Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 266 Reverse Ge 1 Strike

Chapter 266

Even if you decide to take the initiative, the situation on the surface must show that you are oppressed by the net and have to fight back.

There is a big difference in the farmer's strategy whether to do it first with Luo Wang or to do it himself. The former shows that Luo Wang has more initiative on the surface. In this way, even if Zhou Wen fails, he can gain more trust and lurk next to Zhao Gao.

Luo Wen does not support idle people. Zhou Wen's greatest value now is that he can help Luo Wen obtain farmers. Once this value disappears, he needs to show that he has other values ​​as much as possible.

One night was not really a long time, so after calling Lu Ni, Xue Nu, Li Mu, and Dianqing to put the four of them on heightened alert today, Lu Wei went out alone when the edge of the sky turned slightly white.

Luo Wang's most direct interception plan failed yesterday, and some of his whereabouts were exposed, but it doesn't matter, there is still a siege that will definitely take shape today.

Their schedule was very tight. Under the internal planning, the sixth and now fifth hall masters of the farmhouse were all going to visit the Liuxian Tomb today.

The gathering place agreed upon by the five hall masters before entering the tomb was Spring Valley Manor.

This is the place where the Autumn Harvest Conference was held in previous years.

With the disappearance of Xiakui and the split of Liutang, the Autumn Harvest Conference was stopped in the last session just like the Shennong Order was cut off.

This makes Daze Mountain lack a fixed and lively time.The lost tradition needs to be restarted after the new hero is elected.

Spring Valley Village is located on the west side of Liuxian Tomb across a small mountain forest. Usually Lieshan, Chiyou, Gonggong, and Siyue are each responsible for the jurisdiction of an area.

'Luo Wang would probably choose this place for a showdown. After all, further inside is the Tomb of Six Immortals. The Sixth Elder is by no means the character they expected to see. '

Spreading the map of Daze Mountain in your mind, the place where the Snare Killer can hide near Spring Valley Village must be in the forest opposite the southwest corner of Mangzhong Gang, which Lieshan Hall is responsible for!

It was condescending to Spring Valley Village, and even though it was co-managed by Lie Shan and Chi You, as long as Zhou Wen transferred the two disciples, there would be no possibility of being exposed.

The location that the enemy may choose has been roughly confirmed, but Lu Wei cannot relax his vigilance about other places. The time is too tight and Gonggongtang has no time to carefully clean the area he is responsible for. Theoretically, if the Six Sword Slaves really come, they will have to choose another place. It's still possible to ambush him.

Therefore, Lu Wei set out early in the morning, specifically going south and detouring to Siyue Hall.

The plan discussed by Zhou Wen and Luo Wang was to take advantage of the opportunity of killing Situ Wanli to compete for the top knight. Before the plan was implemented, they should have arranged surveillance on each church in the farmhouse to pay close attention to the possible large-scale transfer of disciples in each church.

But Siyue Hall is an exception!Because their hall leader is dead and is not qualified to participate in the Xia Kui competition, Luo Wang theoretically does not need to worry about changes here.

At this time, Zhang Er's role can come into play. This surprise step may be of value at a critical moment, and Lu Wei can also go around from Siyuetang to Spring Valley Village beyond everyone's expectations. Avoid ambushes that may be too late to detect in advance.

In Spring Valley Manor.

The gentle sunshine breaks through the light clouds, and the breeze picks up, pushing the comfortable fragrance of plants to permeate the entire villa.

The chirping of birds in the forest was also very clear, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Lu Wei's departure time was calculated very accurately, and when he arrived, it happened to be when Tian Meng and Tian Hu were about to get impatient with the wait.

"Gonggong Hall is not far from Spring Valley Manor. Why is Hall Master Lu so late in arriving?"

The clenched fists hidden in his sleeves were suddenly released, and Tian Meng's tense nerves were relieved. At the same time, he took a long breath in his heart and asked with a cold face.

In addition to Tian Meng, the Zhu family mask who had been pacing with his hands behind his back also turned from surprise to joy, smiling and stroking his beard, waiting for Lu Wei's answer.

Although Tian Meng asked the question in a bad tone, the question itself was exactly what the Zhu family wanted.

Tian Hu, who followed his eldest brother loyally, folded his arms and stood quietly with his head held high. This was not in line with Hu Zi's usual style. It seemed that Tian Meng had told him something in advance before coming.

As for Tian Mi, who was leaning against the pillar, with her smooth thighs exposed from the bifurcated robe and skirt, she smiled seductively while smoking a cigarette, and didn't say much. She was just a supporting role today.

"I went to Shuangjiang Ridge. There was another murder of a disciple there yesterday. Brother Situ was not here, so I took a look at the scene for him."

"Oh~" Tian Meng and the Zhu family both reacted when they heard the news, but their reactions had different purposes:

Tian Meng knew Luo Wang's arrangement, and he also understood that Lu Wei must have heard his hint yesterday, so he was able to avoid Luo Wang's ambush.

He didn't care about the fifty dead Siyue Hall disciples. For the purpose of his plan, he could kill even Xia Kui Tian Guang and Situ Wanli.But Mr. Lu made a special trip to Siyue Hall in the morning and said it openly here, obviously to tell himself something.

