Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 252 Ji Yan and Mi Lian

Chapter 252 Ji Yan and Mi Lian

Chi Youtang's Tian Hu was a thoroughly clannish person, and he would only give the position of general manager to his own Tian clan members.

Even those with other foreign surnames, like the bone demons who have taken refuge for many years, can only be used as thugs and cannot be involved in important management positions.

If Ji Yan wants to attack him, he can only attack him from other disciples besides Tian.

Among the hundreds of thousands of disciples of peasant families in Daze Mountain, the Tian family was only a minority after all. This was true even in Lieshan Hall and Chi You Hall, where the Tian family was the most powerful.

Especially since Ji Yan didn't know the specific reason, dozens of Tian's middle-level disciples in these two halls were summoned away in the past few years, and they have not returned until now.

But thinking about it, it was either Tian Guang who initiated the order or Tian Meng who could summon so many Tian clans!

If it is the former, then with the disappearance of the former Xiagui, these Tian family disciples have not shown up for so long, and I am afraid that the situation is already in danger.

If it's the latter, is it possible that Tian Meng has set up an important branch in a hidden stronghold like Jing County?
Ji Yan was puzzled by this question: Tian Meng was not like Tian Hu. Judging from the farmer's comments, he was stronger than his younger brother in terms of brains and muscles.

So she immediately asked Lu Wei for help: Xiao Yan'er thought that she was not old and could use all available powers in a childish way.

Regarding Tian’s problem, apart from Tian himself, the person most likely to know the truth is of course the hall master’s brother!

However, Lu Wei nodded and only let her think: a small matter can only affect dozens of Tian clans and does not affect the overall situation.

"Then why are you nodding?" She didn't get the answer she wanted. After muttering silently in her heart, Xiao Yan'er was not discouraged: In her plan, the original intention was to provoke conflicts between Tian family disciples and ordinary disciples. , causing a gap between Tian and ordinary disciples.

If those dozens of Tian managements exist, the problem will be slightly more complicated. If they do not exist, conflicts will undoubtedly be more likely to arise.

According to Tian Hu's character, the conflict between the Tian family and the ordinary disciples in Chiyou Hall originally existed. These ordinary disciples just lacked an 'external force' that could support them.

Gonggongtang is the number one hall in the farmhouse. As long as you use this "number one" name, no matter whether you can succeed or not, there will definitely be Chiyoutang disciples who have the courage to cause trouble to Tian Hu~

In Guangling City, Chu State, as time goes by, the weather gradually turns from hot to cold.

In the city, the new King of Chu Xiong Qi and the general Xiang Yan both understood that the Qin army would always arrive. Compared with the failure of the last field battle, they were prepared this time: by using the city defense and river network terrain to deal with the Qin people, they might not be unable to defend it. .

As long as the Qin people repel one attack, Guangling Chu State will be able to establish its name and regain its old territory bit by bit.

Now Guangling has the original Xiang Yan army of tens of thousands, plus naval soldiers and newly recruited soldiers, the total strength has reached 60. Although the Qin army that Wang Jian brought to Chu has 40, some of them have to be separated. To guard the newly occupied towns in the rear and ensure the smooth flow of food routes, it is conservatively estimated that the number of people who can attack Guangling is at most [-]. Even though such a difference in strength is still huge, it is not despair.

According to the latest news, the Qin people gathered many large ships in the middle reaches of the river, and Shouchun's army was also gathering at the same time. It is not difficult to come up with their battle plan of advancing on two fronts.

A group of Chu knights tried to risk their lives by burning the ship in the hope that Guangling would relieve the pressure. However, they were all discovered and killed before they even had time to approach the Qin ship.
The strictness of the Qin people's precautions proved that they were fully prepared. The private strategy of burning ships could not be implemented, and they could only rely on the Chu navy to stop the Qin navy.

Xiong Qi and Xiang Yan are still very confident about this: the overall quality of the ordinary soldiers of the Chu army may not be as good as that of the Qin army, but the navy is undoubtedly an exception.

The storm was about to come, and one day when the war was again gaining momentum, a simple motorcade left the city from the north gate of Guangling City and headed towards Qi State.

The convoy consisted of only one carriage, protected by four rangers dressed in linen.

Their journey was to first enter the territory of Qi, then pass through Daze Mountain and enter the land of the old Wei. Their final destination was Zuimeng Tower in Licheng, which was now renamed by the State of Qin.

The two women in the carriage are none other than Hua Ying, the oiran of Zuimenglou, and Mi Lian, the eldest daughter of the King of Chu.

The fate of the upcoming war was uncertain. The reason why Xiong Qi recalled Hua Ying who was running the farm before he returned to Guangling City was to further send his family to a safe place.

Originally, the queen and her youngest daughter Mi Xin should also evacuate together, but the queen was strong and had the same power as Xiong Qi. She held her daughter and stood resolutely in the city. She could also inspire the soldiers' confidence just like she did with Chen Ying, so she refused. leave.

After the queen came forward, Mi Lian became relatively useless and became the target of Xiong Qi's strict order to follow Hua Ying northward. "Lian'er, after this battle, if the Chu Kingdom wins, you can come back immediately. If not, I will also take your mother and sister to reunite in a safe place."

