Chapter 242
He Bo and Shan Gui investigated for a while, and after collecting as many clues as possible after the heavy rain, their secret team also arrived.

He ordered his subordinates to take away the corpses of disciples of the Ji family bloodline and the goods, and then the two old men of the Yin and Yang family lay dormant together to protect them secretly.

It is not ruled out that the enemy is still ambushing around, trying to use these things to lure the snake out of the hole, or trying to secretly follow the shipyard.

However, until the things were transported out of the mountains and forests near Songhai City, the two of them found nothing unusual: it seemed that the murderer really left after the murder.

With strong martial arts skills and no excessive curiosity, the image of this murderer has roughly formed a vague structure in the mind of Hebo Shangui.

It will be very difficult to track down such a murderer. Although the other party did not take anything away, he saw with his own eyes the relationship between this team and the Yin Yang family and the Yin Yang magic materials. This is always a hidden danger.

It wasn't until the team carefully spent several days taking a detour back to the shipyard that Yun Zhongjun had inspected a few years ago that the two of them reappeared.

No exception.

"The two adults are finally back."

The attendant guarding the sentry outside the shipyard respectfully saluted the Hebo Mountain Ghost and said, "The head of the Gongshu family has arrived. He took the Gongshu clan members and personally verified the mirage drawings. It seems that there are areas that need to be modified."

"Get these materials into the warehouse."

"We'll go find him."

In the presence of outsiders, the two adults of the Yin and Yang family returned to the way of talking to each other.

Gongshu Qiu, the head of the Gongshu family, is the strongest machine master in the world in terms of the development of offensive performance of machine arts.

A large ship like the Mirage is actually not very compatible with the domineering machine arts, but the Mohist family is a staunch anti-Qin camp. Among the forces that cooperate with the Qin State, the top machine masters can only be public losers.

Gongshuqiu cooperated closely with the Qin military.And this mirage is an important project that King Qin personally dealt with. He also has to take care of it and has a busy life.

Although the war between Qin and Chu continued to be stalemate, the institutional help that Gongshu could provide had been arranged, and the remaining tedious matters could be handled by Gongshu's younger disciples. Therefore, Gongshuqiu himself came to Qi to worry about the mirage.

“We can make more changes here”

A giant ship like a mirage is as large as a city, and the various construction details of various sizes can be piled up to fill a palace.

Gongshu Qiu sat in the warehouse where the drawings were stacked. Together with the twenty or so Gongshu descendants he was optimistic about, he started reviewing the drawings in order.

It will take at least half a year to complete this work.

The mirage is the largest institutional creation that Gong Shuqiu has participated in the construction of in his life.

After the Hebo Mountain Ghost arrived, he looked at the busy Gongshu tribesmen inside. He was sensible and did not rush in immediately when the group of machine masters were most focused, but waited patiently.

These Gongshu people always forget about food and sleep when they are immersed in work, but they cannot go without sleep and food.Let's talk to Gong Shuqiu about the Yin Yang family's requirements for the mirage when he stops to replenish his energy for work.

A few days later, after tasting Qilu's famous dish 'Shark's Fin and Bear's Paw' with Zhang Liang in Haiyue Xiaozhu, Fu Nian finally settled the issue of Gongsun An's apprenticeship and politely sent him away for leave. He could see Lu The master of the hall.

The sea and sky scenery of Haiyue Xiaozhu is magnificent, but in terms of the taste of the dishes, the chef here is still one level behind the chef who owns an inn.

Including the main dish of bear paws, which uses the best ingredients, it is almost the same as the ordinary steamed lamb in Youjian Inn.

On that day, after Zhang Liang temporarily gave up his fight against Qin and decided to wait and see what this unified country would look like, the topic of Chu that Lu had carefully prepared in advance became meaningless.

However, it was not awkward at all when the topic naturally turned to Master Zhang San's upcoming study tour.

Lu Wei, who has traveled thousands of miles, and Zhang Liang, who has read thousands of books, have just as many other topics to talk about besides Qin.

Following Zhang Liang, they continued walking up the back mountain trail. After chatting with great interest about the snow in Yandi, the two of them arrived at the back gate of Little Sage Village.

Before finding Fu Nian, they met a young and elegant man in the corridor. The man said "Junior Brother Zhang" to Zhang Liang with a smile on his face, then looked at Lu Wei seriously and left without missing a beat.

"After the head senior brother found a good teacher for senior brother Tian An, the senior brother is still responsible for the teaching work. However, because of the same seniority, he is still the other senior brother of me and the second senior brother in terms of age."

Zhang Liang explained to Lu Wei, who smiled and said: "This Tian An looks like a scholar and a gentleman, not as arrogant as the dandy he imagined."

"After all, he is a descendant of the clan. After getting the title he wants, he will not make mistakes in terms of etiquette." Zhang Liang nodded, and then immediately put aside the topic: "In the past, Zigong was from Fangfang. Confucius said: "Giving is also a gift to the virtuous. Really?My husband and I are too busy. ’, Senior Brother Fu Nian also taught his disciples: Always think about your own mistakes, don’t talk about others’ faults, it’s better not to talk about this person, let’s go see Senior Brother. "

"What Zifang said is true."

Arriving at the living room, Fu Nian was burning rosin, timing it just right.

"Brother Lu is here, please sit down."

