Chapter 249
News of the retreat of Lord Changping and Xiang Yan had apparently reached Xianyang through some special channels, which was why Chen Ying's trip was prompted.

But although the Chu army has withdrawn, Wang Jian has not yet conquered the old capital of Chu, which has changed hands many times. Now that King Qin’s itinerary has been decided, the direction of Xianyang’s convoy will definitely not change. So before King Qin arrives, he needs to move Chen Ying's surroundings were thoroughly cleaned up.

That city was still the land of Qin two years ago. Later, because the imperial court sent Lord Changping to appease the old Chu people, he led a rebellion and returned to the Chu state. After most of the Chu army retreated, the city was replaced a year ago. The officials also took the young and middle-aged people and left with Lord Changping.

Therefore, when the Qin soldiers arrived outside the city, they entered the city without encountering any obstacles.

The people of Chen Ying, who only have old, weak, sick, disabled and women, are not even worthy of hatred. No matter whether they are towards Qin or Chu, as the recipients, they can only send a few old people to surrender to the Qin people. No matter how many more, they can't do anything. .

This is basically the norm in war-torn areas.

Fortunately, this time because of King Qin, Wang Jian personally handled Chen Ying's matter and would not embarrass them.

Whether these people's fate will be judged as following the enemy, they need to wait until King Qin comes before listening to the king's order.

Such Chen Ying City was really not qualified to receive the King of Qin, but Wang Jian rationally only repaired the old palace and left everything else intact.

The King of Qin must have wanted to see the true appearance of Chen Yingcheng under the rule of Lord Changping. These people were suffering now, but they were more likely to be pardoned for their crimes.

After controlling the situation, the Qin army conducted a very strict search near Chen Ying. All the mountains and forests within a certain radius were cut down to prevent thieves from hiding.

However, on the old ground of a bare forest that the patrolling Qin army had just passed, the figures of Moon God and Dong Jun suddenly appeared.

One of the two came from Daze Mountain, a farmer's house, and the other came from Mohist Government City. In Donghuang's plan, these two schools of thought happened to be in their respective areas of responsibility.

Under the strict search of Chen Ying and Qin's army, there was no cover in the wilderness, and it would take some tricks even for them to completely cover their traces.

The Yin Yang family is an ally of the Qin State, and they are not afraid of being besieged by the army if they are exposed. However, Canglong Qisu of the Chu State is nominally lost. The appearance of the Yin Yang Family at this time will only increase suspicion.

Although, the thing is indeed in their hands now.

Unlike when the Star Soul went out with the army during the conquest of Wei, that time the Star Soul was useful to Wang Ben in digging up the river mouth to calculate the weather, and because he really didn't get the Canglong Copper Box in the end, Lord Protector Zuo showed calmness and magnanimity when he left the Qin army. .

"It's been two days since the agreed time, why hasn't Star Soul arrived yet?" Dong Jun frowned slightly, the three of them, Sun, Moon and Star, were now bound together.

For the time being, she had no intention of informing Donghuang, but Xinghun's unpunctuality might very well bring trouble to Sun and Moon alone.

"With Star Soul's strength, he won't be unable to escape when encountering danger." Moon Goddess' face was cold. She didn't like Star Soul's loss of time, but she wasn't worried that something would happen to Star Soul.

The two waited for a while, and the stimulating fluctuations of Yin and Yang skills finally appeared: a Qin soldier walked directly towards the sun and the moon. After entering the ten-step range, his figure slowly shrank with every step he took. Three steps away, he recovered. The original Protector Zuo of the Yin Yang Family curled up his lips and said, "I seem to be late?"

"Master Xinghun, I wonder what happened to him that delayed him for so many days?" Moon God asked lightly.

"It's nothing. I just encountered something interesting in the east, so I waited a few more days." Xinghun chuckled: "It has something to do with mirages, which is beneficial to our plan. I'm not going to do any private work~"

"Mirage? Sanghai?" Dong Jun pondered: "Didn't Lord Xinghun go to the land of Sanjin before leaving? Why did he suddenly change direction and go to Qi?"

"The path I want to take is whatever I want, and I can go wherever I want." He raised his head proudly, Xinghun said the results he got with a faint smile: "Except for some little mice, it should be called Hebo Mountain. The two old guys from Gui are in charge of the early stage planning of the mirage."

"You should know these two people better, right?"

Xinghun didn’t know about Ji Chao’s Ji family’s descendants occupying the Magpie Nest and taking over the Yin-Yang family, but his powers of observation have always been very strong, and some details allowed Xinghun to get a few clues about the two most mysterious elders of the Yin-Yang family. Findings.

"They are just two dying old men from the old era." Dongjun's attitude towards the Hebo Mountain Ghost was consistent with that of the Moon God: "If Donghuang really thought these two guys were useful, he would not have given the position of the Sun, Moon and Star to the three of us. ”

"In the end, I still trust them more, but after all, they are too old and their talents are too ordinary." Luna nodded in agreement.

Xinghun actually went to Songhai. This was the second time Yueshen heard this name in a short period of time. She hid her thoughts deeply and kept silent without asking any more questions.

"So we are His Excellency Dong Huang's right-hand man~" Xinghun laughed mockingly, just as the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, the three of them left quickly.

The visitor was a galloping envoy from the hinterland of Chu State in the south. He brought Wang Jian stability in the south.

Generally speaking, the king of Chu surrendered, and those local nobles would not pull out private soldiers to resist Qin's nominal rule, but on the other hand, they did not want the Qin people to interfere too much in local affairs.

Taxes can be paid and laws can be properly followed, but the rest is hard to say.

