Chapter 256

Shao Yu finally experienced the taste of a real battlefield.

The blood-red sunset seemed to accompany the killings on the ground, smearing its own color with the blood that flew up along the cold light. He pulled out the short spear from the back of the Seven Seas Dragon Armor and killed several Qin troops who were pursuing him. He followed up with the large army with his few remaining subordinates. Evacuate the team.

Compared with last year's confrontation, Chu State was now at a disadvantage. Although he was very anxious, such a battlefield also made young Shao Yu's blood swell.

The more he finds himself in trouble and is surrounded by enemies, the more he longs for the arrogance of having sharp rays streak through his body and relying on bravery to defeat more with less.

"Xiaolong, counting today's five, I have killed enough of a hundred Qin Qi."

Driving the horse forward and walking side by side with the dragon in flaming red armor, the nine-year-old Shao Yu's accelerated heartbeat has not completely calmed down: "The people of Qin are nothing special. My grandfather was able to defeat 20 of them in one battle the year before last. When I grow up, Finally, we will kill another 20 of them!"

"Young Master." Long Qie was not as enthusiastic as Shao Yu. His father had died in the previous battle. Now that he has succeeded as the commander of the Tenglong Legion, his first priority is to protect the hope of the Xiang family.

A few days ago, the Qin army launched a huge offensive, which can almost be described as a general attack. The Tenglong Legion was responsible for the left wing of the army, but in the melee, the Qin people broke away from the Chinese army. Now they have lost contact with the army. It's been several days.

For this war, on the surface Long Qie could not have the slightest feeling of defeat, but deep down in his heart, he had silently adjusted his goal to safely send the young master out of the Guangling battlefield.

As long as the young master is here, the Xiang family is here, and the Xiang family is here, there will still be hope for the Chu Kingdom!

In the past few days, when retreating and being pursued by Qin Qi, the young master was always excited to lead the troops personally. It would be difficult to persuade him to leave the battlefield voluntarily.
"Xiaolong, what's wrong?" Shao Yu looked at his hesitating partner with some curiosity.

"General, you are one of our own!" Just as Long Qie was finishing his words and preparing to persuade, the forward cavalry shook their arms and shouted.

Looking up, there was indeed a white-armored cavalry approaching them in the distance.

Unlike the Tenglong Army, which still maintained a decent-sized army, the Chu Army's cavalry only had a hundred riders. However, when the two sides approached, Long Qie and Shao Yu could clearly see the opponent's banner with the word "Xiang" in it.

"It's Uncle Liang and Master Fan!" From the color of the flag and the surrounding patterns, Shao Yu, who had excellent eyesight, recognized at a glance which Chu army the newcomers belonged to.

"Shao Yu." A slightly embarrassed Xiang Liang also recognized the Teng Long Legion, an elite Chu army, after the two armies approached, but what was more important than the Teng Long Legion was that Shao Yu was also there!
This shocked Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng: Xiang is the soul of Chu's army, and besides the generals, the presence of Major General Shao Yu is the most important in the Chu army.

Even though Xiang Liang was also the son of Xiang Yan, his status was not as high as that of Xiang Yu, who was a generation shorter but was confirmed as a major general.

"Uncle Liang, Master Fan, how could you do this?" After Shao Yu was happy, he looked at the Chu army who were too few and embarrassed around the two elders, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart: Uncle Liang and Master Fan were in charge of the Chinese army. General, the Chinese Army is where my grandfather Xiang Yan was.
"It's a long story." Fan Zeng shook his head with a sad expression, and Xiang Liang even lowered his head gloomily. The deathly silence of the scene seemed to have explained everything.

It wasn't until the sound of galloping horse hooves came from the ground in the distance that everyone was shocked.

"It's not our people, it's Qin's pursuers. Retreat first!" Long Qie clenched the handle of his gun and took the lead, facing the direction of the movement.

He could tell from the movement of the horses' hooves that the Qin army's pursuers numbered no less than [-]. The Chu army's horses had not been well rested and maintained in the past few days. They would definitely not be able to escape if they just ran: "General Xiang, Military Advisor Fan, take the young master and retreat." , I will lead the Tenglong Army to delay time for you!"

"No, I'll cut off the queen too!" Shao Yu shouted subconsciously, but was pulled by Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng and had to leave with him.

Although he has a high status, at least for now, he still obeys the orders of Uncle Liang and Master Fan.

"Golden Fire Cavalry?" After the young master withdrew, Long Qie looked at the charging of the golden-patterned black-armored cavalry in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Tenglong Legion, line up, charge formation."

Facing Qin's army with the greatest achievements in this war, Long Qie was not afraid at all.

He must delay the young master's evacuation.

"You know, the Princess of Chu named Mi Lian was arranged by you to enter Zuimeng Tower, but she disappeared mysteriously some time ago?"

Facing the Zhu family's question, Lu Wei nodded frankly.

"Hey, Gonggongtang's intelligence really knows everything. It's even better than my brother, Shennongtang." The Zhu family's mask quickly changed between red and blue twice. For this set of thousands of people and thousands of faces, he There has been progress recently.

"Licheng is so close to Gonggongtang. Gonggongtang has carefully arranged it there. When it comes to intelligence, Shennongtang is an old man who specializes in intelligence business. Gonggongtang is still far behind." Lu Wei said with a smile.Hua Ying had reported the matter of Zuimenglou to the Zhu family a few days ago, and the detailed process was also performed in Shennong Hall. When the Zhu family learned the news, the first person they suspected was Gonggong Hall.

