Chapter 235

At the Gonggongtang headquarters in Daze Mountain, although Yueshen came alone and none of the Gonggongtang disciples knew her identity, when she arrived in the backyard, she was protected by Lu Ni, Xue Nu and others.

The girls are not close to the Moon God, but she is Xiao Qian'er's mother after all.

Although Lu Qian had never seen the Moon Goddess since he was a little sensible because he had practiced Yin and Yang, but under the guidance of the special blood Yin and Yang, he naturally felt close to her.

Seeing that the child that they and others had cared for for several years was snatched away from the care of the child by that woman, but Qian'er himself was still enjoying it, the women could not help but feel a little depressed.

The same is true for Xue Nu, who already has a baby He'er. She has always shown love to her children, but now it is his blood mother who has taken Qian'er away. Even if she doesn't like that woman, Xue Nu can't show resentment. .

Luna has no ill feelings toward the girls in the backyard, nor does she have any intention of getting close to them. In her plan, she and Qian'er will eventually belong to the Yin and Yang family.

No outsiders would visit the backyard of Gonggongtang, so Luna boldly took Lu Qian outside to learn the most basic knowledge of the five elements of the Yin Yang family, and continued to watch the stars on the roof at night.She was uncovering the veil of the world in the Yin-Yang theory layer by layer for Xiao Qian'er.

After there are no obstacles in his 'vision', Lu Qian will quickly reach the level of 'Astrological Law' when he formally learns Yin and Yang in the future!
"I will definitely need some elixir assistance during this period, and I will make use of Yun Zhongjun again for this matter." Moon God held her son's hand and looked up at the stars in the sky, which in her eyes were completely different from those of ordinary people.

"What is mother talking about?"

The thoughts in Luna's mind were spoken directly aloud, and she had nothing to hide from Xiao Qian'er.

"Mother is setting up plans for your future Yin-Yang practice." The Moon God tilted her head and looked at Xiao Qian'er, her voice a little softer than usual: "The Emperor of Spirit has descended, and the scorpion is rising in the clouds. I can see Jizhou with more than enough, Across the four seas there is so much poverty.”

"The elder of the Jin family in the Yin Yang family is named Yun Zhongjun. This person is proficient in alchemy and can be used by Qian'er in the future."

"This person's Yin and Yang skills are only at the level of Illusion Art. His strength is weak, but he is a genius in alchemy. He was just forced to get involved in your father's plan, and he will always die in the future."

Touching Lu Qian's head gently, the Moon God took the opportunity to teach: "Before Yun Zhongjun dies, you must make the best use of everything so that it will not be wasted. You can learn more about your father's methods in the future for his skills in this area. .”

"Well, Qian'er understands." Little Qian'er nodded obediently, and then made a sad face: "But my father rarely stays in Daze Mountain."

"Your father has always valued a person's value the most. As long as Qian'er's onmyoji practice becomes stronger in the future and he can help him, he can naturally let him see you more."

Luna smiled and encouraged: "If you can take charge of the entire Yin Yang family in the future, you can always be by his side!"

"Yes!" Lu Qian perked up and asked innocently, "Then how can I take charge of the Yin and Yang family?"

"Don't worry, you still need to grow up. By then, mother will help you achieve your goals!"

Diagonally below Xiao Qian'er, Ji Yan was almost blatantly looking at the mother and son on the roof of the building opposite. Just as he was deep in thought, Lu Ni suddenly closed the window: "A Yan, the people of the Yin Yang family are extremely dangerous. It’s best not to have any thoughts about that woman.”

"Don't worry, mother, Ayan knows it well." Ji Yan smiled sweetly.

But Lu Ni did not let her daughter fool her. Instead, her expression was extremely serious, showing the rare killer aura of being far away in time: "You went out to Gonggong Hall three times before, but you went to Shuangjian Ridge?"

Shuangjiang Ridge is the territory of Siyuetang.

"Yes." Ji Yan admitted his mother's inquiry. The reason why Lu Ni knew so well was that he must have followed her. In this case, Ji Yan simply continued to tell the truth: "I met with Zhang Er, the manager of Siyue Hall."

"Do you know the possible consequences of doing this?"

Lu Ni couldn't help but continue to speak, but was interrupted by her daughter's unhurried voice: "Mom, do you think that what you can think of and worry about, the hall master brother will not think of?"

"." Lu Ni was silent. She knew that her intelligence was indeed inferior to that of her daughter and Hall Master Lu.

