Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 238 Ceremony Battle against the Warrior Bone Demon

Chapter 238 Ceremony Battle against the Warrior Bone Demon

After the New Year, no matter what the six hall masters think of each other, this face-to-face gathering is still necessary.

The meeting place was Xia Zhi Village, a small village close to the Six Immortals Tomb. Each of the six hall masters only brought one attendant there. This arrangement obviously had a special meaning.

Among the experts in the hall, Lu Wei randomly chose Dianqing as his companion to set off together.

The ceremony is huge and can bring a strong sense of oppression to people's faces. Even if they don't take action, it is still a shock.

In the other five halls, as far as Hall Master Lu knows, there is no character who can break through the hard defense of the ceremony.

There is no suspense about the fact that the master in the hall that Lieshan Hall Tianmeng brought with him to make a strong impression is Wu Chen.

Although there are still dexterous killers like Mute Nu in Lieshan Hall, Mute Nu's hard strength is not that good after all. He may be of some use against ordinary disciples, but once he rises to the level of formal competition among the masters of the martial arts world, this person will not be able to compete with the masters in the arena. The 'mute' killer who offended the powerful and had to join a peasant family for shelter has never won.

On the surface, Wu Chen's apparent strength in the peasantry was slightly higher than that of the bone demon led by Chiyoutang Tianhu.Lu Wei had competed with the opponent several times before, but the military officials had some reservations that time. A rough estimate was that the snare killer, who had worked for King Yan, Yan Dan, and Yan Chunjun in the Yan Kingdom, was now about the same strength as Tian Hu.

The only person Siyuetang Situ Wanli could bring with him was Zhang Er, the manager, but Kueitang was even worse. Tian Mi was leading a passerby, and even Tian Mi himself didn't care about Kueitang's weakness.

The Zhu family was the only one in the Six Halls that brought a surprise to Lu Wei. The candidate he selected for the meeting in Shennong Hall this time was not Liu Ji, but the newly recruited ranger Fan Kuai.

Fan Kuai, a warrior in the world, was tall and tall, with a rough beard. The weapon he used was a huge sword, which was similar in size to Chen Sheng's giant sword.But if compared with the giant sword known as the 'Supreme', Fan Kuai's giant sword is not a famous sword, and its style is extremely rough. It seems that it was made by a craftsman with poor skills who only added materials and weight without paying attention to its appearance. A sword made.

Even so, such a huge weapon that is beyond the ordinary sword, once it is wielded, is not much worse than an ordinary famous sword.

The strength of Shennongtang has increased, which is a great good thing for Lu Wei. In the future, these people will be his subordinates~
There are two purposes for the gathering in Xia Zhi Village. The first is the issue of the direction of the farmers in troubled times, and the second is the issue of heroes and leaders.

Now the Qin-Chu war is facing off, 60 vs. 40. Even Tian Hu can see that the situation in Chu is not good. The previous case of defeating Li Xin's 20 army is not worthy of reference at all.

And after Chu's defeat, will Qin let Qi go?
In the future, it is very likely that Daze Mountain will come under the rule of the Qin State in a few years. How to face such changes, Liutang needs to come up with a unified attitude.

It is undeniable that under the leadership of Xia Kui Tian Guang, who has disappeared before, the Nongjia has been generally biased towards the forces of the Six Nations for ten years, but there is nothing that can be done about it. The sphere of influence of the Sixth Hall of the Nongjia is within the Six Kingdoms, and they have not gone there. He had a direct confrontation with Qin.

I think Qin State will not attack farmers.

"The King of Qin has a grudge. No one can say for sure about this kind of thing. In my opinion, I still want to take the initiative to express my obedience to Qin."

He didn't want to experience Situ Wanli's loss in Daliang City again in Daze Mountain.It is not necessary for the peasant family to completely surrender to the Qin State, but it is reasonable to express their goodwill of not intending to rebel.

"The power of Qin is great, but our peasant family is small." The Zhu family and Lord Changping have made an agreement that the peasant family cannot unite to oppose Qin at this moment. Unifying the opinions of seeking survival first will be more conducive to subsequent plans: "Brother Situ's opinion can be used as a reference. ."

