Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 257 The fate of the 5 kings

Chapter 257 The fate of the Five Kings
"Young Master, Chu State has also died. Should we go to Qi State next?"

Big Iron Hammer sat on the back of the machine Suzaku and asked in a muffled voice.

He was too big, but both Master Ban and Daozhi ordered their disciples to hide the white tiger that was brought to Chu this time. Juzi, Gao Jianli, and him could barely manage to ride on the Suzaku.

As a former general of the Yan State, although Big Iron Hammer gained a lot of trust for his anti-Qin stance, from the perspective of people having their own uses, certain confidential matters were not within the scope of the meeting.

Therefore, although Big Iron Hammer knew that Juzi had secret discussions with King Xiong Qi of Chu, he did not know the specific content of the discussions.

"No." Gao Jianli glanced at the silent giant. Knowing the truth, he took the initiative to explain to his companions: "Let's go back to the machine city."

"Go back?" Big Iron Hammer was stunned and turned to look at the giant: "What about the anti-Qin plan?"

"Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, the anti-Qin plan can no longer be carried out openly. We need to contact all the scholars secretly." The giant man in black controlled the Suzaku and took over the topic in a deep voice: "We have an agreement with the King of Chu. The new Blue Dragon Plan.”

"What is it?" Sledgehammer asked with concern. He has such a direct personality, and for this reason, there are some things that are not suitable for him to know.

But he had just experienced another disastrous defeat against Qin. He didn’t know whether he was answering the big hammer or telling himself. Yan Dan, who concealed his identity, organized his thoughts and said: "Anti-Qin still needs more like-minded allies. We retreat in the dark." , just like the king of Chu did when he was still the king of Changping, slowly accumulating strength."

"Hundreds of scholars, the exiled dignitaries of the Six Kingdoms from all sides, and even the voices of dissatisfaction within the Qin State can all become our friends."

"Then, the most important thing is: launch another plan to assassinate Qin!"

"Move to assassinate Qin again? But we have no excuse to get close to Ying Zheng." Big Iron Hammer scratched his bald head in distress: "Even the five-step killing blow of the hero Jing Ke can't kill Ying Zheng. It's difficult to assassinate Qin. Success?"

"If he shrinks in Xianyang, we will indeed be unable to attack Qin again, but..." Gao Jianli said coldly: "Ying Zheng came out after destroying Zhao last time and Chu this time, and he may not come out again in the future."

"As long as Ying Zheng leaves Xianyang, we will have a chance!" Yan Dan's movements in operating Suzaku were a little too forceful: "We use Qinglong!"

"The Azure Dragon Project?"

"Organization Qinglong!"

The Mo family's non-offensive has now been equated with opposing Qin. After Yan Dan failed several times, in several discussions with Xiong Qi, both of them firmly believed that if they want to oppose Qin, they must first kill the King of Qin. .

The last time Xiong Qi rebelled and Li Xin's 20-strong army failed, according to the estimates of the King of Chu and his King of Yan, although the farmers did not take the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, there would always be turmoil within the Qin State because of these two incidents.

However, under Ying Zheng's methods, the impact of these things on the Qin State could only be regarded as some external injuries, not to the point of breaking the muscles and bones at all, so that Wang Jian's 60 troops immediately followed.

Yan Dan had to admit that even if Ying Zheng's ability was not as good as that of King Zhaoxiang of Qin and King Zhao of Yan whom he most admired, he was still a capable monarch.

This is Qin's advantage over the six countries. If you want to fight against Qin, you must remove Qin's advantages one by one.

"Can the mechanism Qinglong be useful?"

Big Iron Hammer has been a member of the Mo family for a few years, but he has basically no understanding of mechanism techniques, let alone the legendary mechanism beast, the Qinglong, which was built by the founder of the Mohist family, Mo Zi, hundreds of years ago.

