Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 263 The identity of the murderer

Chapter 263 The identity of the murderer
"Well, it's the encrypted password sent by the apprentice from the Medical Hall this morning. When the disciple of Siyue Hall came to report, that apprentice was already under my control and will not leave any clear clues in Siyue Hall."

After Ji Yan neatly explained the general story of the incident and the measures she took to deal with the aftermath, her tone became strange when she said this: "Zhang Er is not an impulsive person. I don't understand why people bleed to death."

"Send all the people who know what you are doing to Jingxian County." After hearing this, Lu Wei stood up calmly. When he walked past Xiao Yan'er, he said calmly: "Then go and find yourself a solitary room. I'll go there now." Site investigation."

"Yes" Ji Yan admitted his mistake sincerely and did not reject the confinement.

According to her description, this unexpected death should not have happened, but the fact that her contact with Zhang Er was discovered by Situ Wanli was already a serious mistake.

Entering the solitary room gave Ji Yan an opportunity to deeply reflect on the reasons for his mistakes and think about corrections in the future.

As for the cause of Situ Wanli's death, he needed to visit the crime scene to get more effective information.

Siyue Hall is located in the southernmost part of the Daze Mountains. Due to terrain reasons, it is the farthest hall from the two adjacent halls among the six halls.

Gonggong Hall is the closest to Siyue Hall, followed by Kuei Hall. In addition, it takes a lot of detours to get to the crime scene from other halls. Therefore, even if Lu Wei sets out after chatting with Ji Yan, he is still the first arrived at the scene.

The crime occurred in the main hall of Siyue Hall. As soon as he entered the door, Lu Wei's pupils shrank secretly: "It's so similar."

This is definitely not the result of Zhang Er following Ji Yan's orders!
The main hall of the headquarters of Nongjia's Six Halls has slightly different internal layout due to different preferences of the church owners. However, the six halls have the same origin, and their overall plane structure is the same.

The front hall is used for discussions, the back hall is for resting, and an additional vacant room is used at the discretion of the owner of the hall.

Situ Wanli died in his rest room. His two bronze axes were scattered aside, and blood was everywhere on the floor of the room.

The most eye-catching thing on the corpse was that Situ Wanli's death expression was full of disbelief and a little bit of horror.
Judging from the overall layout of the crime scene, the posture of the corpse and the expression of the deceased, this is deliberately imitating the death of Zhou He in Gonggongtang nine years ago!

"Hall Master Lu" Zhang Er was carefully recording the scene with his disciples. Seeing Lu Wei come in, he took the initiative to clasp his fists and was about to salute when Lu Wei shook his head to stop him. The Lord Hall Master asked him to take the disciples out with him.

No damage can be done on site, and you must wait for other hall leaders to arrive before discussing the matter.

"This case is complicated. You are the general manager of Siyue Hall." After coming outside, Lu Wei looked at Zhang Er seriously, and then looked at the other Siyue disciples equally: "You are also trusted by Brother Situ during his lifetime. He is a close confidant, but now they will all be listed as suspects!"

"Before the other four hall masters arrive, confirm the last time you saw Brother Situ!"

Lu Wei got the news from Siyue Hall at noon, and it was not until the evening that other hall masters arrived one after another.

Although the best friend relationship between the Zhu family and Situ Wanli was somewhat fictitious, they rushed to Siyue Hall second after hearing the bad news, followed by brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu, and Tian Mi, who was second only to Gonggong Hall, was the last one to arrive.

When the hall masters saw Situ Wanli's body, their expressions changed drastically except for Tian Mi.

"The murderer is the guy who killed Brother Zhou He!" Tian Hu couldn't suppress his emotions. As soon as he discovered the similarities between the crime scenes, he immediately shouted loudly.

Tian Meng looked at the corpse and had no time to care about him. He only scanned the expressions of all the people present with his eyes and said nothing with a sullen face.

The Zhu family approached the body, sadness overflowing from the mask on their faces.

He personally checked the wounds on Situ Wanli's body and helped him close his eyes: "Brother Lu was the first to arrive and also checked the body. What do you think the situation is?"

"The murderer's swordsmanship is sharp." Facing the Zhu family's questioning and the gazes of others, Lu Wei calmly and calmly expressed his personal judgment: "But Brother Situ has three sword wounds on his body, which is the same as that of Gonggongtang many years ago. Compared with the previous case, the situation is essentially different. It should be that the murderer deliberately arranged it like this to make us think that it was a copycat crime."

"Yes, Brother Situ's three sword wounds were on his thigh, left shoulder, and throat. The fatal wound was only on his throat." The Zhu family explained in detail what Lu Wei wanted to express.

Although he didn't know much about swordsmanship, he still knew what kind of wounds would cause death: "In addition, Brother Situ also has many bruises caused by collisions."

"The murderer killed Brother Situ after a fight. Although the process may only take a few moves, it is very different from the instant kills of Brother Tian Zhong and Brother Zhou He!"

"The murderer is so cruel. It's so weird here. Brothers, how about we go out and talk later?" Tian Mi folded her arms and shuddered slightly as she looked at the splattered blood on the wall.

"." No one responded to her. Only Tian Hu couldn't stand Tian Mi's deliberately weak look and snorted coldly.

"Masters, you have all finished watching the scene. Can you please let me collect the body of Hall Master Situ first?" Seeing the silence of the scene, Zhang Er took a step forward with his fists clasped, his words seemed to be vaguely in line with Tian Mi's speech.

