Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 250 Childish lurking

Chapter 250 Childish lurking

The relationship between Shennongtang and Liusha still needs to be traced to Lord Changping.

It was under the guidance of Lord Changping, who was still the right prime minister of Qin at that time, that Wei Zhuang, as an ally, started a deal with the Zhu family.

One is a killer organization that needs intelligence.The other is a great martial arts sect with a wide spread of disciples.

Both sides take what they need.

During the last rebellion in Xinzheng, Liusha received help from the disciples of Shennong Hall, and was able to quickly grasp the situation and connect all parties.

The Zhu family has a reputation for chivalry in the world, and is widely respected by disciples in Shennong Hall, but it would be too naive to think that he is just a short, loyal old man.

Without sufficient means and decisive will, the Zhu family could not succeed as the head of Shennong Hall, let alone lead Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall to fight against the Tian family for many years without losing.

A half-hearted, face-changing master with thousands of faces, even without the introduction of Lord Changping, Shennongtang will still cooperate with the Quicksand Killer Organization, which has always had a bad reputation among the righteous sects in the world, as long as there is demand.

"The master of Liusha came to Daze Mountain in person, it's really a rare visitor."

The Zhu family mask switched to a smile, and he personally poured tea for the distinguished guests through the air with his inner strength.Although Wei Zhuang was not surprised by this display of profound internal strength, he also paid more attention to Shennong Hall.

Friends of quicksand must be strong!
Shennongtang was sufficient in terms of size in the past, but if it were only in terms of size, Wei Zhuang's attitude would be completely different.

"Since the Xinzheng incident, Liusha and Shennongtang have also had several other cooperations. I wonder what the owner of Liusha needs today~"

"In addition to providing information, does Shennongtang have any other help to provide quicksand?" Wei Zhuang said coldly. He didn't even have the desire to take a second look at the tea poured down by the Zhu family.

"Hehe, the owner of Quicksand obviously knows better than me, an old man like me, about how special Quicksand is." The Zhu family laughed jokingly, and did not appear unnatural when talking to the famous descendant of Guigu: "I don't know what kind of news it is. I need to go to Shennong Hall." Headquarters is here to look for you?”

"Mr. Changping, and the Mo family." The corners of Wei Zhuang's cold eyes were narrowed, and he stared motionlessly at the Zhu family's mask that turned into awe.

"So it's about this~" Zhu Jia's tone lowered a bit: "Shouldn't quicksand be part of the plan?"

"You know the situation in Chu State better than I do. Regarding Lord Changping's plan, I want to know his back-up plan."

Wei Zhuang spoke forcefully.

He took his subordinates to Shouchun last year. His original plan to continue to lie dormant and accumulate strength changed after he noticed the new actions of the Mohist family and Shennongtang.

Quicksand can not have too many friends, but it cannot be ignorant of the current situation.

"The value of such information is very expensive." Zhu Jia stroked his beard and sounded surprised, and deliberately emphasized the word 'expensive'.

Wei Zhuang didn't speak, just stared at the Zhu family. After the Zhu family paused and took a sip of tea, he slowly and proactively said: "Of course, with Liusha's strength, he must be able to pay this high price."

As he just said, quicksand is part of the plan, and some information can indeed be provided.

It's just that although Wei Zhuang, a disciple of Guigu, has heard many rumors, he has not actually met much.Since he didn't know him very well, the Zhu family wanted to test his personality.After getting a rough impression, I immediately provided him with the information I needed to provide.

After all, we will continue to cooperate in the future, and it will be beneficial to both parties to understand each other now.

After getting the result he wanted to know, Wei Zhuang stood up and prepared to leave without any further delay. However, when he reached the door, he stopped again: "The farmer's sphere of influence has never included the Qin State. Now the Qin State has taken the initiative to take over the farmer's large area. The sphere of influence is brought under the rule, and Daze Mountain will be the same in the future. How will Hall Master Zhu face this trend?"

"Farmers will have their own rules for survival, so the owners of Quicksand can rest assured." Hearing this question, the Zhu family laughed and said, "The intelligence network of Shennongtang will not be completely destroyed because of the war. The information that Quicksand will need in the future, Shennong The church can still do its best to provide.”

"Oh~ So Hall Master Zhu can also start an investigation within the Qin State." Wei Zhuang's tone remained unchanged: "Then, help me investigate one more person."

"Who is the target? What information do you need about him?"

"Gane, I need all the information about him, any information is fine! In terms of price, every piece of information will be the highest price."

It was this person.

The Zhu family agreed directly to Wei Zhuang without asking any further questions. Of course he knew that Gai Nie was another disciple of Gui Gu.

I also know that according to Guigu tradition, a winner needs to be determined among the two.

This has nothing to do with Guigu’s housework and has nothing to do with the farm family.But when Shennongtang does business, it only needs to be done in accordance with the standard rules of doing business. Why miss the opportunity to make money? There is no saying what the price will be if it is not found.

In the State of Qin, Gai Nie is still the swordsmanship teacher and bodyguard beside King Qin Yingzheng, and is following the King of Qin in the convoy heading to the State of Chu.