"As long as we can get Ying Zheng's exit route in advance, the destructive power of the Qinglong will be unimaginable even by the founder who created it!" Yan Dan is the only character among the three people present who has seen the Qinglong and is proficient in mechanism skills. Full of confidence in this.

"Okay, killing this bastard Ying Zheng can also help the harmed people of the six countries to vent their anger!" The big hammer slammed his thigh, and suddenly thought of something: "Then how to know the progress of King Qin's motorcade? Where’s the route?”

"There will definitely be a chance."

"It's okay to say that the dignitaries of the six countries are all the backbone of the anti-Qin force, but I'm afraid it's not easy for the various schools of thought to unite." After the discussion between Juzi and Big Iron Hammer ended, Gao Jianli lowered his head and looked at the tiny mountains and rivers under the Suzaku: "The most important Taoists, farmers, and Confucians, their attitudes are unknown."

The influence of Taoism and Confucianism is mostly in the middle class and some of the lower classes of society. After the Mohists were wanted, the peasant family completely controlled the lower classes of society. These three schools of thought are the most important allies in the imagination. If they cannot be defeated, they must unite the schools of thought. It can only be a joke.

Gao Jianli's indifferent nature has not changed, but since the defeat of the Yan Kingdom, he has been working hard to talk with colleagues in the Jianghu who can be useful in a friendly manner. He has also taken the initiative to gain an in-depth understanding of various schools of thought and the complex relationships between Jianghu forces. I also have some unique insights of my own:

"Taoism balances heaven and man. The headquarters of Taiyi Mountain is under the rule of the Qin State. Tianzong has never been concerned about worldly affairs. The head of Tianzong, Chi Songzi, has not left the mountain for many years. Everyone knows his dedication to hard work."

"Although Renzong is more active, Renzong Xiaoyaozi also has a chivalrous spirit and has taken great care of the Mohist disciples who have hidden their identities from the outside in recent years. However, due to the fact that Xueji, the Taoist leader's token, is in the hands of Chisongzi, even if he is willing to join We can only represent ourselves." "Taoism provides a certain degree of influence for the governance of secular officials, but under the rule of Qin, it is not as solid as Legalism's ruthless oppression of the people to ensure the country's military strength. This may be able to be used. Brother Renzong Xiaoyao and I have also interacted with him. This person is very knowledgeable. Even if just one person joins us, it will be an excellent help." Yan Dan nodded in approval of Gao Jianli's analysis.

After being affirmed by the giant, Gao Jianli continued: "The Confucian forces are now the strongest voice in the world. They were on par with our Mohist family at its peak, but in recent years they have stayed in the land of Qilu and followed the Qi State without participating. Various battle formations and strength are well preserved, and the Confucianists headed by Xiaoshengxianzhuang are models in the minds of scholars all over the world."

"It's not easy to convince them to give up their current status and join forces with us who have had rifts with us in the past."

"Fu Nian of Xiaoshengxianzhuang has always followed the rules and acted rigidly. It is really impossible for him to rebel against Qin." Yan Dan has no confidence in Confucianism, but he knows a breakthrough: "But as far as I know, their third boss Zhang Liang was born in South Korea, and his family has been in South Korea for five generations. He has no hatred for Qin in his heart."

"The last one is the Nongjia." Gao Jianli paused for a long time before hesitating: "The Nongjia hero Kui Tian Guang is missing and Liutang is out of control, but the Zhu family of Shennongtang has an alliance with us. How do you think the situation in the Nongjia will develop? Woolen cloth?"

"Those fellows from the peasant family are all cowards!" Yan Dan did not say anything. After listening for a long time, Big Iron Hammer finally found a plan and interjected: "Since the assassination of Qin Dynasty by Jing Ke, the peasant family has been timid and planned together. When they assassinated Qin, they refused to give anything. Later, when they came to Chu, they still refused to help because of the false reputation of a knight leader and the internal fighting between each other."

"We are obviously brothers, but you still defend me and I defend you. I think they are all a bunch of cowards!"

