Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 244 Mi Lian’s Ideal

Chapter 244 Mi Lian’s Ideal

On the battlefield between Qin and Chu, the eight-year-old Shao Yujia stayed with him and found his coach Xiang Yan to ask for another fight.

This is the sixth time that the young master of the Xiang family has called for battle since the stalemate between the two armies. The frequency of the six times has become faster and faster.

Xiang Yan actually wants to fight the Qin army more than anyone else, but Wang Jian's military formation layout has no flaws. A blind attack may give the Qin army an opportunity to take advantage of it. Although his grandson has demonstrated extraordinary abilities since he was a child, Military literacy, but after all, he is only eight years old now, not eighteen.

But eight years old may have a usage of eight years old.
Staring at the family hope who was wearing Seven Seas Dragon Armor, Xiang Yan asked in a deep voice: "How do you want to fight the Qin army?"

Shaoyu, who was often rejected by his grandfather every time he asked for a fight, came prepared to argue with his opponent if he was rejected again. He never expected that his grandfather would ask one more question this time. He couldn't help but feel refreshed and his back became straighter. straight:

"The Art of War has this saying: lure it with profit, seize it with chaos, prepare it with strength, avoid it with strength, annoy it with anger, be arrogant with humiliation, work with it in vain, get close with it and leave it."

"Now the Qin army has sufficient strength and is well rested. This is the Qin army's advantage, but it is our disadvantage. Therefore, if I go to war, I should surprise them and attack them unprepared. I will lead my troops to harass the Qin army's formation so that they cannot rest at ease."

"This can be done with only a small number of cavalry. If the general asks Xiaolong and Tenglong to transfer a man and horse to me, I will be able to complete the strategy of disturbing the enemy."

Shao Yu said expectantly.

Disturb the enemy?Xiang Yan chuckled in his heart. He had been doing some things he should do from the beginning, but his grandson could actually say these words: "But Fan Zeng taught you to say so?"

"It's exactly what Master Fan taught me." Shao Yu then added: "I think his remarks are very reasonable."

"Since you have become enlightened, let Long Qie and You go together."

"Yes! Thank you, Grandpa!" The goal was achieved. Shao Yu was so excited that he even forgot about the requirement of "calling out your position in the army." When he shouted out, he saw Xiang Yan's expression that was obviously about to get angry and admonish, and hurriedly changed the title: "Please obey." The general’s order!”

However, I still didn’t escape the instruction.
Seeing his grandson leaving happily after being trained, Xiang Yan helplessly shook his head: his personality is still a little impulsive, but it is still within control.Fortunately, Fan Zeng is resourceful and good at making decisions, and can often help Xiao Yu.

The confrontation with the Qin army has been going on for three months, and the supply of food and grass for 40 people can still last for about half a year. However, the King of Chu has already sent an order to urge the offensive. Although the rapid evaporation of food in the rear has not bottomed out, it has also made the court The minister was full of worries.

The theory that "a long victory will blunt the troops and defeat the enemy; attacking a city will weaken the strength; a long period of violence will weaken the country's troops" is described in Chapter 2 of Sun Tzu's Art of War. Any general in the Chu army understands the truth, but understanding means understanding. , many things on the actual battlefield cannot be avoided by understanding them.

'The gap in mobilization capabilities between Qin and Chu is too big. Lord Changping also has a shadow tiger army, I wonder if it can be used. Xiang Yan spread out the bamboo slips, wrote the letter, locked it in the machine's copper box, and ordered his bodyguard to send it to Chen Yingcheng.

In Chenying City, Lord Changping had already anticipated the development of the confrontation between the two armies in the south.

Wang Jian and Xiang Yan are both familiar people to Lord Changping.Although Lord Changping was not proficient in the detailed military formations, he also studied Sun Tzu's Art of War.He knew what military generals did right and what they did wrong.

From a military perspective, Xiang Yan has fallen into Wang Jian's 'trap', but facing this trap, due to various forms of coercion in the Chu State, there is no way to avoid it.

In the letter sent by Xiang Yan, he hoped that Chen Ying's Shadow Tiger Army could send out south to conduct some raids on the Qin Army's rear transportation and supply lines.

After Lord Changping received this plan, he handed it directly to the commander of the Shadow Tiger Army, Ji Bu, for review and asked him to decide whether it was feasible.

Ji Bu knew that this was a risky move, but for the sake of Chu, he was willing to try hard.

The Shadow Tiger Legion wants to leave some troops to continue to defend Changping Lord, but only a thousand cavalry can be dispatched to harass.The target of these 1000 people is the rear of the 60-strong army that Wang Jian had deployed. It is very likely that this trip will never come back.

After standing on the city wall to see Ji Bu off, Xiong Qi returned to his house with a heavy face.

Theoretically, in the confrontation between millions of troops in the south, Xiang Yan still has some weak possibilities to seize Wang Jian's possible flaws and turn defeat into victory.But in fact, Chen Yingcheng was already preparing for the Chu army's retreat.

Once the Chu army is defeated on the front battlefield, it will retreat to Shouchun to defend the capital.If the capital cannot be saved, we can continue to retreat eastward to Wuyue's old territory.

For example, Guangling City.

In the study, Changping Jun opened the map of Chu State and seriously thought about the possibility of Chu State's continued survival after being defeated on the battlefield:
In the past, the city of Guangling built by King Huai of Chu had strong defenses. It reached the river in the south and was surrounded by various waterways, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The Chu army had tens of thousands of naval troops on the river. These soldiers did not participate in the confrontation between Qin and Chu. Therefore, even if the Chu army was defeated on the front battlefield, the strength of the navy would not be affected.

Let these naval forces withdraw to Guangling in advance so that they can jointly defend the city by land and water.

