Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 243 The House of the Masters

Chapter 243
Yin and yang techniques are based on the continuous transformation of yin and yang into each other, and can be divided into five types: techniques, tactics, mantras, laws and methods.

Yan Yun and Gao Yue are both average in talent and cannot understand the advanced Yin and Yang arts, and living in the Mo family, it is more important for them to hide their Yin and Yang skills than the Yin and Yang skills themselves.

Although Yan Yun is a little older, he can still learn from the basics slowly.She had learned some techniques from Da Siming before, and now she can gradually adapt to them by going back to learn them.

As for Gao Yue, before Yan Dan died, she was just a tool.Concubine Yan began to modify Gao Yue shortly after she was born, mainly to enable Gao Yue to withstand the pressure of the eight yin and yang curses planted in her body.

To use the Six Souls Terror Curse silently, you must need a medium or close contact with the target.

As long as Gao Yue can recognize Yan Dan, she can do both.

The Six Souls Fear Curse itself is highly irritating and will put a certain load on the user's body. Even the elders of the Yin and Yang family need to study hard to use it. If Gao Yue learns it bit by bit with his original talent, I'm afraid Until death, he will never reach the level of using forbidden spells.

Even if you include Concubine Yan's transformation and only practice the forbidden curse, it will still take at least 30 to [-] years.

Lady Dongjun didn't have time to wait until Gao Yue'er was 30 years old to learn this curse seal. She wanted to use a more special method to speed up the process.

Of course, any quick method always comes with a price, and Gao Yue must bear this price.

If she can survive it, she will not only be able to complete Concubine Yan's revenge, but also get rid of her status as a 'tool' and become a disciple of the Yin Yang family with a promising future. However, if she cannot survive it, the father and daughter will most likely have to go together to meet him. dead.

After Concubine Yan taught Yan Yun a few basic techniques with an expressionless face, and asked him to practice diligently to perceive the wonders of Yin and Yang, she took Gao Yue into the room and started another set of teaching methods:
"Yue'er, give me everything you have."

Getting very close to the little girl, Concubine Yan's eyes glowed faintly with a purple light, and she muttered something in her mouth. At the same time, the fifth level of Onmyoji, the Soul Changing Technique, was activated!

"Yes." Gao Yue's expression was dull, and she obeyed the command of the ethereal voice.
In the Little Saint's Villa, Fu Nian's words on the first day of the invitation were in a very high tone.However, as the topic deepened, Zhang Liang and Lu Wei soon realized his intention: Master Fu wanted to use the communication with Hall Master Lu to teach Zhang Liang to let go of his hatred of the country and his family.

It seems that the young head Zhang San did something or said something to make Fu Nian angry because of this issue some time ago, and he became increasingly worried about his junior brother's education.

Zhang Liang was very moved by the good intentions of his senior brother, and immediately expressed his desire to study abroad for two years, put aside his anti-Qin thoughts and focus on his current studies.

Master Fu agreed.

After the meeting on the second day without Zhang Liang, Fu Nian expressed to Lu Wei the real reason for inviting him over:

"Brother Lu's farmhouse has some connections with the Qi clan. Does Brother Lu know the changes in King Qi's thoughts in the past two years?"

In the back garden of Xiaoshengxian Manor, peach blossoms are in full bloom, exuding the fresh breath of spring.

"Brother Fu Nian means that the Qi State is rebuilding its armaments and seems to be planning to start a war?" Lu Wei raised his hand to catch a falling petal of a peach blossom, but the falling petal twirled and slipped through the gap between his fingers, without hesitation. Run towards the soil of faith.

"Yes, yesterday I seemed to be asking about the situation of farmers in Chu State, but in fact I am more worried about Qi State." Fu Nian said seriously: "Qi State will cut off the access of Qin envoys in the spring this year and start wars on the border again. Qin Li had an excuse to attack Qi after attacking Chu."

"The King of Qi has been very respectful to the King of Qin for more than ten years. From the time when Qin destroyed Han to attacking Chu, Qin always found baseless excuses before launching military campaigns. But Qi Qi could not morally attack Qin. "

"It is true that Qi probably cannot survive alone after the destruction of the Five Kingdoms, but it is said in "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu: The first is Tao, the second is Heaven, the third is Earth, the fourth is generals, and the fifth is law."

"The King of Qi has never had a reputation of great evil, but now he is rude to the King of Qin before obeying him. This shows his capriciousness. Morally, he cannot be of the same mind as the officials and the people. If he becomes an enemy of Qin, he will not end well." .”

Fu Nian has a bad opinion of Qi Wang Jian's approach.It is right for the Qi army to be more prepared in the current situation, but in the past they were extremely submissive to the Qin State. Now, seeing that all the five kingdoms are about to perish, and they suddenly cut off all contacts for no reason and want to fight it with force, the people's attitude towards the court will definitely change. Confuse.

And if Qin betrays its faith and attacks, the King of Qi may still be loved and pitied by the people, and the people of Qi will be more willing to resist.

