Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 239 The battle point with fellow disciples is over

Chapter 239 The battle point with fellow disciples is over
After the bone demon dodged the attack, he retreated and took positions with Wu Chen in the north and south, using the Dize 24 formation to surround the ceremony.

The Softest Bone Kung Fu and the Hardest Kung Fu are polar opposites, but the Bone Demon's skills are far inferior to those of the ceremony, so they are severely hindered in the fight.

As a killer who has been in the world for many years, Wu Chen has not encountered targets who practice hard skills before entering the farmhouse to lurk, but those people's hard skills are far less hard than those of Dian Jing.

Just now, under the pressure of Dianqing, Wu Chen had to rush to resist. Now, with the cooperation of the bone demon, he calmed down and found that he could not break through Dianqing's defense head-on. Naturally, he had enough energy to start looking for the opponent to cover the door.

The shield is the weak point of those who practice external martial arts. Often, no matter how hard the skill is, as long as the shield is hit, [-]% of the whole body's skill will be removed, and even the whole body of martial arts will be completely useless.

This competition is just a competition between fellow farmers. According to the rules of the martial arts, if they cannot defeat the opponent's hard skills head-on and cannot knock them out of the competition stage, it is appropriate for the warrior minister and the bone demon to admit defeat.

The practice of searching for people to hide their martial arts skills and destroying them is a method of vendetta, and should not be seen in farmers who value 'brotherly love'.

However, although Wu Chen is the general manager of Lieshan Hall, he has never thought of himself as a peasant disciple. If you use hard work, it will be useless. If you say it is an accidental injury, it means that you have no morals, and others always have morals.

The bone demon was told by Tian Hu to obey the military minister's arrangements before going on stage, so he just carried out the order.

This former Taihang killer has an ugly appearance and an even worse reputation, but there is one thing that makes the bone demon at least qualified as a subordinate: he is very loyal and obedient.

From this aspect, the bone demon with cruel killing methods also has a chivalrous style of "one word and one word".

The martial arts ministers of Lieshan Hall and the bone demons of Chiyou Hall joined forces to fight against the Gonggong Hall ceremony with Dize 24. Everyone had expected this scene before the brawl started, and Fan Kuai and Zhang Er on the other side, the two of them had previously Even friends.

Situ Wanli didn't pay much attention to the identity of Zhang Er's former disciple Xinling, but Liu Ji from Shennongtang always respected Lord Xinling very much, and even treated Zhang Er as his eldest brother.

Fan Kuai was a strong man Liu Ji met while drinking outside Daze Mountain. Through this medium and the relationship between Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall, it was normal for Fan Kuai and Zhang Er to have met several times before today.

Before the melee began, the two men received instructions from their respective hall masters to act according to circumstances.

Of course Zhang Er understood Situ Wanli's speculative intentions.As for Fan Kuai, although he uses a giant sword as a weapon and looks like a "Tian Hu" character, in fact, he is very bold and careful in daily life.If someone easily thinks of Fan Kuai as a "reckless man" because of his appearance, he will suffer a big loss.

In this world, there are very few people who can achieve a high status and have good martial arts skills.

The two of them moved to the edge of the field first while playing in tacit understanding, leaving the center of the stage to the other three.

The passerby of Kuei Hall who was kicked out of the venue wanted to apologize to his own hall master, but before he could reach the place, Tian Mi motioned him to leave with an indifferent look from a distance.

After driving away the embarrassing things, Tian Mi withdrew her gaze and continued to laugh with several hall leaders:

"I heard that the hard skills of the armored door are driven by internal energy. Even if the door can't be found, if the target's internal energy can be slowly exhausted, this big guy will still be able to catch him. I wonder if that's the case?"

"It's really good, but in that case, this competition will have to continue until tomorrow." Lu Wei nodded loudly: "It's just a small competition between farm brothers. The outcome is not important. I think the celebration will not let the battle continue. So long."

"So Hall Master Lu is very confident that the battle will be over soon?" Situ Wanli looked at Zhang Er and Fan Kuai's movements with satisfaction and smiled.

After he finished speaking, before Lu Wei could answer, Zhu Jia calmly looked at his best friend and said with meaning:

"Gonggongtang's strength is bottomless. On the contrary, we here at Brother Lu are all a bunch of old antiques. If Dianqing's strength cannot be compared to one-on-five, Brother Lu will not bring him here~"

"I wonder what Brother Lu thinks of what I said~" The mask behind the Zhu family's hands turned into a smiling face. Thousands of people with thousands of faces are really good at disguising their emotions.

