Chapter 255
After being ridiculed, Mi Lian came to her senses and stared at the other person who was roughly the same age as herself, trying hard to guess the reason why she was kidnapped.

In her recollection, she could only belatedly believe that her daily objects and room decorations were too Chu-style, which aroused the other party's suspicion. Later, she found the royal jade pendant on her body to confirm her identity.

The young man in front of me is not from Qin, and he is so familiar with Chu. According to what Sister Huaying said before, he is a traveling merchant. Could he also be from Chu?

Judging from his knowledge of Fire Phoenix Wutong, maybe he, like Sister Huaying, is from a noble family in the Chu Kingdom?

After all, the other party kidnapped him and did not cause any harm to him except to confirm his identity.

Mi Lian, who had some suspicions in her mind, calmly took another look at her surroundings and found that although the room was simple, the door and window patterns were very particular. Although it was not the popular style in Chu country, it was still quite valuable to appreciate.

"The Kingdom of Chu has not yet been destroyed and Guangling City is still there, so naturally I will still be the Princess of Chu!" Her Royal Highness the Princess, who had gained some confidence, shouted firmly.

The change of Mi Lian's expression was not hidden from Ji Yan at all. She roughly guessed what the other party was thinking. She didn't point it out and just smiled and asked: "What if Guangling City is destroyed~"

"When you lose that country, are you going to survive in the Drunken Dream Tower?"

"I can easily bring you out today, and others can too tomorrow. Do you think that a mere Huaying or a mere Shennongtang can protect you for the rest of your life?"

"Are the farmers just a mere meager in his eyes?" Mi Lian tried hard to collect information in her heart. Regarding the other party's question, she subconsciously thought of the promise her father had made when he sent her away. She shook her head and retorted to Ji Yan: "I'm just temporarily here." It’s just living in Zuimeng Tower, Guangling City will not be destroyed, and even if it is destroyed, I will not stay in that place forever.”

"Do you think that King Chu will still send someone to pick you up~"

Ji Yan sneered and turned around, laughing at the other party's naivety and stupidity for leaking important information again.

'It seems that Xiong Qi and Mi Lian have some kind of agreement. The agreed location will be completed at Zuimeng Tower. In theory, after the fall of the Chu Kingdom, a group of elite Chu people's escapees can be found by monitoring here. '

From Mi Lian's reaction, Xiao Yan'er immediately noticed this piece of information.

Xiong Qi himself will definitely not survive. King Qin hates betrayers the most. This can be seen from the head of Fan Yuqi used by Yan State to assassinate Qin many years ago.

The head of a rebel general can create a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yan to assassinate Qin within five steps. It is Ying Zheng's character that is used in this.

Changping Jun once had a hundred times more trust than Fan Yuqi, and the things he did were a hundred times more hateful than Fan Yuqi. After the defeat of the Chu Kingdom, there was no way he could survive. Even if a miracle happened, he would have to evade pursuit for the rest of his life. , if he contacts Zuimenglou, it will only bring danger to his daughter, which is absolutely impossible.

Mi Lian thought that her family had a way out to give up the power, but in fact, the only way out from the beginning was to win on the battlefield.

Previously, the 40-strong army was defeated, but now only 20 can win?

This is not the story of Le Yi's conquest of Qi in the past. Ying Zheng's military outlook on the overall situation is much more outstanding than that of King Yan Hui.

"Do you think you know my father better than I do?" Mi Lian was laughed at repeatedly. She puffed her lips to imitate the other person's tone and also sarcastically mocked Ji Yan.

Her behavior made Xiao Yan'er laugh out loud again: "Do you want to make a bet with me?"

"What bet?"

"Your fate is now in my hands. It stands to reason that I could have dealt with you at will, and the most beneficial approach is to abandon you to the people of Qin." Ji Yan no longer pretended to speak, and sounded as sweet as an oriole out of the valley. The female voice was deliberately and accidentally exposed: "But I want to play a game with you, at the cost of your freedom, how about~"

"You..." Mi Lian really didn't care about the content of Ji Yan's words, but raised his hand and pointed at her in surprise.

"Oh~ it's been exposed anyway." It seemed that she realized that she had not controlled her voice well belatedly. Xiao Yan'er stamped her foot angrily, then turned around and openly opened the hairpin on her head, and then took it out from her arms. Use the handkerchief prepared in advance to wipe off the light makeup on your face, showing your true face in front of the other party.

Seeing the boy who was originally about the same age as herself turn into a girl who seems to be more immature than herself, Her Royal Highness Princess Chu opened her mouth wide and at the same time, she couldn't help but feel more relaxed: Ji Yan's sweet and well-behaved appearance and the same gender naturally made her Mi Lian is more accepting.

"Hmph, the content of the bet is: Chu will be defeated by Qin, and your father will not fulfill his agreement with you~"

After wiping off the men's makeup skills carefully designed for her by Sister Xue Nu, Xiao Yan'er showed her liveliness in front of Mi Lian. This was undoubtedly a way to greatly reduce the other party's vigilance.

"How do you know about my agreement with my father?"

"I don't know the specific content of that agreement, but I know that it will definitely be breached!" Ji Yan's move to step forward again did not arouse Mi Lian's disgust: "Besides, you will definitely stay in Zuimeng like that. In the building, she spends the rest of her life as a dancing girl with 'a pair of jade arms that serve as a pillow for thousands of people, and a tiny bit of red lips that thousands of people can taste'."

