Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 237 The net and yin and yang

Chapter 237 The net and yin and yang

"Is this the trap water snake?"

Lu Wei took a boat to the secret workshop east of Jinghu Lake, where he saw a crude new mechanical beast: the mechanical water snake.

To be honest, this thing in front of me is a bit unworthy of its name.

To describe it in the simplest terms, this is a 'snake egg', which is an oval-shaped metal 'egg' surrounded by a spiral mechanism snake.

When you get closer, you can see that the machine snake and the metal egg can be roughly separated.If nothing else, the 'egg' contains a driver, and the machine snake is quite aggressive.

Based on the size of an egg, including the driver, it can accommodate about five to six people.

"Yes, boss." Amu on the side explained the function of the water snake to Lu Wei: "The water snake is an underwater vehicle. Theoretically, it can carry six disciples down to a depth of twenty feet. Currently, our experiments in Jing Lake do not There are no problems, but due to technical reasons, it needs to continue to be improved before it can be tested in the sea."

A Qin Dynasty 'submarine' was placed in front of him. Although compared with the giant ship of the Mo family in Lu Wei's memory, and even the mechanical Xuanwu with its underwater searchlight, this mechanical water snake seemed not worth mentioning, but Amu was short. It is incredible that such a simple version of the machine beast could be created in such a short period of time.

Although he was no longer surprised by the mysterious power system of the machine beast, Hall Master Lu couldn't help but asked again: "How does it allow its disciples to breathe underwater?"

"There is a breathing mechanism in the 'Water Drop'. The pilot disciple can input internal air to drive the mechanism to ensure air circulation inside."

The 'water drop' refers to the metal oval ball. From the appearance, it is indeed dark blue.

"But the efficiency is limited. In theory, if it is fully loaded, it will have to surface every four hours after diving for repairs."

"The mirror lake is calm and the sea is calm. The test results can only prove that it can dive. This has only symbolic meaning. If it is to be tested on the seaside, it may require at least ten years of inspection and correction."

At this point, Amu sighed heavily: Although it is the result of imitating the drawings, due to various reasons, this cannot be regarded as a complete machine beast.

Compared with the difficulties in making mechanical oxen and mechanical roosters, this mechanical water snake really exposed the weak foundation of farmers' mechanical skills.

If the Mohist family or the Gongshu family were to make this water snake, it would definitely be faster and better.

"Just keep the technology accumulation for now." Lu Wei patted Amu's shoulder encouragingly: "The resources you can mobilize are too few now. In the future, you will have the opportunity to mobilize more help to help you with your research on the machine beast!"

The machine beasts that deviate from the theoretically orthodox scientific and technological route have endless possibilities. I will definitely let the Mo family and the public losers get involved on this path in the future!
Wang Jian led an army of 60 people from Baishui. Before arriving at Wuguan, he had already sent five waves of envoys back to Xianyang to seek rewards from King Qin.

After confirming that they had fully demonstrated their image of only being greedy for wealth, the army accelerated their progress.

The 40 Chu troops led by Xiang Yan had already set up defensive positions.The army had just defeated Li Xin's 20 troops a few months ago, but now its morale is strong and its fighting spirit is high.

Among the Xiang army, even the young master of the Xiang family, Shao Yu, who was only eight years old, wore the Seven Seas Dragon Armor and went to the front line.

This undoubtedly made the morale of the Chu army even stronger.

However, Wang Jian's actions after entering the Chu territory made this spirit unable to be used: the veteran commanded the troops to build strongholds in the areas of Shangshui, Shangcai, and Pingyu, and strictly ordered the troops not to go out to fight.

The veteran general has been fighting for many years and has never seen any formations. How could he let the Qin army take the initiative to collide with Chu's defense line?

Now that the State of Qin has destroyed the three Jin Dynasties, Dai and Yan are still hanging on. Although Wang Jian of Qi State wanted to do something, his uncle Sheng's mansion was sent dozens of boxes of treasures and gold coins by "unknown" distant merchants. The Prime Minister of Qi had his own means to make King Qi peaceful.

Qin has no worries and can take its time with Chu.

Soldiers are also dangerous. Even Sun Wu, the former military sage, said: The first is to attack the enemy with the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and then the second is to attack the city.It is of course the best method to force the 40 Chu troops to wait for failure without resorting to military means.

Xiang Yan couldn't wait for the Qin army to attack, and he couldn't retreat hastily. Taking the initiative to attack Wang Jian's defense would be a wasteful loss of soldiers' lives, so he could only sit quietly.

