down the mountain in person to understand the sufferings of the world, and he was deeply moved by this.As the pace of Qin's unification accelerated, Xiaoyaozi went down the mountain more and more frequently.

I don’t know what Chi Songzi thinks of the choice of another brother, but both Xiao He and Chen Ping estimate that the head of Xiaoyaozi has already become involved with the anti-Qin alliance.

Xiao and Chen disagreed with Tianzong's choice of establishing a world, but they would not object. After all, everyone has his own ambitions.He also complained about his head's eagerness to stand in line: Taiyi Mountain is, after all, on the border of the Qin State. Once the evidence of Xiaoyaozi's rebellion against Qin is grasped by the Qin State and the Qin army suppresses the border, then all Renzong will stay in the mountain. Face the challenge.

Although the two of them are far away from the mountains, they still have deep feelings for the Taoist sect.

Xiaoyaozi's anti-Qin stance cannot be roughly regarded as right or wrong, but the method should be more subtle, or the position of leader should be temporarily removed.

"Hall Master Lu has traveled around the world for many years, has he ever met with our Xiaoyaozi leader?"

Chen Ping drank half a glass of warm wine and closed his eyes to savor the warmth.

"I've never met him, but I've heard a lot about him." Lu Wei thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I heard in Shouchun a few days ago that the head of Xiaoyaozi was in the city, but I didn't have the opportunity to meet him."

"After the battle between heaven and man, the leader didn't feel too depressed. He went down the mountain before me. It turned out that he was in Shouchun."

"There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in Shouchun, so it is to be expected where the master will go." Xiao He Tian Renwen Sword has not returned to Taiyi Mountain, but he has a certain understanding of Shouchun's situation, which proves that he is now between the sect and the secular reality, and now it is more Focus on the latter.

"The Mo family is also in Shouchunzhong. If the leader takes this opportunity to contact the Mo family, there will be opposition within the Renzong."

Chen Ping had just come back down the mountain not long ago, so he lacked a grasp of recent intelligence, but there were clues about the Mo family's whereabouts earlier, and he knew this part clearly.

"As a famous school, the Mo family has fallen into the current situation. It is really sad." Xiao He sighed. The name of Mo Xia is very prestigious among the young heroes in the world. Xiao He was also received by partial impact.

"The root cause comes from their teachings themselves. The collapse of the Mohist family is inevitable." Chen Ping disagreed: "Because of 'universal love', the Mohist family has accepted a large number of people from the six countries who were in danger due to the war since before the Six Finger Black Man." , some of these people from the six countries hate each other, but most of them basically hate Qin."

"If you have a stance in your mind, you won't be able to do 'non-attack'."

"The six-fingered black knight still has a high prestige to suppress the thoughts below, but the composition of the Mohist disciples determines that it is destined to be on the opposite side of the Qin State. Later, the successor of Yan Wang Dan was not only Yan Dan's outstanding ability, but also his relationship with the Mohist disciples. It’s related to the general environment.”

"The Six-fingered Black Man is also a hero who has dominated the world for decades. How could he not see that Yan Dan will most likely be the candidate for the Mohist giant after him?" Chen Ping smiled sarcastically: "I have no choice but to acquiesce."

"The one who will completely destroy the Mohist family in the future is the Mohist family themselves." He made a bold prediction.

"In this regard, Confucianism is more advanced than Mohism in that Confucian teachings are not static. The heads of Xiaoshengxianzhuang in the past dynasties will modify and change Confucianism in the context of the times. A growing sect will always have a more stubborn vitality. "

Xiao He glanced at Lu Wei, who had been listening with a smile, and changed the topic: "The same is true for farmers."

"From the beginning, the rough martial arts sect took the initiative to participate in the great struggle, accumulated strength, and acted in a low-key manner. The development potential of the farm family will definitely not be limited to just one Jing County in the future."

"That's inappropriate." Chen Ping denied his senior brother's remarks. After feeling two eyes with different meanings, he smiled and talked:

"This is not the progress of the farmers, but the great talent and strategy of Hall Master Lu. Only under his guidance can Gonggong Hall make progress. The other five halls have not changed at all." "What the junior brother said is true!" Xiao He agreed with a serious face.

After talking about Taoism, Confucianism, and Confucianism, the three of them continued to make simple evaluations of other schools of thought. In comparison, other sects can basically only be called 'small sects' in terms of numbers compared to these four. .

The premise is that laws and soldiers are not considered special.

