Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 258 Kuei Hall Arrangements

Chapter 258 Kuei Hall Arrangements

The fate of the five royal families was basically not good.

South Korea, which was the first to perish, was pretty good at the beginning: King An of Han was imprisoned, and some of the royal family members in the country were living as civilians outside.

However, since the Xinzheng Rebellion three years ago, Han Wangan was immediately killed, and the rest of the royal family members were also hunted down by a wanted order, and they were in exile, living in limbo.

Because of the rift between the Zhao Kingdom and the King of Qin, almost no direct royal family survived. Unknown to King Qi Jian, when the Six Kingdoms were restored in the future, only one Zhao Xie, who had few records, could be promoted as the King of Zhao.

Due to the rapid destruction of the Wei State, the situation was actually better than that of the two brothers who came from the Three Jin Dynasties, but it was only slightly better, and all the members of the royal family were deposed as common people.

Among them, Wei Jiu, Lord of Ningling, was executed by someone from Lu who commissioned Star Soul, and Wei Bao was beaten to death by Chen Sheng in the street a few years ago. King Jian of Qi didn't care much about these, but the fact that the nobles were deposed as commoners had already Much to his horror:

Wang Jian of Qi has a weak temperament. In his opinion, everyone has a noble status, and if they want to compete with each other, they can always be related to each other, so why should they be so heartless.

Because Yan planned to assassinate Qin, it can be said that he was deeply hated by Qin.After Jicheng was broken, all the Yan family members surnamed Ji were killed. The dignitaries of the Yan Kingdom in Liaodong learned that the King of Qin did not like the Yan King's clan, so they sacrificed all the Yan King's clan there. In the future, even after the peasant uprising, the great Yan State The country could not find a member of the original Yan family to elect as the new king, so it had to appoint an outsider.

Similar to the situation of Yan State, Chu State was in Chu State. Because of Xiong Qi’s rebellion, all the royal family were also convicted. According to history, Lu Wei knew that only a sheepherder boy who lived among the people escaped. However, in the eyes of the public, including King Jian of Qi, , the Chu clan was basically wiped out.

Otherwise, as long as there are other options, the dignitaries of Chu State who are in crisis in the future will not go through all the trouble to find a shepherd boy to be their King of Chu.

The apparent fate of the five royal families vividly illustrates that King Qin Yingzheng had a clear distinction between love and hate and was extremely vengeful.

If you follow him, for example, Ouyang Yao, the king of the small country of Dongou in the south, you can get a decent result.

In China, Zhao Gaoben was about to be executed by Meng Yi for committing a crime, but he promised to protect him.

But if you choose to rebel against Qin or even betray, the consequences will be extremely tragic.

At the mention of the fate of the five royal families, Qi Wangjian's originally firm anti-Qin mentality was shaken again. There was no need to say anything about victory later, and his cowardly surrender and thoughts of spending his old age as a rich man were reborn.

"Does the Prime Minister think it's time to surrender?" Qi Wangjian asked with erratic eyes and an abnormal expression.

"No, Qi is rich and has a vast military base. It is also a big country. How can it surrender easily?" Hou Sheng has been in power for many years and has a very clear grasp of Tian Jian's mind. He understands that although the other party appears to be worried and asking questions at this time, in fact, he is still in his heart. Hesitating, after all, the Qin people have not yet reached the city.

The purpose of Hou Sheng was indeed to persuade Qi Wangjian to surrender, but this persuasion also required means.

What's more, from this persuasion to surrender, Hou Sheng also hopes to make King Qin see his own value.

"We might as well stand still for the time being. If the Qin people come to attack, we will resist tenaciously and let the Qin people understand that Qi cannot be humiliated lightly. In this way, the king will have more choices."

"I have asked my subordinate officials to purchase unlimited grain from the private sector, which can be used to defend Linzi City for five years."

"This is a way." Seeing Hou Sheng's confident words, Qi Wangjian immediately realized that it made sense. He nodded and then suddenly seemed to remember something: "How is the investigation of Qin Canglong Qisu going over there at Sanghai?" ?”

"It's still just monitoring. I specifically asked Tian An not to act rashly." Hou Sheng was always prepared in advance and fluently answered questions to be asked from the throne.

"Well, the Prime Minister is stable and prudent. You should keep an eye on this matter and think more about retreats." Qi Wangjian specially gave one more instruction.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I understand." Hou Sheng smiled and stepped back.

After serving as Prime Minister of Qi for decades, it was much easier for him to deal with the King of Qi than to deal with those chores.

Taking action against Songhai's mirage shipyard was a deal between Luo Wang and Hou Sheng. The content of the deal was originally just to find some trouble. It didn't matter if they really wanted to offend the Yin Yang family, but it wasn't worth offending the King of Qin.

Sending Tian An, who usually opposed him on small matters, to take charge of this task was a multi-purpose move.

It would be better if the Yin Yang family could kill that kid.

In Daze Mountain, after Ji Yan returned to her assigned office area with her red-eyed maid, the first thing she did was to hand over the task to her brother, the hall master.

The dissent between Tian and other surnames in Chiyou Hall was a long-term project, and bringing Mi Lian back half-submissively was the first complete task completed by Xiao Yan'er.

This girl was so sad that even though she had been taken to Daze Mountain, she still didn't know that Ji Yan, who kidnapped her, belonged to Gonggongtang.

The role of Mi Lian is in the future. If it has no use now, just keep it.

