Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 248 Ying Zheng goes to Chu

Chapter 248 Ying Zheng goes to Chu
Moon fortune-telling has at least two realms. In addition to prophecy, there is also a layer of pure 'fantasy time' in the set of formulas.

Illusion is a very important part of the Moon God's onmyoji. Lu Wei had a deep understanding of this when he met her for the first time.

This 'virtual reality' illusion method has not been developed for daily use in combat. I am afraid it is the correct way to use Onmyoji to pursue the limits of heaven and man and transcend one's own limitations.

Today I am taking advantage of the opportunity of admiring the moon to perform the moon-beading performance. Even if the Moon God's purpose is not malicious, it must have additional meaning.

For example, Lu Wei speculated that the more 'prophecies' collected by the Moon Pearl, the more illusions he would feed back to the Right Protector, which would further enhance the realm of onmyoji.

Hall Master Lu had some rough guesses about the content of the prophecy experienced by Xue Nu and others.

Unlike basic astrological laws, which rely on the movement of stars to obtain predictions that even the Onmyojis themselves cannot guess, the predictions of lunar astrology pay more attention to contact and understanding of the object of prediction.

Although this makes it difficult for the Moon God to study unknown areas by relying on moon divination, the exploration of known targets will be clearer.

Such a prediction is more of a derivation.

It's just that there is a little word mixed in.

Compared to adults whose worldviews have matured, 12-year-old Xiao Yan'er is more pure. Now she only thinks about how to please herself and become the future leader of Siyue Hall. Her derivation results will undoubtedly be able to use the Moon Divination Technique. Shown more clearly.

Ji Yan was also watching just now, and even took out a pen and paper to draw.After the moon divination technique was over, she did not waste the prepared paint. She simply changed the painting target to the scenery in front of her and continued to paint under the moonlight.

Hall Master Lu walked closer and watched the little girl who was proficient in painting under the guidance of Xue Nu. He turned his attention to the paints and said, "The paints this time are very bright."

Picking up the small bottle on the table, he poured out some mineral powder and rubbed it between his fingers. The fine powder had no graininess at all. It contained significantly better mineral content than the local pigments in Daze Mountain, and the production was also more refined.

"They were bought by Sister Xue from merchants from Songhai after the hall master's brother left last year. Because they are not in large quantities, they are usually never used."

Ji Yan replied softly while blinking and imagining the composition of the scroll.

"This kind of paint comes from the hands of the Yin Yang family." As if unintentionally paying attention to the situation here, Moon God walked over with silent steps.

He reached out and picked up some dust from Lu Wei's hand to feel the characteristics and further confirmed his judgment: "It is an ore powder prepared by Yin Yang family disciples using alchemy techniques. In Yin Yang family, it is generally used to practice Yin Yang magic or carve runes. "

"There are some disciples in the headquarters who can use them to draw."

Hearing this, Ji Yan put down his pen in surprise. He raised his head and subconsciously looked at Hall Master Lu, who had a thoughtful look on his brows, and then looked at the Moon God: The Yin Yang family is mysterious, and such paint flows in at this time. Dazeshan, the identity of the other party will be
Lu Wei also thought of this, but he was more concerned about what Ji Yan just said, "The paint comes from merchants in Songhai."

As far as he knew, there were indeed disciples of the Yin Yang family in Songhai City, but their purpose was to build a mirage base, and they would never have the energy to pretend to be merchants and visit Daze Mountain.

"There's nothing wrong with these pigments." Facing the gazes of Lu Wei and Ji Yan, Yueshen checked the mineral powders of various colors, including the bottles themselves, and confirmed that although these pigments were made by disciples of the Yin Yang family, their purpose seemed to be genuine. Just to sell paint.

"As for the identity of the other party." The Right Protector of the Yin-Yang Family shook his head slightly: "I need to go back to the Yin-Yang Family to check the roster of disciples in the past 50 years before I can lock it in. Maybe it's like the Wencheng Xu Wang you met before. They are just ordinary disciples who were discarded because they were not talented enough.”

"Yes." Lu Wei dusted off the powder on his hands, temporarily put down his question about Xiao Yaner, and walked to the guardrail in the corner of the viewing platform with the Moon God in tacit understanding.

Ji Yan picked up the pen holder again, squinted at the two people walking away, looked up at the moon, pouted and continued to focus on his painting.

"The situation in Chu State is clear. It's time for you to go back and join Dongjun, Xinghun and the others." Lu Wei followed the topic raised by the Moon God just now and said.

"The Eastern Emperor is not prepared to seize the Qi Kingdom's Canglong Qisu. There are too many people in Linzi City who are loyal to the Qin Kingdom. Therefore, the Yin Yang Family's next plan will be Shu Mountain." The Moon God did not say much else, only telling what he knew about Yin Yang. The inside story is revealed: "After Shushan, Sanghai Mirage is the place of decision-making."

"That's the end. Regarding Xinghun, there will be no problem with his position, but Dongjun, are you sure?" Near the end of the plan, Lu Wei pointed out the most likely hidden dangers.

Concubine Dongjun Yan, although this person generally behaved very cooperatively after being captured, she was not as helpless as Xinghun.This matter was sponsored by the Moon Goddess. She was very thoughtful, but Lu Wei still had to say one more word when it was time to remind him.

