Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 236 Mohist Quicksand

Chapter 236 Mohist Quicksand
The Zhu family hesitated.

Changping Jun suggested that before going back, he might as well write a letter to Tian Meng of Lieshan Hall, stating in advance the time of his return, and at the same time, ask for help and entrust Lieshan Hall to help catch the murderer who attacked the disciples of Shennong Hall.

Zhu Jia's eyes lit up and he immediately followed the instructions.

The other party wanted to seduce the Zhu family back, but in fact, according to Changping Jun's vision, with the current situation among the farmers, it would be of little use for the Zhu family to stay in Chen Ying after the Qin-Chu war broke out, so it was time to go back and prepare a backup plan. .

But the time to go back will be a few months later.

Lord Changping has already sent a message to Yan Dan in Shouchun City. Everyone from the Mo family will come to Chen Ying in a while. At that time, the Qinglong Project will re-establish the alliance at the Jianghu level. By then, Lord Changping's child will be born. Zhu My family can still play some value in these aspects before I go back.

"After the covenant is made, do the madam and the two children want to go to Daze Mountain together for a while?"

After the Zhu family finished writing their reply to Daze Mountain, they put down their pens and looked up at Changping Jun: "If you enter Daze Mountain directly, you may be caught in a trap, but you are still safe in Miss Huaying's Zuimeng Tower."

"This war will not end so easily." Changping Jun rejected the Zhu family's proposal: "Until the war situation becomes clear, it will be better for them to stay to boost the morale of the soldiers."

"Our status is destined to bear those possible risks." Zhu Jiaben wanted to persuade him again, but after hearing this sentence, he sighed helplessly and gave up speaking.

New Year's Eve in Shouchun City is not peaceful. The night here starts with a killing.

Two disciples of the Mo family died, both of whom were pierced through the heart by feathers.

Although the two feathers were now red with blood, they were originally supposed to be snow white.

After Gao Jianli inspected the body, he stood up with a dark face: "It's Bai Fenghuang, the killer of Quicksand."

"Yeah!" The big hammer hit the wall hard: "Quicksand!"

"Axin and Ayi are the disciples who went out to investigate today. They must have recognized the quicksand man on the street, so they followed him!" Robber Zhi looked sad: "Both of them had been trained by Yan in Jicheng. Thanks to the favor of Master Dan, after Master Yan Dan was killed by Wei Zhuang, they have always harbored hatred in their hearts!"

"Liusha and the Mo family have a deep blood feud. This time we found traces of Bai Feng in Shouchun. We can't let him run away! The blood debt needs to be repaid with blood!" Big Iron Hammer said sternly.

"This matter needs to be reported to Juzi as soon as possible." Gao Jianli's fingers holding the Shuihan Sword turned white due to too much force, but he managed to maintain a certain degree of restraint on his expression.

"I'll go look for that miscellaneous feathered bird. You go and inform the giant." After the figure disappeared in a flash, the voice came out from the same place.

"I'm going to mobilize the disciples in the city." Big Iron Hammer also left, leaving Gao Jianli standing upright with his eyes closed and thinking for a few seconds before he walked towards the General's Mansion.

Although today is a special day, the General's Mansion of the Xiang clan was not lively. After requesting to report to the giant, Gao Jianli was taken to a secret room by his attendants.

He reported the news that the White Phoenix of Liusha appeared and killed two disciples of the Mo family, but the giant's reaction was just to shake his head silently.

"What are you worried about?" Gao Jianli asked calmly without being anxious.

"I know the hatred between Liusha and the Mo family, but before that, the Mo family has more important things to do." Under the black bamboo hat, the giant's vicissitudes of life and firm voice came out: "We are going to Chen Ying City next. Xiao Gao .You go and call back Xiaozhi and Big Hammer."

"Chen Yingcheng, yes, but..." Gao Jianli's eyes were no less determined than anyone else's: "How do you think the hatred on the quicksand side should be resolved?"

This issue is very important to Gao Jianli, and it is also important to the top leaders of the entire Mohist family.

Yan Dan looked at the opponent's posture through the black bamboo hat, and understood that she, who had faked her own death to hide her identity, could not be fooled on this issue: "I will personally end the hatred with Liusha in the future with Wei Zhuang, but now, nothing can compare with it." Anti-Qin plan!"

After the conversation between Juzi and Gao Jianli ended, the murderer Bai Fenghuang, who was being tracked by the Mo family, was no longer in Shouchun City, but came to an abandoned village far outside the city.

Here, both Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian are present.

"Looking at your expression, did you encounter something interesting in Shouchun?"

Playing with the slender blue-scaled flame snake in his hand, Chi Lian looked at his companions who arrived on time with a smile as always.

Unlike the childish Princess Honglian before, Chi Lian's smile now looks to many people like the breath of a poisonous snake before it attacks.

"It's not that interesting to be killed by me when I meet two Mo disciples who overestimate their abilities." Bai Feng crossed his arms and said, "Just thinking about the meaninglessness of their deaths makes me realize that Yan Dan's disguise is really Good intentions.”

"The Mo family." Wei Zhuang's face was expressionless. Liusha's killing of Yan Dan was a transaction. All subsequent consequences of this transaction must be borne by the other party. Liusha has no after-sales service.