Fu Nian said this and glanced at Lu Wei again: "If Qi really fights Qin with force now, given the farmers' surname, won't they coerce the farmers to join the Qi army?"

"Brother Fu Nian turns out to be worried about my situation~" Hall Master Lu put down the palm that was holding the peach blossoms: "Even though the news of the disappearance of the peasant hero will not spread widely throughout the world, Brother Fu Nian should have heard about it."

His tone was very certain. Although Fu Nian had never left Songhai City since he took over as the head of Xiaoshengxian Village, and Confucianism was not the absolute mainstream theory today, relying on Confucianism's network of relationships from the court to the countryside, Fu Nian's knowledge of certain special information was even more prophetic than Lu Wei's unscrupulous management over the years.

"Tian Guang Xiakui disappeared, so the Shennong Order reward that was offered every ten years was not issued last year. I have heard about this." Fu Nian said calmly.

"After Tian Guang, the Tiger brothers of the Tian family have a wide reputation in the world, but in terms of power, Gonggongtang is the number one in the farm. Even if I, Lu, are not talented, my title as the number one master in the farm cannot be achieved by You only have it to brag about.”

The hall master's confidence this time did not make Fu Nian feel unhappy. On the contrary, he admired Lu Wei's responsible attitude towards the farm affairs.

Mencius said: The world is the world for all people, not the world for one person, only the virtuous live in it.

This sentence is placed at the level of various schools of thought, which means that the head of each school should be taken over by the most outstanding talents of each school, and they cannot refuse, regardless of whether they are willing or not.

Taking Xiaoshengxian Manor as an example, Fu Nian believed that he was the Confucian leader who was responsible for his duties.When you are in your position, you plan your affairs, and when you are in a high position as a leader and you really put your heart into it, you often have no enjoyment, only responsibilities, and you will only have to go through too many involuntary rational decisions.

In this regard, his junior brother Yan Lu is not suitable, and neither is Zhang Liang.

Apart from these two people, the other Confucian peers either lacked knowledge or had inappropriate personalities, let alone being considered for the position of head.

The affairs of the peasant family naturally have to be decided by the peasant family themselves, and Fu Nian has no intention of actually interfering. However, in his eyes, Lu Wei taking over as the leader of the peasant family as soon as possible will be of great benefit to both the peasant family and the Confucianists.

People with the Tian surname in the Qi State are distributed up and down. The Tian surname of the farm family has little connection with the Tian family of the current Qi royal family. However, after all, it is a lineage with the largest number of disciples, not to mention the proportion of [-] disciples in Daze Mountain. The proportion of the total population of Qi is not small. If there is no connection at all, it is impossible.

And with the connection, to a certain extent, Qi State can pay a certain price to let Qi State use the farmer's surname.Therefore, in the territory of Qi State, the government of Qi State will always intentionally or unintentionally support Tian surnamed Tang and exclude foreign surnamed Tang.

This is an important reason why only Lieshan Hall, Chiyou Hall, and Kuei Hall all have their strength in Qidi, while Gonggong Hall develops toward Yan, Siyue Hall toward Wei, and Shennong Hall toward Chu.

Lu Wei himself had never felt the power of the Qi royal family in Daze Mountain. The only special time was the last time he discovered Tian Du and Tian Zang in Songhai City, who were ordered by Tian Guang to contact the royal family.

It is understandable, as his surname is not Tian. Although it is said that Tian Tong, the son of King Xuan of Qi, was granted the title of Lu Township more than 80 years ago, so that all the descendants of Tian Tong took Lu as their surname, Lu Wei was originally born in the State of Zhao.

The ancestors can be traced back to the fact that a group of Xirong people moved into the Central Plains in the [-]th century of the Western Zhou Dynasty and established the Luhun Kingdom in the upper reaches of Luoshui during the Spring and Autumn Period. Later, this country was destroyed by the Jin Kingdom, and the Luhun people also took the surname Lu and spread throughout the Jin Dynasty. folk.After all, it was hundreds of years ago. Lu Wei did have a surname, but his family background was no different from that of ordinary people without surnames.

He has nothing to do with the Tian family, so the Qi royal family will naturally only go to Lieshan Hall and Chiyou Hall, but not to Lu Mou Gonggong Hall.

But he really cannot be considered unrelated to the farmer's family, because the Luhunrong people belong to the Jiang Rong lineage and are descendants of the Shennong family of Emperor Yan who are clearly recorded.

Hall Master Lu will be able to recognize his ancestors and return to the sect when he succeeds Xiakui in the future.

Although this is nothing to show off: in the future, everyone will be a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, and everyone will be equal in terms of their ancestors’ origins.

"The sky cannot last forever, and I can't talk about the farmers' affairs in detail, but Brother Lu had better calm down the farmers' hearts as soon as possible, so that in the face of the possible turmoil in Qi State, the farmers can survive in unity and stability."

Fu Nian reminded him carefully.