"Brother, the hall master, has no plans. Things at Siyue Hall are not very complicated. The farmer's hero has disappeared, and it will only be three years at most. The discussion of the new hero should be put on the agenda." Ji Yan analyzed calmly:
"How can I tolerate the remaining five halls being in the hands of others after the hall master brother becomes the hero? He will definitely arrange for his cronies to gain control of at least two of the halls, and letting him get half of the halls first is just the foundation."

"Zhang Er was once a disciple of Lord Xinling. Their value to the growing Gonggong Hall is getting lower and lower. Brother Hall Master doesn't want them, but after I become the Master of Siyue Hall, these people will still be there." Somewhat useful.”

“Mr. of."

"Yes, then I will take some special precautions against those diners." Ji Yan said indifferently, but this calm attitude shocked Lu Ni.

Mother's sword, Jing Salamander, belongs to the Eight Swords of the King of Yue.The remaining seven of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue are all members of the Luowang Killer Organization. Under normal circumstances, there is no reason to be frightened. Salamander is an exception.

Considering that there was only a few months difference between his birth and the death recorded by Lord Xinling, Ji Yan already had the answer deep in his heart because his mother didn't need to tell him some truths.

She didn't react to this. Lord Xinling may have been very famous and was her father, but to Ji Yan, mother is more important than these!

"Don't worry, mother, Ayan will take care of everything!"

The conversation between the two pairs of mothers and their children in Gonggong Hall ended quietly, but Tian Hu’s voice in Lieshan Hall did not suppress any of it:
"Xia Kui may have encountered something unexpected. Big brother must be prepared to compete for Xia Kui!"

Tian Hu slapped the table and made a loud noise: "That boy Lu Wei from Gonggongtang is very powerful. We need to find a time to settle the matter early when he is not in Daze Mountain. In this way, we can use the power of Wutang to force us. We will not be afraid." He won’t submit!”

Both times he fought against Lu Wei, he was defeated at a huge disadvantage. Even though his skills had improved over the years, even the reckless Tian Hu didn't think he could defeat the leader of the Gonggong Hall in terms of force, so he was anxious. It’s almost time to grow a brain:

"Presumably that old man of the Zhu family has some ideas about the position of leader of heroes. We can work together to kick out the Gonggongtang first. Then we will compete with the Zhu family. The winner will definitely be the eldest brother!"

"Ah Hu, don't be impatient. I have a plan for the position of leader of heroes." Tian Meng calmly reassured his 'brother': "It is imperative to unite the five halls, but now the Zhu family is not in Daze Mountain, so the Zhu family will not make a decision. , Situ Wanli of Siyuetang will not place a bet easily."

"And that woman Tian Mi!" Tian Hu became a little quieter after listening to his elder brother's words. Although not much, after Tian Guang disappeared, only 'Tian Meng' could make him obey: "We spent so much effort to praise her as our Master Kui Wei, it turns out that this woman has shown her kindness to Gonggong Hall many times over the years, and her intention to change the family is obvious!"

"I think she has forgotten her last name!" "I have my own methods to deal with this woman." Tian Meng smiled confidently: "The first priority is to call the Zhu family back to Daze Mountain."

"It is said that the old man from the Zhu family has not had much contact with the Shennong Hall headquarters. I really don't know what this old guy is doing." Tian Hu crossed his chest and said, "How can I find him?"

"Lu Wei happens to be away from Daze Mountain now, so it's a good time for us to join forces."

"No need to search." Tian Meng tapped his fingers on the table: "As long as something happens to Shennong Hall, he will naturally come back!"

"Brother means"

"I will let Wu Chen handle this matter. He handles things neatly and has rich experience in this area."

"Yes, if brother has any instructions, I, Chi Youtang, can also go all out!"

After Tian Hu left, Wu Chen and Wu Kuang, whose pseudonym was Mr. Jin, walked in together.

"The plan can be put into action. If I become the hero, I can dedicate the entire farm to Lord Zhao Gao, and you two will naturally get the credit."

Tian Meng returned to his original voice and spoke proudly to Wu Chen and Wu Kuang.

"The boy who was once has now become a powerful enemy that needs to be dealt with by the Luowang Sect. It's really unpredictable in life."

Wu Chen chuckled, while Wu Kuang was expressionless.

An accident happened to Xia Kui. The leader of the peasant family's Lieshan Hall turned out to be Zhou Wen, a former traitor to the peasant family sent by Luo Wang. This undoubtedly revealed that Luo Wang's infiltration into the peasant family was already terrible.

Wu Kuang adheres to Xia Kui Tian Guang's instructions to him before his death, and must stick to the counter-infiltration of the net!

Now, he wanted to write down the plan for the peasant family planned by the two traitors Zhou Wen and Wu Chen verbatim, so that if they really caused the five halls to unite to oppress Gonggongtang, he would be able to jump out at the critical moment. The true identities of the two accused!

