Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 251 The Planner

Chapter 251 The Planner

Wuling Xuantong is an elite disciple who has been confirmed by the senior elders of the Yin Yang family to have higher qualifications than ordinary people.

The Yin Yang family is not large in number, and the Five Spirit Xuantongs are even rarer. Compared with ordinary disciples, they can have a better cultivation environment and better cultivation techniques.

Sun, Moon and Star came together to the high corridor bridge of Wulingxuantong's training place. Looking down through the transparent gauze curtain, most of the five elite disciples were practicing on their own and discussing each other's onmyoji.

From the perspective of these disciples, the covered bridge they saw was shrouded in gray fog, and they could not detect whether there were elders observing them behind the special gauze curtain.

Among the scattered Five Spirits Xuantong, as soon as Yue Shen saw the short blue hair and the extremely eye-catching special lines on his face, he knew that this person was the one he had seen when he brought back a suitable target from Taiyi Mountain. A disciple of Taoist Tianzong.

If we really want to talk about it, this young man named Ling has very good qualifications. This can be seen from the fact that he became the Five Spirit Xuantong after lurking into the Yin Yang family.

It's just that this person was very valued within Taoism when he came. He was awarded Wanchuan Qiushui and had already reached the state of initial cultivation. It was not easy to forcibly abduct him in Tianzong Hall.

Secondly, the Yin Yang family needs a candidate with more qualifications than Kibe.

After confirming the target, Luna's gaze shifted to the purple-haired girl she had chosen to bring back.

Looking at her alone, forming a seal and manipulating the small ball made of leaves in her palm, it is clear that her practice of Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flowers has been completed.

"The spiritual clothes are on the quilt, and the jade pendant is on Lu Li." The Moon God took out a purple jade pendant, which originally belonged to the purple-haired girl: "This person will be the destined candidate for the post of Young Commander."

"The universe is infinite, and the great road is yin and yang. If the sun does not grow, the yin will not grow." Concubine Yan also stared at the target: "It seems that she still needs a test."

"No, there are two tests. The first one has been sent to us by the Taoist family." After she pointed out that Xiaoling was the lurker sent to the Yin-Yang family by the Taoist family, she casually threw away the jade pendant in her hand, intending to throw away the jade pendant. It was already useless, but at the moment when the jade pendant was about to break, Xinghun sucked it into his hand:

"Don't you think this thing is a good tool to humiliate Taoists~" Lord Protector Zuo weighed the purple jade, sneered with interest and walked down the spiral staircase on the left side of the corridor bridge.

From the perspective of Yueshen and Dongjun, when Xinghun arrived in front of the Five Spirit Xuantongs, he had already packed up the jade pendants in his hands. He was rational under most normal circumstances: when can something be used? It was time to hide it and wait for fermentation, he knew very well.

Staring at Xinghun who seemed to be teaching the elite disciples the art of yin and yang, Dongjun said calmly: "Just let him do whatever he wants? How do you control him so that he doesn't do bad things?"

"This is farmer Lu Wei's business. I just need to ensure that you don't have any problems." Yueshen added coldly: "You should know that Xinghun was forced to join the Yinyang family on the way back to Xianyang from Zhao. And before that, he was already that person’s person.”

"Han Danyan?" Dong Jun suddenly smiled: "I remember that after you lost to me in the Peach Blossom Forest in Jicheng, which city did you go to?"

"Yes, I think you also know the reason why I went there." Yueshen's eyes were unwavering. Facing Dongjun's words, it was as if he was listening to an outsider's story that had nothing to do with him.
"Of course, but what I'm curious about is: You said that Lu Wei controls the Star Soul, and you control me, so between you and Lu Wei, who controls whom?" Dongjun's smile did not diminish, taking advantage of the topic. Let's talk about it, let's continue the pursuit.

"In your guess, what is the answer?"

"I think the dignified Lord Moon God will not be controlled by others, but Lu Wei's character is not like someone who would hand over his control to outsiders. How can two guys like you be able to unite and cooperate? I really don't dare to do that. People believe~"

After Dongjun finished speaking, the atmosphere in the covered bridge was deathly quiet for a moment.

