Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 247 Moon Divination

Chapter 247 Moon Divination

The Chu State was a big country, and it had just defeated the 20 Qin army a year ago.

But after Qin made a comeback, just one year later, due to the failure of their field legion, the capital was besieged and the King of Chu was captured while carrying the cud.

A big country went from holding 40 troops to the eve of its destruction. The war situation in Chu State changed so quickly that most of the forces onlookers didn't even have time to evacuate Shouchun and were all besieged.

No one has the courage to charge into the encirclement of hundreds of thousands of troops, let alone the strength.

Although Wang Jian did not clean the city after taking the prisoners, and he spared these people, the impact of this was enough to make everyone surprised and even horrified by the Qin army's combat power and discipline.

This was naturally done intentionally by Wang Jian.For him, destroying Chu was fulfilling King Qin's order, and it was enough for him to stay famous throughout the ages.

Why bother to offend too many Baijia and other Jianghu forces.He himself is already old. Even if he doesn't care about this, the family will still continue to pass on.

No matter how powerful you are, there will be a day when you become lonely. Wang Jian is quite tolerant now, and his posthumous reputation may be useful in the future.

If nothing else, his reputation in history books is definitely much better than that of Wu Anjun.

Nowadays, the Wang family's status in the Qin Dynasty is already extremely prosperous, and if it goes up, it will have to achieve great achievements and shock the master. Or in fact, it has already achieved high achievements and shocked the master. It is only because of its always cautious nature and the fact that the war has not stopped that it does not end up like the former Lord Wu'an. .

Now that Shouchun has come, but the Chu State still has a large area of ​​territory that has not yet been surrendered, and there is still a tough battle to be fought in the north with Chen Ying, it is more important to be cautious at this time. If you are not careful, there is still the possibility of losing all your previous efforts.

First, separate some of the soldiers under the command of the King of Chu who are well-dressed and carry the Chu and go south to stabilize the counties in the hinterland. As for the army of Changping Lord and Xiang Yan, you still don’t need to pay too much attention to it for the time being. When all the Chu lands in the south surrender to Qin, Finally, there is no need to attack, even if it is just a blockade, the land of Chen Ying can be locked up!

In Chenying City, the relationship between Changping Lord and Xiang Yan began more than ten years ago, but this was the first time they met in the real sense.

Even when Lord Changping rebelled against Qin and returned to Chu, Xiang Yan did not have time to enter Chenying City due to various reasons.

But this rare meeting seemed only desolate because of the haze of the war.

Xiang Yan's appearance does not look like a defeated army, and his bright armor has not lost its power because of the dust.After all, he is the general of the Chu State and the commander-in-chief of the first army. If he is disgraced and embarrassed, he will definitely not be able to bring back the remaining [-] troops.

The gentleness that Lord Changping had deliberately maintained in the past few days was gone. The news of the army's defeat was no longer controllable. Now was not the time to appease people, but to let the danger of national subjugation stimulate the Chu people to resist.

"Mr. Changping." Xiang Yan saluted with his hands raised, and used his eyes to scare away Shao Yu, who was stunned and at a loss as to who was about to rush forward. The majesty of his grandfather was still there.

"Let's talk about it after entering the city." The placement of the [-]-strong army is the first priority. These soldiers must quickly deploy their defenses to deal with Wang Jian's possible continued pursuit.

When the bold scouts confirmed that Wang Jian's army had crossed the Huaihe River and headed south to Shouchun, Lord Changping and Xiang Yan, who had recovered in the city, clenched their fists at the same time: This was the worst result for Chu.

But it also gives them time to adjust their direction.

"I have committed a serious crime. Shouchun is no longer safe, and neither is the king." After Lord Changping waved his hand to order the scouts to retreat, Xiang Yan behind him said in an old tone.

This defeat made General Xiang, who was already quite young, age ten years older in a short period of time.

"We are all guilty, but the first thing now is to protect Chu!" Lord Changping turned around and stroked the old general's strong shoulder.

