Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 240 Internal Affairs

Chapter 240 Internal Affairs
The medical clinic opened by Dr. Nianduan in Gonggongtang is near the three-way intersection between Gonggongtang headquarters and Qiubun Ridge.

To the south is Gonggongtang, and to the north is Chiyoutang. It is the only road west of the Daze Mountains that can transport bulk goods, carriages and caravans in and out.

To the east is the direction of Liuxian Tomb. You can go around the road outside Liuxian Tomb to Lieshan Hall.

As an important transportation hub in Daze Mountain, Chiyoutang disciples form the first line of defense in Qiubun Ridge in the north. The intersection itself is the daily guard and inspection of Gonggongtang.

This kind of arrangement has not been used in emergency situations at least in the memory of these three generations. Qi State has not experienced a war in the past 50 years, and Daze Mountain has naturally developed steadily along with it.

But since last year, after the Qin army was stationed in the old Wei towns that the exit of this avenue passed through, inspections here became stricter.

The main reason why Nianduan Medical Clinic was opened here is because it is close to the place where medicine is collected, making it convenient for her to teach her students.

In addition, a sitting hall has been set up in the Dazeshan headquarters. In the first, middle and last days of each month, Nianduan needs to take his disciples to sit in the hall for two days as a practice.

In the past few years, the simple Jianghu first-aid manual by old doctors has been widely spread in Gonggongtang. These basic treatment methods have been used by farm disciples with good feedback.

In fact, many methods have rough solutions based on the experience of people in Jianghu who have suffered repeated injuries. After these native methods have been summarized, optimized and formed into a system by this medical master, they are undoubtedly more convenient to use.

When Lu Wei brought Duan Murong to the medical clinic, the old doctor was giving lessons to Rong'er's junior brothers and sisters.

Compared with the caring and meticulous way he taught Duan Murong when he was in charge, Nianduan cannot teach these less talented disciples like Master Kong in the past. He can only follow the advice of Hall Master Lu and teach batches of basic medical principles in batches. semi-professional talents.

Among the [-] disciples in the farmhouse of Daze Mountain, the proportion of real doctors is extremely low, and most of them are only served by older and more experienced elderly people.

Nianduan himself is older and has more limited energy.In addition to providing medical treatment to the middle and senior management of Gonggong Hall and above, the more ordinary disciples below can only rely on these students who have little knowledge to slowly practice and sum up experience.

When there are many people teaching, the best among them will always come out.

After the course, Duan Murong went to chat with her master, and the master of the hall came to these farmers and doctors disciples to listen to their feedback since they walked in the Daze Mountains.

Although these people are all disciples of Gonggong Hall, and their main scope of work is also Gonggong Hall, when the outer hall encounters an emergency, it is inevitable not to come to Gonggong Hall to invite doctors to treat illnesses.Healers have easier access to key secrets than ordinary spies.

These disciples who can come to Dr. Nian Duan's medical clinic to study have all passed Ayu's assessment and are members of the secret guards of Gonggongtang.Every ten days, a large amount of information will be reported from them.

The importance of medical spies is an important part of the Gonggongtang intelligence network. In order to show the importance he attaches to these people, Lu Wei always takes time to visit the medical center every time he returns to Daze Mountain.

These things can be hidden from others, but certainly not from Nianduan, the teacher who teaches them medical skills.As a pure doctor, it was hard for the old doctor to think highly of such things. However, every time he came to visit, Mr. Lu would bring Duan Murong with him. Seeing the joyful expression of his most beloved disciple, Nian Duan could not help but sigh. If you don’t know what to do, what can you do?
In the evening, watching his disciple being taken for a walk by Lu Wei, who was not surprised, the old doctor looked askance at the students in the hall, and led them emotionlessly to the branch pharmacy to process the medicinal materials.

"There is an undercurrent surging in Liutang. In order to fight for power, people may do anything. You must be careful."

Duan Murong looked at the red sunset in the sky, looked at the tall and tall figures around her with the corner of her eyes, and couldn't help but said long-windedly.

The current situation of the farm family touches the heartstrings of everyone in Daze Mountain. Even Duan Murong, who usually devotes himself to studying medicine and stays away from disputes, is also worried.

"Don't worry, although I'm not good at conspiracies, I've experienced a lot and I'm not afraid of other people's conspiracies."

He raised his head and looked at the setting afterglow. Although the late sun was still very dazzling, after all, it was only the last light before his death today, and he had not even begun his rising period: "You don't have to do anything about farm matters. Worry."

"Yes." Duan Murong hummed lightly. She was not good at intrigues, and after giving him a reminder out of emotional reaction, she thought that all she could do was to continue to improve professionally to support his medical skills.

'Although I can't help Brother Lu with affairs like A Xue, my medical skills are also very useful! '

After silently cheering himself up, the little medical fairy took the initiative to hold the arm of the person next to him.

After returning from the walk, I stayed overnight in the old doctor's hospital.

Early the next morning, Duan Murong met her master at the door of the room with a slightly red face. Duan Murong bowed her head and saluted. After Nian Duan walked away without expression, she subconsciously gritted her teeth and raised her fist to hit Lu Wei's arm.

It doesn't mean it's fine if you prick it with a silver needle.The master of the hall knew that she would stay here for a few more days and wait until the old doctor went to the headquarters to take charge before going back together, so he returned to Gonggong Hall alone first.

After visiting the medical clinic, Hall Master Lu discussed the war in Chu with Li Mu at Yangui Ridge.