"Brother Zhu has really sharp eyesight. Dianqing can indeed be one-on-five." Lu Wei looked at the two figures rolling up and down on the field who could not hurt Dianqing even with the blessing of Dize 24, and praised Dianqing's strength without any humility. .

As soon as these words came out, Tian Hu's face turned even darker. Did this sentence really just refer to the ceremony?
"Palace Master Lu is so confident, how about letting Fan Kuai and Zhang Er join in and give it a try?" Tian Meng said in a deep voice, and at the same time he looked at Tian Mi. Tian Mi, who was being watched, hurriedly waved her hand: "That one is so good. I have already sent the ugly guy away, and besides, if he goes up, he will only hinder the actions of a few experts, so it is better not to get involved."

"What do you two brothers mean?" Hall Master Lu asked the question to the Zhu family and Situ Wanli.

"It's not good for four to besiege one." Situ Wanli was obviously unwilling: he didn't want to offend Lu Wei, and even if the four masters won, there would be nothing to be proud of, and it would be even more embarrassing if they lost.

What happened today will definitely spread in Daze Mountain. Siyuetang was injured not long ago. If Kueitang didn't take a trip into this muddy water, Situ Wanli would not be willing to let his men embarrass themselves again.

Siyue Hall and Kuei Wei are at the bottom of the Six Halls. If Siyue Hall is not as famous as Kuei Hall because of this kind of thing, it will be troublesome to recruit new disciples in the future.

"Palace Master Lu means yes, but Brother Situ is holding back." Tian Meng reached out and patted Situ Wanli on the shoulder. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by the Zhu family's laughter:

"Brothers Fan Kuai and Zhang Er, Hall Master Lu said that their Hall Dianqing's strength is no problem against the four of you together. Do you two have any ideas to verify it?"

The Zhu family turned around and asked the question to the people on the court, and their words were quite provocative.

If Lu Wei was not properly prepared today, he would suffer a loss because of his arrogance.And if the ceremony is really that strong, Si Tang is today the stepping stone for Gong Gong Tang.

Whether the Zhu family was engaging in a battle of heroes or whether they were intending to help Lu, it was definitely not clear from his masked face.

Bang, Zhang Er and Fan Kuai stopped after their swords collided.They heard the Zhu family's words clearly. After looking at each other, they looked hesitant, but before they spoke, Dianqing, who also heard the voice from the other side, rushed out of the place where there were only two people. Ze 24 thrust his two knives into the ground and shouted: "You guys, come on together!"

Having been made a choice by his opponent, Zhang Er and Fan Kuai no longer had any thought of retreating.After nodding to each other, they held swords, together with the military ministers and the bone demon, and surrounded the ceremony.

'The owner of the armored sect doesn't have such a reckless character in my impression. Situ Wanli frowned and subconsciously glanced at Lu Wei, who was taking his time. If he calls Zhang Er again at this moment, he will obviously not give the Zhu family face, which is not okay.

It seems that all we can do is pray that they win.

The situation on the field was ready to go, but because two new people were added, land rule 24 could no longer be used.

Fan Kuai joined the farm not long ago and has not yet learned this formation.If the other three people formed a formation, they would conflict with Fan Kuai before attacking the ceremony, so it would be better not to do so.

The skills of the four of them are not very strong. At most, they are on par with Tian Hu alone. For the ceremony, this kind of pressure is barely fearable.

He is not worried about the attack of the four people, including Fan Kuai's giant sword. The trouble is that Dianqing himself is too big and has poor flexibility, so it is still difficult to defeat the four people.

The four people collaborating on the field only glanced at each other, and a simple strategy was quickly formed: Fan Kuai used his giant sword to confront Jianqing head-on, the Bone Demon used his softness to interfere with it, and Wu Chen and Zhang Er looked for each other's weaknesses.

You don't have to worry about so much, and you don't even need to break the door. You just need to find an opportunity to knock the bottom of the ceremony unstable, and then knock it to the ground with a last hit. Regardless of whether it causes actual damage, immediately put away the weapon to show your commitment. Let', so they win.

The fewer rounds this process takes, the more likely it is that the name of clown will be lost to the arrogant Gonggongtang!

Dian Jing is much older than his four opponents, and his gray hair is a sign of time.In terms of experience against the enemy, this armored sect leader, who was a soldier of Wei, was no less experienced than those who had been in the martial arts world.

