Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 267 The 6 Elders Leave the Tomb

Chapter 267 The Sixth Elder Leaves the Tomb

In the square of Spring Valley Village, Tian Meng stopped the four hall masters.

"The Sixth Elder usually doesn't go out to repair. After Xia Kui disappeared, no one went to visit them again."

"In order to reduce disturbance, we might as well hold the Flame Emperor Judgment here and select a hall master to enter the tomb to meet with the Sixth Elder?"

The purpose of the eldest son of the Tian family is obvious. Currently, only Wutang is present, and the third one belongs to the Tian family.

The voting system of Yandijue was originally created to allow six impartial elders to choose a way out for the peasant family with an open mind when there was a major event within the sect and the leader did not dare to make a judgment lightly.

Hundreds of years ago, even decades ago, this system was still feasible to a certain extent.

But now, the so-called voting already has the result in everyone's mind before voting, and the fairness required for voting has naturally become a joke.

"This is inappropriate." Lu Wei refused without hesitation: "Although the Sixth Elder is in Qingxiu, they should also know the current situation of each church in order to make the most suitable decision for today's farmers. Let's all go in, even if it is crowded But if the elder is charitable, he will definitely not be blamed."

Regardless of whether the current situation is acting or not, Lu Wei needs to show his dominance.

The size of the right to speak in the arena is determined by strength.Regardless of the individual strength or the strength of the hall to which it belongs, if Hall Master Lu doesn't want to vote, then he won't vote.

"Eldest brother doesn't know what means he has prepared. At this time, the young man Lu Wei is not willing to give up." Tian Hu wanted to step forward to stand up for his eldest brother, but when he thought of his eldest brother's instructions last night, his restless heart forced himself to remain still: "But no matter what, the confrontation situation is three against one, and the ultimate advantage is still I am Mr. Tian. '

'Situ Lao'er is dead. It would be troublesome for the Zhu family's old man to choose to help Lu Wei. But now that the situation is so clear and Shennongtang has surrendered to his eldest brother many times in the past two years, the old man will make a wise choice. '

'The worst we can do is make a Yandi Jue ourselves and kick Gonggongtang out of the farm! '

"Master Tian Meng, something happened in Lieshan Hall!"

When Lu Wei spoke, and then Tian Hu's face became angry and then immediately suppressed it, Wu Kuang arrived just in time.

Wearing a mask and using the pseudonym Mr. Jin, he had a stiff expression on his face and respectfully saluted the hall masters with clasped fists.

The two people who knew his identity well: Tian Meng and Lu Wei immediately understood Wu Kuang's purpose.The plan is indeed going more smoothly than expected. Next, it depends on how it will uncover the infiltration of the trap.

I don't know if it was because he knew in his heart that the person in front of him came with malicious intentions. When Tian Meng nodded and motioned for the other person to approach him, the panic in Wu Kuang's heart became stronger with every step he took.

Especially after careful attention, although Wu Kuang's sword was tied around his waist, there seemed to be a dagger hidden in his sleeve?
He knew what the other person was going to do next, but he had to pretend not to know, and then let the other person cut open his body. Under this psychological effect, Tian Meng thought that he was not even afraid of death, but why was he still a little panicked now? Woolen cloth
Maybe it's because any living being with a normal mentality never wants to get hurt.
Adjusting his posture slightly, trying to force the opponent to aim at his face instead of his fatal throat, Tian Meng suddenly showed a smile on his lips.

"Why does such a smile give people a sense of relief?" Wu Kuang was surprised. He didn't move his hand slowly at all, slid out the dagger, held it behind his back and stabbed Tian Meng's right eye!
'The movements are a bit slow, do you think I can escape? Resisting the physical instinct of retreating, Tian Meng only tilted his head slightly to prevent his vitals from being hit. He truly felt the cold blade cutting through his mask, slicing the flesh from below the eye sockets, cutting off everything smoothly along the way. 'Obstruct', then leave from the chin
The blood that flowed out was the same as the blood that flowed out of Situ Wanli when he killed him the day before yesterday. It was red. Situ Wanli would die, and so would he.

Subconsciously screaming "Ah", Tian Hu, who was closest to him, saw that his elder brother was injured, and his eyes were shocked and furious at the same time. He immediately rushed towards Wu Kuang with a punch full of rage. Wu Kuang did not dodge, but he took it hard and punched it in his mouth at the same time. Meng said, and forcefully stretched out his hand to tear Tian Meng's face apart.