Regarding Xiang Yan, Li Mu could only speculate on him based on the information in the intelligence, but as for Wang Jian, he was one of his old acquaintances.

Wang Jian relied on the powerful Qin State, and the war strategy he used did not require intelligence investigation. He could guess that he would not fight after entering the Chu State.

As the 'strongest' general of the Xiang clan, Xiang Yan didn't have to worry about the King of Chu's dismissal, but his lack of frontal offensive capabilities was the reason why he was destined to fail.Looking at Xiang Yan's achievements over the years, there are no obvious offensive achievements.Even when Li Xin was defeated last year, it was a counterattack that relied on luring the enemy in and coupled with Changping Lord's rebellion and harassment.

The Chu army, like the Zhao army, was one of the few armies that still had fighting spirit at the end of the Six Kingdoms period.Wang Jian's solution to the two armies was also very consistent: it was the Qin army's persistence that depleted the enemy's morale.

Xiang Yan was able to mobilize an army of 40 to confront Wang Jian, which was a rare thing in itself, but he did not have the ability to effectively use the Chu army's attack.

Li Mu may be able to do this slightly better than his opponent, but if he wants to defeat Wang Jian, the most important thing is to find opportunities in the ever-changing battle situation every day, instead of just relying on verbal ideas to defeat the enemy.

Li Mu had no confidence that he could defeat Wang Jian by putting himself in Xiang Yan's position, not just him, but also even if Sun Wu was resurrected.

As long as the generals on both sides are not particularly stupid, in a battle involving millions of people, it will be a competition of national strength until the end.

But one thing is certain: if you continue to hold on, Chu will definitely lose.

Therefore, Xiang Yan must take the initiative to seek change, and at present, Lord Wu An of Chu State has no good way.

Li Mu roughly simulated the battlefield and believed that continuing to lure the enemy deeper was Xiang Yan's last chance, which required the Chu army to actively retreat from the confrontation.

If there is any flaw in the command of the 40-strong army retreating, the Qin army will bite its tail and tear off a large piece of flesh, or even lose the whole game.

I wonder if the professional scout team of the Chu Army can help Xiang Yan find opportunities for change, otherwise the war situation is likely to collapse quickly within a year or two.

After the defeat of 40 field troops, Chu State had very few troops left to defend the city.

After finishing the discussion about the war between Qin and Chu, Hall Master Lu remembered that Li Mu had not been in contact with regular military formations for several years. If he did not have contact with any hobby for a long time, he would definitely become rusty.

However, Daze Mountain is too conspicuous. On the contrary, there is a possibility that a tens of thousands of troops will be deployed in Jingxian County in the south. After Li Zuoche comes back in a few months, the old general can go to the south to play.

We will continue to cooperate with several Yue people and powerful countries, but some small Yue people tribes must also demonstrate the martial ethics of Yifanjing County.

With Li Mu as the main general and Peng Yue studying next to him, there are other Yue natives in the mountains and forests as the leading party, with Xiao He from Jing County as the back-up support, and Chen Ping in charge of intelligence investigation. This small test will be very exciting ~


After understanding the general situation in Daze Mountain, Lu Wei met the Zhu family for a personal visit.

Hall Master Zhu didn't talk about the Xia Kuai incident, nor did he talk about the situation in the Sixth Hall. He came here to buy food.

Shennong Hall has always been a food hall. However, due to the double torment of natural and man-made disasters in Chu land, the young and middle-aged people there were expelled. After the food shortage of Shennong Hall disciples was reported, the Zhu family actually did not have enough food to allocate for emergency relief.

There is no need to ask more about the reason for this.The food of Gonggongtang was relatively scarce the year before last, but after two years of bumper harvests in Jingxian County, it was not difficult to provide food for more than 3000 old, weak, sick and disabled disciples of Chudi Shennongtang for a year.

Although Lieshan Hall and Kuikui Hall, which are adjacent to Shennong Hall, have certain grain reserves, their grain reserves are prepared for the disciples in the hall in case of famine in Daze Mountain and cannot be sold in excess.

Situ Wanli, who was close to the Zhu family, not only failed in his investment in Daliang City, but also had a large amount of Siyuetang's land in the old Wei State confiscated, and his grain output dropped significantly.

For a time, Gonggongtang was really the only one who could help Shennongtang.

Of course it is possible to save people at a cost.After negotiating a 'reasonable' price: Shennongtang will provide Gonggongtang with a batch of valuable herbs every year for the next five years.The deal was done.

Watching the grains being transported away in carts, Mr. Zhu, who had solved the problem, took a breath and said to Lu Wei next to him with a smile:
"Gonggongtang's losses in Yan and Zhao should be considerable, but I heard that Gonggongtang receives a large amount of food supplements from outside Daze Mountain every year. Brother Lu, please pay attention to safety in this regard."

Regarding the Zhu family's reminder, Lu Wei smiled back and said, "Brother Zhu, don't worry, I know what's going on."

"Brother Lu, of course, he does things properly." Zhu Jia smiled and stroked his mask and beard: "However, there is a question, brother, I want to ask brother seriously."

"Brother Zhu, it's okay to ask."

"Hehe, the last battle between Gonggongtang's General Ceremony and the masters of each hall was only half done. Does Brother Lu really think he can defeat the masters of the five halls on his own~"

"Naturally, I'm very confident about the ceremony."

"That's it. Then I'll understand, brother."

(End of this chapter)

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