'The Zhu family has a lot of interests in the Chu State. This guy certainly doesn't want his farmers to become enemies with the Qin State, causing him heavy losses. '

Tian Hu thought like this in his heart, slapped the table and shouted loudly: "The Qin State is somewhat powerful, but my peasant family is not easy to bully. As long as the two sides are not in conflict with each other, there is no need to express goodwill to Ying Zheng. "

"What's more, Daze Mountain is still nominally under the jurisdiction of Qi State. As far as I know, King Qi has signs of recruiting troops in the country. It's hard to say what the future of the war will be like, let alone show favor to Qin State so early!"

"Now that Xiakui is not here, we might as well follow the attitude of the Qi court!"

Tian Hu's purpose was very clear. He didn't think much about it. He just wanted the Qin army to confiscate part of Shennongtang's interests in Chu State in order to weaken Shennongtang's strength.

In this way, eldest brother's Lieshan Hall will naturally surpass Shennong Hall and become the second largest hall in the farmhouse!

As for the plan of the five halls to unite to intimidate Gonggongtang, Tian Hu certainly has not forgotten it, but this alliance must have an 'alliance leader'. If Shennongtang maintains its strength and the Zhu family still has the strength to compete with his elder brother for the alliance leader, That would be very bad.

"What do you think of Hall Master Lu?" Tian Meng heard his brother's plan, but did not express his opinion on it. Instead, he turned to look at Lu Wei: "Gonggong Hall is the first hall of the farmhouse, and Hall Master Lu's opinion is up to us. It plays a very important role~”

"That's right, since Tian Guang Xiakui disappeared," Tian Mi's eyes lit up, and she took advantage of Tian Meng and said, "Hall Master Lu is the best successor to Xiakui in the eyes of the disciples. How do we think about Hall Master Lu's opinion?" This must be seriously considered~”

Realizing that several people were paying attention to him at the same time, Lu Wei calmly said: "In my opinion, the war between Qin and Chu has just begun. Both sides are big countries, and it will be difficult for this war to end in the short term. We might as well take advantage of this time to start The matter of Xia Kui will be settled, and then Xia Kui will decide his attitude towards Qin."

"What do you think?"

How to get along with the Qin State, which is likely to unify the world in the future, is a serious issue, but from within the peasant family, it is more urgent to first establish a leader that everyone recognizes.

Arguing about the first point of discussion will not lead to any results. In fact, the always reckless Tian Hu's opinions may be more acceptable to everyone after being combined. Hall Master Lu is determined to promote his own plan, so he deliberately brings the topic into this scene. The second point of discussion at the meeting: the issue of Xia Kui.

Before discussing the issue of Xiakui, the entourage everyone brought today has played a role:

Because Wu Chen who received the signal was deliberately looking for trouble, he and the taciturn Dianqing had friction over some trivial matters.Dianqing's intention was to give in, but today he represented Gonggongtang, so he had to fight back.

The friction outside disturbed the Sixth Hall Master who was talking in the room. Under Tian Meng's plan, when the Sixth Hall Master came out together, Wu Chen and Dianqing had already developed signs of taking action.

After Dianqing made a mistake in the past and accidentally killed a good man, he always had a calm mind while blindfolded.

After the Kingdom of Wei was destroyed, Dianqing had no desires and desires. He just wanted to live an ordinary life and teach his juniors and disciples who joined the farm together the secrets of the armor-clad sect.

If Hall Master Lu needs it, he can charge and fight again.

Despite this, it does not mean that the bloody nature of the ceremony has completely disappeared.With the military minister's cunning, it was no problem to force Dianqing to take action, but the result after Dianqing took action would definitely be worse than he imagined.

Because the topic 'happened' to mention the issue of Xiakui, the friction outside was initiated by Tian Meng and none of the hall masters objected, and turned into a melee between the masters of the six halls.

None of the six hall masters believed that there was no design involved, but because everyone had their own purposes, the melee unfolded without any worries.

Lu Wei was absolutely confident in Dianqing and ignored Kuei Hall. Even with the addition of Fan Kuai, who was unexpected by Shennong Hall, it would be even more difficult to win Dianqing.

What's more, there is Zhang Er who can fish in troubled waters. After all, this battle is nominally a melee.

