Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 254 Chapter 253: What is she if she is not a dancing girl?

Chapter 254 Chapter 253: What is she if she’s not a dancing girl?
Zuimenglou had done something with the incense and tea. In addition, there were guards hidden behind the screen in the room, so he had complete means of dealing with it.

It's just that Ji Yan has the rejuvenation technique to protect his body with internal energy, and he also practices the farmer's "sense of speech and color". He has a pair of "autumn eyes". Even if his eyes are not turned on, his observation ability is far beyond that of ordinary people.

This is the territory of Shennongtang. Shennongtang is best at collecting medicines and making medicines. This is where a group of romantic women stay. Using medicines to control the enemy is their best way to be just in case. Before coming here, Ji Yan was aware of the possibility of entering the mouth or nose. Objects are extremely defensive.

It is not difficult to meet the eldest daughter of the king. Since they choose to hide in this place and this identity, they have to bear the corresponding price. Huaying will not dare to gamble on creating the slightest risk of possible exposure.

Zuimeng Tower is a place for gathering information, and what you are most afraid of is having others gather information.

The only troublesome part is how to get along with Mi Lian alone. The first key point to achieve the goal is to get rid of the supervisor Huaying.

It's still a similar routine: the oiran is the oiran, the 'big shot' comes to have fun, and Huaying is called upon to accompany her, but Huaying's disguised identity determines that she has to go.

Licheng and Daze Mountain are so close to each other, and the main road into the mountain leads to Chiyou Hall and Gonggong Hall. It is understandable that Tian Hu did not make any detailed arrangements, but it would be a serious dereliction of duty if Lu Wei did not make any arrangements.

With Gonggongtang's manpower and material resources and advance layout, Xianyang, thousands of miles away, must not have a clearer grasp of the small Licheng than Dazeshan, which is right next door.

In addition to Gonggong Hall, the Zhu family of Shennong Hall also has designs for this place, but their main focus is on Zuimeng Tower. Shennong Hall is located at the northeast corner of Daze Mountain. Building a Zuimeng Tower in Licheng is already out of bounds. If there are too many jurisdictions, there will be unreasonable conflicts with Chiyoutang and Gonggongtang.

Let the local county lieutenant go to Huaying, who is well versed in pharmacology, to delay the situation in advance, and then there is no difficulty in dealing with a mere little girl and other secret guards.

As long as you add some incense to the incense burner and secretly mix some of the intoxicating drugs you got from Sister Duanmu, it will be difficult for ordinary people to recognize it under the cover of the aroma in the room.

By the time they realized something was wrong with their bodies, it was already too late.

Not surprisingly, in order to hide from others, outside the window of Mi Lian's room was an alley instead of a busy street.

After handling the scene, Ji Yan picked up the eldest daughter of the King of Chu, who was limp and limp, and used Qing Kung Fu to escape out of the window.

There was a secret sentry arranged by Zuimenglou in the alley. When they saw someone stepping out, they hurriedly surrounded her to stop her, but Ji Yan used the unconscious Mi Lian to block the rat-throwing weapon, and were eventually knocked down one by one.

There are only three secret sentinels. If there were more, there would be a risk of being exposed to the Qin people if they were usually hidden.

Normally, they should report Hua Ying when they find something unusual, but Mi Lian's identity is too important, and Anshao subconsciously wants to snatch it back.

After all the troubles were solved, Ji Yan calmly and silently evacuated from the alley with the hostage target.

When she came today, she just wanted to test her and had no intention of kidnapping the Princess of Chu. Otherwise, to be on the safe side, Xiao Yan'er would have asked Mei Sanniang to take care of her here.

But as the trial progressed, she discovered that Mi Lian was a little naive and not worth worrying about.Secondly, before entering the room, Ji Yan had already judged the location of the room in the entire Zuimeng Building based on the memory map in his mind, and concluded that he could snatch people away.

She simply made a temporary plan, but she didn't expect it to succeed so smoothly, which even surprised her:
Is this the kind of defense that Zuimenglou has?
That's right. As long as Mi Lian's true identity is known, it will not be difficult to take her away either openly or secretly. The secret of Zuimeng Tower determines that even if it has a stricter security method, it cannot be used due to identity.

Because the hall master's brother knew in advance that the princess of Chu would come to such a place to escape unimaginably, and planned everything in advance, this made the plan go so smoothly.

Just a quarter of an hour after Ji Yan left, the two guards who had fallen behind the screen woke up because Ji Yan deliberately did not silence them.

The drug that Ji Yan used today was fast-acting and powerful. It meant she would faint quickly and wake up quickly. This was why she had to give Mi Lian another pill.

After regaining consciousness, the two people hurriedly got up and looked towards the table. Sure enough, the princess was nowhere to be seen, and so was the young master.

With shocked expressions on their faces, they looked out from the open window and saw the corpses of three secret guards with broken necks lying stiffly in the alley.
The two people in the room were the personal guards given to Mi Lian by Xiong Qipiao, and they survived because of their status as Chu people.And those secret whistles were all people from Zuimenglou who were trained by Huaying themselves, and their value was not high. Moreover, Ji Yan did not want to delay time in the end and would attack without mercy, so they would die.
Mei Sanniang is a forthright woman who usually drinks heavily in the hall.

This time, she followed Ji Yan to complete the hall master's order. In order not to let the smell of alcohol affect the smart Miss Yan's thinking, she only drank tea in Licheng.

