Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 260 Xiong Xin or Mi Xin

Chapter 260 Xiong Xin or Mi Xin
Xiang Bo's war between Qin and Chu ended in a semi-confused state.

He is not Xiang Yan's biological son, so although he is an outstanding member of the Xiang clan, he is more of a strategic executor: he knows a little more about the Chu army's action plan than other generals, but he has only a partial understanding of the reasons behind the plan.

In the decisive battle of Guangling, he was in charge of the Chu army's front army in a frontal battle, but the central army was defeated by two wings, resulting in the defeat of the battle. Xiang Liang, who was fighting hand-to-hand with the Qin people at that time, was surrounded by enemies and was suddenly in crisis. His ability to break through the siege depended on They, the descendants of the Xiang clan, gathered together to charge.

But in the end, he was the only one who managed to escape.
After rushing out of the battlefield, he didn't know what the situation was like with the army, but he could see some bad clues from the Qin army he encountered along the way.
It was not until he was rescued by Zhang Liang that he survived the war.

After getting out of the dangerous battlefield, Zhang Liang was not surprised that the people he rescued were the descendants of the famous Xiang family. He only told him with a serious face that King Xiong Qi of Chu and General Xiang Yan both committed suicide to serve the country, and the Chu country was destroyed. .

However, the Mohist hero rescued a Chu army from being chased by the Golden Fire Cavalry on the battlefield. It was rumored that among them were important figures from the Xiang family. This information should be considered good news for Xiang Bo.

Xiang Bohu's eyes widened and he clenched his fists. He suppressed his emotions and solemnly stood up to salute Zhang Liang and thank him for saving his life.

The Zhang family of South Korea and the Xiang family of Chu were both top dignitaries in the original six countries. After Zhang Liang informed the other party of his identity, the two sides trusted each other more and had more common topics. When the two went north, Xiang Bo hesitated. I asked Zhang Liang for another request:
"The king's youngest son is named 'Xin'. He was born not long before the war. The people of Qin did not announce the outcome of His Highness the Crown Prince. I wonder if I can ask Brother Zifang to help investigate with the help of Confucianism?"

"The youngest son of King Chu Xiong Qi?" Zhang Liang thought thoughtfully, what did Xiong Xin mean?
"Is there any news about my mother and sister Mi Xin?"

In Daze Mountain, after getting what she wanted, when Ji Yan returned to her room in the front hall of the headquarters to work the next day, Mi Lian, whose eyes were red and her facial expression looked a bit funny, found her and grabbed Ji Yan's arm. asked anxiously.

Her Royal Highness the Princess of Chu State already knew the outcome of Chu State and her father in Licheng, so she was taken away half-obediently.

The agreement between her and her father was shattered the moment the city of Guangling was broken.

At that time, Mi Lian almost fainted immediately. Although Xiao Yan'er had learned some first aid techniques from sister Duanmu, she did not try to revive the person. Instead, she only gave the person a calming pill: After rescuing Mi Lian, It will definitely be very noisy and not good for her own health.

Ji Yan is quite good. This operation will not hurt the other party's ears, nor will it hurt his and Mei Sanniang's ears.

Although Mi Lian woke up halfway back to Daze Mountain and was still crying, the soothing pill worked and her mood did not collapse after all.

When they were approaching their destination, Mi Lian asked Ji Yan to help investigate the whereabouts of her mother and sister, and Xiao Yaner agreed.

In fact, in such a war, you can plan for the worst possible outcome for a mother and a child, but it doesn't hurt to check.

"I have sent people to Chu Di to conduct a detailed investigation. There are no more results yet. In fact, according to the identities of your mother and sister, this result is the best result at the moment. Can you understand?" Ji spoke in a gentle tone, and his mood was It's good that she doesn't mind giving Mi Lian more warmth now.

"Yes." The girl let go of her tightly grasped palms and responded softly. She stayed there in a daze. Then she was knocked on the head with moderate force by Ji Yan and came to her senses: "Wai, my little maid, now it's time for you to do your work. !”

"Ah?" She was startled and covered her forehead where she was hit. Her Royal Highness the Princess blinked and looked at Ji Yan, who was hugging her chest.
"Mi Xin? Xiong Xin?"

A month later, Lu Wei received a more detailed report from Chu Di in Gonggongtang, but the content of the report made him somewhat confused:
It is a fact that Chu State has perished, but the content of a rumor spread is very incredible: Prince Xiong Xin, the youngest son of King Xiong Qi of Chu, was not captured by the Qin people, but was exiled in the rivers and lakes with the help of loyal people of Chu State.

Xiong Qi only has two children. The eldest daughter Mi Lian is now in his hands. Although the name of the baby born just before the war is indeed called 'Xin', it is a girl!

The original work and even Mi Lian himself can testify to this.

Even if the content of the original work may be biased due to the butterfly effect, there is no way Mi Lian can't tell whether the blood relative of her father and mother is her younger sister or younger brother.

Moreover, the name Xiong Xin. The hall master remembers that the King of Chu who was revered as the Righteous Emperor in history was named Xiong Xin.But according to history books, Xiong Xin, who had been a shepherd boy, was the grandson of the former King Huai of Chu.

Now, there are no traces of the shepherd boy Xiong Xin, but Xiong Qi's prince Xiong Xin has revealed clues in advance.