Fu Nian stood up and sat down with Lu Wei, holding hands with each other and looking at each other. Zhang Liang made tea for the two of them and knelt down beside him.

Three seats have been prepared in the hall in advance, obviously they have been prepared for it.

First, he apologized to Hall Master Lu for meeting a few days late, and the two chatted about some miscellaneous things. Then the first topic that came to mind turned out to be the battle between Qin and Chu that Zhang Liang didn't want to talk about: "Qin Chu" The battle is very touching. I heard that a considerable number of disciples from farmers in Chu State joined the Chu army. I wonder what Brother Lu thinks of this war?"

Zhang Liang had been smiling and keeping quiet, but when he heard his senior brother's words, he couldn't help but complained in his heart: "When Li Xin was defeated, I took the initiative to talk to my senior brother about the battle between Qin and Chu. Senior brother, do you think this battle Has nothing to do with Confucianism. '

Fu Nian would be interested in war?This proposition is false at first sight!However, since the other party asked, Hall Master Lu can also answer:

"This battle involves the safety of millions of people. Lu dare not make false claims, but Dazeshan's attitude is that he does not want to be involved in national disputes."

"All schools of thought only study Taoist scholarship. This is indeed the way it should be."

Fu Nian nodded and changed the topic again: "But"


The defense of the Mohist government city was weakened to the extreme due to the departure of the giants and several major commanders.

And because Master Ban has been gone for a long time, even the mechanism mechanism only has a small amount of authority for his disciples to operate.

Currently, the only leaders in the city are Kuang Xiu, who concentrates on playing the piano, and Master Xu, who concentrates on making swords.

The strength of these two people is relatively average among the leaders.

After receiving the Canglong Copper Box in Chen Yingcheng, Concubine Yan, the head of the Yin and Yang family, came to Guancheng.Under the current situation of the Mo family, and with Yan Yun as an internal agent, it is not difficult to enter the government city with a little effort.

Those Yan State confidants who Yan Wangdan arranged to enter the government city had already been covered with another layer of skin and he could not reveal his identity and be transferred, so these people all fell under Yan Yun's command.

Yan Yun may seem delicate in appearance, but her biological father is Yan Xing, a well-known former general of the Yan Kingdom, and she is the Queen of Yan who was later married by Yan Dan.

With her great righteousness, she has a unique way of controlling her subordinates, and she vaguely wants to become the new leader of the Mohist family through the power of loyal people in the Yan Kingdom.

These Yan people in Guan City are all under the arrangement of the 'previous' boss, and they have all become legitimate Mohist disciples and entered Guan City.

After Yan Dan, they will of course be loyal to Yan Yun.

But Yan Yun knew that the identity of the current giant was still Yan Dan, which was very dangerous.

There are many secrets related to the Yin and Yang family in her body. Yan Dan was too busy because he faked his death and did not bother to check her carefully. However, once he became suspicious, the possibility that Yan Yun would be exposed was still very high.

She admitted that her true identity was a disciple of the Yin Yang family and was following Dong Jun's orders to lurk against the Mo family.

Since there were no specific requirements for the latent tasks, Yan Yun trembled and acted according to his own understanding.

After all, there was no confidence. No matter how calm she was, after Concubine Yan arrived, she still breathed a long sigh of relief: "The city is weak now. I know the positions of the two commanders. I can lead Lord Dongjun to kill him." them!"

"No, your mission will continue."

Concubine Yan shook her head gently: "I came here to... where is your daughter? Bring her here."

"Yes." Yan Yun was stunned for a moment and then obediently agreed, and quickly picked up his daughter who was playing.

The five-year-old girl was very sensible and quiet. She tilted her head and felt that she vaguely recognized the aunt in front of her mother?
"Their title is Princess Gaoyue, what's their real name?" Concubine Yan asked calmly as she looked at the tool of revenge that had grown a lot.

"Yan Dan didn't name her. I named her Ji Yue privately." Yan Yun helped his daughter tidy up her messy hair and said.

"Ji Yue." Concubine Yan frowned visibly: Isn't this the same as the Moon God?
"Lord Dongjun, do you think this name is not good?" Seeing this, Yan Yun's tone became cautious.

"'Ji Yue' represents bad luck in the Yin and Yang family, let's change it." Returning to an expressionless face, Concubine Yan shook her head and raised her hand to press on the little girl's head: The little girl has the talent for Yin and Yang, but her natural talent is average.

But Concubine Yan transformed her when she was a child, so that Yan Dan's daughter could at least learn the Six Soul Horror Curse.

"Please give me your name, Mr. Dongjun." Yan Yun spoke wisely.

"Usually, just call me Gao Yue. As for your real name, you can choose it later."

"There will be nothing for the next few months. During this time, I will teach you deeper onmyoji. You must learn it well."

"I will definitely live up to Lord Dongjun's expectations!"

Looking at Yan Dan's wife and daughter kneeling in front of her, Concubine Yan felt neither joy nor sadness: as the degree of revenge deepened, she gradually forgot about this hatred.

After Yan Dan dies, this past will disappear like a cloud of smoke. Everything he has done in the past eight years will have no meaning except that it will be transformed into yin and yang skills and stored in the body in the future.

On the contrary, it was the Moon God who obtained the five virtues several years in advance.After completing the practice of Onmyoji to wash away hatred, from the past, I could always be half a step ahead of the opponent, but now I need to catch up.
The time wasted must be made up for!

(End of this chapter)

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