Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 261 Nangong enters Yin and Yang

Chapter 261 Nangong enters Yin and Yang

In Shouchun City, Zhang Han, who originally had to hide his identity, walked around the streets wearing Qin costumes.

Almost all the many forces in the city left after Wang Jian broke through the city. His secret investigation at the Jianghu level, in addition to confirming that the Mo family was still evil, did not find any direct anti-Qin behavior by other various schools of thought and Jianghu forces.

Confucianism, Taoism, and farmers did have connections with Chu in Shouchun City, but they were far from the level of conviction. Zhang Han did not want to cause a confrontation between Qin and Jianghu over some trivial matter.

If the empire wants long-term peace and stability, it cannot rely solely on killing.

In addition, Zhang Han's lurking this time was not without success. The Shadow Guards' actions in the city cooperated with the Qin army's siege to a certain extent, and recorded many dignitaries' mansions of Chu's staunch anti-Qin elements, which immediately attracted the attention of the Qin army. As the army swept away these enemies who tried to pretend to cooperate, but actually wanted to quietly carry out destruction in the future.

After King Yingzheng of Qin came to Chu State, Zhang Han went to see him immediately and compiled his opinions on the Qin State from all walks of life in Shouchun into a book and reported it, and received praise and rewards.

The next task of the Shadow Guard is to continue to prevent rebellions like those in Xinzheng and Chen Ying in Shouchun City. Zhang Han needs to stay to complete this task within the next year.

Regarding the rumors about Chu King Xiong Qi's youngest son, the Shadow Guards were also aware of it. Zhang Han immediately confirmed that there was something wrong with it after learning about it!

This kind of thing can be spread in Chen Ying and Guangling, but it spread so quickly in Shouchun City, where Xiong Qi has never been before, how could there be no one behind it to add fuel to the flames.

No matter what the purpose of adding fuel to the flames is, if you dig along this line, you can find a group of anti-Qin elements.

And the youngest son of Xiong Qi himself is also a huge achievement.

A few years ago, the reason why Li Xin was appointed as the commander of the 20-strong army against Chu from a young general was not only his personal ability, but also the more important point was because he planned to contact Liusha to kill Yan Dan, who organized the assassination of Qin. He made great achievements and thus gained the love and trust of King Qin.

After the failure of the attack on Chu, the King of Qin decided that he could no longer serve as the commander-in-chief of the Qin army, but he was not punished seriously. He even planned to continue to let him follow Wang Bi to destroy Yan and the Dai Dynasty, in name of "paying for his crime and making meritorious service."

King Qin really has an incredibly tolerant attitude towards his favorite characters.

The King of Chu, Xiong Qi, is still called Changping Lord in Zhang Han's mouth. The greater his sins, the greater the value he can create.

Capturing the young son of Lord Changping who is on the run, apart from the value of stabilizing the people of Chu, will undoubtedly also be able to obtain the King of Qin's attitude towards Li Xin before he led an army of 20.

The Shadow Guard is naturally deeply trusted by the king, but if this trust can be taken to another level, why not do it~
In addition to Zhang Han, Luo Wang was also eyeing this achievement, but Luo Wang was ahead of Zhang Han in that they vaguely heard in advance that the so-called Xiong Xin was actually another theory of Mi Xin.

Rumors can come in all kinds. To confirm their authenticity, you must start with a few people who have met Mi Xin up close. Unfortunately, such targets are very rare.

Xiong Qi and his wife are dead, Mi Lian is in Lu Wei's hands, and there are no clues about the maids, guards, and doctors who were originally in the Changping Lord's Mansion in Chenying City. It is very likely that they are all dead.
If we really want to say that there is still one fish that has slipped through the net, that is the Zhu family.

After the Zhu family went to Chen Yingcheng, he was responsible for taking care of his wife's body, and later was responsible for part of the delivery work. He even knew more about Mi Xin than Xiong Qi himself.

But as expected, apart from the Zhu family themselves, other people in Chenying City who knew about the Zhu family were also cleared out. Even if the Mo family suspected that the Zhu family knew the clues, they couldn't be sure.

From a God's perspective, various clues confirmed that Lu Wei's original guess was good: Xiong Qi himself made up this rumor and ordered the dead men to spread it.

In this way, if you want to check this Xiong Xin or Mi Xin, you can actually only start from the farmer's house, but who knows that this is necessary.

At least now the Shadow Guards and Luo Wang are still looking for clues in the Chu Kingdom.

Just as Zhang Han walked past the second-floor window of a restaurant on Shouchun Street, two inconspicuous eyes stared at his figure until he turned around and disappeared.

Zhang Han's intuition was extremely sharp, but he didn't notice anything unusual after being stared at by those two eyes for a long time.

"Is Nan Gong leaving?"

The young Han Xin looked away. His whole person became more and more ordinary, just like his clothes full of gray linen patches. Even his eyes no longer seemed so special at first glance.

The young Han Xin hides his uniqueness. He is as low-key as the latent dragon sword given to him by Nan Gong. It never reveals its edge before taking it out of its sheath.

"The Kingdom of Chu is dead. Old man, I naturally have to find a way out for myself." There was no sadness in Chu Nan Gong's old voice, and his eyes covered by thick eyebrows were completely invisible.

"Does Nan Gong want to go to Daze Mountain?" Han Xin continued to ask.

"How is that possible! Do you think I would go to that kid Lu's territory to survive?" After listening to Han Xin's speech, Chu Nan Gong coughed twice violently, then blew his beard and stared, pretending to be surprised, and shook his head.

"Isn't it?" Han Xin said with a matter-of-fact expression: "I think if Nangong is willing to go, Hall Master Lu will definitely entertain you warmly."

