Chapter 265 Six Sword Slaves

Zhou Wen's confidence is another reminder to Lu Wei: If Luo Wang wants to take down Xia Kui, what could be easier and more direct for his biggest competitor than direct physical elimination?

After Situ Wanli's incident yesterday and a night of interrogation, he was going to the Six Sages' Tomb tomorrow to ask the elders to decide on the competition method for Xia Kuang. Lu Wei didn't believe that the net behind this was not laid out in advance.

Unsurprisingly, there are only a few methods that make Luo Wang so confident.

The master of the hall thought: Time is a little too tight, but this is also an opportunity.
Zhou Wen provided the information that needed to be told to Lu Wei, who was looking at him, in a concealed manner as much as possible. Zhou Wen turned around and left first with Tian Meng's face in mind, followed closely by Tian Hu.

He didn't know how much of the plan his anti-Luo Wang partner had guessed, although in fact, Zhou Wen himself didn't know what Luo Wang had prepared for the farmers.

Shortly after the Guangling City of Chu State was breached, Luo Wang sent a special envoy from the south to contact him: King Qin Yingzheng was in Chu State at the time, and Zhao Gao, the loyal and accompanying leader of Luo Di Wang, was naturally also in Chu State.

According to the liaison envoy: According to Lord Zhao Gao's wishes, Luo Wang will mobilize a group of elite forces to help him completely take charge of the farm.

Zhou Wen didn't know the total number of these elite forces and the classification of their members. He only knew that the person in charge vowed that as long as he could create an opportunity to compete for the top knight, there would be no accidents in the plan.

According to Zhou Wen's calculations, I am afraid that there will be no less than three Tianzi-level people in the trap, and there will be even more Killing-zi level and Earth-level people.

This is to attack the farmer’s Sixth Hall Master at the farmer’s headquarters in Daze Mountain!

If one is slightly careless, even if one hundred thousand peasant disciples are regarded as a mob, the Six Elders in the Six Sages Tomb are not beings that can be easily ignored.

The enemy is in darkness and we are clear has been the real situation between Luo Wang and the peasant family for more than ten years. It is precisely for this reason that he and Lu Wei discussed the plan to penetrate deeply into Luo Wang.

The two of them had considered this situation many years ago, but in order to remind Lu Wei more directly, choosing Situ Wanli as a sacrifice was Zhou Wen's carefully selected goal.

Siyuetang is remote, and Situ Wanli's identity as a gambler is not a help to the farmer, but will ruin the reputation of the farmer. Furthermore, considering that Gonggongtang and Shennongtang in Liutang cannot be touched lightly, Kueitang and Lieshantang are in the net. In their eyes, Chi Youtang is already theirs, and is an ally who has been deceived. The only person who can attack without arousing Luo Wang's suspicion is Si Yuetang.

Zhou He's death nine years ago, whether openly or secretly from all perspectives, Zhou Wen was the actual organizer, and it was not difficult for him to take advantage of that incident.

A few days ago, when I symbolically informed the newly appointed secret person in charge of the plan, the other party expressed support: Killing Situ Wanli and waiting to see if Lu Wei could be framed was an ideal situation. Even if he failed, it didn't matter, as long as he could be framed. For this reason, if the five hall masters are gathered together without any precautions, the snare plan can be implemented normally!

On the main road from Siyuetang to Gonggongtang, there is a valley route between Bailuyan and Shuangjiangling.

Normally, this place is heavily guarded, but because Situ Wanli suddenly came to Shuangjiang Ridge for inspection yesterday before his death, all the guarding disciples of Shuangjiang Ridge were taken back for a strict investigation.

The current chaotic situation of Siyuetang has determined that they can only temporarily deploy some other disciples to symbolically guard a few important positions, so many defensive points will inevitably be relaxed.

It is precisely because of these laxities that the enemy in the dark can take advantage of it.
Dozens of sword lights erupted, and the bodies of fifty Siyue Hall disciples were scattered in random directions in the valley camp on one side of Frostfall Ridge.

Arrogant obedients: Six figures in black took back their famous swords and hid their figures quietly, waiting for regular prey to take the initiative to enter this bloody spider web.

Six Sword Slave, the most deadly and efficient killing weapon in the world.

There is only one target worthy of their long journey to execute: Gonggongtang Lu Wei!
The killer in this killing team is really just carrying a big sword and standing upright with a strong body, calmly thinking about the changes that may happen in the mission.

For the Six Sword Slaves, this mission is different from the previous "Lambs" who had to hone each other's proficiency. It carries certain risks. It can be regarded as their first formal mission after the establishment of the group.

As long as Lu Wei passes by this place when returning from Siyue Hall and sees the brutally treated corpses in the camp and chooses to walk in, he will not survive the six-in-one attack!
But it would be more troublesome if the other party noticed something was wrong and ran away directly. For the sake of safety, the Six Sword Slave could not be exposed and pursue him.

As the leadership brain of the Six Sword Slaves, Zhen Gang is the only one among the six who is qualified to give orders in Zhao Gao's absence.

Before this mission, the slender sisters of the Binders and Soul Destroyers had fought against Lu Wei in Shannan, Han.That time the two of them suffered a big loss: as killers, the other party found an opportunity to sneak attack.