"Brother Fu Nian is a gentleman, so even if he cares about the internal affairs of the farm family, he will not talk much, let alone interfere." Lu Wei shook his head and smiled: "However, not everyone else is a gentleman like Brother Fu Nian, and the farm family may not be able to settle down quickly. "

"But no matter what, I won't become someone else's tool!"

'Because it can only be my personal tool~ I don't want it anymore and would rather destroy it~'

There is no need to say the last sentence, just think about it in your mind.

The two briefly explained their attitudes towards the current situation in Qi State, and suddenly met Tian An again in the peach blossom forest.

"Senior Brother, the leader, and this brother."

This Gongsun of the Qi clan was meticulous in his etiquette. Fu Nian nodded with a straight face: "This is Lu Wei, the head of Gonggong Hall of the Nongjia family, and he is also a good friend of mine."

"It turns out it's Hall Master Lu. I've heard about it a long time ago, and we met yesterday. But I was busy at the time, so I didn't have time to ask Junior Brother Zhang in detail." Tian An responded elegantly, and then curiously said: "Senior Brother and Hall Master Lu are both from the same sect. You are in a high position and have great power, but what are you talking about?"

"If you are not in your position, you will not seek political power. You are clever with your words and benevolent!" As a guest, Lu Wei naturally did not need to answer, but Fu Nian was not polite to the other party's thoughts and directly reprimanded him with sentences from Confucian classics.

The two of them strolled and chatted in the peach blossom forest, and it was obvious that Gongsun did not come here just by chance.

Tian An hesitated, but still managed to maintain a smile: "Senior brother's teachings, An will bear them in mind."

Then, he obediently turned around and retreated. When his back disappeared, the master of the hall chuckled and said: "The Qi State is not worried about the Little Saint's Manor?"

"No, it's just that Junior Brother Tian An has a similar temperament to Zifang when he first came here." Fu Nian stroked his short beard: "He is deeply aware of the threats faced by the Qi State. Even if he comes to study at Xiaoshengxian Manor, he is still aware of it. Worry too much about family and country affairs!”

"Isn't this an advantage for a prince whose country is still alive?" Lu Wei pointed out.

"After entering Xiaoshengxian Manor, for me, he was a Confucian disciple first! Even if he has thoughts about the affairs of his family and country, he should have deep enough insights to choose his own path rationally after he becomes a disciple."

Fu Nian said in a tough tone: "Instead of acting like a reckless man who only acts based on his will and impulse. If he is not a Confucian disciple, I won't have to worry about him!"

"Then it seems that Brother Fu Nian's next teaching work will be very tiring~"

"It's your duty, don't dare to relax."


This time, after the second wave of conversations between Sanghai and Fu Nian, the possible interference of the Qi royal family in Daze Mountain was clearly placed in front of Lu Wei's desk.

Lu Wei had been prepared for this before, but he knew that the Qi clan would naturally have to flee in a few years, so he was not in a hurry.

Moreover, the complexity of farm affairs does not extend to just one Qi royal family.

After reporting to the head brother, Zhang Liang and Zhang Zifang, the third master of Xiaoshengxian Village, packed a few pieces of luggage at will and went straight on the road without much preparation.

The Chu State was at war, so he would go north to Yan to have a look first, and then pass through Dai State, which still barely existed, and the Three Jins in the lower reaches of the south.

Lu Wei estimated that after such a trip, by the time Zhang Liang arrived at the border of Chu, the battle between Qin and Chu would have ended.But the war will continue for a while, and Zhang Liang will definitely not miss this opportunity to experience the chaos again.

The master of the hall north of the Yangtze River in the Chu region has not made many changes. The princess Mi Lian there who deserves to be remembered, Lu Wei, still plans to continue to wait and see at Zuimeng Tower as originally planned. There is no need to go south to the Chu Kingdom to rob people.

It is very important for this noble lady who has truly enjoyed the treatment of a 'princess' to personally experience the chaos of war and living under someone else's roof.

During these rare days in Songhai City, he could continue to disturb Fu Nian and Yan Lu in the Little Sage Manor.

In this new year when Qin and Chu's millions of armies are in a stalemate, Confucianism has accepted a grandson of Qi State, and the peasant family is still engaged in a dispute between Xia and Kuai.

The Yin Yang family's mirage plan has reached the second stage of finalizing the drawings. The mirage plan will be where most of the next energy of the Yin Yang family lies.

A few months after Taoist Xiao Mengzi's retreat began, another disciple of Tianzong, Xiao Ling, quietly slipped into Xianyang with the intention of entering the Yin and Yang family to investigate something important to him.

The Mohist family was still resolutely opposing Qin in the Chu region, but their headquarters in the city was stolen by Concubine Dongjun Yan.

One of the two political strategists fell into confusion in Xianyang Palace, while the other was killing and bleeding.

Even the famous figures in Wei were looking for a new way out after the fall of Wei.

The various schools of thought have no way to really focus only on their own academics.
(End of this chapter)

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