"Since I can let her out, I have the confidence to control her." Luna is full of confidence in the sister who controls her.

"If she reports everything to Donghuang after returning to Yin Yang's house, have you considered how to deal with such a result?"

The master of the hall shook his head. Confidence is a good thing, but the plan must include the worst possibility.

"Even then, the Donghuang will only imprison me at most."

Luna understood what he meant, and a smile appeared on her lips: "I have the best trump card~" "Oh, what is it?"

Lu Wei was curious as to what other preparations the Moon God had made that he didn't know.

Then, he saw this bold woman provocatively lift his chin with her hand, but due to height issues, even though Luna was always tall and wore moon-white high heels, she was still shorter than Lu Wei.

With such a gap, I couldn't look at each other with my chins raised, so I could only put my palms on the clear-cut face: "As long as you are safe outside, I will be absolutely safe inside the Yin Yang family."

"In addition, there are many secret confidants of mine among the disciples of the Yin Yang family. If something happens, she will naturally come to you and continue the Mirage plan."

Moon Goddess's red lips curled slightly, and the light pink color was alluring.

Today's moon viewing will have a different scene later. Lu Wei glanced at the other women here and realized that in addition to the moon, there would also be snowflakes and pastry snacks as decorations.

The inconspicuous Junjinxuan in a small town outside Daze Mountain has been closed for a while. Compared with the disappearance of a grown man named Chen Ping, the oiran girl Huaying from Zuimenglou, two streets away from Junjinxuan, has died due to the death of an elder in her family. It is obviously a pity for everyone to have to go home to worship.

I don’t know when the beauty will come back
Huaying, who was remembered by the guests, had no intention of caring about their mood. She had already traveled all the way south to Guangling City.

Here, Hua Ying waited for the reunion with her younger brother Ji Bu.

There were also Mrs. Changping Jun, the eldest daughter Mi Lian and the youngest daughter Mi Xin who were escorted all the way by the cavalry.

Guangling in the land of Jiangdong is the last line of defense established by Lord Changping and Xiang Yan. After sending their family members to settle here first, the army will set off slower.

Although Wang Jian's attitude was that he wanted to conquer the hinterland of Chu State first, without any worries, and then steadily advance into the army to defeat the rest of the Chu army, he would not let his actions go unchecked. The 60 Qin army had already fought against Xiang Yan in the previous battle. The losses are not much, and it is entirely possible and capable to harass along the way.

The actions of the 10,000+ army cannot be concealed. If Wang Jian leads the army to attack, the situation of the family members in the chaotic army will be extremely dangerous.

Instead, a small cavalry was used to escort them in advance. The target was small and the probability of being discovered was low. This was indeed the case.

Unlike Lord Changping, Xiang Yan's family members were all in Shouchun. After the city of Shouchun was destroyed, they must have all been captured by the Qin people, but Xiang Yan was not worried about this.

Shao Yu is in the army!The young master of the Xiang family is here, and the Xiang family is here. In Xiang Yan's eyes, those family members are completely disposable compared with Chu State and Shao Yu.

Originally, Xiang Yan wanted Shao Yu to follow Ji Bu into Guangling. However, Shao Yu, who had experienced being sent away early this time, was unwilling to leave even if he disobeyed military orders.

Looking at his grandson's stubborn face, Xiang Yan sighed and then suddenly burst out laughing without pushing too hard: Although Shao Yu is young, his strength is far superior to that of an ordinary soldier.

Moreover, according to Lord Changping's estimate, even if there are huge obstacles on the way forward, with the current momentum of the Chu army, they can still break through the Qin people.

Wang Jian of Shouchun did detect the plan of Lord Changping and Xiang Yan to lead the army to evacuate to the east. Combined with the result that the Chu navy had already withdrawn to Guangling, the destination of the other party was clear at a glance.

But he was not prepared to pursue this time. On the one hand, the main task at the moment was to stabilize the rear. On the other hand, the Chu people had just learned that the capital had been broken and had become mournful soldiers.

"Laozi" said: "There is no greater disaster than underestimating the enemy, and underestimating the enemy will cost us a lot of treasure. Therefore, if the number of resisting troops is increased, the one who mourns will win."

To forcibly block the Chu army, the Qin people would have to pay at least [-]% to [-]% more casualties, and they might not be able to win, so it was not worth it.

After allowing time to erase the grief and anger of the Chu people, they will be afraid. If they attack again then, the risk will be much smaller.

The target of the future attack was moved from Chen Ying to Guangling, and Wang Jian immediately thought of a new attack strategy: Guangling is surrounded by large rivers and rivers. To capture such a city, it is necessary to advance both by land and water. Now, while appeasing the rear, he can collect goods along the way. Big ship.

By then, placing the King of Chu in front of the army will further weaken the morale of the Chu people.

Chang Pingjun and Xiang Yan sadly thought of such a scene. Their response to this was
Soon after, the news reached Shouchun that Lord Changping, who had arrived in Guangling, was elected as the new King of Chu by Xiang Yan.

This did not surprise Wang Jian, because he had more important things to do at this time:

King Qin Yingzheng will come to Chu to inspect the military situation.

The first destination, Chen Ying, who was abandoned by Lord Changping!

(End of this chapter)

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