Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 246 The Chu army was defeated

Chapter 246 The Chu army was defeated

He Bo and Shan Gui have recently clearly noticed that someone with evil intentions is approaching the mirage base.

The two subconsciously thought of the transport team accident two months ago, but soon they ruled out this possibility.

So much time has passed, and judging from the other party's strength and behavior that he only killed people and did not take away goods, he was unwilling to offend the Yin and Yang family.

What's more, Hebo Mountain Ghost personally conducted an inspection on the way back to the mirage base. If the enemy's strength can be hidden from the two people's search and followed here, there is no need to wait two months before sending these wastes to investigate.

The mirage plan is the top priority. Both Lord Donghuang and King Qin Yingzheng are eager to start the construction work in advance, before Qi is included in the territory. The purpose is to spend ten years on the relationship of passing first and winning later. Build this big ship, and then quickly set off to find the Immortal on the Immortal Island and fulfill your wish.

The Heboshan ghosts are not worried about Jianghu forces getting involved in the mirage. They do not have the strength to be enemies of the Yin and Yang family, and the mirage has no effect on Jianghu people.

But if Qi officials took action at this time, even Qin would not have time to rescue them.

Although the plan can be restarted later, the time wasted cannot be made up.

The bad news is that through Hebo Shangui's investigation, it is possible that the other party has nothing to do with the Qi clan.
After getting this result, the expressions of the two Yin and Yang elders froze. Without hesitation, they took out a black dragon scroll from the warehouse and He Bo took it to Linzi.

This is a planned contingency.King Jian of Qi has ruled Qi for decades. Even a fool who sits in that position for such a long time will still grow. The Mirage Plan has circled a large seaside land and can hide it from ordinary people. But if King Qi really wants to investigate, Of course we can find clues.

Regarding the only hidden danger, His Excellency Donghuang had already prepared for it and secretly requested a black dragon scroll for Hou Sheng.

There are only five people who know about this matter. Inside is a secret letter written by King Qin Yingzheng to Hou Sheng.

The best way to deal with the Zhao people is their own Prime Minister Guo Kai, and the best way to deal with the Qi people is their Prime Minister Hou Sheng. Such path dependence has never been a problem.


The calm months passed quickly.

After Shao Yu and Long Qie obtained the permission of the general, they led the most elite Tenglong Legion cavalry team of 200 people to launch one-shot attacks against the Qin army every few days, but the Qin army remained unmoved.Under Wang Jian's order, no matter what happens outside, no one is allowed to take the initiative.

This made Xiang Yan's plan to use the actions of the two children to seduce and insult the Qin people's timidity come to nothing.

However, despite the failure of the grand strategy, these two young heroes from the Xiang family and the Long family were able to safely participate in this battle of millions of people and perform, which benefited their future development a lot. In another ten years, these two This seed will become a general in charge of an army!

Not too bad.

I just don’t know how much territory Chu will still have in ten years.
In the Chu army's camp, after the unbridled 'horse' went out for a lap and came back, the soldiers taking care of the horses in the stables solemnly announced: "Young general, the general has called."

"Oh, I understand." Shao Yu, who looked like a young adult, threw the riding whip to Long Qie beside him, jumped off the horse and hurried towards the Chinese army's tent.

When arriving at the destination, Shao Yu found that his second uncle Xiang Liang was also there, so he saluted in turn and waited for orders quietly.

Grandfather's face looked very ugly, and Uncle Liang also had a sad look on his face. What bad news came from those little people in the back who only knew how to sit in the temple?
"Yu'er!" Xiang Yan took the lead in violating discipline and did not call Shao Yu a military officer.

"Shao Yu is here!" Shao Yu naturally couldn't correct his grandfather's mistakes, so he just straightened his back and clasped his fists.

"You clean up." Xiang Yan walked to the map on both sides of the camp, raised his finger and pointed at the location of Chenying City in the north: "Take your two hundred cavalry and return them to Lord Changping in the next three months."

Shao Yu was stunned when he heard this, but the requirements of good military discipline prevented him from asking any more questions: "Yes, I will set off immediately."

Changping Jun's Chen Ying City is not the front line. Shao Yu would definitely not want to evacuate from here.But his grandfather's face clearly showed that there was no room for negotiation, and as a soldier, it was his bounden duty to obey orders, so he could only agree.

Anyway, we have only been there for three months, and this battle has only been fought for eight months. It seems that if we fight for another eight years, we will not be able to break through the Qin people's defense line. It will be a long time in the future.

But Chen Ying is so urgent and suddenly wants to go there by himself. Maybe the Qin army is also in Chen Ying City?

While thinking in his mind, Shao Yu slowly retreated.

"The general asked Shao Yu to go to Chen Ying at this time." After confirming his departure, Xiang Liang sounded worried.

"Next, the army will retreat after attacking without results. At that time, no one will care about him. Let Yu'er take the first step and it will not affect the overall situation." Xiang Yan closed his eyes and thought about the Chu army's next strategy, and replied distractedly. . "It rained continuously in the rear, so that the roads were muddy, and the limited food could not be transported. Alas." Xiang Liang also understood the reason for a hasty attack.
When Shao Yu returned to his team and announced to everyone the order to go north, he found that Long Qi was not there.

After asking the military commander, he learned that he had been summoned away by General Long and incorporated into another team, and he would not be able to go to Chen Ying with them.