"Is there still hope?" Xiang Yan raised her head, her eyes cracked.

"If there is no hope, why don't we just do it?" Changping Jun asked calmly. After 20 years of planning, he knew better than anyone that the hope of helping Chu rebel against Qin was slim, but so what.

He is from Chu. When his father, King Kaolie, fled from Qin, Xiong Qi was only a few years old, but he will always remember his father's words:

'Aqi, you are from Chu, don't forget the country of Chu.' As time passed, my father's appearance became darker every year. In the end, only a tall black shadow was left, still shouting sternly. : "Even if you've never seen it!'

'Father, I have now seen the Kingdom of Chu, and will soon fall into eternal darkness with it. 'But at this moment, the image of his father in Xiong Qi's mind took on color again and became clearer and clearer: "Until Zhu Rong's flames burn up again, Chu will surely be reborn from the ashes!'

Xiang Yan's perseverance recovered after a short period of time under the heavy blow. He held Lord Changping's palm with his backhand. The two hands were very different: one was rough and powerful, the other was slender and smooth.

But the owners of the two hands reached an agreement again at this moment: "It's too late to save Shouchun. Are we waiting in Chen Ying for Wang Jian to attack?"

"No." Lord Changping shook his head: "Chen Ying City is too small and located too close to Qin, so it cannot get enough food to supply the army."

"Where are you going then?"

"Guangling City! We retreat to the land of Wu and Yue. Even if Wang Jian wants to attack, the boatmen will have to work hard, and the route for transporting grain and grass will be extended by hundreds of miles."


It took half a month for the news of the destruction of Shouchun City to reach Qi State on New Year's Eve of the fifth year of King Chu's reign.

On this day, Daze Mountain is celebrating the first full moon night of the new year. Later generations will call this day the Lantern Festival, but this name has not yet been formed.

Farmers will celebrate this day just because the full moon means good things, and not everyone will participate in the celebration.

It has been a month since Lu Wei returned from Songhai City. He was aware of the strange situation in the city a month ago when he was in Songhai, but he thought it had nothing to do with him. The hall master only informed Fu Nian when he left. Shengxian Village will take care of everything.We have celebrated it once during the New Year. Gonggongtang is now very prosperous with the support of Songhai commerce and Jingxian agriculture. It is not difficult to fund another full moon day celebration. This is also part of uniting the disciples~
Upon learning of Hall Master Lu's generous decision, the Gonggong Hall suddenly burst into cheers, and some disciples shouted some inappropriate slogans, and were severely punished by the Hall Master, who ordered him to drink three glasses of wine as a fine.

When it got dark, and after all the hard work with the front hall cronies, they came to the backyard, the girls had already set up a cocktail party on the newly built viewing platform, and they were enjoying the moon together in a lively atmosphere.

Even Moon God was in a good mood today and wanted to sit with the girls.

Xiao Qian'er and Xiao He'er were taken to rest by the maid. They couldn't work until late. They would go to bed early every day after drinking the nourishing soup cooked by Duan Murong himself to nourish their brains and spirits.

The news that the capital of the Chu Kingdom had been breached did not affect the mood of the girls at all. The only one who cared a little was probably the Right Protector of the Yin Yang Family.

The demise of Chu State also announced that she was leaving.

The Moon God understands this, but it does not prevent her from taking out a sky-blue glazed orb: the Moon Bead to show everyone her original 'moon fortune telling' tonight.

Compared with Xinghun who has practiced yin and yang techniques such as hanging silk puppets and gathering energy to form blades, which are obvious at a glance and have strong characteristics of the 'Star Soul' identity, Yueshen and Dongjun are on the bright side. The offensive methods that have been displayed are mostly expressed in the form of Hunxi Longyou.

Going deeper, they are just some forbidden spells. Although they are rare, they do not express the identity of the Moon God and Dongjun.

Now this Moon Pearl, which is shaped like a full moon and has cold mist inside, is obviously the unique identity treasure of the Moon God.

