Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 268 Zhao Gao

Chapter 268 Zhao Gao
Although the Six Elders of the Six Sages Tomb were existences that Luo Wang had to pay attention to, in the plan, there was no plan to directly confront them.

The millennium tradition of the farm family is that the Sixth Elder will not leave the grave easily without any reason. The fundamental purpose of the existence of the Sixth Elder is to ensure that the inheritance of the farm family is immortal.

Generally speaking, only the Nongjia leader with the power of the Shennong Order can mobilize them, so Luo Wang's plan in the past ten years has always been to find out the identity of the Nongjia leader and eliminate the opponent.

Only after Tian Guang's obstacles were eliminated, the plan to seize power officially began. The location chosen for the seizure of power was also intentionally located at Spring Valley Village, some distance away from Liuxian Tomb. But even so, the most troublesome thing was that the reason was unknown. happened.

According to the rules of the arena, these six old guys must be the predecessors of the Six Sword Slaves, but if they really want to take action, Zhen Gang doesn't think that his side will lose.

However, the plan is about to fail.
"On the farmland, outsiders are not allowed to act arrogantly."

"Now that you are here, let's try our Dize Formation!"

The six elders of the Qing Dynasty, Master Zhongli, took a step forward and looked deeply at the Luowang Liujian slave in strange clothes. They completely ignored the dozens of other killers and earth-level killers and started to take action without any further words.

Although they are all very old, they are still so irritable. I just felt the obvious stagnation and inner vortex in the air. I waved my sword and pointed at it. The six in one wanted to try this thing created by Shen Nong. How exquisite is the formation.

Lu Wei, Zhu Jia, and Tian Hu took the initiative to evacuate, but Wu Kuang, who had previously revealed the fake Tian Meng's identity, and Tian Mi, who was still hiding themselves, had long gone without knowing where they were.

The Sixth Elder and the Sixth Sword Slave were directly facing each other. The other Snare Killers were unable to participate in the battle between the two top offensive techniques. However, they had to hunt down the three single Hall Masters. This was a target that could be fought!

Looking at the Luo Wangs who came under Zhou Wen's command, the three of them retreated without hesitation: This is Daze Mountain, the home of the farmers. When they have a choice, there is no need to engage in a head-on battle with Luo Wang to show the meaninglessness. With such bravery, as long as a group of farm disciples arrive, the endless number of people will completely swamp the net!
Zhang Er, who had been arranged by Lu Wei in advance, led the elite disciples of Siyue Hall to ambush in the south early in the morning, waiting for the battle to begin in Spring Valley Manor.The aftermath of the battle between the Sixth Elder and the Sixth Sword Slave was enough to destroy the entire village. The movement could be noticed from afar. Zhang Er immediately led three hundred disciples towards the direction of the village.

Lu Wei, Zhu Jia, and Tian Hu were fighting and retreating. With Hall Master Lu deliberately leading the way, they soon waited for Zhang Er.

The two sides met, and there was no time to ask why the disciples of Siyue Hall were here. Tian Hu laughed twice again, turned around and killed Luo Sheng again.

The Snare Killer looked at the peasant disciples who seemed to be appearing in an endless stream, and some of them subconsciously felt fear. Zhou Wen, who was at the back, even shouted "Get me up" and immediately used Qing Gong to run away.

"Stop!" Tian Hu was furious. He wanted to catch up but was blocked by layers of nets. Although his swordsmanship was domineering, his lightness skills were average. He really couldn't pursue Zhou Wen. At this time, Lu Wei, as the number one master of the farm, said rudely. When he stepped on Tian Hu's shoulder, he shot out with force like an arrow and chased Zhou Wen.

Suddenly, the battlefield was divided into three parts: the Six Elders versus the Six Sword Slaves, the Luowang group of killers versus the Zhu family, Tian Hu, the Siyue Hall disciples led by Zhang Er, and Lu Wei chasing Zhou Wen.

In this way, one problem that can easily be discovered is: Luowang has no real leader. In other words, the real leader is still hiding in the dark and observing everything!
The Six Sword Slave is Luo Wen's weapon against the peasant masters, and those group of murderer-level and land-level killers are just cannon fodder. Will Luo Wen really leave all the responsibility of commanding one hundred thousand peasant disciples to Zhou Wen?

If they were really relieved, they would not hide certain plans or even the existence of Six Sword Slaves in advance.

Zhou Wen thought of this, and Lu Wei also thought of it, so they wanted to force out the hidden eye!
According to reasoning, there should be another person in Luowang Tianzi level who has clearly participated in many farm missions beforehand, and even solved the farmer's troubles. He is considered an elite with rich experience in dealing with farmers, but he has not shown up again in recent years. character of:
Hiding the sun!

Tian Guang has gone to Lishan, and the current occultation of the sun will only be a real occultation of the sun!

Bang, the Swallowing Sea Sword swung out a sword energy, and the fleeing Zhou Wen narrowly avoided it. The long wound left on Zhou Wen's face by Wu Kuang was just a superficial wound, but the one that Lu Wei took later The palm injury was not a skin injury, it was an internal injury affecting the heart and lungs!
Although he dodged the sword energy, his speed inevitably slowed down, and Zhou Wen was stopped by Lu Wei.

With a cold snort, the master of the hall did not say anything, and swung his sword to stab at the target.

Zhou Wen pulled out Tian Meng's powerful sword to fight. The two exchanged just a few moves, and the wound on his face opened again. Zhou Wen accidentally knocked the long sword away. Hall Master Lu then cut off Zhou Wen's right arm and his right hand with one sword. He wanted to behead the target again and again.

If Luo Wang's hidden leader doesn't come out yet, this move will really kill Zhou Wen.