In addition, his nominal wife, Tian Mi, is also the one caught in the trap.
That incident nine years ago was part of the conspiracy!
Zhou Wen watched the two people's reactions and had some idea of ​​their mentality.

Wu Chen has a pure mercenary mentality. He is not a farmer to begin with. In the future, he can be killed and sacrificed as proof of the invasion of the net.

Since the sword was pierced into Xia Kui's body, even though he was under surveillance and forced by Zhi Ri, Tian Guang was captured by Zhi Ri because of himself. Now the plan must continue with ruthlessness!

As for Wu Kuang, as the spy arranged by Xia Kuang to get caught in the trap, he should be feeling more painful than himself at the moment.

After all, when Wu Kuang was revived after that incident and told him that the mission was successful, the other party's trembling hands were definitely not because of his injuries, but because he was suppressing his mood.

Wu Kuang didn't know that the farmer's side had prepared a sharp weapon to counterattack the snare, nor did he know that Xia Kui had already prepared to sacrifice himself in order to pierce the sharp weapon into the snare's heart.
As the role of 'exposing' himself, Wu Kuang still needs to endure this pain for a few more years.
"Over at Shennong Hall, you two should do it together. You must force them back to Zhu's house as soon as possible." After recovering his thoughts, Zhou Wen said calmly.

"It's just a matter of killing dozens of Shennong Hall disciples. I can go alone." Wu Chen waved his hands indifferently. He was very good at killing people.

"The Zhu family in Shennong Hall has recruited a lot of good people in recent years. Just in case, I'll go with you." Wu Kuang shook his head in a deep voice. The more critical the situation is, the less likely it is to expose any flaws.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to kill his fellow farmers, but if he didn't do it now, there would be a possibility of suspicion, and even if he wasn't exposed, he would most likely be transferred out of Daze Mountain.

For the sake of the overall situation of the entire farm, some farm disciples must be sacrificed.
"Well, that's settled then." Zhou Wen nodded with satisfaction and raised his hand to signal the two of them to retreat.

'According to what Xiakui said before, the Zhu family has a close relationship with Lord Changping. According to the situation in Chu State, the Zhu family probably went to Chen Ying when they disappeared mysteriously. '

'In a few months at most, the war in Chu will resume. By then Chu will be in danger, and the Zhu family must have a reasonable reason to return to Daze Mountain. '

'Even if you sacrifice some Shennong Hall disciples, it's still worth it. Today's farmers can sacrifice anyone! '

Looking at the backs of the two people who retreated, Zhou Wenbing thought.

A Shennong Hall leader is worth trading the lives of dozens of ordinary disciples.


This year's New Year has touched the heartstrings of at least one million people. At least the soldiers of the Qin and Chu armies knew that the passage of time on that day was more like a signal, a signal for the Qin army to go south to attack Chu!
In Chenying City, Lord Changping, based on his remaining intelligence network in the Qin State, investigated the advance route of the Qin army's 60 soldiers, and basically confirmed that Wang Jian would still take Li Xin's route. Therefore, Chenying City within a short time , will be safe.

It was under this circumstance that on New Year's Eve, the Zhu family received a message from Daze Mountain: a mysterious killer appeared in the Equinox Stream and massacred 29 Shennong Hall disciples in a few days. Shennong Hall had to increase patrols. Number of disciples.

Because he was in Lord Changping's study when he read the letter, the Zhu family directly spoke out this information to discuss with Lord Changping.

"Is Shennongtang the only one that was attacked?" Xiong Qi's keen intuition allowed him to directly connect the cause of the incident with Qin's general trend of attacking Chu.

The Zhu family mask turned to anger, but Changping Jun's next words made him calm down again: "The other party is probably trying to attract Hall Master Zhu back to Daze Mountain."

"This is just my guess. Does Hall Master Zhu have any suspects?" Changping Jun returned the letter and fabric to the other party and asked calmly.

"Shennongtang has no mortal enemies. It seems like they are deliberately trying to attract me back." The Zhu family's beard-stroking mask changed repeatedly: "It's suspicious. If you are really trying to attract me back, hehe, you have such unscrupulous intentions. There is only one person in the farmer’s family!”

"The purpose may be to intercept halfway, or it may be something else." Changping Jun did not ask who the person was. He also knew the situation in the farmhouse, so his thoughts were basically the same as those of the Zhu family: "The timing is too coincidental. Hall Master Zhu chose to How to do it?"

"Mr. Changping," the Zhu family said hesitantly.
(End of this chapter)

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