"It seems~" After a long time passed, it was Dongjun who struck. She turned around gracefully, and the sound of her mid-calf boots clicking on the floor broke the silence: "There is a transaction between you. As for the content of this transaction, I Think: He can give the five virtues and inner energy, so all you can give is your promise as the future leader of the Yin and Yang family, right?"

"Are you really optimistic about him in the future? Or are you optimistic about the farmer?"

"I have my own decision." Yueshen's face did not change at all during Dongjun's analysis, which made the latter feel a little disappointed: "But there is one premise that we have the same position: take the leadership of the Mirage Project into our hands, and have no control over the project." It benefits both of us.”

"Yes, I agree with this." Faced with the fact that Yue Shen avoided talking about the so-called 'future leader of the Yin Yang Family' and instead mentioned the mirage, Dong Jun nodded in agreement without any worries.

The mirage is closely related to Donghuang's wish to revive the Zhou Dynasty. Regarding this matter, she and the Moon God have the same attitude: if the Zhou Dynasty is not revived, it will not bring much change for the better for the two women. To put it bluntly, their status comes from They are talented in Yin-Yang, so both of them pursue progress in Yin-Yang.

If the Donghuang Mirage plan takes shape, a large amount of resources will be used on Fuzhou. Instead of wasting it, it is better for them to seize it for their own use.

After receiving the inheritance from the Yin Yang Family and the Ji Chao Ji Family, and using the inner energy of Lu Wei and Wude, there is no doubt that the Yin Yang Avenue will expand to a deeper level under the leadership of Sun and Moon.

The names of the sun and the moon will always be engraved in the history of the Yin and Yang family. At least that's what Dong Jun thinks.

Therefore, she put forward an idea that seemed to her reasonable: "After the Mohist family is destroyed, we will use the power of the peasant family to kill Donghuang. Then, that Lu Wei will be worthless."

"Instead of cooperating again, it is better to capture him and imprison him in the Sakura Prison to be built on the Mirage drawings. When we need it, we can just forcibly absorb it from him."

"So that's what you think?" Moon God was thoughtful and seemed to be moved.

"Compared with having to be controlled by others every time we ask for something, it is naturally more convenient for us to do it ourselves." Seeing this, Concubine Yan said confidently: "The Yin Yang Family is not the Yin Yang Family of the Qin State, nor will it be the Yin Yang Family of the farmers. It is It will only be our Yin-Yang Family, the Yin-Yang Family that will last for thousands of years."

"Perhaps there will be a better plan." Luna's pupils flickered. Unlike Dongjun who could only suck a little bit of water every time, she wanted to obtain the Five Virtues and Inner Qi, as long as she didn't overdo it, she could get it every time. fulfilled.

It was just some internal energy, the rejuvenation skill recovered quickly, and Lu was in strong health, so there was no need for her to make any arrest plan with Dongjun.What's more, as Moon Goddess further deepens her understanding of Onmyoji, she will gradually no longer need to obtain pure Five Virtues and Inner Qi from the outside to study.

“Complete our mirage plan first, and then consider subsequent options.”

Regardless of their purpose when talking, the two subconsciously avoided talking about the stars in the 'Sun, Moon and Stars'. For them, each other was the most important ally and the most important opponent within the Yin-Yang family.


In Daze Mountain, after having a pleasant chat with Li Mu and returning to the headquarters, the hall leader met Xiao Yaner who came to report on the internal situation of the farmhouse.

Ji Yan has now officially started his career as a farm disciple in Gonggong Hall, which is also the starting point of his career in power.

Under Lu Wei's instructions, she paid no attention to the dirty things going on in the other five halls and only focused on stuffing people into the five halls.

Now that Siyuetang has unknowingly become a force that can be controlled at any time, the next target is of course Kueitang, which has been decided long ago.