Fortunately, the drama at the expense of Zhou Wen's life still made the man behind the scenes unable to sit still, so he took action!
The sharp cold air came from behind. If Lu Wei wanted to kill the target in front of him, there would be a high possibility of being injured by the attack from behind. Of course, the hall master did not think that Zhou Wen's value was more important than his own injuries, let alone this incident. If the purpose of the play is achieved, there is no need to actually kill Zhou Wen.

Turning around and wielding his sword, Lu Wei split open the unfamiliar attack. A few feet away, he saw a head of dark red hair and bottomless eyes. The identity of the visitor was completely beyond his expectation!
It turned out to be Zhao Gao himself!

Zhou Wen, who had escaped the disaster, gritted his teeth and covered his broken arm. He had no time to pick up his hand and fled quickly, leaving Lu Wei alone to confront Zhao Gao, the order of the Central Chef of Da Qin and the leader of the dragnet.

It's not the expected person hiding the sun, but Zhao Gao who is supposed to be by Ying Zheng's side. This unexpected event makes some sense when you think about it.

Six Sword Slave and Zhao Gao are almost inseparable. Wherever Six Sword Slave is, Zhao Gao is likely to be there.

The farm's huge foundation is worthy of Zhao Gao's personal control.

"You surprised me." Zhao Gao's voice was low and high-pitched. He stood upright without any breath leaking out. He felt very uncomfortable being stared at by the triangular eyes on his unhealthy pale face: "It seems that you know my identity. ." "Master of Luowang? I'm surprised to see you." Lu Wei wiped the blood on the Sea Swallowing Sword with his sleeve and looked at him calmly.

The two did not fight again, but started talking to each other tacitly.

"Really~" Zhao Gao saw that there was no flaw in Hall Master Lu's surroundings, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "I can make you even more surprised, such as causing the Daze Mountain to be destroyed. Do you think Luo Sheng can do it~ "

"Of course the net can destroy one family and hundreds of families, but on the other hand, are you sure you can bear the cost of destroying a farmer's family?"

Lu Wei smiled faintly: "I have completely formed a deadly feud with the farmer. I think there will be something that Lord Zhao Gao doesn't care about. The farmer's counterattack will definitely destroy Luo Wang's plan."

"You seem to know a lot of things." After his name was called, Zhao Gao's finger with the spider ring suddenly stopped tapping out of thin air, and the corners of his eyes were raised higher.

"I will know everything I need to know." Lu Wei raised his chin slightly: "Master Zhao Gao must know that Lu met a certain Qin envoy in Handan City."

'Gan Luo! The thoughts in Zhao Gao's mind were not shown on his face at all: "I know that my two incompetent men accidentally offended Hall Master Lu in that city."

"Speaking of which, Hall Master Lu and our Luo Wang are really close to each other, right?"

"Indeed, Mr. Zhao regrets not killing me before I grew up?" Lu Wei nodded calmly. From Jicheng to Daze Mountain, he had indeed met Luo Wang a lot.

Although every time we meet, it's not pleasant.

"No, Hall Master Lu is our partner in Luo Sheng. Why would I want to take action against Hall Lu?" Zhao Gao sneered and took out a metal token from his sleeve:
Shennong Order!However it is false.The real thing lies with Lu Wei himself.

Tian Guang cooperated with Zhan Ri, so after he faked his death in Zhan Ri's hands, he deliberately handed a fake token to the other party, who then handed it over to Xianyang as a key evidence.

The material of the fake Shennong Order is also very strong, but after all it is not as good as the real thing, and there are many problems with the details.

Only Xia Kui and the Sixth Elder can distinguish these details.

"Look, our net has done Hall Master Lu a big favor."

"Presumably Hall Master Lu doesn't want something to happen to someone, right? He should be regarded as your mentor?" Zhao Gao smiled strangely and deceived Lu Wei: He only had the token, and Tian Guang was already dead in Luo Wang.

"Farmer Xiagui doesn't need a mentor, just like Lord Zhao Gao doesn't actually need a master." Except for his own life, no one else will become a tool that can threaten the ruthless Lu.

Specifically mentioning Zhao Gao's 'master', Zhao Gao certainly understood what Lu Wei meant: Even if King Qin trusted Luo Wang, if there were any cracks in this trust accidentally, Luo Wang would not be able to help but investigate.

Ying Zheng has the inherent suspicion instinct of an emperor. Even if the peasant family is just a bunch of mud-legged people who are not qualified to meet the King of Qin, does Zhao Gao want to take a gamble~
The farmer's family is not involved in the court, and has nothing to do with Changping Lord or directly Fusu. There is no fundamental conflict of interest between Luo Wang and the farmer's family.

As for the fact that the fight was already in full swing, and Zhao Gao even pretended to express that he had captured Tian Guang, it actually didn't mean anything.

In Zhao Gao's eyes: Hall Master Lu's various behaviors, including the unexpected behavior of linking up with Zhang Er, the general manager of Siyue Hall, undoubtedly vividly showed that he was a selfish person just like himself.

The snare will definitely be damaged today, but Zhao Gao himself is fine.

The farmhouse also suffered a lot of damage, but Lu Wei himself was not seriously injured.

In this way, it is possible for the two sides to cooperate, or at least not become mortal enemies.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't be standing here chatting.

"The net can stop the farmers." Things have developed to this point, even if the infiltration of the farmers has to be secretly continued from scratch, the hatred on the surface must be resolved first, so Zhao Gao said of course: "But Lu Tang mainly has to pay some Sincerity.”

"The farmer will not show any sincerity. Instead, it is a trap. The people who attacked the farmer should be handed over!"

The atmosphere that had just eased seemed to become tense again as Lu Wei showed his tough attitude.
(End of this chapter)

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