After thinking about this for a while, Lu Wei naturally came up with a guess: this 'Xiong Xin', not surprisingly, is the Xiong Xin in Qin Shi's world!
This makes complete sense logically: Historically, Xiang Xin was established by Xiang Liang. Without his own existence, this would most likely not change in the world of Mingyue during the Qin Dynasty.

Xiong Qi is the king of Chu recognized by Xiang Yan, so it is normal for Xiang Liang to make Xiong Qi's child the king.

The only problem is that this 'Xiong Xin' is actually Mi Xin, the youngest daughter of Xiong Qi rather than the prince, but this problem is actually not a problem.A baby's gender can be changed according to actual needs, and it does not depend on the baby's own will.

There is a high probability that the person who created this rumor is the dead King of Chu Xiong Qi himself. Such a rumor is only good for him no matter how he thinks about it:

First, he can have a male heir, which is a seed of hope for the troubled Guangling City and the entire Chu State. There is nothing more important than this.

Secondly, if the Chu State fails and the Qin people believe this rumor, then there is a high probability that his daughter Mi Xin will be able to escape capture and survive because of her gender!
When they rebel against Qin in the future, if Mi Xin is pulled out and declared to be 'Xiong Xin', a new flagpole will be erected. Can any doubters try to check whether the new King of Chu is male or female?
The more he thought about it, the more likely it became that Lu Wei called Ji Yan and asked her to ask Mi Lian for details about her sister. At the same time, he mobilized his disciples in the arena to find a wandering mercenary named Ying Bu.

This rumor is very well made and can be used for your own use in the future!

In the Zuimeng Tower, Hua Ying received news of the demise of the Chu Kingdom shortly after losing the Princess, and became seriously ill as a result.

It wasn't until the arrival of her younger brother Ji Bu that she gained rare comfort: In such a cruel war, nothing happened to her brother!

The Shadow Tiger Legion led by Ji Bu was the bodyguard of the King of Chu. What he would face would only be the most ferocious attack from the Qin people. When he first learned that the King of Chu had committed suicide, in Hua Ying's imagination, he was afraid that his younger brother would also have died.
Fortunately, such imagination did not happen!
"Sister, where is Her Royal Highness the Princess?" Ji Bu asked eagerly after a tearful greeting.

He survived because of the idea of ​​retaining the vitality of the Chu State. Wei Di's sister was authorized by the King of Chu to take care of the princess, and Ji Bu himself was the commander-in-chief of the King of Chu's personal bodyguards. It can be said that the king's kindness was mighty.

Although the Chu State died, there is still hope, and the country can still rebuild the country in the future.

"Princess." When Mi Lian was mentioned, Hua Ying lowered her head again and remained silent for a long time. Her attitude gave Ji Bu a bad premonition: "What's wrong with the princess?"

"The princess was kidnapped!" After biting her lip and struggling to say these words, Huaying turned around and sobbed.

"Take away!" Ji Bu was stunned for a moment.
In the ruins of a village north of Guangling City in the Chu region, Yingbu, the commander of the Thunder Leopard Corps of the Chu Army, took off his conspicuous armor. He tried his best to restrain the anger on his tattooed face and looked at the crying baby in his arms.

At his feet was the deceased Queen of Chu.
Yingbu came in time and took over the child when the queen was dying.

Facing the king's bloodline, he took the initiative to restrain his usually violent personality. No matter how full of emotions he was, he had to make the little life in his arms laugh at this moment.

Originally, on the day when Wang died for his country, Yingbu wanted to lead hundreds of remaining comrades of the Thunder Leopard Legion into the enemy's lines, die generously, and use their blood to water the land of Chu and inspire those who would come after him.

But the coward Ji Bu detonated the wooden bridge and stopped his behavior!

Having lost the opportunity to die to serve his country, Yingbu became depressed and remembered that the queen and the king's children were still in the city and didn't know whether they had escaped, so he tried his best to track them down and finally took over Mi Xin.

After the destruction of his family and country, the desperate Yingbu focused only on this child, who was the new Chu State.
Little did he know that in addition to being wanted by the Qin State, he was also being searched by the Farmer Gonggongtang.

After digging a pit to bury the queen, Yingbu listened with heartache to Mi Xin's continuous crying. His relatives, with their backs covered with mud, headed north to leave Chu.

As a pure soldier, the commander of the Thunder Leopard Corps had no experience in taking care of a child and raising it, so he could only try hard to do it.

In addition to Ji Buyingbu, Long Qie, the commander of another important legion on the Guangling battlefield, also survived with difficulty after being separated from Shao Yu during the break.

Although the Tenglong Legion suffered heavy losses, the team did not disperse. When Long Qie re-tracked the large army, he finally found only the abandoned Seven Seas Dragon Armor, and then had to flee north because of the pursuit of the Qin people.

The death of the Chu State was a consensus that the three Chu generals had to admit with difficulty. Their respective missions made them set their common goal on escaping from their hometown and heading north.

Long Qie's destination is Qi. Compared with Liangbu and hundreds of subordinates, he is too conspicuous as a target and may be surrounded and suppressed by the Qin people at any time.

His plan was to first find a mountain forest to occupy as a camp in Qi State so that the Tenglong Army could settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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