Theoretically, he could wait for the Qin army on the opposite side to make a mistake after being impatient for a long time, but the main general on the opposite side is Wang Jian.

Some generals can make a bloody war that determines the life and death of a million people very simple, and Wang Jian is undoubtedly the best among these generals.

It seems like he has done nothing, but he always wins with ease, without any suspense throughout the process.

Such a war was very uncomfortable for the young Shao Yu: this was not the bloody battlefield or passionate charge he had imagined.
From the very beginning, this kind of meditation was destined to take at least several months.It will end only if one party can't stand it any longer.

Generally speaking, the party that cannot stand it will often be the loser in the end.
At the time of the confrontation between Qin and Chu, the Zhu family who set off from Chen Ying and Lu Wei who set off from Jing County returned to Daze Mountain almost at the same time.

After the last incident with Xia Kui, the six hall masters finally gathered at the farm headquarters again, and this time, everyone obviously had their own thoughts.

With Xia Kui Tian Guang not showing up for a long time, neither the Autumn Harvest Conference nor the reward from the Shennong Order were held last year. This almost vividly told every farmer disciple the fact that Xia Kui was likely to get into trouble.

If there is a vacancy in the Xia leader, it must be filled. It is the choice of who should fill it. Among the six halls, not only the Gonggong Hall, but also a considerable number of disciples in the other five halls, all think that Lu Wei is the best choice.

Gonggongtang is the leader of all the halls, and Hallmaster Lu is undoubtedly the number one master of the farm. Isn’t this a good choice~
The master of the hall, who was sitting fishing by the mountain stream in the backyard, heard Ji Yan next to the fish basket with a small face and a serious report on the aspirations of the people in Daze Mountain, and chuckled melodiously:

"The Zhu family also went to Lieshan Hall after they came back?"

"Yes" opened the small book in his arms, Ji Yan opened yesterday's records, read out the Zhu family's actions accurately in time, and said: "Shennongtang was attacked continuously by mysterious killers at the end of last year, and the death The number of disciples is said to be over thirty."

"It is said that after the traveling Zhu family asked Lieshan Hall for help, Tian Meng took action himself, forcing the killer to be injured and flee, which resulted in many fewer deaths in Shennong Hall."

"So after Hall Master Zhu returned to Daze Mountain, he used the excuse of gratitude to visit Lieshan Hall." "Mysterious killer? There is such a thing~" He shook his head and pulled up the fishing rod. There were only two weak fish on it. The earthworm remained motionless and no fish took the bait.

Seeing this, Ji Yan took out a handful of bait from the small jar next to the fish basket and threw it into the water to make a nest. Then he helped the hall master hang two new energetic baits on the fish hooks: "From six In terms of the geographical distribution of the halls, the two adjacent halls to Shennong Hall are Lieshan Hall and Kuikui Hall. Kuikui Hall is weak, so in theory if the Zhu family is in trouble, there is no problem in asking Lieshan Hall for help nearby."

"However, judging from my contact with Zhang Er, there is indeed a trend in the alliance between the five halls, but for some reasons, we are still hesitant."

"The chance of becoming a hero is only so great, why are they still hesitating?" Lu Wei threw the hook again, his movements were very handsome, but it would be better if this hook could catch fish.

"It's Kuei Hall and Siyue Hall." Ji Yan smiled and explained the reason: "Tian Mi and Situ Wanli are actually from the same family. They saw that Gonggong Hall was powerful and had the leader of the hall, his brother, who was the best farmer in the family. Now, I feel that even if I join forces with Tian Meng and Zhu’s family to push Gonggongtang out first, the position of leader will not fall to them.”

"So, considering that they have to rely on each other anyway, of course they are more willing to rely on a strong person. Although Tian Meng and the Zhu family are already strong, they are not strong enough in front of the hall master's brother."

"In addition, Gonggongtang seems to be isolated and helpless now, so they are still thinking of 'giving help in times of need'."

"However, it all depends on whether the hall master brother is willing to send signals to Situ Wanli and Tian Mi to win over."

"What do Ayan think this hall master will do?" Lu Wei squinted at Xiao Yan'er, who repeatedly flipped through the small book in his hand and made a swiping sound, and calmly asked with the meaning of a school exam.

"A Yan can't see clearly what Hall Master's brother's plan is, but A Yan thinks we can accept them for the time being and then settle the matter after everything is settled." Ji Yan noticed Hall Master Lu's gaze and couldn't help but put down his hands and stand at attention. : "But Brother Hall Master should make another choice."