It was a bit regretful, but the military order was such that Shao Yu had no choice but to find Long Qie again, said goodbye to him and agreed to see him again in three months, and then set off directly with the team.

When arriving at Chenying City, the heavily fortified old capital of Chu did not receive the Qin army as imagined, and it was much quieter than the confrontation on the front line.

He was very disappointed, but when facing the legendary Lord Changping in the hearts of Chu people, Shao Yu, who was almost nine years old, still had a look of respect on his face.

Changping Jun rebelled against Qin and returned to Chu for righteousness, and helped the Chu people defeat 20 Li Xin's troops.Although this incident was desperately covered up by the greatly embarrassed Qin King Ying Zheng, Chu State was not Ying Zheng's country, and the dignitaries of Chu State greatly welcomed the return of Lord Changping.

"I have discussed with the general about the young general's coming here." Lord Changping gently patted Shao Yu on the shoulder and welcomed him to the banquet in the mansion.

As for the two hundred cavalry soldiers, camps and food were prepared for them outside the city.

"General Ji Bu, the commander of the Shadow Tiger Army, has been deep behind enemy lines with a thousand cavalry for several months. He has lost more than half of his troops and is currently retreating towards Chen Ying."

"But because we are facing being surrounded and strangled by the Qin people, we have to take a long detour and the time of return is uncertain."

"Before General Ji Bu comes back, the defense of Chen Ying City will be left to the Major General."

After hearing Lord Changping's explanation at the banquet, Shaoyu didn't think too much. The orders given by his grandfather and Lord Changping were definitely not wrong.

He settled down in Chen Ying with peace of mind, and patrolled the city on horseback himself just like he had done in Shouchun in the past.

In the Changping Lord's Mansion, Mi Lian took care of her sleeping sister Mi Xin, but she felt an unpleasant feeling growing in her heart.

After the people in the city adapted to life under military control, the atmosphere was obviously very calm, and the little girl did not know about the accelerated defense and war preparations outside the city.

But she could clearly see her father's expression every day.

Even Mi Lian could see that Mr. Changping's recent smile was somewhat forced. Her mother must know better.

All this started a month ago. What is the signal for the arrival of the major general of the Xiang clan?
She couldn't figure it out, but that day when a disgraced Chu army cavalry rushed into the study in a hurry and unimpeded, Mi Lian, who was grinding ink for her father, heard the urgent military news:
When the main force of the Chu army retreated to Qinan, it was attacked by the Qin army. The Chu army was defeated and defeated. General Xiang Yan led the remaining troops to retreat towards Chen Ying!
The main force retreats?After a big defeat, retreat to Chen Ying?
With her eyes widened, Mi Lian accidentally used too much force in her hand and spilled ink onto the bamboo slips on the table. She was so frightened that she hurriedly wiped it with her sleeve.

Mr. Changping, who was sitting on the other side and was resting, didn't pay attention to his daughter's actions at the moment. After listening to the report, he just hurriedly led the messenger out of the house.

Mi Lian tidied her father's official desk with trembling hands. Her eyes were blank in response to the military information she had just heard:
She didn't know why the Chu army, which had been facing off at the front line for almost a year, suddenly said it was retreating and why it was defeated, but the result of the defeat was clear to the little girl.

Once the Chu army was defeated, Chu's fate would be dire. Her father and herself were deeply tied to Chu.

A month ago, the Chu army was in food shortage, and another letter came from King Chu, hoping for a breakthrough on the front line. So Xiang Yan had to let his grandson Shaoyu evacuate, and then tried to attack the Qin army's camp with a large army.

Because the offensive was sudden, it put huge pressure on the Qin army, but it also almost informed Wang Jian that the Chu people could no longer hold on.

Just like the battle of Changping decades ago
The side that cannot defend will always resort to offense in order to survive.

Wang Jian calmly arranged and strengthened the defense on one side, and selected strong soldiers on the other side. He had already conceived the pursuit arrangements when the Chu people were forced to retreat after their attack failed.

The Meng family's golden fire cavalry will shoulder the important task of being the vanguard.

For seven consecutive days, seeing that the Qin defense line became stronger and stronger after the initial panic, Xiang Yan painfully gave the order to retreat after sighing deeply.

Wang Jian knew that the Chu people would definitely retreat next, and Xiang Yan also knew that Wang Jian would not let go of this pursuit opportunity, so he was prepared in advance for the issue of ending the retreat.

However, Old Turtle Wang Jian defended as solidly as a mountain forest and attacked as swiftly as thunder. After the rear troops were dispersed by the Golden Fire Cavalry at all costs, the retreating army was in a state of confusion.
A defeat beyond Xiang Yan's expectation put the fate of Chu State in immediate danger.

Xiang Yan commanded the army to retreat while fighting. At this moment, the road back to Shouchun in the south was blocked by the Qin army. He had no choice but to retreat westward to Chen Ying with the gathered army of more than [-], preparing to use Changping Lord to repair it for a year. The fortifications were waiting for the Qin army to come.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Jian confirmed that he had dispersed the main field force of the Chu army, he did not continue to pursue Chen Ying. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and went directly south to Shouchun. Hundreds of thousands of troops laid siege to Shouchun.
Xiang Yan's defeat was too sudden. At this time, in Shouchun, the capital of Chu State, there were only [-] temporarily mobilized defenders.
(End of this chapter)

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