"The old man would rather take a trip to Xianyang than go to a place like that!" Chu Nan Gong's voice was decisive and without hesitation: "Maybe joining the Yin and Yang family can help me have a good old age life." Yin Yang Family?" The messy-haired young man's tone was calm and somewhat surprised.

"It's better to get along with a nagging guy who is looking for immortality than a young careerist who pursues power to the extreme." Nangong stood up and leaned on crutches: "Boy Han Xin, you'd better make your own choices carefully in the future."

Nangong also walked away, but little Han Xin by the window did not see him walking out of the restaurant door.

After all, he is a fairy-like figure.
"But young people have ambitions, isn't it good?" He looked down at the common dishes on the table that were served to Nan Gong for the first time. He couldn't help but recall the big meal that he owed a favor to, and whispered to himself: " The earth nourishes all things, and Shen Nong will never die."

"Generals, ministers, princes, Ning Youzhong is really a good slogan. Maybe it is suitable for people like me."

In Daze Mountain, after the Zhu family heard about the existence of 'Xiong Xin', he knew more details and immediately understood with a sad face that this was probably the plan of Chu King Xiong Qi, and the plan itself was likely to bring consequences to him in the future. No small trouble.

Ji Bu from Zuimeng Tower came to ask for clues about Mi Lian's search two or three times. It was already annoying enough. After the eldest daughter, the secret of the younger daughter even lurked a fatal disaster. The master of the Zhu family, who had thousands of faces, wandered around alone. In the main hall of Shennong Hall, he couldn't even share this sorrow with anyone.

After all, Xiong Qi was kind to him, Shennongtang and even the farmer, and Tian Guang, the hero, really owed him a favor and something happened before he could repay it. Under these circumstances, as long as the farmer's family was not involved, his personal safety was not that great. important.

Therefore, the Zhu family was still determined to hide it for Xiong Qi, but the concealment did not prevent him from complaining about it.

Disciples from Shennong Hall were sent to Chu Di to investigate more relevant clues. The Zhu family must be fully prepared for the problems they may encounter in advance.

Situ Wanli has recently discovered that Hall Master Zhu is busy with something, and the content of his busy work is very confidential. Even his 'best friend' cannot get involved in it.

Today's farm family is in turmoil. As a gambler, Situ Wanli needs to always keep a clear eye on the performance of his opponents at the card table.In his opinion, Lu Wei, Zhu Jia, and Tian Meng, the strongest people in the six halls, all had some problems and secrets that they were hiding from everyone, which made him hesitate.

If anything, Situ Wanli also wanted to be a hero, but thinking about it, whether he could do it was another matter.

"Brother Zhang, how do you think the farm family will develop in the future?"

Knowing that the Zhu family had closed the door all day and did not come out, Situ Wanli in Siyue Hall also frowned, stroking his beard and asked Zhang Er, whom he trusted.

Zhang Er has a good reputation in the world of Wei, and his personal character has never had any problems since he joined the peasant family. His talents have played an important role in Siyue Hall being able to recover from the losses in Daliang City so quickly and slowly develop upwards. effect.

For such a talent, Situ Wanli did not become suspicious or wary like Tian Mi did with Chen Ping, but gave him full trust.

He is not like Tian Mi. Tian Mi has no confidence in her heart because of problems in her succession.

Situ Wanli had a profound background in the Nong family. Before Lu Wei joined the Nong family, he was already the leader of the Siyue Hall.

Gambler, who is now in his prime, is slightly older than Zhang Er. Cultivating Zhang Er as his successor will also be beneficial to him after he abdicates in old age.

"Each hall has its own purpose. For the present, it is best for Siyue Hall to stay as it is." Zhang Er replied calmly. He had served Wei Wuji, Lord Xinling. Although he looked down upon Situ Wanli, he still wanted to Commit and get along with it.

"It would be nice if it could always be like this." Situ Wanli couldn't help but shake his head: "But we still have to be prepared to deal with changes."

"With the strength of Siyue Hall, it may be better to avoid being misunderstood by not making any preparations." Zhang Er's suggestion this time is sincere. The farm matter only involves the internal affairs of the farm, and there will definitely not be an extermination of all the roots. Tang Li said that being ready to surrender to the winner at any time can avoid any excessive losses.

As for Situ Wanli personally, Zhang Er personally guessed that if he was willing to voluntarily give up his position, surviving would not be a big problem.

Hall Master Lu still has a very good reputation in the world.


The war to destroy Chu is not yet completely over, and it will take time to conquer the mountains and forests in the south.

However, according to popular belief, even Chu's 40-strong army was defeated, and those Yue people in the south could not make any big waves.

Ying Zheng thought the same way. He traveled around the Chu State and immediately accelerated the war machine after returning to Xianyang: he ordered Wang Ben to lead the army to annihilate the Dai State in the north and the Yan State in Liaodong.

These two countries are not serious enemies, and they are becoming more and more well-behaved now. However, in order to make the future territory map "good-looking", it doesn't take much effort to destroy them by the way.

The reason why General Wang Ben was chosen was because these two remaining forces were only responsible for secondary contributions, and the main contribution was to destroy Qi. Ying Zheng planned to use his favorite Meng Tian.

The Wang family has done enough credit, and it's time for the Meng family to come out and balance the forces in the army.
Ying Zheng had high hopes for Meng Tian, ​​but what he could not have imagined was that maybe the Wang family had been really lucky in the past ten years and had the ability to coordinate. The first achievement of killing Qi would still fall due to some chance coincidence. into the hands of Wang Ben, who was responsible for pacifying the Yan Dynasty.
(End of this chapter)

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