Siyue Hall and Kuei Hall are the next two halls with lower strength. Their alignment brings more nominal oppression than strength.Of course, reputation is important, otherwise Lu Wei would not have thought about the "Princess Collection Plan", but reputation can also be divided into good reputation and bad reputation.

Tian Mi and Situ Wanli are the examples of the bad reputation Lu will establish in the future. It's not that he can't associate with such people. In order to win, he can make any friends. However, now that he is guaranteed to win, why should he be tainted with these bad omens.

Lu Wei was happy to see the situation where the five halls united against him. Anyway, even if he got lost due to an accident, he could still use the Shennong Order to invite the Six Elders from the Six Xian Tomb to support him.

First treat the other five halls as enemies and subdue them, so that when you become the leader of the knights and change the position of the leader of these people, they will not dare to resist. The disciples below will also understand who is the only one in the current peasant family. day.

"Since you have already guessed my choice, why do you need to say the previous sentence more?"

Lu Wei stared at the slowly flowing water and said lightly.

"Hmm" Faced with this question, Ji Yan forgot his words for a moment: I guessed so accurately, shouldn't you praise me for being smart?

"If you don't catch three fish, you won't be allowed to go back to eat today."

Tossing the fishing rod to Xiao Yan'er casually, Lu Wei patted the non-existent dust on his hands and left the stream with his head held high.


Leaving Ji Yan by the stream, Lu Wei returned to the backyard to find the Moon God.

At this time, the right protector of the Yin and Yang family was taking Lu Qian together to compare the differences between the Canglong copper box of Chu and the Canglong copper box of Wei.

"Aren't you not interested in this secret?" Lu Wei asked calmly as he approached and patted Xiao Qian'er's head.

"It's not that I'm not interested, but I have more meaningful things to do than researching and cracking this secret that has little chance of being cracked." Luna didn't turn around, just continued to stare at the two boxes: "Now take the potential Studying the secret of the copper box together is one of the things more meaningful than the secret of the copper box itself."

"That's it." Lu Wei raised the corner of his mouth: "Then joining me will make this meaning even greater~"

"Not bad." Luna nodded calmly and agreed.

Late at night in Xianyang, after the CRRC Mansion ordered Mr. Zhao Gao to walk out of the palace, he disappeared into the night like a ghost.

The one-man dictatorship has been entangled for a long time, and Zhao Gao feels more and more like he has control over the entire world!
Sitting down on his own metal chair, Zhao Gao listened to his kneeling subordinate's report:

"Lord Zhanri took out three Canglong copper boxes from the Chu Palace, but after inspection, he found that they were all fake."

"Now that the war between Qin and Chu has begun, the Chu palace has stepped up its guard. Considering that Chu has prepared too many fake copper boxes to confuse the public, the probability of getting the real box is low, so Lord Zhanri has withdrawn from Shouchun."

"This time in Chu State, Luo Wang suffered a lot of losses. Can you find out what forces are behind it?" As for Chu State's calculation, Luo Wang can't actually be considered a failure. He exchanged some replenishable cannon fodder for two gains. A dozen precious swords are a good deal.

But the success or failure of the people below is actually entirely decided by Zhao Gao alone.Hiding the Sun is an old man who has made outstanding achievements. He mobilized such a senior killer to plunder the treasure house of Chu State Juyang, but was used by others instead. This can be regarded as a failure.

"There are no clues, but Lord Zhanri has memorized most of the treasure categories in Juyang's treasure house. As long as these treasures appear in the arena, the identity of the enemy can be immediately identified!"

"I hope he can continue not to disappoint me." Turning his palm over to reveal the black spider on his palm, Zhao Gao laughed darkly: "After Chu State, I am no longer interested in hearing about the affairs of Qi State. Now I only want the results, so you can tell me How about the investigation of the Yin Yang family?"

The "Yin Yang Family" reported that the killer seemed to have thought of something, and his whole body trembled: "We still cannot penetrate into the headquarters of the Yin Yang Family, and all the people sent to execute the plan in Xiaoxiang Valley have died."

"I'm afraid it will take a heaven-level adult to participate in the plan."

"It takes a genius-level killer to do everything. Aren't you all useless?" Even though Zhao Gao was angry, he was still smiling. However, as laughter spread, this made the reporting killer even more frightened.
The target of the mission, the Yin Yang Family, is extremely terrifying, but inside the net, it is also a devil's cave.
"Yes! My subordinates will restart the plan for the Yin Yang Family, but it will take time."

"One year." Zhao Gao stood up and said without even looking at the killer: "I won't get any useful clues after one year, so your team can go to Xiaoxiang Valley by yourself~"

(End of this chapter)

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