Tonight, Miss Yan went to Zuimeng Tower to inquire about information. Mei Sanniang’s identity is not a secret in the peasant family. In addition, her personality is too conspicuous. If she followed her there, her identity would be easily guessed, so she had to stay at the stronghold and wait for Miss Yan. return.

When she heard the agreed signal and knocked on the door and opened the door, she hurriedly took over the little girl with reddish-brown hair who was supported by Ji Yan and said in surprise: "Miss, did you bring the target back?"

"By chance, I took advantage of the opportunity, so I used Sanniang's method." He let go of Mi Lian and handed it to Mei Sanniang. After confirming that no one was following her outside, Ji Yan quietly closed the door: "Send her to the prepared place." Room, the effect of the medicine can last for a few more hours, and she won't be able to wake up tonight." "For completing the task so smoothly, the hall master will definitely reward the young lady." After settling the kidnapped target as instructed, Mei Sanniang prepared for Ji Yan was happy.

"It's just the first stage. Although the eldest princess of Chu is not smart enough, she should still have a certain degree of arrogance. It's not that easy to make her surrender." Ji Yan waved her hand calmly, and asked how to make the other party obedient next. This is the second step of the plan.

Xiao Yan'er already knew that Lu Wei wanted to use Mi Lian to win the hearts of Chu people, and this required the initiative of the princess.The kidnapping method must have made Gonggongtang's first impression on Mi Lian very bad. Now that the person is in hand, it is necessary to redeem this and make her understand that Gonggongtang is the only choice.

Since the hall master brother has handed down the task, and the target this time is not threatening, then he must exceed the quota to satisfy the hall master brother!

"Sanniang, I'm going to sleep for a while. Wake me up in an hour."

"Don't worry, Miss Yan, just leave it to me!"

At Zuimeng Tower, the news of Mi Lian's disappearance was not told to Huaying for half an hour late. This was not because Huaying didn't care, but because it was not easy to get rid of those powerful people.

After she saw the gestures of the guards protecting Her Royal Highness the Princess, she finally used Wang Li's name to finish a dance and exit the box.

After learning about what happened, he was shocked and came to Mi Lian's room with a dark face. At a glance, he saw the words "I took away the eldest daughter of the King of Chu" sharply carved on the desk, which made Hua Ying's left fingernail too red. He pinched the back of his right hand with all his strength.

The aroma of incense in the air of the room has been lost due to the open window, and the entire inner liner of the small incense burner has been taken away. The methods used by the other party are clear at a glance, but there is no way to find out.

Only one thing is clear: the enemy knows the princess's identity, but she is not from Qin, otherwise there is no need to arrest her in this way.

This means that Huaying cannot search for clues in a big way, and careful investigation cannot reveal the truth, otherwise once the opponent is cornered and the princess is handed over to the Qin people,
"You two follow me, we will go to Daze Mountain overnight to meet the Zhu Family Hall Master!" Huaying said, pointing to the two incompetent guards whose duty was to protect the princess but were knocked unconscious. She closed her eyes and raised her forehead.

This situation cannot be solved by Zuimenglou alone. Guangling is too far away, so we must rely on the help of farmers.
An hour later, at the hidden stronghold of Gonggongtang, Ji Yan searched the unconscious Mi Lian and found a light red jade pendant of extremely special quality, which should belong to the Chu royal family.

Putting another white pill into those delicate and delicate lips, and using her internal force to help Mi Lian dissolve, Ji Yan still wore his men's clothes and kept the faint smile he had in Zuimenglou before sitting on the table and chair in front of the bed. , drinking water slowly.

With a whoosh, as the medicine took effect, Mi Lian woke up groggily and sat up. When she turned around and saw the smiling Ji Yan with her hazy eyes, she suddenly woke up completely.


Staring at the jade pendant that Ji Yan was playing with with a pale face, Mi Lian subconsciously felt her body and found that there was no pain except for numbness and weakness. While she was thankful, she couldn't help but feel worried: "You are so bold! What if? Release me now, and I can promise not to pursue your crimes."

"Otherwise, Da Qin Qin Lu will not let you go!"

The weak little girl hid her right hand behind her back and trembled slightly, but she held on to the scene, baring her teeth and claws in an attempt to threaten Ji Yan.

"Oh?" Ji Yan stood up and walked towards the bed step by step with a faint smile. Mi Lian's widened eyes met her crescent smiling eyes for only a few breaths before he took the initiative to avoid them:

"Your Highness, the Princess of Chu, actually relies on reciting Qin's laws to support herself?"

Xiao Yan'er's words made Mi Lian lower her head like a cabbage that had just experienced a frost. She was speechless and speechless.

She knew very well what kind of terrible end she would suffer if she was handed over to the Qin people in her capacity.

The brain is running rapidly, but no matter how hard you dig into the blank space, you can't find a solution.

"It seems that I guessed it right." Ji Yan raised his hand and lifted Mi Lian's chin, forcing her to look at him, and praised her: "She looks good. No wonder she was arranged to be a dancer. She is just right."

"I'm not a dancing girl!" Mi Lian bit her lip hard, turned her head and broke away from the opponent's grasp, and defended herself.

"Really? I spent thirty gold to bring you out of Zuimeng Tower, a place known to the entire East County. You are not a dancing girl, so what are you~"

"Does Your Highness the Princess think that she is still a princess when she is not in Chu Kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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