Not surprisingly, the attitude was the same when the Chu State was strong and powerful, and now that the Qin people have come, they still want to have the same attitude.

As long as Wang Jian keeps them safe, he can acquiesce to them for the time being. Managing the place will be a matter later, and it has nothing to do with him as a general.

However, in addition to these predictable attitudes, there was an additional surprise that the Dongou Kingdom, far south of the Yangtze River, asked itself to become a vassal. This could just be reported as a gift to King Qin when he arrived at Chen Ying.

Dongou is just a small country, with a population of only tens of thousands, poor and remote.

But the significance is that all Baiyue is a vassal state of Chu. Now that the Qin soldiers have not arrived, Dongou has taken the lead in expressing surrender. This is undoubtedly a good example.In Chu State, King Qin lost a lot of face. Even if he conquers the capital of Chu, what has been lost will never come back.

Only by creating more achievements can those little flaws become insignificant.

Wang Jian personally took out the surrender letter of Dongou Kingdom separately, and collected the surrender forms of other counties and counties separately into a box, among which the names of Fan County and Jing County were listed.

These first batch of surrenderers will receive more tolerant treatment than other counties.


The order for Jingxian, Fanxian and Dongou to surrender was naturally given by Lu Wei himself.

The leading party was Jingxian County, and Fanjun Wu Bin of Fanxian County immediately followed up and supported him. He was a smart man. Although Fanxian County had more than 60 strong men who could recruit soldiers over the years, compared with Wang Jian's [-] army , still not worth mentioning.

Weapons and equipment are the key to this.Due to the technological power that surpassed the times, all Qin soldiers were covered in armor, from men to horses, everything was covered tightly.

There are a lot of metal minerals in Jiangnan and Yue, and the high-end forging technology of Chu and Yue is not inferior to that of Qin. However, before the emergence of Jing County, their lack of tools and the number of craftsmen made it impossible for Fanxian and Yue people to produce iron armor on a large scale.

Armored soldiers fighting unarmored soldiers will be a massacre.

Without enough strength, he could only obey the Qin people.

Ouyang Yao, the king of Dongou, has lofty ideals, but his ability can only be said to be average compared to that of a real hero. However, when he saw that he had chosen both Jingxian and Fanxian, the domestic prime minister Ouyang Yangguang also analyzed the strength comparison and possible future prospects for him with a long-term perspective. After the general trend, follow decisively.

There is another accomplice from Minyue who is still hesitating.

King Wuzhu of Minyue originally wanted to follow him, but after hearing that he might be deprived of his royal title, he hesitated.

Minyue is located in a remote area, with the sea to the south. Will the Qin people go to great lengths to attack this barren land in order to rob it?Wu Zhu didn't quite believe it.

Besides, if it does come, then you can just surrender when the time comes.

Anyway, if you voluntarily surrender now, you will be deprived of the king's title. If you are forced to surrender, you will be deprived of the king's title. The worst result is the same. Why find a master for yourself so early.

Minyue chose to let time decide everything. Before that, he neither sent troops to make enemies of the Qin people nor negotiated with Qin.

Jing County and Fan County did not interfere with Wu Zhu's choice.Every choice will produce a result. For these Yue people with strong self-esteem, just respect their fate.

Lu Wei in Daze Mountain had already learned about Hua Ying's departure and understood that the other party had returned to Chu State.

Disciples were sent and ordered to continue to monitor Zuimenglou and report immediately when Huaying reappeared. No additional attention was needed there.

Nowadays, the general trend of the world is good for the people of Qin, and it is also good for Hall Master Lu.

The most difficult thing now is that time flows too slowly. To plan for the future, he only needs to wait for the opportunity, and he will do more and make more mistakes.

The ones that should be connected in series have almost been connected. The only one that has slipped through the net is the Shushan side. They are also allies that will naturally form after the time is up.

In the Gonggong Hall, Lu Wei, in addition to regularly checking the development of the Gonggong Hall, would practice the secret skills obtained from the Six Xian Tombs, and then indulge in female sex at night. Compared with his previous diligence, he is now half state of decadence.
He sat up and held his forehead. The light could be seen outside the closed window. The experienced Hall Master Lu roughly knew that it was almost noon.

As he sat up, two soft hums sounded charmingly from beside him.

Xue Nu and Duan Murong were squeezed into the inner bed, and a smooth arm weakly pulled the quilt. Judging from the whiteness of the skin, it was Ronger's, Xue Nu was a little fairer, and the little medical fairy had to go out to collect medicines from time to time. , the complexion appears healthier.

It was indeed a little late to work on it last night, otherwise I wouldn't have forgotten the time to get up early.

As the number of candid encounters increases, more tricks are unlocked, and it's easy to go too far if you're not careful.

This is worth reflecting on: now I can delay a whole morning because of drinking and sex, but I can’t imagine what I will delay in the future.
Looking at the fallen wine bottle on the floor, the master of the hall firmly made up his mind: From today on, I will quit drinking!

After taking the oath, I got dressed energetically. Because of the guilt in my heart, I had to work twice as hard!
Since it's already noon, let's go to Li Mu's barracks to visit and have a chat.

Before leaving, he woke up Xue and Rong, but the two women's bodies were so weak that they didn't want to speak. They only used low hums to express that they didn't want to be disturbed.

Instructing the maid to prepare some mild meals and waking up the two girls an hour later, Lu Wei shook his head and walked towards Yangui Ling.

At the same time, in Shennong Hall, which was built diagonally from Gonggong Hall with Liuxian Tomb as the center in the Daze Mountains, the Zhu family was receiving a special guest.

The identity that forces him to meet him in person is naturally extraordinary:

Master of Quicksand, Wei Zhuang!
(End of this chapter)

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