Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 262 Accidental Death

Chapter 262 Accidental Death

Daze Mountain welcomed two new guests.

After learning from the disciple's report that Zhang Liang and Xiang Bo came hand in hand, Hall Master Lu, who was chatting with Li Mu in Yangui Ridge, signaled to the disciple to let Lu Qing take people to visit the Gonggong Hall first, and was not in a hurry immediately. Go and meet.

Li Mu went to Jingxian County in the south some time ago. Jingxian County was not too disturbed by the Qin people because it was affiliated with Dongou. Although Fanxian County in the west received a group of Qin soldiers, the destination of those Qin soldiers was also south.

It seems that before the Baiyue in the south was pacified, Qin's main energy was not on the land on the south bank of the Yangtze River that showed obedience.

Li Mu inspected the subordinate teams of Li Zuoche and Peng Yue in Jingxian County, and then ran south again in person. He couldn't help but shake his head at the mountains and forests there.

The main battlefields Li Mu experienced in his life, whether he was fighting against the wolves on the grassland or fighting against the Qin army, were far away from the dense forest miasma environment here. In his opinion, if he wanted to conquer Baiyue, he could only rely on the accumulated battles of the seven Central Plains countries. Experience is insufficient.

If King Jian of Qin were to be steady and steady, he would have no problem in capturing the Yue people, but that guy was very old after all. His body would definitely not be able to withstand the intrigues of the Yue people who were familiar with their geography in the sweltering south at this age. It’s not like the empire had no other generals available. .

If you want to use force to conquer here, you must send generals who are in their prime and have strong learning ability to advance little by little.Li Mu is over 50 years old. He thinks that his brain response and physical fitness have declined a lot, and it will be very painful to play Baiyue.

If you stand in Qin's position, perhaps Wang Li is a good candidate. The Armor-Piercing Soldiers are a team suitable for fighting in the mountains and forests, but this person is a little too young.

Moreover, his grandfather and father have great prestige. If the third generation is allowed to lead an army of hundreds of thousands of people to attack Yue, it will be necessary to consider the distribution of future military power.

Li Mu Neng relied on his own experience to believe that attacking Yue would be a big trap. The generals of Qin who actually came to inspect would not fail to see that. After Wang Jian's army conquered the border of Chu, it only took a few days to penetrate Baiyue. It was not unexpected. After stopping, the fighting here should not start immediately.

Qin needs to make some professional preparations, which will take at least two years.

After carefully calculating Qin's military estimates and his own military estimates, Li Mu had a good idea of ​​the future development direction of Gonggongtang and its shortcomings. After reporting back, Lu Wei needed to personally decide on the key points that Gonggongtang needed to adjust in the next year. .

This is not something that can be achieved in just one or two discussions, but a rough plan can be discussed quickly.

While chatting with Li Mu, he was also estimating the situation of Lu Qing's visit with Zhang Liang and Xiang Bo. When the master of the hall accurately grasped the time and returned from Yangui Ridge, he happened to meet the three of them on a green plum forest path.

"Brother Zifang and Brother Xiang are here to visit. It's really rude of Lu to not welcome him from afar." He smiled and stepped forward to greet him, clasping his fists. Under the signal from Lu Wei's eyes, Lu Qing nodded, slowed down, turned around and left, leaving the three of them alone. be disturbed.

"Brother Lu has tens of thousands of disciples, so he is a very busy man. Naturally, he will not be so idle like us~" Zhang Liang said with a smile. Because Xiang Bo was far away from Chu land and saw his friends again, he was in a bad mood and was reluctant to talk. He put on a smile and nodded slightly in agreement.

"It's all mundane things, nothing better than leisure in the ovary." Raising his hand to gesture towards the green plum forest, Lu Wei led the two of them to turn left and right, and finally came to a slightly wider open space with a stone table here.

It's a pity that we didn't prepare drinks in advance, but the environment here is also suitable for talking with Zhang Liang and Xiang Bo.

"It was an accident that Brother Xiang and I met in Chu State. What was even more accidental was that we were both familiar with Brother Lu. What a fate." Zhang Liang did not sit down like the other two people, but folded down at the edge of the open space. A branch of green plum, looking at the emerald green color, admiring it with eyes.

After he said this, Lu Wei also learned the reason for the acquaintance between the two through Xiang Bo's subsequent brief introduction. Hall Master Lu first expressed regret for Chu's experience, and then asked the two about their next step. plan.

Zhang Liang had very profound experiences from his travels that needed to be sorted out, so of course he had to go back to the Little Sage Village in Songhai City.

And Qi State will definitely become the target of Qin State's attack next. As the third head of the little sage Zhuang, he must have a lot of affairs in the village.

Xiang Bo has been separated from his own people, and he still doesn't know where to go to find other Xiang clansmen who survived the war.Although Xiang has his own secret emergency contact information, it takes a certain amount of time to confirm each other's safety bit by bit.

During this period, Xiang Bo could only wander around.

"I see." Lu Wei lowered his head and thought for a while, and said cheerfully: "Brother Xiang has a special status. If he is discovered by the Qin people, he will definitely be in danger. As a friend, I can't ignore it."

"It's just that Daze Mountain seems to be a farmland, but in fact there are many forces behind all the sights, but Songhai is still safe. Gonggongtang also has a branch in Songhai City. If Brother Xiang doesn't dislike it, he might as well talk to Zifang How about we go to Songhai together and stay at the Gonggongtang branch there temporarily?"

