Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 269 Set things right

Chapter 269 Set things right
The purpose of Zhao Gao and Luo Wang has always been to re-establish a new world order. This is their internal rhetoric.

However, in fact, this so-called new world order is simply that Zhao Gao himself wants to replace the Qin royal family and become the King of Qin.

It is roughly based on the story of King Kuai of Yan in the past giving way to Prime Minister Guo Zhi.

Of course, the current Qin King Ying Zheng will certainly not be stupid enough to give up power and abdicate, but he has many heirs, and he can choose an obedient candidate from among them.

For example, the eighteenth prince Hu Hai.

This piece of white paper has been smeared arbitrarily by Zhao Gao since he was a child, and will grow step by step into what the snare needs.

Just support the puppet first, and then remove all those who may hinder the surrender in its name.Seizing power from within the empire does not seem to be that difficult for today's snare.

As for the killers in the farmer's net, although most of them come from the Jianghu, compared with the court, the Jianghu are nothing more than ants that can be wiped out with just one hand.

According to Zhao Gao's vision, after he accepts the abdication, the entire world will be decided by him. By then, no matter whether it is a mere farmer, a Confucianist, or a Taoist, how dare he disobey his own wishes!

"You have already broken one of his arms, so you have already paid off the repayment." Zhao Gao didn't care about Zhou Wen's life or death. He himself had been monitoring the farmer's plan in Daze Mountain for the past two days. From the first of the Six Sword Slaves, After the first ambush failed, Zhao Gao vaguely noticed something was wrong.

The appearance of the six elders of the farm family was completely unplanned, but if you consider that these six old guys pretended to live in seclusion in the tomb, but in fact they have always been aware of Mount Daze, everything makes sense.

No matter how you think about it, it would be a waste to hide six top-notch warriors for 30 years without taking action.

From a feasibility point of view, Zhou Wen's plan to seize power is likely to succeed, but now it has failed. Another hand has been broken. His strength has been reduced and his role has been greatly reduced. However, he is not without any value.

At least, this is a chess piece who has a deep understanding and absolute hatred for the farmer, and is the best backup candidate to regain control of the farmer for him at some point in the future.

The most important thing is that since his own actions have saved Zhou Wen, if he is sent away now just because of the farmer's words, where will Zhao Gao's face be?

"This plan to snare failed, but you personally are the biggest beneficiary." Zhao Gao looked in front of Hall Master Lu and casually threw away the Shennong Order in his hand with a sly smile.

The metal token whirled in mid-air and floated towards Lu Wei. Lu Wei raised his hand to easily suppress the inner strength that the other party secretly exerted in the token, and firmly held the fake.

"This gift is a personal gift from me. Luo Sheng will evacuate Daze Mountain in the next step, and the farmers will return to their families."

The Shennong Order is indeed a token, but if it is not in the hands of the farmer Xia Kui, it is just a slightly stronger metal token.

Different from the Mohist token Mo Mei, Mo Mei is a ruler sword, which can enhance the intensity of the user's Mohist inner energy. Even if an outsider holds it, it still has some use value.

In this way, the Shennong Order is mostly used as a collection for viewing in the hands of Luo Wang. In this case, it would be better to return it to the farmer to reduce the trouble:

In Zhao Gao's imagination, after someone becomes a hero, recovering the Shennong Order will be an unmissable process of clearing the name. Luo Wang no longer wants to spend too much effort on the farm in the short term. Even after the fight, the two sides can still keep their distance.

As long as they are not enemies with conflicting interests, they can be friends.

The farmhouse is his own, but there is nothing wrong with letting Zhao Gao indulge in his God mentality of controlling everything and stopping losses in time: "Is this your sincerity~"

"Then Lu wiped out the Tian family's power from the farm. Does this count as me helping Luo Wang?"

It was clear that he wanted to eliminate dissidents and gain sole control, but he spoke as if he was repaying the trap.

Zhao Gao's understanding of Lu Wei has further deepened, but it is undeniable that at this point in time, Luo Wang can indeed report it to the King of Qin as a meritorious deed by eliminating the Tian family from the farm.

The King of Qin did not need or have the ability to know the specific process. He reported a failed snare operation as a successful attack on the power of the Qi King's Tian family and forced them to withdraw from control of the farm. How could this not be a credit~
"Hall Master Lu is really unique in fighting for power." Zhao Gao sneered.

"We people at the bottom have just learned more ways to survive through hard work." Lu Wei responded lightly. His words made Zhao Gao slowly nod his head and said: "You can survive in troubled times and rise from being a deserter from the Zhao Kingdom." You are very good as a peasant hero."

How many times has Jicheng Xu sold his information?
Looking at Zhao Gao's ghostly disappearing figure after he finished speaking, Lu Wei calmly took back the Sea Swallowing Sword.

The master of the Heaven and Earth Net is very powerful. In terms of movement skills alone, he is better than any one of the Six Sword Slaves. He may be comparable to one of the top Zongheng, and can be ranked among the top masters in the world.

But Hall Master Lu didn't fight him directly, but he was able to force him to talk properly instead of taking action directly. This undoubtedly proved that Zhao Gao was not confident that he could win against Lu in actual combat.