Ten years ago, when Mr. Lu was not the leader of Gonggong Hall, his arrangements for Kuei Hall were pragmatic. He wanted to sell favors to Chen Sheng, who was expelled from the farm, in exchange for Chen Sheng returning to Kuei Hall. The support of the hall master.

At that time, Lu Wei was not strong, his power was small, and his ambitions were even smaller.

But later, the rapid expansion of his strength made him put aside the plan that he had been frustrated with at first glance, and decisively kicked away Chen Sheng, whom he had only met a few times: this position of hall leader can only be filled by his own confidant!

As for Chen Sheng, what should I do?
If he wants to come back, all the qualifications he accumulated in the past will be cancelled, and everything will start from scratch as a disciple of Star Pearl Grass. This is completely fair and just.

If he doesn't want to come back and still blocks the way, then he will be treated as a peasant traitor. Lu Wei will personally go to the Six Sages' Tomb to ask Chen Sheng's master, the elder Bingzhu, to clean up the family!
As for Kuei Hall, the advantage of being able to send people to Kuei Hall now lies in Tian Mi, and the disadvantage also lies in Tian Mi.

Kuei Hall is at the bottom of the six halls. The situation has been like this a few years ago. No matter how bad it is, it can't get any worse, so Tian Mi's management is extremely loose.

It is not difficult to stuff people into Kui Kui Hall, but what is difficult is that the person who wants to stuff them has to seize the position of general manager, which is only under Tian Mi Hall, and also wants to play Tian Mi into applause. No matter what, he has to be a possessor. Talents with certain abilities.

This person must not be an existing disciple at the Gonggongtang headquarters, but must also be loyal to Master Lu. These two criteria alone eliminate a large number of suitable candidates.

In this way, people can only be selected from the branch, and the disciples of Gonggong Hall in Spring Valley Town and Songhai City in the branch will at least be investigated by Shennong Hall. The identities of these people are exposed openly.

After eliminating one by one, there seemed to be many options, but in the end they could only point to Jingxian County.

It just so happens that there is such a candidate in Jing County: Chen Ping.

With this person's ability and the support of Gonggongtang, he can be at ease in Kueitang.

Although Chen Ping had previously expressed his unwillingness to sever his identity as a Taoist disciple, if he really cared about a nominal identity in his heart, then Chen Ping would no longer be Chen Ping.

How many people in the world can refuse the position of leader of the farm hall in the future, even if it is the weakest Kuei Hall, especially Chen Ping who still lacks room to develop.

It wouldn't be too difficult to convince Chen Ping, but there is one thing that must be taken into consideration.

At this time, we have to mention Tian Mi’s shortcomings: Chen Ping is very handsome and well-groomed, and among the peasant disciples, he is perhaps only inferior to Lu Wei.

If Chen Ping wants to do well in Kuei Hall, he is afraid that he will have to be 'bullied' by Tian Mi.

No matter how intelligent he is, if Tian Mi insists on sleeping with him, Chen Ping will probably have to pay some price.

Regarding this matter, Hall Master Lu wrote a letter explaining the situation in detail and left it to Chen Ping to decide the profit and loss.

"I have someone to take care of Kuei Hall. You can continue talking about the other three halls." He sealed the letter and asked Xiao Yan'er to hand it over to his disciples to send to Jingxian County tomorrow morning. Xiao Yan'er took it respectfully without any surprise, nodded and said obediently. :

"Brother, the hall master, can control Siyue Hall and Kuei Hall from the disciple level. The next target, Ayan, wants to extend his means to Chiyou Hall."

This is the most conservative plan. Compared with the strength of Shennong Hall and Lieshan Hall, the other three halls are of course easier to penetrate.

In particular, the leader of Chi You Hall is Tian Hu. Ji Yan, the tiger man, is confident that he can win against him.

Lu Wei has made appropriate arrangements for Siyuetang and Kueitang. Chiyoutang, which is of little significance, can be used as a test of Ji Yan's training ability.

There is no shortage of executors in Gonggong Hall, but planners are very rare except for the hall master himself.

(End of this chapter)

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