"What Brother Lu said is true. It will be convenient for Brother Xiang to take care of him when he goes to Songhai." Zhang Liang turned around and agreed with Lu Wei's opinion, and took the opportunity to say: "What's more, with the help of Confucianists and farmers, Brother Xiang It will also be easier to get clues about things to be investigated.”

"Oh?" Lu Wei sounded confused as Zhang Liang expected: "Brother Xiang Bo, do you want to investigate anything else?" "It's Xiong Xin, the youngest son of King Chu. It is because of this matter that I can't go to Sanghai, and I must I'm separated from you two." Xiang Boken entrusted this question to Zhang Liang, whom he had just met. Of course he trusted Lu Wei more, so he told the whole story: "This is an item that the general gave me before the war. Task."

"Mission?" It was Zhang Liang's turn to show doubts. Uncle Xiang had not told him about this before.

"Zifang is sorry, because the matter is so important that I didn't dare to say it easily on the road." He looked ashamed, but Zhang Liang didn't take it seriously: "Brother Xiang has a heavy responsibility, so it's a good thing to be more vigilant. Naturally, Liang won't blame him."

"The peasants have heard the rumors about the Prince of Chu, Xiong Xin. This matter is indeed important. I wonder what Brother Xiang's mission is?"

After Lu Wei waited for the two to understand each other, he interrupted in a righteous manner and asked about business matters.

"According to the general's order." Xiang Bo's eyes gradually became firm: "If Chu State fails, then I need to pretend to be the 'Prince of Chu State' and wander around the rivers and lakes!"

It’s a question of Xiong Xin or Mi Xin. Xiong Qi shouldn’t hide it from Xiang Yan, so Xiang Yan knows the truth of the matter and then assigns such a task. Unsurprisingly, it’s not for Xiang Bo alone: ​​just like he is not sure about this The battle will definitely be defeated, and there is no certainty that Xiang Bo can escape from the defeated army.

Xiang Bo thought that he was on a mission, so after being rescued by Zhang Liang, although he was still in a bad mood, he didn't show too much sadness.

This task itself is actually easy to understand. It is nothing more than using the fake whereabouts of 'Bear Heart' to cover the real whereabouts. The premise is that 'Bear Heart' must exist.

Lu Wei, who knew the truth, guessed that: various information showed that the rumors about Xiong Xin were created by Xiong Qi, and these excessively violent performances were to prove the existence of Xiong Xin.

If you were from the Qin State, even if you didn't know the truth, the sudden burst of large amounts of information concerning Xiong's heart would undoubtedly indicate that someone was behind this operation deliberately.

In this way, it is not difficult to pin suspicion on the dead Xiong Qi.

The suspicion of Xiong Qimu will arise naturally.

Needless to say, the benefits of Xiong Xin's existence are obvious. The Chu generals who were assigned this task, including Xiang Bo, had managed to escape death on the battlefield, and now they had to put themselves in danger for the sake of a false identity. It's really sad.

The reception of Zhang Liang and Xiang Bo left certain traces in Daze Mountain. Just in case, after the two left, the hall master assigned Ayu to personally be responsible for cleaning up these traces.

Lu Wei didn't want to pay attention to the rumors about Xiong Xin. He already had Mi Lian in his hands, and he had already spread the network by spreading disciples to find Ying Bu. Unexpectedly, Mi Xin would be in Ying Bu's hands, and he would capture the opponent after the King of Chu The most important thing is that both of his children will be under his control.

If the plot went awry and Mi Xin was absent, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Just because of this rumor from Xiong Xin, Mi Lian suffered a loss as her own value was greatly reduced.

In the next few days, Lu Wei continued to spend most of his thoughts on discussing matters with Li Mu. As soon as he returned from Yangui Ridge that day, unexpected news came from the outer disciples in a hurry, which made him frown:
Situ Wanli is dead
When the body was first discovered, the blood was still hot. Zhang Er, the general manager of Siyue Hall, did not care about anything else and hurriedly sent disciples to inform the hall masters of the incident.

After nodding to express his understanding, as soon as the disciples of Siyue Hall left, Ji Yan walked in from outside the main hall with his palms clenched and an expression of shame, lowering his head as if waiting for reprimand.

"Did you do it?" Lu Wei asked lightly.

"Situ Wanli discovered something he shouldn't have discovered." Xiao Yaner nodded in admission and explained the reason.

As a gambler, Situ Wanli was very observant. He might be able to hide his "out of the blue" behavior once or twice, but once it happened too many times, it was impossible for the other party to be unaware of it.

But with Zhang Er as a cover, it would not reach the point where he had to silence himself.

"I asked Zhang Er to find an opportunity to persuade him to shut up. I didn't expect Zhang Er to kill him directly," Ji Yan hesitated in a low voice.

"You didn't do it yourself but ordered Zhang Er?" Lu Wei's brows softened and his face was expressionless, but the doubts in his heart were deeper and more solemn: There is something wrong with this!
Ji Yan has always been calm, and Zhang Er is also a sober person. The master of the hall originally thought that the two of them had to die because Situ Wanli accidentally broke the plan or overheard something, but Ji Yan meant that she did not want to kill.

With Ji Yan like this, Zhang Er would not be impulsive, unless what happened in Siyue Hall?
(End of this chapter)

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