After chatting all night, it was not until the next day's working hours in the back hall of the Jing County government office that Xiao He took out more detailed information about the Baiyue Land and reported it to Lu Wei.

Generally speaking, everything is being implemented as planned. Dongou and Minyue are friendly contacts, and Fan County's strength has also expanded rapidly, but there has been no internal strife between the two parties.

Although Fan County is much more civilized than Baiyue, it still needs a lot of mature knowledge brought directly from Jing County from the Central Plains, especially those machine beasts that are extremely efficient in opening up wasteland.

The control of all this lies with Jingxian County, and Jingxian County's status is therefore in a special state of detachment on the south bank of the Yangtze River.

Xiao He has very detailed plans for all aspects, allowing Jingxian County to gain the largest and most stable say in the South Bank step by step.After Lu Wei listened carefully to his design, he patted Xiao Xian Cheng on the shoulder and encouraged him to keep up his efforts.

Jingxian County was battling wits and courage with several small forces in a remote area, while in Xianyang, Qin was ambitiously preparing a plan to annex Chu with an army of 60. The two sides were completely incomparable.

Ying Zheng personally invited back the veteran general Wang Jian who claimed to be ill, and faced many requests made by Wang Jian, and agreed to them all one by one.

The request for 60 soldiers almost included all the Qin's field troops after Li Xin's defeat. Ying Zheng said that he was completely relieved of Wang Jian. This undoubtedly meant that he had lost the reasonable doubts that a king should have.

But Li Xin's previous defeat had caused him, the King of Qin, to lose part of his authority.The attack on Chu must not be defeated again, and these 60 troops must be used.

Fortunately, since Wang Jian returned to Xianyang, he has been asking for money and land one after another. It seems that he is greedy to 'blackmail' King Qin's reward before this battle. He looks like he will come back to be a rich man after this battle, which makes Ying Zheng feel relieved. A little more.

Before the war, no doubt could be exaggerated. After the war began, there could no longer be any doubt. This is what Qin's previous opponents told Qin with many tragic consequences.

You can't change generals on the spot, you can't rush the attack, and you can't overstep your authority.
After Ying Zheng fulfilled all Wang Jian's requests, he only had one request: to destroy the Chu State.

As long as this requirement can be met, how to destroy it depends entirely on Wang Jian's command.

Ying Zheng didn't even mention Chang Ping Jun, whom he hated deeply.

The border between Qin and Chu is a large plain area.Consistent with Li Xin, Wang Jian also believed that the key to defeating Chu was to annihilate Chu's field troops.

Li Xin's choice of offensive route and concept last time were mostly correct, but in terms of specific implementation choices, quick attack was obviously not suitable for the vast Chu State.

It is possible to conduct a "blitzkrieg" against countries such as Han, Zhao and Wei, but not against Chu. This is the same regardless of whether there is Lord Changping's rebellion or not.

Wang Jian believed that if he wanted to destroy Chu, a war of attrition in the early stage was still the best option.

The King of Qin had already said that this war was entirely up to Wang Jian. In response to the other party's respectful and serious report, he graciously agreed and with a wave of his hand, promised to prepare a three-year supply of food and grass for the army.

Wang Jian saw that the king was so generous and the Qin State was so wealthy, so he decisively asked for land and houses again.
Ying Zheng "helplessly" agreed.

However, one important thing is that Wang Bi and Wang Li cannot participate in this expedition. In name, they worked hard to defeat Wei last time, so they will continue to rest in Xianyang. The deputy general who will destroy Chu next is Wang Jian's familiar partner Meng Wu. .

Wang Jian was grateful to the King of Qin for caring about the Wang family and had no other opinions.

On the Qin side, they are sharpening their swords and waiting to attack Chu later in the year. In the Chu country, the Xiang family and the King of Chu bear the cud quite well, but the problem is that the Chu country is far less wealthy than the Qin country.

The reserves of grain and grass can support up to 40 troops on the front line for one year.

Therefore, although Qin is the attacker and Chu is the defender in this war, the defender must achieve a quick victory within one year, while the attacker can take up to three years to slowly wear out the Chu people.

Xiang Yan carefully studied Wang Jian's style and understood that this opponent's strategic methods were more uncomfortable for the enemy than his specific tactics.

The other party will also know the situation of Chu State very well.
"The next war will be very troublesome."

Late at night, Xiang Yan was still analyzing the possible attack methods of the Qin army. His eyes reflected the lines of the map on the table and murmured to himself.
(End of this chapter)

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