He also understood the cooperation strategy that his opponent would choose. Hall Master Lu had specifically promised in advance for today’s battle that victory would be used to establish prestige for Gonggong Hall. Therefore, although Dianqing was put off when fighting Wu Chen, now he wants to explode with all his strength. Defeat one of them as quickly as possible!
Fan Kuai's giant sword is relatively the most threatening, Zhang Er and Wu Chen are waiting for the opportunity, secondly, the harassment of the bone demon is the most disgusting if I have to describe it.
With a goal in mind, Dianqing pulled out two bronze swords and pretended to turn sideways to hit Fan Kuai with an iron mountain movement.

Fan Kuai's height is over 1.9 meters according to the standard size of later generations, but he still looks like a child in front of the [-]-meter-tall and extremely stout figure.If this collision were to materialize, the consequences would be disastrous.

Concentrating his concentration, Fan Kuai held his sword with both hands, preparing to meet his opponent's arrival.

On the other side, the bone demon kicked off its hind legs and quickly approached, hoping to continue climbing on the ceremony and restrict the opponent's movements.The figures of Wu Chen and Zhang Er also moved at the same time, raising their swords to stab directly at Dian Qing's legs.

However, who would have expected that the blindfolded ceremony seemed to be predicting the future. The powerful and heavy charging action could actually use the inertia of waving the folded sword to change direction and collide head-on with the charging bone demon.
Even if the swords of Wu Chen and Zhang Er stabbed him first, they neither caused any wounds nor could they change the attack direction of the ceremony.

"Remember, first spread the rumor that senior Gonggongtang Dianqing defeated the other five masters by himself in a few moves, and then refute the rumors after everything is widely known."

In the Gonggong Hall, Ji Yan patiently ordered his disciples with a straight face: "The content of the refutation is: Senior Dianqing did not defeat the masters of the five halls together, he only defeated the masters of the four halls except Kuei Hall."

"Yes, I understand." The disciple stepped back clearly.

It was already the next day, and the meeting in Xia Zhi Village was not over yet, but since the ceremony in the competition square bumped into the Flying Bone Demon and resisted Fan Kuai's thunderous sword strike, everything no longer mattered.

A martial arts competition between the same sects is all about points, and the outcome can probably be decided for a certain reason, unless it really comes down to life and death.

The personal strength of Dianqing and Lu Wei made the competition for the title of hero a battle in the eyes of those who still wanted to compete for the title of knight, and they certainly could not rely on force to decide.Even if the five halls really unite, they will have to use other methods to squeeze Gonggong Hall out of the vote for the Yandi Jue, for example?

It's not difficult to vote, just a few hall leaders can stand together.

The difficulty is how to get the increasingly powerful Gonggong Hall and their own disciples to recognize the voting results.

This is something that worries Zhou Wen. Luo Wang needs him to produce results as soon as possible.

If he wants to climb higher in the net, Zhou Wen needs to have more achievements. He needs a reason to let the various halls come to make enemies of Gonggong Hall under his own instigation. At least in the eyes of the net, he needs to be a real one. Peasant traitor.

There are Luowang disciples in Daze Mountain who are responsible for monitoring the actions of this fake Tianmeng. There is no chance and no risk of possible exposure to discuss with Lu Wei again, including the matter about Xiakui. Zhou Wen believes that the two of them must They all know some special secrets to share.

In the four halls except Lieshan and Gonggong, Tian Hu is very obedient. Tian Mi uses a snare to give orders and is not afraid of her doing anything. Siyuetang is a speculator, and the problem lies with the Zhu family.

But this guy from the Zhu family vaguely has his own secrets, and his support for Tian Meng's plan is vague and ambiguous.

The good news is that no contact between the Zhu family and Lu Wei has been found so far, and someone from Lu will definitely not contact the Zhu family privately to influence the plan. To get the Zhu family to stand on their side, I am afraid the Zhu family will need to "consciously" realize something. .

This old fox will realize the tacit understanding between the two parties.

Just as Zhou Wen expected, the Zhu family in Shennong Hall was really confused about yesterday’s meeting:
"Why would Mr. Lu take the initiative to push me, Situ Wanli, and even that woman Tian Mi to Tian Meng's influence?"

A person is thinking in the dark, and the masks of the Zhu family are ever-changing.
As the oldest of the current Six Hall Masters, after close contact, the Zhu family's intuition told him: Lu Wei and Tian Meng seemed to be cooperating silently.

"Is the key point of this cooperation here?"

(End of this chapter)

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