"Forget it, let's go out." The Zhu family stood up to show respect to Tian Mi and Zhang Er: "Zhang Er, Zhang Er, tell us carefully what happened in Siyue Hall today."

——————"At the beginning of Mao hour this morning, Hall Master Situ got up early, went to Shuangjiang Ridge for a brief inspection, and came back at Chen time."

Outside the main hall of Siyue Hall, Zhang Er gathered the descriptions of the disciples in the headquarters who had seen Situ Wanli today and reported the situation to the five hall masters.

Although the six halls are now very independent, due to the death of the leader of the first hall, they have to temporarily unite.

"After returning, Hall Master Situ seemed to want to be alone for a while, so he ordered all the guarding disciples to retreat, and then went into the hall hall alone, and then never came out again."

"It wasn't until about four o'clock that I went to the hall master's hall to ask for instructions from the hall master because of internal affairs. Unexpectedly, hall master Situ was already there at that time."

At the end of the sentence, Zhang Er lowered his head sadly.

"So you are the first disciple to discover the body, and you are the only one who discovered the body?"

Tian Meng's eyes suddenly became sharp and he spoke before the Zhu family.

"Yes, but after I found the body, I immediately called other disciples." Zhang Er understood the reason why Tian Meng asked this question, so he defended himself in a reasonable manner: "At least ten disciples in the hall can save time for me. I testify that I cannot kill the hall master in just one or two breaths."

"We will investigate this." The Zhu family had no idea that Zhang Er was the suspected murderer. The reason is very simple: even Tian Hu subconsciously knew that the layout of the murder scene was very similar to Zhou He's death nine years ago, which shows that Although the murderer is most likely not the same person nine years ago, he should have at least seen the crime scene nine years ago.

Nine years ago, Zhang Erke had not yet joined the farm family, nor had he had the opportunity to learn the specific details of Zhou He's death, because Situ Wanli did not know this either.

However, the investigation still needs to be carried out, in order to prove Zhang Er's innocence.

But when I think of this, something weird is revealed: Since it has been said that the murderer has at least seen the crime scene nine years ago, how many people can be at the crime scene nine years ago?
Lu Wei!Tian Hu!The Zhu family themselves!And a few of those Gonggongtang disciples.

There are very few such targets, and the case does not seem to be that difficult to solve.

However, the problem is: of course the Zhu family knows that they are not the murderers of Situ Wanli, but is it possible for Lu Wei and Tian Hu to do so?

The answer is also impossible. In the eyes of the Zhu family, they will not become murderers:
Let’s talk about Lu Wei first.

Although brother Lu Wei was suspected of being responsible for the deaths of Tian Zhong, Zhou He and even Tian Du several times in succession, each time they were just rumors and none of them could be confirmed.

From all angles, it was unlikely that Situ Wanli's death was caused by him.

Not to mention the reason for killing, Situ Wanli's martial arts is even worse than Tian Hu, and Tian Hu is far worse than Lu Wei. If Lu Wei's brother really did it, he would definitely not need the three swordsmanship in such a limited space face to face. Kill the target.

Let’s talk about Tian Hu.

Tian Hu's suspicion is easier to rule out: if it was Situ's brother who was killed by Tian Hu, then there is no reason for him to unnecessary arrange the crime scene as the scene of Zhou He's death. After all, with his mind's knowledge of the scene nine years ago, he could I've probably forgotten it subconsciously, otherwise I wouldn't have shouted that way when I saw Brother Situ live today.

After excluding the three hall masters, they could only check the remaining Gonggong Hall disciples. However, the Zhu family had actually checked the information of those people several times a long time ago and confirmed that none of them had the ability to attack Brother Situ.

After everything has been ruled out at once, it seems that it can only be done by other weaker associates in the organization to which the murderer who killed Brother Zhou He belongs?

The Zhu family clenched their fists thinking about this: The Nong family is a major sect of various schools of thought, the founder is the Shennong family, and the six halls have a total of one hundred thousand disciples. As a result, the leader-level figures are being killed wantonly again and again. !

Maybe even Xia Kuidu
The expression on Brother Situ's face is also very strange. What on earth could cause him to show the same 'incredible' expression as Zhou He nine years ago?
There was also the behavior of suddenly going to Shuangjiang Ridge for inspection at Maoshi and then entering the main hall alone after returning. This was also inconsistent with the Zhu family's understanding of Situ Wanli.

There are also important clues in Frostfall Ridge that require careful investigation.
Lu Wei knew the truth about Zhou He's death nine years ago, so when he saw the crime scene in this case, everything was like a mirror.

Moreover, as a master of swordsmanship, the hall master also found another important piece of information in the three sword wounds on the corpse that he had not shared with others:

When a person swings a sword, the very fine details of the wounds caused by the sword move have common characteristics and can be distinguished.

And the three wounds on Situ Wanli's body belong to two sword moves!
According to Lu Wei's judgment, the murderer first slashed Situ Wanli's thigh, destroying his ability to escape, and then stabbed his shoulder with his backhand, completely restraining the Siyue Hall Master.

Then, special means were used to make the painful Situ Wanli see some kind of surprising scene, and instantly seal his throat with a sword. Only in this way, the surprise in Situ Wanli's expression would be preserved as he wished.

This is the process of the crime that Lu Wei guessed based on his more than ten years of experience in the world. From this process, he can deduce the identity of the murderer.
There is only one answer!
(End of this chapter)

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