Its material is extremely special and can be seen by ordinary eyes to be extraordinary. Even if you ignore its onmyoji properties and just treat it as an ordinary decorative treasure, it is still priceless.

Lu Wei watched the snow girls sit in front of the Moon God one by one, looking at the moon bead, and always saw the shadow of the moon in their eyes, and then their faces looked weird, so he knew that this bead could drive illusions.

Judging from the performance of the subsequent women, the illusion irradiated by the beads should be developing for the better.

"Do you want to try it too?" Luna looked at Lu Wei who was standing aside calmly. The other women had already experienced the bead and turned to look at him.

"What is the function of this bead?"

Lu Wei calmly took a sip of water to clear away the smell of alcohol lingering in the front hall. After Xiao Yaner left his seat with a strange expression, he immediately sat down in front of the Moon God.

All the girls gathered around him in an instant, all of them were usually very elegant, but now they were all looking forward to seeing how Lu would react after entering the illusion.

Xiao Yan'er, who was in a good mood, deliberately took out a piece of white paper and spread it on the spacious desk, thinking of writing down the expression of the hall master's brother and then drawing it out.

"The combination of the Moon Bead and my Moon Divination Technique can express a person's most likely future trend in advance in the illusion technique, allowing you to experience the feeling of a 'fake' dream coming true in advance."

When Luna said this, her eyes met Lu Wei's without any hesitation: she knew what Lu's dream was and what he was working towards.

"Is it so magical~" Lu Wei smiled lightly: "Just look at this bead?"

"If you are worried, I can give you a simple formula for the Moon Divination Technique, and you can control it yourself." Moon God said bluntly: "It's just that the effect may not fully meet the expectations of the Moon Pearl."

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Lu Wei to make a choice, and directly read out a long list of emotional statements in front of everyone, without worrying that the other women would also hear it.

This formula is said to be a simplified version, but it has a lot of words.After the Right Protector of the Yin Yang Family finished reciting it, the Hall Master recited it again. After confirming that it was correct, Lu Wei suddenly smiled: "Everyone has tried it, why should I disturb your interest again? Yue'er, you can do it, I'm completely I trust you~"

Looking at that seemingly serious face, the Moon God had long been accustomed to it. His face was expressionless and he didn't speak anymore. He only used his inner energy to hold up the Moon Pearl, swinging it regularly in front of him.

To say what Lu Wei paid attention to at this time, it was that through the cold mist in the bead, he found that the hand-printed fingers of the Moon God on his chest were very beautiful.

I have held it many times, but this is the first time I have carefully observed it as the main target.

Then, in a trance, his consciousness sneaked into the Moonlight Bead.
From the perspective of Xue Nu and others, Lu suddenly closed his eyes while focusing on the beads, but after just one breath, his eyelids quickly opened again.

At this time, the Moon God cooperated and put down the Moon Pearl, proving that the time for the Moon Divination Technique was over.

So fast?Just now, all of them maintained their breaths for about a hundred breaths, and Ji Yan, the shortest one, had sixty breaths.

"How do you feel?" Moon God asked in a cold voice.

There was a lingering sound of worship from His Highness and his ministers. Although it was only for a short time, the figures of Xiao He, Chen Ping, Lu Qing and others standing in the front row had already been recorded by Lu Wei.

Zhang Liang was not here, but it didn't matter. Anyway, as long as it was really him who accepted the worship at that time, it was enough.

Shaking his head, Lu Wei subconsciously held up the non-existent twelve-pointed crown on his head, and smiled: "This moon fortune-telling technique is indeed very real in multiple senses."

"It's just a small use of the moonlight bead." Putting away the glass moonlight bead, the Moon God said lightly and raised his head to look at the moon.

What has the hall master experienced in his fantasy?Why is the time so short?None of the girls dared to ask these two questions, and when they saw him, they were not prepared to say anything. They all dispersed on the viewing platform, each busy with their own business.

But Lu Wei didn't want to talk about his own, but he generously asked about the results of their moon fortune telling.
(End of this chapter)

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