The strength of the two sisters was already at the bottom among the Six Sword Slaves. Due to the injuries they suffered, the strength of the Zhuanpo had dropped a bit, making them the weak link of the Six Sword Slaves.

If it weren't for the twin sisters' mutual understanding, which allowed them to understand and use the famous Yue Wang Eight Swords to transfer souls and destroy souls far better than other competitors, I'm afraid the two would have been deprived of their current identities many years ago.

Although as cold killers, they should have no unnecessary thoughts that would affect the killing efficiency, but after knowing that the sea-swallowing sword held by Lu Wei was Han Shantan's enemy that night, the sisters' hatred grew in their hearts.Duanshui, the last killer to return to the position of Six Sword Slave in time, is a short man who hides his entire body under a black cloth.

The old man with an eye who was originally the most suitable for Duanshui was executed by Lu Wei in Songhai many years ago. Therefore, even if Zhao Gao searched for many years to choose a replacement that was good, it was still a little inferior to the old man with an eye.

Fortunately, Zhao Gao didn't know this. He had never seen a better Six Sword Slave, so the current Six Sword Slave was the best for him.

As the hidden person in the Six Sword Slaves, Duanshui is responsible for regulating the auras of the six people to keep them together.

The war supporter Luan Shen and the opportunist Xiao Xie, one is an ugly and evil adult man, and the other is a young boy with thorny hair.The former of the two has a bad temper, and he and Zhen Gang participated in the hunt for Tian Guang. They were tricked by the old fox twice.

Regarding coming to the farm for hunting, Luan Shen licked his lips with a cruel expression.

There is obvious youthfulness on the face of the latter boy. He is only ten years old. It is not easy for him to be able to command the swords of the demon and the demon at this age. Moreover, the reason why the young man wants to become a killer and join the trap is just because of his ambition. With an attitude towards life in the game, and with such a mentality that is not suitable for being a resolute killer, they have become the top killers. Their talents are extraordinary.

The Six Sword Slaves had been waiting since noon, but until dark, the target they wanted to hunt did not arrive.

Until the voice of the disciple who was about to change the shift came, Zhen Zhen in the darkness just ordered the retreat with a cold tone. The first round of the plan failed. The other party actually refused to return to Gonggong Hall through this road.
In Gonggong Hall, Lu Wei returned to the hall from the north late at night.During the day, he went north to the Liuxian Tomb in Siyuetang, then went through the tunnel there to Zuimeng Tower, and then returned to the hall, taking a lot of detours.

But it's absolutely safe.

From Zhou Wen's reminder, the hall master prepared for the worst. He knew that he was likely to be the target of being trapped in a trap. Even if he escaped today, he would definitely face a powerful character caught in the trap tomorrow.

To this end, he initiated certain preparations in advance.

Daze Mountain is the territory of farmers. Even if it is a trap, you have to be careful when moving here.


The farmer's family can theoretically field 4000 people in Dize 24. If commanded properly, even the world's top martial arts masters will lose their lives in Daze Mountain. This is only the power of ordinary disciples of the farmer's family.

Of course, let alone 4000 people, there has not even been an actual drill in Dize 400 Daze Mountain with 24 people. Such behavior is too dangerous, and the more people there are, the less the formation can achieve in theory. The power of it requires all disciples to keep in step and not make mistakes.

If they want to deal with Luo Sheng, as long as they activate enough disciples, their Daze Mountain plan will definitely fail.

But it's not that easy to find and kill the opponent.

Luo Wang has a plan tomorrow. Under such circumstances, mobilizing 400 people will most likely be exposed in advance. This path cannot be chosen lightly.

The strongest force in the net, except for the unfathomable Zhao Gao, is nothing more than the Six Sword Slave.

In order to control the [-] peasants, will Zhao Gao send out the Six Sword Slaves? Hall Master Lu thinks it is very likely!
The new news from Siyue Hall that 50 disciples died in the Frostfall Ridge camp can illustrate this point.

"Dianqing, Lu Ni, Xue Nu, and Li Mu, guarding the Gonggongtang headquarters with such strength can ensure safety. As for visiting the Six Elders tomorrow. The best opponents of the Six Sword Slaves are naturally the Six Elders of the farm family who have been silent for many years. !”

Lu Wei pulled out the Sea-Swallowing Sword and carefully wiped his partner who was going to see blood tomorrow, looking as if nothing had happened.

Counterattacking in advance under the trap was not the result he wanted, but he couldn't help but had to do it.

Moreover, the net belongs to the Qin State after all, and the peasants are forced to fight back with restraint. After all, they have too little power and strength.

"But Luo Wang's actions towards the farmers and their thoughts on controlling the farmers. Will the King of Qin know about it? Luo Wang's disloyalty exposed their weaknesses to me."

"Zhao Gao relies on the King of Qin. This is his greatest advantage in expanding his power, and it is also his greatest weakness!"

His eyes were like the light of a sword, and the decision in the mind of the Hall Master was completely formed.

During the day, Tian Meng had a saying that was quite right. Farmers should not be cowed and allowed to be bullied. The Qin army set out to conquer the Yan Dynasty. King Qin Yingzheng will soon unify the world, and he must take the initiative again. stand up!
(End of this chapter)

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