Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 264 Competition between Heroes and Leaders

Chapter 264 Competition between Heroes and Leaders
Zhang Er looked at the thoughtful expressions of several hall masters. While his expressions remained calm, he was also confused about the murder.

The process he described was all true, but he left out some details: for example, the reason why Situ Wanli dismissed all the guarding disciples of the main hall was to have a private conversation with him.

The reason for the private conversation was because of his sudden inspection in Frostfall Ridge in the early morning.

However, what he never expected was that when he was ready to negotiate with him, he would already see the body.
Zhang Er subconsciously thought: Such an incident would severely damage their plan. The relatively peaceful situation in the Sixth Hall might fall apart due to the death of a hall leader!
But things had already happened, and he immediately realized that he must use Situ Wanli's death to directly force the next step of his plan, that is, he would first succeed as the leader of Siyue Hall.

This requires that his top priority is to clear himself of suspicion.

Therefore, after seeing the corpse, Zhang Er immediately turned around and ran out of the hall to call other close disciples of Situ Wanli.

These people have been waiting a little further away. They watched him come out immediately after entering. The case was not originally committed by himself. In terms of the time of the crime, he could be completely removed with the help of these people.

Regarding the crime scene, Zhang Er did not know at first that the arrangement there was similar to that of Zhou He's death nine years ago. However, from the words and performances of several hall leaders, he had some guesses, and in order to avoid suspicion, he did not ask any more questions.

From the perspective of succession, theoretically, he should have been more active during Situ Wanli's death.But Zhang Er is the general manager of Siyue Hall, and his identity is naturally legitimate. He is secretly a member of Gonggong Hall. Although there is no time to report more important details to Lu Wei during the investigation, Hall Master Lu will definitely support him.

Hall Master Zhu has a friendly relationship with Siyue Hall and will not object.

The Tian family did not fill in the senior management of Siyuetang with candidates who could compete, and could not object.

In this way, as long as I am really not suspected of killing Situ Wanli, the hall leader position will definitely be mine. Instead of making more mistakes, it is better to give all the power of the case to the five hall masters. In this way, no matter whether the case can be solved or not, The plan never deviates too much.

"Let's interrogate those close disciples first." The Zhu family was the most concerned and active in this case among all the halls.

It was getting late, and the interrogation work was carried out unexpectedly all night. The leader of the five halls personally investigated and found no internal problems among these people.

Sure enough, he is still someone other than Siyue Hall.

"Everyone, Hall Master Zhou He died violently a few years ago, and now Hall Master Situ has followed suit." After not sleeping all night, except for Tian Mi who said she couldn't stand it anymore and went to catch up on some sleep, the remaining four hall masters gathered together. When they were together, Tian Meng said meaningfully: "Even though there are many doubts in it, instead of tracking down the murderer who has no clues, shouldn't we consider something else?"

"Master Tian Meng, if you have any ideas, just say it. There is no point in hesitating." Lu Wei and Tian's eldest brother looked at each other for several seconds, showing no intention of giving in.

"If you want to listen to what my elder brother has to say, just listen carefully!" Tian Huhu was eager to protect him and immediately couldn't bear it: "Lu Wei, such a murder case originally came from your Gonggongtang, and now it has implicated Situ Wanli, you What qualifications do you have to speak?"

"What do you mean, Master Tian Meng?" the Zhu family said, but did not look at the noisy Tian Hu and focused on getting down to business.

"We should think about the reasons why the enemy did this, and why they could do this!" Tian Meng took the initiative to turn his eyes away from Lu Wei, looked down at the Zhu family, and said calmly.

"Oh?" Zhu Jia raised his head and touched his chin with a confused tone: "I would like to hear the details."

"Situ Wanli runs a casino, and he actually has many enemies for this reason, but the reason that led to his killing should have nothing to do with the casino. It can only be due to his status as the leader of Siyue Hall." Tian Meng walked slowly: "We should see clearly that the murderer's ultimate goal is to control the farmers!"

Even though Tian Meng gave a hint, there was no direct communication, but in this case, Lu Wei also completely understood the whole process:

Luo Wang couldn't wait any longer.

Of the seven kingdoms in the world, regardless of the Yan Dynasty in the north, only Qi is left.

Everyone who pays a little attention to the general trend of the world knows that it is inevitable that Qin Qi will be an enemy, and in order to gain more achievements before the unification of Qin, Luo Sheng needs to attack farmers.

Therefore, Zhou Wen may have received an order from Xianyang: immediately launch a plan to compete for the heroes and bring the farmers under the control of the net.

Lieshan Hall is the hall of Zhou Wen who disguises himself as Tian Meng, and the large-scale snare killers near Daze Mountain in Qi State are also nominally following Zhou Wen's instructions.

But there is every reason to believe that Zhou Wen's every move will actually be spread to Xianyang without reservation.

Therefore, Lu Wei and he could only rely on their tacit understanding of the plan. Even if the plan needed to be revised for various reasons, they could not take the risk of being exposed to inform each other. Zhou Wen's identity as a peasant traitor still had an effect.