The reason is not against Lu, but from the perspective of Licheng and Daze Mountain, Gonggongtang is the most capable of doing all this.

But Gonggongtang had no reason to do this in the first place. Secondly, even if it was done, the Zhu family would actually have no way to get the person back.

Therefore, the biggest possibility of Gonggongtang can only be ruled out before conducting a secret investigation. The clues of the investigation first focused on the young son of a local wealthy businessman the day before Mi Lian disappeared: this person was the first person to mention "Lian" in public. Because of his identity, Hua Ying had to obey the boy when he acted the next day.

But the wealthy businessman actually moved away with his family on the day Mi Lian disappeared, and his whereabouts could not be traced.

All this shows without a doubt: this kidnapping was a planned act by a huge organization.
The suspicion naturally moved to Gonggongtang again.

The Zhu family had no choice at this time. Out of responsibility for King Xiong Qi of Chu, he had no choice but to pay a visit to Gonggong Hall, hoping to get an attitude.

Now Lu Wei directly admitted that Gonggongtang knew about this matter, but instead threw the problem back to the Zhu family.

"Both halls have their own specialties. With all the turmoil in the city, Shennong Hall's understanding is not as good as Gonggong Hall's." The Zhu family stroked their beards and said in a depressed tone: "Brother Lu, since he knows that Shennong Hall is the daughter of the King of Chu. The news brought to Licheng, and knowing the occurrence of this disappearance, there should be an investigation into this case, right?"

"There is indeed verification, and we also searched the local wealthy businessman like Brother Zhu, but there are no clues. I only know that the family left in the direction of Qin." The master of the hall shook his head and said frankly: "This clue There is no way to get through. If Brother Zhu really wants to investigate deeply, I am afraid he will have to send people to Qin."

"Is that so?" Zhu Jia sighed: "Brother, I understand."

Lu Wei's attitude could be sincere or confident. The Zhu family knew that no matter which way it was, they could not get any more clues from Gonggongtang, so they had to skip this topic and return to the Chu State war situation:
"The situation with the Chu State is very unfavorable. After the Qin State destroys Chu, the next plan is probably to attack the Qi State. Our farmers have been evading for so long, but we still have to face the Qin State directly. Brother Lu has already thought about what to do. face?"

"No matter what, the peasant family is still a member of hundreds of schools of thought, and they have never interfered with the situation of other countries like the Mohist family. Even the Qin State will not attack Daze Mountain without any reason."

"Brother Lu, it's normal to think this way, but there are still hidden dangers with the Tian family." The Tian family that the Zhu family refers to is unknown whether it is the Tian family from the farmer's family or the Tian family from the Qi royal family, or it may be both.

"Brother Zhu and Tian Meng have been very close recently, and you should know that Tian Meng is not Tian Hu after all." Lu Wei responded lightly.

The Zhu family is still testing. This old fox will always test the situation repeatedly without hesitation in words.

The hall master has experienced this kind of stable character many times in the past ten years, and he can deal with it easily.

No matter how old a fox you are, there is still a bottom line, such as Tian Guang and the Zhu family. Hall Master Lu can always do whatever he wants as long as he grasps their bottom line.

Less than half a month after sending off the visit from the leader of Shennong Hall, news of the battlefield in Guangling City arrived quickly: the Chu State finally perished after arduously retreating from Chen Ying to Guangling.

Qin launched a general attack from multiple directions. General Xiang Yan committed suicide after being surrounded. Two days later, the dilapidated Guangling City could not hold on. King Xiong Qi of Chu made the same choice as Xiang Yan on the city wall.
After the Qin army entered the city, another Chu king, Fu Chu, was still there. During the attack on Guangling, Fu Chu was always used as a tool to demoralize the Chu army and was erected in the Qin army's camp.

However, after both Xiong Qi and Xiang Yan died, his value suddenly disappeared, and he could only kneel down in front of Qin King Ying Zheng. After being reprimanded for many crimes, he was deposed as a commoner.

Although the Chu Kingdom was destroyed, some counties in the south still did not obey, and no one in the Baiyue Land except Dongou surrendered. Wang Jian still wanted to continue fighting in Chu Land to quell all forces that dared to resist.

Ying Zheng was very satisfied with Ouyang Yao, the king of Dongou, who voluntarily surrendered and gave up his title as king. He agreed to demote him to the position of king. The individual matters and official appointments of Dongou were still left to his own discretion. It was too remote.

Because of Dong Ou's obedience, other Baiyue became particularly rebellious. The King of Qin was determined to bring these Baiyue under the direct rule of Qin, but if he wanted to go deep south, he had to wait until the Six Kingdoms were destroyed.

In the current world, in addition to Qi State, there is also the State of Dai and the State of Yan in Liaodong.

These two countries can defeat Chu by sending a partial force of 5 men. The losses suffered by Qin in the battle against Chu cannot be completely ignored. Let’s use these two countries as new achievements next year.

Naturally, there was no mention of Ying Zheng's plan in the intelligence submitted to Lu Wei, but it was written that when the Chu army retreated, the Mohist family blatantly showed up again.

Many leaders and new giants of the Moh family appeared and rescued a group of remnants of Chu from the Meng family's golden fire cavalry.

This remnant was the last hope of the Chu State. The Mohist family's behavior won great favor from the Chu people, but it also made the King of Qin remember the names of hundreds of schools of thought again.
(End of this chapter)

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