Lu Wei asked Ji Yan in a calm tone to continue to take care of the former Chu princess, and the latter nodded in agreement with joy.Gonggongtang currently maintains a total of more than 3 disciples at the Dazeshan headquarters, the shrinking Luqiuge in Yandi, Chungu Town in Weidi, and Songhai City in Qiguo. However, if Zhaodi, There are no disciples in the world who have calculated carefully, and they will definitely be able to break through [-].

If all the residents of Lijing County are included in the Gonggong Hall, the number of people will reach a terrifying number among the Jianghu forces. This size determines the power of Hall Master Lu.

Any slightest exposure will undoubtedly lead to crazy suppression by the Qin State.

However, considering that in addition to Daze Mountain and Jingxian County, disciples from other places, especially Yanzhao, are likely to be dragged into labor. Wei is also not safe. Only Songhai will be less stressed. The number of disciples after unification will be extremely uncertain.

The fundamental purpose of most ordinary disciples joining the farm is to join a group to keep warm and not to be bullied in such troubled times.However, the power of the Qin State will make it impossible for farmers to completely protect those disciples who are outside. They can only unite people into small groups as much as possible, so that even if they are dragged into labor, they can still take care of each other.

The meticulous management of branch disciples is a complex task that Lu Wei is personally responsible for.

Under the guidance of Daze Mountain for so many years, the number of literate disciples has reached a considerable scale. They were sent out while the Qin Kingdom was not completely unified, and the lower-level disciples were able to form groups of five to one, two to five, and so on. Such a military system was established at the Jianghu level.

After Ji Yan finished his report, he did not return immediately, but went to the backyard again.She stayed in Licheng for a long time this time. It was the first time she had been separated from her mother and sister Yuki for so long.

Not long after Ji Yan left, another disciple came in and reported that "Chen Ping, the steward of Kuei Hall, came to visit," so that the hall master had to stop his work again.

A few months ago, when Chen Ping received the news from Lu Wei in Jing County that he should be the head of the Kuei Hall, he didn't think much about it. He just said hello to his senior brother Xiao He and went north to Daze Mountain.

With the secret support of Gonggongtang, Chen Ping quickly joined Kueitang and made several small achievements and was promoted from ordinary disciple to manager.

Everything is by the rules. In fact, even if there is no Gonggong Hall and Chen Ping relies only on his own ability, he can slowly advance to the middle level in the farmhouse, but he will definitely not have the chance to become the leader of the farmhouse.

In the past ten years, there have been only two changes in the position of the leader of the farm hall: Kuei Hall Tian Mi's succession was the result of Tian's careful design and Luo Wang's secret assistance.Lu Weineng's succession accurately seized the opportunity of Gonggongtang Zhou He to succeed the elder.

From then on, the positions of the heads of each hall were apparently as stable as Mount Tai. It would not be a problem for the Zhu family, the eldest of the six hall heads, to serve for another 20 years.

The upper echelon of the farm family was in a stagnant situation. Lu Wei believed that as the leader of the knights, he had the obligation to make the six halls active and create more channels for the lower class to be promoted.

As a senior internal agent sent by Gonggongtang to Kueitang, Chen Ping should not come here to visit him in person. His actions should be out of official business of Kueitang.

This was also the case after the two met. Chen Ping was ordered by Tian Mi to come to Shennongtang to buy grain.

This is a rare thing: the number of disciples of Kuei Hall is at the bottom of the six farmhouse halls, and the sphere of influence of the hall is all in Qi State. There are no large-scale disasters in Qi State, so Kuei Hall should not be short of food.

In the private chat, Lu Wei learned what happened.

Under normal circumstances, Kuei Hall should not be short of food, but Qi State, which had become very prosperous since last year, suddenly began to buy food in large quantities across the country at a relatively high price. Tian Mi was greedy and wanted to Sell ​​some to make a profit.

Her 'some' were overpriced step by step during the lower-level communication process, and she accidentally sold too much in the end.
It's not really a big deal.Tian Mi's own collusion with Luo Wang to murder Chen Sheng is enough evidence to depose her as the leader of the hall, and there is no need to collect other crimes.

"Tian Mi's connection with Luo Wang is not deep. Although her status is high enough for Luo Wang to take her seriously, because Tian Mi is greedy for pleasure and lazy, Luo Wang cannot instruct her to do anything important."

During the interview, Chen Ping calmly told all the internal situation of Kuei Hall that he had found out: Except for the more than 1 local disciples of Qi State and the high value of their families, the rest of this hall is simply difficult to describe.

To put it bluntly, the only person in the hall who can be rated as a first-rate martial artist is Chen Ping himself.

But it doesn't matter, the most worthless and most valuable in this era is human resources.

Chen Ping is confident that he can make the best use of the more than 1 strong labor force.

"It's pretty much what I expected." Lu Wei smiled and said, "But Tian Mi sent you here for other things besides buying food~"

"Congratulations, Hall Master." Chen Ping clasped his fists and nodded in admiration: "There is also the issue of Kuei Hall's vacillation."

"I'm still struggling with this issue after so long." Shaking his head, Tian Mi vaguely expressed his intention in this regard a few years ago. Hall Master Lu didn't take it seriously: "I feel relieved to leave this matter to you. You must become a The manager of Kuei Hall has frequent interactions with the Zhu family and Tian Hu."

"Accidents may come at any time."

"I obey the order of the hall master!" Chen Ping's title clearly placed his position in the right place.

(End of this chapter)

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