Tian Meng took the possible situation of Siyue Hall into his consideration
The Zhu family's perspective was in a foggy state, and he didn't think much. He simply wanted to ask about the situation of the fifty disciples who died: Yesterday, Zhang Er sect disciples notified all the halls of this case, but it was just because it was too late and the second I have something urgent to do, so I can't go check it out.Now someone is investigating the scene. Whether it is for his dead old friend or the entire farm family, he has to care about it: "Brother Lu, did you gain anything?"

"My investigation time was too short, and all the corpses were disposed of." Shaking his head, Lu Wei replied casually: "But judging from the traces there, the disciples failed to put up a decent resistance, and even Dize 24 There is no positioning to meet the enemy.”

On the one hand, the master of the hall means that the enemy is very strong, and on the other hand, it also means that the disciples of Siyue Hall lack daily training and cannot calmly face sudden attacks.

"First Brother Situ was killed, and now he is pointing the finger at the disciples of Siyue Hall." The Zhu family lowered their heads and thought for a while, then said: "Brother Lu must have taken the main road of Shuangjiang Ridge when he returned to Gonggong Hall yesterday, right? Didn't you find anything unusual at that time? ?”

As soon as this question came up, Tian Meng looked over. He didn't know about the arrival of the Six Sword Slaves, let alone the news that they had returned without success. He only roughly guessed that Luo Wang might ambush Lu Wei.

Now that Lu Wei is intact, Luo Wang's first plan has failed. I don't know if the two sides have succeeded.

"Yesterday I was worried about Brother Situ's affairs, but I didn't find anything unusual on the way. The important purpose of everyone's gathering today is to apply to the Sixth Elder for a new successor to Xiakui. The matters in Siyue Hall will not be dealt with until the new year. Let’s select the hero and then conduct a detailed investigation.”

Without telling him about his detour yesterday, after leaking the layout of Siyue Hall to Zhou Wen, the hall master found a false excuse to get over the problem.

This excuse is unconvincing, but today's business is indeed more important, and the other hall masters did not bother too much about Siyue Hall, even the most concerned Zhu family.

"Wait a minute, before I go to the Sixth Sage Tomb to see the Sixth Elder, I have something else to say." According to Luo Wang's plan, Tian Meng shouted after everyone arrived.

From now on, the plan has reached the most critical moment!

The Han Cicada Sword made a faint sword cry. In Lieshan Hall, Wu Kuang knew that the farm family had fallen into a big crisis. Now, the only one who could expose the conspiracy was himself!

Although this is not in line with the plan that Xia Kui Tian Guang made for himself, now that Tian Guang is dead and many halls of the farm family have been infiltrated, even now Tian Meng's identity is disguised as the traitor Zhou Wen who betrayed the farm family more than ten years ago!

Luo Wang wants to use this identity to complete the annexation of the farmer's thousand-year-old inheritance. Now the only person who can really save the farmer's family is the famous leader Lu Wei in the world.

But the premise is: I must tear off Tian Meng's mask in public and tell everyone the truth.

The only hall masters who were really infiltrated were 'Tian Meng' and Tian Mi. After Zhou Wen lost that face, the first one he wanted to fight was Tian Hu!
Zhou Wen killed Tian Meng, Zhou He, Xia Kuai Tian Guang, and the day before yesterday he killed Situ Wanli.

This bastard traitor has done more damage to the farm family than any previous enemy.

"where are you going?"

In the morning, only a quarter of an hour after Zhou Wen set off with the mission, Wu Kuang was about to follow him to Spring Valley Villa, but was stopped by the military minister who stayed with him.

The other party's scrutinizing eyes were full of suspicion.

"Go to Spring Valley Manor, where today is the final show and our fate will be decided." With a dull look on his face, Wu Chen was the executioner who killed many peasant disciples. Wu Kuang had studied him carefully and knew how to persuade him: "Don't you want to go and see?"

"This is not in line with the rules of the net." Hehehe smiled, and the warrior raised his finger and tapped the hilt of the sword, making a clicking sound: he really wanted to go and see, but someone needed to be responsible for it.

"There is only one rule in Luowen: complete the task at any cost." Wu Kuang said calmly: "Although Zhou Wen is our superior, if he fails this time and we are not notified in time, you should know very well what will happen. "

"Or do you want to place your destiny entirely on him?"

"If you think so, you are right! We should go and have a look~" After almost having a decent excuse, Wu Chen immediately agreed.

In their line of work, the only one you can absolutely trust is yourself.

When the five hall masters gathered in Spring Valley Manor, Wu Chen and Wu Kuang each held their swords and had been waiting among the treetops a little further away for a long time.

"The plan is going very well. Tomorrow you and I will be the masters of this farmhouse~"

Looking at Tian Meng in the square calling out to the fourth hall according to the setting, which meant that everything had started smoothly, Wu Chen smiled proudly.

"No, Zhou Wen made a mistake, which is very dangerous! I will remind him."

Suddenly jumping off a tall tree, Wu Kuang quickly ran towards Spring Valley Villa after saying a sentence.


His words made Wu Chen hesitate, so much so that he did not have time to stop him from going to Spring Village in violation of regulations: a dangerous mistake?What is it?
Until he saw Wu Kuang breaking into the village and whispering to Tian Meng, who looked shocked, he suddenly took out a dagger and slashed Tian Meng's face. The bright red blood sputtered out and almost caused Wu Chen's heart to stop.
This guy actually turned back at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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