Compared with the psychological journey of waiting for one to be stabbed, the pain of being stabbed is easily tolerated.

He deliberately slowed down his retreat after being injured, giving Wu Kuang the opportunity to grab his mask and successfully tear off half of his fake face.

Such an incident shocked the Zhu family, Tian Mi and even Tian Hu who punched: Look at the thin 'half face' in Wu Kuang's hand, and then look at the skin with completely different textures on the left and right sides of 'Tian Meng' covering the wound , they opened their mouths wide, suddenly at a loss.

Lu Wei, who had been prepared for a long time, needed to establish his image as a savior in the farmhouse that was infiltrated by the net, so Lu stepped forward, took Wu Kuang by the back of his neck with one hand and threw it back, and raised it with the other hand. He slapped Tian Meng's chest with his palm.

He did not use all his strength with this palm, partly because he could not really kill his allies, and partly because Luo Wang was also ready to take action when Wu Kuang broke away from the plan and entered Spring Valley Village!
Six Sword Slave's attack was enough to instantly kill most of the powerful men in the world, but with preparation, Lu Wei used his own ability to block the opponent's attack today:

The six people were one, and when the first hint of murderous intent appeared, the Six Sword Slaves had actually already weaved a web of killing.

Two slender iron chains wrapped around the waist of Zhou Wen, whose identity was revealed, and pulled him away, which was like turning his body and destroying his soul.

The second person to show up was not Zhen Gang, who always attacked head-on, but Duan Shui and Ming Xi. These two had the highest personal skills among the Six Sword Slaves, so they were also the fastest to rush in from outside the Spring Valley Villa.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, were slashing horizontally with Duan Shui, while the two swords of the demon were crossed in a scissor shape. One of the two sword moves was thick and the other was fast, but the situation they created was still manageable.The Lord Hall Master unsheathed the Swallowing Sea Sword, and with the force of his concentrated sword, he easily pushed back the monsters, and then concentrated his inner energy with his left hand. The Water-Breaking Sword, which was not suitable for cutting water, collided with the Ice Palm, but failed to cut through the water.

Not a single move was successful, and the two of them did not hesitate to fight, and retreated to hide their figures. At this time, Zhen Gang and Luan Shen, who were a little slower, had arrived!
Zhen Gang cuts through gold and cuts jade, and the chaos god's sword energy carries wind and thunder. The sea-swallowing sword that the dexterous monsters cannot resist is blocked by Zhen Gang's turning sword with its broad blade. The destructive power raging on the other side of the chaos god is incomparable. Unless you are facing the sharp Shuishui attack, using your palm force to forcefully intercept it at this time will be a recipe for death.Feixue launched without hesitation, Lu Wei's figure suddenly disappeared, and the ice and snowflakes left behind exploded, and the sharp sword energy contained in it caused Zhen Gang's expression to change dramatically.

Bang, the Swallowing Sea Sword that stabbed Zhen Gang from behind was blocked by the sudden reappearance of the demon. His delay allowed Duan Shui to take the opportunity to use his sword to cut Lu Wei's throat.

There are many Six Sword Slaves, and they can take care of each other's weaknesses. When fighting with them, be sure not to stay in one place.

Therefore, after the Sea Swallowing Sword was blocked, Lu Wei decisively let out a puff of breath around his body and used the 'Suspended Sea Subversion' in the Whale Drinking Sword Technique.

Although this move is not as powerful as the fifth style of "Earth-Bearing Sea", it is better because it can protect oneself and block attacks from other directions under the interlacing of sword energy: such as cutting one's own throat and finally saving others from behind, Shanshan The late coming soul-changing soul-destroying chain.

The Six Sword Slaves have already entered the battlefield. In this case, they cannot trap themselves in the web alone, otherwise they will definitely be strangled by several moves.

Leaving the encirclement with a slight leap, Zhen Gang Chaoshen was unable to stop him due to being entangled by Zhu Jia and Tian Hu who had reacted. This allowed Lu Wei to retain his physical strength and use the Feixue Shenfa less often.

"." He waved his big sword and forced the two intruders back. Zhen Gang summoned the Six Swordsmen again with a gesture. He looked at the three farm masters and silently ordered another attack.

The Zhu family and Tian Hu actually didn't know what happened in this short period of time, but they could easily understand that the six men in black and the fake Tian Meng were enemies.There is no time to ask too many questions. Knowing the enemy means knowing the target of action.