Using the strange sentence she heard from the hall master's brother, Xiao Yan'er folded her arms and looked down at Xiao Lian'er on the bed with a smile. "Zuimenglou is an elegant place for playing piano and music, not that kind of place." Mi Lian subconsciously rebutted some inappropriate words in the other party's words.

"Really? Even in the past when Zhao Guotantai was known as the number one music and dance studio in the Seven Kingdoms, when it was at its peak, Lord Pingyuan would still use it to entertain his guests." Ji Yan turned his head in disdain: "Those women said it was Whether it's dancing or playing the piano, after all, you just rely on your beauty to survive. Do you really think those guests went to a drunken dream house with no strong background just to see and listen?"

"I" Her Royal Highness the Princess was silent. Although she had only been in Zuimeng Tower for less than a month, she did vaguely hear some inappropriate sounds when she was walking in the early stages of settling in.

It was a fact that the little girl in front of him abducted him, and it was also a fact that Huaying could not bear the pressure and let himself face the guests.

Today Huaying cannot deal with a nominally ordinary businessman appropriately. What if someone with more power comes in the future? This is not because Huaying is disloyal, but because she is just a weak woman, and the nature of Zuimenglou is like this. , powerlessness is a manifestation of lack of ability.

It was precisely for this reason that Mi Lian was unwilling to stay in Zuimeng Tower for a long time.What she hopes most is that the Chu Kingdom can win, so that she can return to Guangling and become a real princess, and then ask for a pot of the rare Fire Phoenix Wutong to taste the rumored taste.

Even if the Chu State is defeated, it is not unacceptable for his father to take his mother, sister and himself together to become a rich man.Even if there is no status, there is still a life of wealth and freedom.

But if her father breaks the promise as the little girl said, then where else can she go except Zuimenglou?
"If you lose, will you let me go back?" Mi Lian asked nonsense. No matter whether she won or lost, she couldn't go back.

"Of course!" Ji Yan agreed confidently: "If you lose, instead of giving it to guests you don't know to taste in the future, why not become my maid, and I promise not to give you to outsiders, how about~"

Xiao Yan'er never believed that her guarantee was valid. She was still fighting for her own destiny. But in front of Mi Lian, Ji Yan was not worried at all: the person was already in her hands and she would not let him go no matter what. The so-called 'guarantee' is nothing more than a white lie to deceive children.

Anyway, there is a half chance that this guarantee is true, and the other half chance it will be a lie.

"Then can you let me go back now to wait for the outcome of the bet?" Mi Lian always likes to ask nonsense questions.

"No, do you think Zuimenglou will be searching for you seriously?" Ji Yan deliberately started to stir up trouble.

"Sister Huaying cares about me very much." Mi Lian did not answer directly.

"Here, you can still get important information from the outside. Just wait for the result of the bet with peace of mind. It should be soon." Ji Yan smiled lightly and said, "Compared to Zuimeng Tower, this place will be more elegant and quiet. Some. In troubled times, it is already rare to have such a place with shelter from the wind and rain and no shortage of food."


Lu Wei didn't pay much attention to what Xiao Yan'er was doing in Licheng, especially after learning that the person had been obtained.

It was just a branch line for Ji Yan to exercise his abilities in the farmhouse. It couldn't be easier for the hall master to control a little girl.

After all, Mi Lian has a younger sister.As long as people have family members, they have weaknesses. He has used this method of coercion many times.

Although this sister is no longer in Lu Wei's hands, who in Licheng City would know about it.

After looting the Juyang Treasure House, Hall Master Lu had a lot of royal artifacts from the Chu Kingdom: he could find an orphan child of a similar age and throw in a few royal jade pendants as evidence to disguise his identity.

Continuing to let Xiao Yan'er play in Licheng, Lu Wei got news of the Zhu family's visit.

The reason was probably because of the war in Chu State.

The situation of the Chu army was very bad. The Qin army, King Qin Yingzheng, was personally stationed in the rear. The last information about Guangling City was that the Qin State had taken over a lake in the north, built a high platform, and set up a post office. It planned to build a county of Qin after the Chu army was destroyed. Gaoyou can also be called Gaoyou.

The Guangling City front line was lost one after another, and another even worse news was that the contact between Chu King Xiong Qi and General Xiang Yan was also separated by the Qin army.

Defending the city requires guarding the countryside. A simple isolated city without reinforcements from the outside is hopeless. Therefore, when the Chu army defended Guangling, Xiong Qi personally settled the people in the city and defended the city, while Xiang Yan led his troops outside and used the terrain to entangle the Qin people. .

Only when there is smooth communication between the city and the field can they cooperate with each other to resist the Qin army. When Guangling City lost contact with the field combat troops, both sides had no idea of ​​each other's situation, and failure was inevitable.

Although many people had guessed that this was the case at the beginning of the war, at this moment the Qin army personally informed the Chu people of the fact of defeat.

The Chu State was only one general attack away from being destroyed. Due to the time difference, the general attack had already begun when Lu Wei was talking to the Zhu family.
Unification of the world is getting closer.

In the main hall of Gonggong Hall, after just a few words about the Kingdom of Chu, the Zhu family mask suddenly turned blue and sighed:
"Hey, speaking of the King of Chu, does Brother Lu know the news that the eldest daughter of the King of Chu came to Licheng last month?"

(End of this chapter)

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