"There are basically hundreds of schools of thought in Shouchun City, but they are very restrained among themselves. Unless the Chu State wins again, these people will still go back to where they came from." Bai Feng continued to report: "I think Among them, the cowardly King Qi of Qi State actually sent people to come, which is undoubtedly a more useful signal."

"Qi State, it's too late." The owner of Quicksand snorted coldly: "If you are afraid when things are about to happen, it will only make you laughable."

"Then what should we do next?" Chi Lian took a step forward: "The rebellion in Xinzheng did not expose our identity, but this handle will be in the hands of Luo Yu."

"The reason why the handle is a handle is because I care." Wei Zhuang turned around and prepared to leave: "Judging from the performance of Luo Sheng, they will not threaten Quicksand with such a thing."

"As for the next step, we have to continue to do our job in Quicksand."


In the south, Lu Wei stayed in Jingxian County for a while, and soon received news after the New Year: Wang Jian's army set out to attack Chu southward!

This war had nothing to do with him, but the two special letters sent along with the news of the war slightly surprised Hall Master Lu.

One came from Daze Mountain and was sent by Ji Yan.The other one came from Songhai and was sent by Fu Nian from Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

In the letter, Xiao Yan'er first reported the situation of Luna's arrival in Daze Mountain, but after just a brief mention, she frankly stated that she had contacted Siyuetang Zhang Er several times.

Zhang Er had almost collected a large amount of evidence against Situ Wanli in the process of opening casinos, brothels and other entertainment venues over the years.

In this kind of business, the less conscience, the more money you make.Situ Wanli's Four Seasons Casino is making a lot of money every day. Even if the investment in Daliang City suffers heavy losses, it can still gradually recover with the help of blood transfusions from other places, including the casino headquarters in Daze Mountain.

The pornographic gambling business is bound to be contrary to morality, and the farm family comes from the founder of the Shennong family, so it can be considered a well-known and upright family.These crimes were carefully studied in the peasant classics and morals, which was enough for Situ Wanli to drink from a pot.

At the same time, Zhang Er's own prestige among the lower-level disciples has reached a certain level. As long as there is an opportunity, he can initiate the re-election of the hall leader.

However, the farmhouse is composed of six halls, and the actions of Siyue Hall, even if it is the internal affairs of Siyue Hall, will inevitably be interfered by other halls, just like Kuei Hall in the past.

Zhang Er needs a strong outer court backer in order to completely punish Situ Wanli's crimes. Otherwise, once the crime is easily exposed, it will all be in vain.

Moreover, after Zhang Er overthrew Situ Wanli, the position of leader of the hall could not be filled by Zhang Er himself. This person was not actually close to Gonggong Hall. He needed another person who came from Gonggong Hall and was loyal to Hall Master Lu. The cronies who will not betray take over Siyuetang.

The last sentence was obviously Xiao Yan'er's private property, even though Lu Wei had promised Siyuetang to her before.

However, Xiao Yan'er is too young now. What she meant by these words was to request that the action against Siyuetang be delayed.

Wait until Ji Yan can come forward to take over Siyuetang, then deal with Situ Wanli, and then Zhang Er will lose to her "honestly" in the competition, everything is perfect.

Ji Yan even thought about the reason why the action was postponed for a few years: now that the Xia Kui is missing from the farm, the one closest to the position of Xia Kui is Lu Wei. If the other five halls don't give up, they will definitely unite. , giving priority to suppressing Gonggongtang.

The formation of this alliance will definitely take time.After the five halls unite, when their prestige is at its highest, causing trouble to Siyue Hall immediately will cause a huge blow to the five halls' momentum at the same time. Hall Master Lu will then be able to take the opportunity to directly become the leader of heroes!

This plan is partially similar to Lu Wei's original plan, which was to achieve his absolute dictatorship in the farmhouse by taking action against other churches.

It's just that Xiao Yan'er didn't have enough information and could only see one Siyue Hall.The master's plan is to cause trouble in Siyue Hall, Kuei Hall, and Lieshan Hall at the same time!

Lu Wei will implement the farmer's plan personally, and there is no need to reply to Ji Yan's letter in his hand. Anyway, he will return to Daze Mountain in a while.

Another letter from Fu Nian was well-written in words and sentences. The letter contained a very plain content about friendship, and the words probably contained the intention of inviting Lu Wei to go to Songhai to get together again.

Originally, Lu Wei had no plans to go to Songhai in recent years, but since Fu Nian, the head of Xiaoshengxian Village, sincerely invited him, he would take time to go there after finishing the business in Daze Mountain.

After having a friendly conversation with the two Taoist disciples Xiao He and Chen Ping in Jingxian County, he did not look down upon his close disciples from the farm family.

Li Zuoche and Peng Yue tamed the original giant wild water thieves into submission. Over the past year, this team recruited a group of Gonggongtang disciples who understood water properties and some Yue people to join, and became the first team under the name of the farmer. Navy division is of great significance.

It is just that the equipment is relatively backward. Compared with the Chu navy, the ships are too small.

Although this problem is troublesome, it is not very important. The role of the navy in this era is limited.

On the contrary, the good news coming from Amu's mechanism workshop is gratifying.
(End of this chapter)

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