The anger in Tian Hu's heart was like a volcano erupting. He usually didn't like to use his mind, but at this moment, how could he not understand that the 'big brother' he had always been was fake.

Moreover, during the fight with Zhen Gang, the opponent's strength and some conspicuous spider patterns on those black clothes prevented Tian Hu from being completely carried away by anger.

He is usually not very smart in terms of strategy, but in terms of martial arts, Tian Hu has reached this point and is in charge of Hu Po, ranked No. 12 in the Feng Beard Sword Manual, so he can be considered a little genius.

One-on-one, they are not inferior to any of the Soul-Destroying Sisters.

The Shennong Hall of the Zhu family has outstanding intelligence capabilities, and he has a general understanding of the Luowang Six Sword Slaves.

But this is the first time to face the horror of the Six Sword Slaves head-on.

Other trap killers jumped out one after another from the outside of Spring Valley Villa. The number gradually exceeded fifty, and they surrounded the center in the outer circle. Among them, Tian Meng, who was injured, also tore off his mask, completely exposing his identity as Zhou Wen. The situation at the moment is very important. The farmer's family is in a very bad situation, and the Zhu family has already made plans to use "Thousands of People, Thousands of Faces".

Although the price of 20 years of skill is high, you can still give it a try if you have to cover the escape of three people!
Dang, the Swallowing Sea Sword still kept colliding with Zhen Gang and Luan Shen. Zhu Jia and Tian Hu cooperated with Di Ze 24 to try to stop other sword slaves, but the cooperation of the six sword slaves in a small area was far better than that of the unfamiliar peasant family. The three hall masters, both of them were completely fooled. The deadly attack of Zhenshi and Duanshui, with the cooperation of Zhen Gang and Chaos Shen who were the main attackers, achieved a decisive victory!

He calmly activated Feixue again. This time, Lu Wei's method was taken care of by the Six Sword Slaves who were already on guard, and did not pose a threat. As soon as he reappeared, he was targeted by the Soul Destroying Soul.
Using Feixue requires a lot of inner energy. Even if the rejuvenation power recovers quickly, he will still die in the end if he continues to use it like this.
Fortunately, the six elders who had been watching the show secretly for a long time finally showed up: they were invited out by Lu Wei with the Shennong Order. Although they wanted to take an exam to see the strength of the new hero and the two hall leaders who were barely clean, they also We can't really watch the young farmers die.

That night when he was going back through the tunnel from Siyue Hall to the Six Xian Tomb, Lu asked the Sixth Elder to take action as a hero, but he was not refused.

"Hmph!" The domineering swordsmanship of the elder soldier wielding a broad sword fell from the sky. The two sister killers were shocked by the opponent's momentum and hurriedly backed down. This kind of head-on confrontation was not their position.

Zhen Gang stepped forward to protect his companion, and after a few head-on strikes with the master of arms with his sword, he looked at the giant sword in his opponent's hand, which was as big as his own, and immediately stepped back and raised his hand to call the Six Sword Slaves to set up a guard.

At the same time, five other old men with leather masks on their faces appeared. Each of them wore nine-star bead grass of the same level as Xia Kui, which was extremely conspicuous. The identities of the six of them were self-evident.

"It's the Sixth Elders!" The Zhu family's movements of activating thousands of people and thousands of faces with both hands immediately stopped and looked at the visitors in surprise.

"Hahaha!" Tian Hu's expression became more direct after he was stunned. He raised his head and laughed loudly. He had grown up hearing about the strength of the Sixth Elder.

Retreating calmly behind the soldier master elder, Lu Wei also felt at ease at this time: Although the plan was designed according to this development from the beginning, it is not that easy to actually get to this point smoothly.

Although we cannot relax our vigilance rashly now, at least safety is basically guaranteed.

"The Sixth Elder of the Farmer." Zhengang, the commander of the net, was afraid. These six old guys would actually take the initiative to walk out of the Tomb of the Six Sages?

More than 30 years ago, one of these six guys participated in hunting and killing Bai Qi who drank the poisonous wine of King Qin. Although Bai Qi could not exert his full strength at that time, he could be known as the No. 1 of the Seven Kingdoms for hundreds of years. .[-] general, who was not afraid of that name at that time.

Thirty years have passed. Even though the physical fitness of these six old guys is not as good as that of their prime years, their internal energy level and practical experience cannot be underestimated!
(End of this chapter)

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