"Yes." Mi Lian nodded and agreed to leave out of belief in her father's promise and the fear of the upcoming war hidden deep in her heart.

She seems to be used to this kind of bumping from one place to another:
From Xianyang to Chenying, from Chenying to Guangling, and now from Guangling to Licheng, except that the situation is getting worse and worse, nothing much has changed.

However, compared to previous itineraries, this one was particularly poor: from daily living standards to the maids who took care of them, everything was gone.

The quality of the carriage was also far worse than the comfortable machine carriages of the past. The bumps on the road were too violent, which made the delicate Wang eldest daughter look pale and looked very uncomfortable.

Huaying has been working outside for many years and has suffered more hardships. Therefore, although her complexion is equally bad, she can still reach out and stroke Mi Lian's back, injecting her own shallow inner energy to make her as comfortable as possible.

"Thank you, Sister Huaying." Looking gratefully at the supervisor whom her father entrusted her to, Mi Lian rested her head on Huaying's arms and fell into a drowsy sleep.

It was too much torture along the way and she couldn't do anything well. She was half asleep and half awake almost the whole time.

Fortunately, after entering the territory of Qi State, he was out of danger and was greeted by Zhu family's cronies.You can also use farm stations along the way, which slows down your progress a little, but after all, rushing is no longer a complete torture.

After entering Daze Mountain, Mi Lian met her herbal medicine teacher Zhu Jia, exchanged greetings and had a good night's rest. The next night, the group finally arrived in Licheng.

In fact, with the environment of Shennongtang and the treatment it can provide, it is no problem to raise a young girl. However, Xiong Qi’s order requires his daughter to go to Zuimenglou, and considering that although Shennongtang is powerful, it is easy for others to covet it. It will be very troublesome once the true identity of Mi Lian, who is treated specially, is discovered.

"So, you can let the eldest daughter of the King of Chu mingle among the dancing girls and musical girls, and let your reputation be damaged?"

In the diagonally opposite restaurant, looking down at Huaying surrounded by girls, leading the girl who seemed to be a little older than herself into the Zuimeng Tower, Ji Yan imitated Lu Wei's chin touch and said lightly.

"Who knows what those powerful people think? Changping Lord is known as an anti-Qin righteous man, but his behavior seems to be no different from that of the bastard King Wei." Mei Sanniang, who was accompanying Xiao Yan'er, had a hot temper. Her master was killed by the King of Wei and the powerful people in the court. Mei Sanniang had never had a good impression of those so-called nobles.

"What Sanniang said makes sense, but the hall master brother wants to get those elite talents after the Chu Kingdom was destroyed." Withdrawing the deep gaze in his pupils, Ji Yan said expressionlessly: "This is the eldest daughter of the King of Chu, we want to help It’s up to Brother Hall Master to take it back.”

Ji Yan, who was carefully planning Chi Youtang's act of arrogance, suddenly received an order from Lu Wei a few days ago. When he learned that the target was another girl of similar age to himself, Xiao Yan'er's mind immediately became intense.

The first thing she thought about was not whether she could complete the task, but that the girl named Mi Lian was too similar to her:
She was also from a noble family, and the other princess's status was even higher than hers.

It also plays a role in attracting talents from a country, and the Chu State is even more powerful than the Wei State.

Could this guy be his future rival?But now I want to take it back personally?
Xiao Yan'er's face was a little gloomy, the guy who was most likely to threaten her position appeared.

"What Miss Yan said is true. This is Hall Master Lu's order this time. We must carry out the order carefully. If something goes wrong, it will be difficult for the Hall Master to explain it." Mei Sanniang's character must not be able to see through this. Although she noticed Today, Miss Yan's face is not as soft as before, but she can't figure out the reason.Even Mei Sanniang didn't think about the reason, but concentrated on thinking about the task:

"Zuimenglou is the territory of Shennongtang, but there are not many experts here. Let's take advantage of the darkness and tie her back tonight."

"Don't worry, Sanniang, that is the last resort. If the hall master thinks so, he will definitely not send me to do this." Ji Yan shook his head and refused. Why would the hall master send himself to do this? You must think about it: "I am going to take a look at what kind of person this eldest daughter of the King of Chu is."

No matter what, this mission must be completed, even if you know that the other party's surrender will become a threat to your status.

Before completing the mission, confirming what kind of threat Mi Lian is will not hinder the progress of the mission.

"Miss Yan?" Mei Sanniang couldn't understand what Ji Yan meant. She was older than Ji Yan, but she was always straightforward in what she did and said. Her advantage was that she was loyal and willing to do things for Miss Yan.

"I want to go into Zuimeng Tower to order this girl Mi Lian, and personally find out her true identity for the hall master brother." After saying that, Xiao Yan'er took out the folding fan from her waist, opened it and displayed it in front of her chest, and fanned her gently. .

Since a person has entered Zuimeng Tower, he is the performing girl of Zuimeng Tower. If he does not take advantage of this opportunity now, he will not have a chance when that guy enters the backyard of Gonggong Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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