Killing Situ Wanli was not only the beginning of Zhou Wen's implementation of Luo Wang Xiakui's plan, but also an explicit notification to his partner Lu Wei.Regarding Zhou Wen, the reason why Lu Wei trusted him with a more tolerant attitude was because the mission he was performing was a Xia Kui mission, but his identity was Fake Tian Meng.

This false identity determined that he would not be able to betray him no matter what, unless Zhou Wen had the means to kill him.

The original plan had to be carried out in advance due to the snare. Compared with this case, the master of the hall needs to consider how he will respond after becoming the hero at this point in time.

The greatest value of Situ Wanli's death from a pure perspective is that it serves as a notification.

As for the subsequent solving of the case and Zhou Wen's performance, they were all performed for the Zhu family, Tian Hu and Luo Sheng behind them.

Come to think of it, just in these few days, I will get a warning from 'that person'.

I hope he will not be exposed and try to survive. At least it can bring some help to pop the 'bubble'.

"So, isn't it Lu Wei who benefited the most from Zhou He and Situ's death?" Tian Hu heard his brother's three-eye gesture, and immediately shouted in his head: "I wasted my time nine years ago." I believe you, if Situ Wanli doesn’t support you becoming the hero this time, then kill him!”

It would be nice if all the opponents were reckless men like Tian Hu who would immediately accept the hint once he was teased.
Although it was meant to be shown to Luo Wang, it was too cooperative.It feels like Tian Hu's brain has further deteriorated compared to nine years ago. Is it because 'big brother Tian Meng' simply gave up independent thinking after he came back?
Simply ignore him, Tian Hu can use it again later, and clean it up after use: "So, you mean that the reason why the farmer is so passive now is because of the lack of Xiakui."

Lu Wei's speech matched what Tian Meng didn't say.

"That's right." Tian Meng curled his lips and said, "Our peasant family has the ability to become the largest sect in the world, but it is precisely because of the lack of Xiakui and the division of the Six Halls that we are at the mercy of others."

"Situ Wanli died because of this. No matter who the murderer is, if the farm family is a complete whole, then no one can bully us wantonly!"

"Compared with investigating the cause of Situ Wanli's death, we should take this opportunity to directly elect a new hero, so that we can solve this problem once and for all in the future."

"This is still worthy of further discussion. After all, Boss Tian Guang doesn't have accurate information yet." The Zhu family mask turned surprised and somewhat disagreed with Tian Meng's opinion.

This is actually what Lu Wei wanted to say: According to the process, the name 'Tian Guang' must be mentioned to Zhou Wen as a topic next, so it would be easier for the Zhu family to speak for him.

"Tian Guang? Huh!" Tian Meng said with disdain when he heard the name: "He has been missing for several years. The farm family cannot live without Xiakui."

"What's more, isn't it because of Tian Guang's incompetence that the farmer is now being wantonly killing the hall leader! When Zhou He died, Tian Guang was still there!"

"Brother." Tian Hu, who was listening with excitement, heard Tian Meng commenting on Tian Guang. His face suddenly froze, and he opened his mouth wide and pulled the eldest brother's arm: That's the boss Tian Guang.

Although there are slight differences between Tian Guang's Tian and Tian Meng's Tian Hu, Tian Hu has a lot of respect for Tian Guang.

"Tian Meng! What you said is a bit too much." Compared with Tian Hu who had to take care of his elder brother's face, the Zhu family retorted unceremoniously: "Without Tian Guang Xiakui's plan, our farm would not be as prosperous as it is today!"

"Gong is merit, fault is fault. Tian Guang has indeed made some contributions to our farm, but this does not mean that his weakness is right!" Tian Meng made eye contact with the Zhu family without evading: "Now the strength of the farm is It’s enough, we need a stronger hero who can lead us better!”

"The tougher hero you are talking about, do you mean yourself?" Lu Wei smiled casually and intervened.

"The selection of the new hero should be decided by the Sixth Elder. Otherwise, it must be decided by the Emperor Yan Jue. It is not something you, Lu, can decide with just one sentence." Tian Meng's tone today was really tough:

"According to my opinion, Situ Wanli's Siyue Hall has been ruled out for the time being. Tomorrow we and the five hall masters can report to the Sixth Elder to the Sixth Sage Tomb and ask them to comment on the selection method of the new Xiakui!"

At this point, he fully exposed his true intention: Tian wanted to take advantage of the current situation to determine the position of the hero in one fell swoop.

"I agree with eldest brother. Now the six halls must unite and become the strongest school of thought!" Although he has reservations about eldest brother's evaluation of Tian Guang Xiakui, Tian Hu still firmly supports eldest brother in choosing Xia Kui now. Kui's thoughts.

"This" Zhu family's expressions changed rapidly, and the colorful and colorful masks of thousands of people were uncertain.

Lu Wei took a step forward at this time: "In that case, let's settle it. The farm family really needs a new leader."

His speech represented that the Tian family's proposal had already been agreed to by three families. The hesitant Zhu family had no choice but to agree.
Looking up at Lu Wei and Tian Meng, who looked confident, doubts arose in his heart:
Why is Tian Meng confident that he can defeat Brother Lu?
And it happens to be this time.
(End of this chapter)

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