Compared with the personal protection he needed in the past, Gai Nieming's appearance by Ying Zheng's side is now very rare.

The increasingly powerful King of Qin needed to be a solitary man, and there could not be any other characters around him to accept worship together.

Except when he encounters a possible assassin and needs to take action, Genie does not need to come forward at other times.

In recent years, the net has become more and more convenient, and after the establishment of the Shadow Secret Guard, even in the position of guard, this Guigu disciple has gradually become dispensable.

Gainie is very aware of the situation in which his importance has been reduced, but in his opinion, this is actually a good thing.

A country or organization that is running normally should not stop functioning just because a certain person is missing.The higher the error tolerance of any person or thing, the more successful it is.Gainie gradually began to want to leave, but the time to leave couldn't be now.

He also needs to see that the country is unified, even if the unification of the world is not a good environment for the Guigu faction strategists.

The more Guigu disciples are in troubled times, the more they can exert their ability to stir up troubles in the world, and the more power they can gain from it.

If the political situation of a country is too stable and the class enters the solidification stage, then where does Guigu Zongheng get the opportunity to advance?

But as an idealist, this is Genie's choice.

In addition to this choice, there is another thing that also cares about him: an unwavering commitment to his only friend in life.

That child should be six years old this year.

Ge Nie has been secretly searching for him through various channels over the years. Although the clues have been laid out, it is not an easy task to find this child in the haystack of the Qin Kingdom.

An orphan was alone outside. It was hard to say whether he was still alive after all these years, but as long as there was no accurate information, he would keep looking.

The Qin soldiers lined up in front of the road stood mighty and held their weapons, and the lost and recovered Chenying city wall could already be seen.

After the Riyuexing trio returned to Yinyang's house and handed over the Azure Dragon Bronze Box, Donghuang calmly asked them to leave.

Regarding the secret of Canglong Qisu, the Yin Yang family is the closest one.

But now there is still one important item missing: the Phantom Sound Box.

The loss of the Phantom Sound Box was an accident, but it was obviously not an accident if it could never be found again: someone deliberately hid this treasure of the Yin Yang family.

The identity of the other party cannot be determined, but it is conceivable that there are only a few people in this world who have this ability.

Judging from certain prophecies, this box will always return to the hands of the Yin Yang family.

However, what even Donghuang didn't expect was that the opportunity for the treasure box to appear has not yet occurred.

He originally thought that in the 1000th year of his family's history, there would be a special event that would redefine the laws of star movement, but no matter whether it was the most important 1000 years or the [-]th year, nothing unusual happened.

It was only in the [-]nd year that the Moon God and Dongjun brought back the Canglong Copper Box from the Yan Kingdom.

This result disappointed Donghuang, and Sun and Moon returned without completing their mission.

Nowadays, the vague guiding role of astrological law is becoming more and more obscure, and astrological law cannot be used, and the role of the sun, moon and stars has become more and more prominent.

It's just that the three of them have their own little thoughts. Dong Huang understands this, but he doesn't think that they will betray the Yin Yang family.

Within the framework of the Yin Yang family, Donghuang can acquiesce in seeking some personal gains for himself.

But will the sun, moon and stars betray themselves? This is an interesting proposition.
Walking out of the huge bronze door belonging to Donghuang, the three of them met the model worker among the elders: Da Siming in the passage corridor.

While Sun, Moon and Star are away, only Da Siming can do all the big and small things in Yin and Yang's family.

Although Da Siming likes killing and having fun, when all the matters in the Yin Yang family fall on her alone, her shortcomings in ability are clearly exposed.

In the past, these were the tasks of the Moon God. After the Star Soul grows up, it will also take on some tasks.

After the two guardians took care of most of the important matters, of course she could leisurely play around with the remaining minor matters.

"See Lord Moon God, Lord Xinghun, and Lord Dongjun."

After hurriedly saluting the three adults, Da Siming immediately felt a sense of relief in his heart.

"No need to be polite." The Moon God among the three replied lightly, and then said: "Has anything special happened in the headquarters in the past two years?"

"Every department is running normally, and nothing major happened. Only last year we recruited a new group of Wulingxuantong disciples, and now there are a few very good seedlings among Wulingxuantong."

"Oh, which disciples are worth paying attention to?"

"There is the disciple of the Wood Department that Lord Moon God brought back a few years ago." Da Siming thought carefully in his brain: "There is also a disciple of the Water Department named 'Ling', who is also very interesting."

"'Spirit'?" Luna raised the corner of her mouth, her tone full of interesting meaning.

"Do you know this disciple, Master Yueshen?" Dongjun asked lightly.

"Whether you recognize him or not, you need to actually see him to find out. I think there won't be anyone who comes to Yin Yang's house with his real name and true appearance to carry out dangerous lurking missions~" Moon Goddess replied steadily.

"It's hard to say." Xinghun roughly guessed what he was talking about and chuckled: "I have been with those gloomy old foxes for a long time, so I can't rashly assume that everyone will have careful thoughts."

"There are always more stupid people in the world, and the more you go down, the more so~"

(End of this chapter)

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