As for Lu Wei, if he were not worried about the official position of the CRRC Corporation of Qin, he would have other options to consider. ——————

Returning to the ruins of Spring Valley, the original Spring Valley Village no longer exists, and the buildings in the entire village have been bulldozed by the internal energy: these are all the results of the Six Elders' land 24. The Six Sword Slaves belong to the swordsmen, and their Destruction tends to be more precise.

There is no Sixth Elder or Sixth Sword Slave here now. Not long after Zhao Gao disappeared from in front of him, signal fireworks flew up in the sky. The patterns and colors did not belong to the farmers, but were Luo Yu's retreat order.

The Six Elders pursued the Six Sword Slaves to no avail after they retreated. They did not stay for long and simply returned to the Six Sword Tombs.

The original location of Spring Valley Plaza was much cleaner than its surroundings, so it can be roughly identified.

The Zhu family, Tian Hu, and Zhang Er are all here. In addition, Tian Mi, who escaped first, was also captured by Wu Kuang despite his injuries.

Wu Kuang had not yet taken off the mask on his face at this time. When he forcibly removed Zhou Wen's mask, he withstood Tian Hu's powerful punch. Blood even overflowed from the corner of his mouth, causing serious internal injuries.

When Lu Wei, Zhu Jia, Tian Hu and Six Sword Slaves competed, Tian Mi did not stay and watch the show because she also belonged to Luo Wang and Luo Wang had the upper hand at that time, but ran away subconsciously.

For her, there is always nothing wrong with running: if Luo Wang wins, she will still be the leader of Kuei Hall. If the peasant family makes a miracle comeback, she can also say that she was forced by Luo Wang.

But what Tian Mi never expected was that after Wu Kuang exposed Zhou Wen, all his attention was already focused on her. The two of them were, after all, an orthodox couple who had gone to court and got married!
Regarding Tian Mi's attempt to escape, Wu Kuang did not hesitate to draw his sword and chase after him: Although he was injured, as long as he paid attention to the woman's poisonous sting, it would be easy to subdue her.

There is no doubt that Tian Mi is a trapper.The Kuei Hall scandal that happened many years ago was most likely designed by Luo Wang. Such revenge must be avenged!
His brother Chen Sheng is still on death row in Qin.
"Tell me, where did you kidnap my eldest brother?" Tian Hu pinched Tian Mi's neck fiercely. He still had some delusions about his eldest brother's safety.

Maybe the eldest brother was just caught and locked up by the other party.
"Brother Lu, Luo Wang has retreated here. How is the pursuit situation there?"

The Zhu family took a step forward and hurriedly greeted him and asked.

"Let the people run away, the other side still has reinforcements." Shaking his head, Lu Wei took out the real Shennong Order and showed it to the Zhu family for a clear look: "But there is an unexpected gain."

Even if Zhao Gao did not hand over the Shennong Order, the hall leader would take out the real token and claim that he had snatched it from Luo Sheng.

He couldn't say that he had been confirmed as the hero by Tian Guang a long time ago, otherwise once the news spread to Luo Wang's ears, Zhao Gao would be suspicious again and today's drama would be in vain.

"Is this... Tian Guang Xiakui!" The Zhu family looked horrified, while Tian Hu casually threw Tian Mi away and strode around with Zhang Er: "Shennong's order!"

"Yes, Xia Kui was killed by that traitor Zhou Wen!"

Unable to bear the pain in his body, Wu Kuang sat down on the ground.

It was too late just now, but now after seeing Shennong Ling, he told Lu Wei in a deep voice what he knew about Tian Guang.

That night, after getting the whereabouts of Xiakui from Neiying, he was supposed to be tasked with the assassination. His sword really pierced Tian Guang's shoulder, but then Wu Kuang was knocked unconscious by Tian Guang's palm.
When Wu Kuang woke up again, he was already in Zhou Wen's room. Zhou Wen told him that the mission was completed and Xia Kui had been executed by his own hands.
Having said this, he tore off the mask on his face, revealing his haggard and pale face, with the word 'Ten Evils' tattooed very conspicuously on his forehead.

The true identity under the mask is indeed shocking, but compared with the news about the hero Tian Guang, it seems very small.

Only Tian Mi, who fell to the ground in pain, was even more frightened when she saw her 'dead husband' resurrected. The other two hall masters paid more attention to the words and information Wu Kuang said.

"This bastard!" The hair on the Zhu family's angry mask stood up, and his fists were clenched: "Tian Meng, brother Zhou He, Xia Kui, and brother Situ were all his hands!"

"Ah!" Only then did Tian Hu finally accept the death of his eldest brother Tian Meng from the death of Xia Kui.

He pulled out the Tiger Soul Sword and thrust it into the ground: "The snare! I am incompatible with it!"

"Today we crossed the border in a thrilling way, thanks to the Sixth Elder who noticed the strange aura in Daze Mountain and chose to leave the tomb. However," Lu Wei calmly kept the Shennong Order in his arms, "Xia Kui is now confirmed to be dead, and the Sixth Hall Master There are only three left, we need to choose a new hero immediately to bring order to the chaos!"

The master of the hall held his head high, his meaning was obvious.

"What Zhang means is" Zhang Er responded to the topic with a serious face immediately after hearing this: "The strength of Gonggong Hall is the first among the six halls. Today Hall Master Lu personally took back the farm token. This position of leader of chivalrous people is not held by Lu. It’s none other than the Hall Master!”

(End of this chapter)

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