"Especially that Gonggongtang Lu Wei, I have heard that he has such a big business in Yan State. But after the Qin people came, no one in the entire Gonggongtang stood up to resist, and they succumbed to Qin so easily. Under the rule of others, a lot of shop land has been lost, which is really shameful.”

"He claims to be the best farmer, but at best he is just a despicable villain who only knows how to surrender."

"Brother Lu Wei's character is good. It's better not to speak nonsense." Gao Jianli glanced sideways at his fellow disciples who were getting more and more angry as they spoke, and lightly interrupted his evaluation of some people who shouldn't be evaluated.

"What did I say wrong?" Big Iron Hammer was about to refute and argue with Gao Jianli on this issue, but was interrupted by Yan Dan coughing lightly:

"The farm has one hundred thousand disciples. Such a huge number of disciples is not only our advantage, but also the disadvantage of the farm itself."

As soon as the giant spoke, Gao Jianli and Big Hammer shut up.

"Managing 10 people is almost as complex as managing a small country. Various interest disputes are intertwined with each other. Although we need the power of farmers, now is not the time for us to get involved in farmers." Yan Dan shook his head: "At present, all kinds of disputes are intertwined. Among the Zibai family, it is key to cooperate with some Confucian and Taoist people first, and advance step by step at the Jianghu level. In a broader sense, we still have to save the powerful people who have perished in the Six Kingdoms.

"According to the order of the giant, Yan Di has already contacted the nobles in most towns. Among them, a ranger named Han Guang is from Zhao, but he is quite chivalrous and worthy of our win." Gao Jianli nodded and returned his gaze to Yan Di .

"You can do it after you return to the government city." Yan Dan's mood improved a lot compared to when he was recalling his failure: "Xiao Gao, you and Kuang Xiu will go to Songhai next year."

"Although we have no contact person in Qi State, it is an important task to have possible communication with Confucianism in advance. Anti-Qin sentiment is also growing in Qi State. You must pay attention to those who can cooperate."

"Yes, don't worry, Big Brother!" Big Iron Hammer and Gao Jianli clasped their fists and accepted the Big Brother's mission.


Unlike those who experienced it personally, such as the Mohists, other forces had different levels of concern about the demise of the Chu Kingdom.

In Daze Mountain, only the Zhu family had sad faces, but also felt a sense of relief.

On the one hand, King Jian of Qi State clearly realized that his country would not be spared and made up his mind to resist. On the other hand, he was somewhat delusional about whether the Qin people could come later or even not come at all.He didn't want to take the initiative to attack Qin, he just wanted to defend his three-acre land.

For this reason, Qi Wangjian found Xiangguo Housheng and wanted to discuss the matter with his uncle.

When Wang Jian of Qi was young, his mother was in charge of the overall situation. After his mother passed away, domestic affairs were handed over to his uncle, and there were no major problems.

Wang Jian of Qi knew about his uncle's dealings with the State of Qin, but he didn't care much about it: before that, he himself had a good relationship with the State of Qin. He even went to Xianyang to meet with the Qin King in person one year after Yingzheng took office. He also sent envoys to congratulate the Qin army for their great victory, placing his position in a very humble position.

But now it was related to the power of their family, including his uncle's family. Qi Wangjian did not think that his uncle would be willing to give up his status as Prime Minister of Qi and become an ordinary minister of Qin.

You must know that Guo Kai of Zhao State was the one with the best intentions. Guo Kai was killed by bandits in name, but what was the truth? Could it be that they themselves, the powerful people, still couldn’t see through what Qin State had done behind the scenes~
"Does the Prime Minister think that after the death of Chu, Qi will be able to survive alone?" Qi Wang Jian first asked a wishful question.

"Does your Majesty know the fate of the royal families of the five kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, and Yan?" Hou Sheng thought that he had found a way out. Not only did he not answer, but he smiled and asked Qi Wang Jianlai slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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