In the small central square of Xia Zhi Village, the masters of the Sixth Hall stood in a hexagonal shape. The Master of the Sixth Hall interrupted the meeting and stood on the edge of the square to watch the battle.

There was no need for anyone to give orders. After everyone set up their positions, the fight started naturally.

At the beginning of the melee, Liutang chose his opponents in pairs and then separated a space in a regular manner without interfering with each other:

The ceremony is against the military officials, Zhang Er is against Fan Kuai, and the bone demon is against the passers-by in Kuei Hall.

They were fighting each other back and forth. Except for the group of Jingqing Warriors, which was a little more angry, the other groups were still fighting for friendship.

Judging from the appearance and style of Wu Chen's sword, it is not an ordinary long sword.Perhaps it should also belong to the ranks of famous swords, but its characteristics are not obvious. There are several famous swords in Lu Wei's mind that may have corresponding names.

But that's not important. Just relying on the famous sword itself, even Mo Xie, the fifth-ranked swordsman, can't defeat the hard work of the ceremony.

Wu Chen's attack did not even need to be symbolically blocked for the ceremony. He just waved the two swords in his hands and charged at Wu Chen unimpeded.

Wu Chen's sword moves were exquisite, and he dodged the opponent's attacks one after another. However, whether the long sword in his hand stabbed the opponent's arm, chest or neck, except for making his palms tremble due to the shock, it did not cause any harm to the ceremony.

As the attack speed of the ceremony accelerated, Wu Chen suddenly became in danger.

"Who is the origin of this general from Gonggongtang?" The Zhu family looked on the sidelines dumbfounded. He knew the strength of the warrior very well. He had sharp swordsmanship and killed people with ease. But now he was unable to do any harm to the big man of Gonggongtang. .

"It's Dianqing, the master of the Armored Sect in Wei Guoyuan. I met him a few times in Daliang, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful and join the Gonggong Hall. I really envy others."

Situ Wanli frowned and explained to his best friend Zhu Jia that firstly he did not expect Dianqing to be so strong in the Armored Sect, and secondly he did not expect that Dianqing would actually join the farmer's family.

If we had known this, wouldn't Siyuetang be able to recruit this talent before Gonggongtang?
"Ceremony." Tian Meng on the side was silent after hearing the introduction, while Tian Hu seemed to be gritting his teeth: Although he could defeat Wu Chen, he had always recognized the fierceness of Wu Chen's swordsmanship.

Now even Wu Chen couldn't scratch the festival skin with all his strength. Although his Tiger Soul Sword Technique was more powerful, it was difficult to achieve better results than Wu Chen.

This shows that the strength of this ceremony in Gonggong Hall is the best even among the six farm masters!
"Gonggongtang is really full of talents, but Kueitang is pitiful~"

Tian Mi said in a sweet voice, the strength of Gonggongtang was undoubtedly further demonstrated in this battle.

It plays an important guiding role in the selection of Kui Kui Tang’s team.

On the field, Wu Chen was in danger many times. He had already used all his strength, but he was still chased and beaten by Dianqing.

If Liutang Qingyi hadn't deliberately slowed down his attack speed several times, he might have been cut in half by that big sword several times.

Reluctantly, he gave the bone demon, who was always paying attention, a look while he was dodging. The bone demon immediately understood and kicked the passer-by of Kuei Hall who was fighting with him out of the square, and then crawled towards the ceremony from behind.

The sudden attack wrapped around Dianqing's back like a snake, and the bone demon slashed at Dianqing's throat mercilessly with the sickle in his hand.
There was a clang, but there was no movement.
Being sneak-attacked from behind, Dianqing growled, threw a big knife and knocked the warrior back violently, then reached his back with one hand, but the bone demon failed to hit him, and crawled on Dianqing's arm to dodge: his figure was considered normal. Height, but compared to the burly Ceremony, he was probably only as long as the opponent's arm.

While dodging, the bone demon slashed several times with the sickle in his hand, but still only produced a few sparks, and Dianqing's body was unscathed.

This is the supreme hard skill of armor-clad sect, which is 'bronze head and iron arm, able to fight without any injury'!
Even if Lu Wei holds the Sea-Swallowing Sword, it is extremely difficult to hurt the ceremony. The strength of the few people on the field is still far behind.
(End of this chapter)

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