Also, the kings of Baiyue all obey the Chu State, which has been the custom for more than a hundred years.When the Qin army was far away, these Yue people would not pay attention. However, if the Qin army was already approaching and wanted to abolish their status and establish the country as counties and counties, the Yue people would have to resist.

"Father, the guard said that the Mohist tycoon wants to see you."

Just as Xiong Qi was staring at the map on the desk carefully, the study door opened with a creak.

After Mi Lian left the Zhu family, her study of medicinal herbs continued.At the same time, when her mother gave birth to her younger sister Mi Xin and was physically weak, she took the initiative to devote more time to taking care of household chores.

In addition, due to the confrontation between Qin and Chu, the people in Chenying City were in commotion due to some rumors.

At this time, she would go out of the house and take her maid around the city with a calm expression, buying some small jewelry and the like, so as to appease people's hearts with her calm actions.

These are things Mi Lian doesn't need to worry about when she's in Xianyang.

But now, she must be strong and do everything well for the dream of a 'greater Chu country' that her father mentioned. "I understand, you go and bring the giant here."

"Yes." Mi Lian bowed and stepped back.

In the eyes of the little girl, the Mohist giant is as mysterious a figure as the black cloak he wears.

She remembered that once in Xianyang, she heard that the Mo family boldly assassinated the King of Qin and was a large rebel organization.

At that time, Mi Lian was influenced by the people around her and was afraid and disgusted with the Mo family.

Now, the Mo family has suddenly become her father's ally, while the Qin State, which she had fond memories of in her childhood, has become her enemy. This is a subtle feeling for Mi Lian.

'Wouldn't it be better for my father to be the prime minister of Qin? '

Entering the study room with a dignified figure dressed in black, the little girl would have some disrespectful thoughts in her heart from time to time.

'The movements of this Mohist giant are aristocratic and etiquette. He seems to be from a high noble family? '

After completing her father's instructions and before exiting the study and closing the door, Mi Lian accidentally caught sight of the giant man bowing to his father, and Mi Lian felt deep in thought.

She didn't know much about the various schools of thought in the world. In the past, she had only occasionally heard their names from her father or others.

Later, due to the huge changes in her life from Xianyang to Chenying, the herbal medicine teacher her father found for her was a "farmer's master". In order to adapt to this change, Mi Lian learned about the thoughts of the nine schools of thought.

It's just not profound, just a superficial shell.

In a simple understanding, Mi Lian prefers Confucianism because Confucianism pays attention to etiquette and respects nobility.

Living a luxurious life since childhood, the little girl has always been fond of and proud of her aristocratic status.

Mi Lian always felt that she was different from the common people who came from a "lower" background. Her nobility came from the power of the aristocracy, so she was keen to maintain her aristocratic status.

Mi Lian looked down upon the people in the city who she needed to take action to appease, but underneath her polite appearance, she looked down on them from the bottom of her heart.

It was only because he wanted to maintain his aristocratic self-cultivation that he had the patience to speak to them in a polite but distant tone.

In the Mohist public introduction, these should be the representatives of ordinary people, who are the common people who hold together for warmth, just like a peasant family.

But the actions of this Mohist giant are clearly aristocratic. Doesn't this conflict with Mohist teachings?

Moreover, Mi Lian still remembered the last alliance meeting between her father, the Mo family and the teacher Zhu family. In addition to the giant man, the Mo family also brought two of their subordinates, a luthier and a gangster.

The book says that the Mohists "were clothed in brown fur, wore tramps as clothing, worked day and night, and took self-suffering as the ultimate goal." They should be a sect that endured hardship.

But the tycoon who seems to be a nobleman, the violinist who carries a luxurious guqin on his back, and the yellow-haired gangster, these have nothing to do with enduring hardship.The gap between the content in the book and the reality is too big. Is it wrong in the book?
Mi Lian was only in her teens and had not read a few classics in depth. She had little knowledge and could not find an answer to a question that arose from a single detail.

But there is one thing Mi Lian knows: both the Mo family and the farmer's family are his father's tools.After the Chu State becomes stronger, he will be able to gain a higher status and a better life.

This is the simplest ideal of a noble girl.


In Songhai City, Lu Wei not only followed Ziwu to various places in the city, but also often discussed Taoism with Fu Nian and Yan Lu in the Little Sage Village.

Fu Nian is the head of the house and is always very busy, so he mostly disturbs Yan Lu who hides in the backyard of Little Saint Xian Manor during non-school hours.

Yan Lu has a good personality and doesn't get angry at all when faced with harassment. When the two sides occasionally competed with each other, Lu also witnessed the magical swordsmanship of "Zi Wang Han Guang".

In the past few days, Master Yan Er took the initiative to discuss with Hall Master Lu the "Book of Changes" that he had studied in depth.

"Book of Changes" is a magical classic, divided into two parts, "Book of Changes" and "Book of Changes", with extremely rich content.The earliest authors can be traced back to the ancient sage Fuxi and Zhou Wen Wang Jichang.

The Confucian version of "The Book of Changes" was also compiled by Confucius.

As the "source of the great road" and the "head of the group of classics", the Zhouyi is not only studied by Confucianism, but also highly praised by Taoists, Yin and Yang schools and other schools of thought.

Lu Wei's farmhouse also has a collection of this classic. He has studied it before, and the wisdom in it is bottomless.

However, neither the Confucian nor the peasant collection is a complete Zhouyi, and the content is somewhat incomplete.

But the Lord Hall Master has heard the Moon God mention it before. In the treasure house of Ji Chaoji's family, it is said that there is a complete volume of "The Book of Changes" handwritten by King Wen!
Many inspirations in Onmyoji come from the Book of Changes.

(End of this chapter)

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