Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 271 The whistleblower Xiao Yaner

Chapter 271 The whistleblower Xiao Yaner

"Among all the scholars, the Mohists are stubborn and stubborn!"

When Ying Zheng mentioned the Mohist family, his tone could not help but become more serious: The Mohist family had been enemies of the Qin Dynasty for a long time, and they were outright rebels. Even the last tycoon was Yan Dan, who was the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom at the time, and he organized a crazy plan to assassinate him. Own.

Before taking office, Ying Zheng lived in instability every day.

After the fall of Lu Buwei, although there were countless overt and covert political attacks, his noble status as King of Qin always gave him the natural superior status and mentality to deal with them, until the metal clang of the Canhong Sword falling to the ground, It reminded him of some bad memories again.
Each person's identity may be different, but their body structure is the same: if they are killed, they die.

The only thing about life and death is that everyone is equal, whether they are a royal family that has been passed down for hundreds of years or a humble refugee.

"Taoism prides itself on pursuing transcendence. It is protected by our Great Qin in the Taiyi Mountains, and its external theoretical influence continues to expand, but it has never contributed the slightest strength to the unification of our Great Qin."

"The Confucian Little Sage Village of Qi is known as a model for scholars in the world. Its reputation is so widely respected by all people that they can even take in rebels from the six countries in the name of studying."

"There are hundreds of thousands of farmers in Dazeshan, and the number of men, women, and children affected by it can reach hundreds of thousands."

"After the fall of the Six Kingdoms, the influence of the various schools of thought was not greatly affected. They are a hidden danger to the Qin Dynasty for generations to come!"

At this point, Ying Zheng grasped the hilt of the sword again with his right hand: "To a certain extent, even a few people cannot easily depose them and prevent the world from being shaken. The popular influence of hundreds of schools and the remnants of the powerful and powerful parties in the six countries, How to eliminate”

Da Qin's cavalry can defeat Handanlan, Jicheng, and Guangling. Naturally, they can easily defeat Taiyi Mountain, Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and Daze Mountain.

But what is different from the six kings and clans is that the various families have been passed down for a long time, and destroying them is more conducive to short-term national stability than requiring them to obey the empire.

The same is true for the lower-level dignitaries of the Six Kingdoms of Shandong. The ambitious feudal monarchs must want to pursue infinite centralization of power, but in reality it is highly unlikely to be possible.

"The various schools of thought are deeply rooted, but they are the people of the king." Gai Nie knew that his words might not be liked by Ying Zheng, but he still said according to his true thoughts: "The world reaches the same destination but takes different paths. As for Baili, your Majesty only needs to return the governance of the world to a prosperous age, and the problem will be solved by itself."

As expected, Ying Zheng had no reaction to Gai Nie's words, but looked at Zhao Gao who lowered his head: "Tell me what you think?"

Zhao Gao thought for a while and said respectfully in a sharp voice:
"My slave thinks, 'The saint governs the people based on their roots, not following their own desires, but aiming to benefit the people. Therefore, the reason for his punishment is not to harm the people, but to love the people.'"

"Victory through punishment will bring peace to the people, while reward for prosperity will bring about treachery. The laws of the Qin Dynasty require all the families to follow them, and then attack the rebellious ones among them and squeeze the obedient ones among them. Then the world will naturally be stabilized."

Zhao Gao's idea mainly comes from a deceased name: Han Fei.

The King of Qin liked Han Fei, even though Han Fei died in Qin Prison, so Zhao Gao took the initiative to learn Han Fei's ideas. This was a key reason why he won the trust of the King of Qin.

In Han Fei's mind, imposing harsh punishments on the people is not to harm them, but to protect them, because people today are different from ancient times and are inherently evil.

People affected by troubled times like the feeling of lawlessness and dislike punishment, so imposing severe punishments and adding some appropriate rewards can make them settle down, so that they will not do evil. This is naturally friendly to them. These measures are a means of loving the people.

Those tolerant governance concepts can certainly be used if they were in ancient times and the people were simple and honest. But if they are still used today, they are encouraging the people to do evil and are really murdering the people!

Han Fei is a complicated name for Ying Zheng. Zhao Gao quoted his sentence, which is very familiar to Ying Zheng who has read all Han Feizi's articles:
"Yes, Han Feizi's thoughts are the true thoughts of kingship and hegemony. Pay more attention to the various schools of thought after the world is stabilized."

"My slave, you accept the order." After being praised, Zhao Gao immediately knelt down and obeyed the order.

As for Gai Nie Yingzheng glanced at him who was silent: After all, Guigu is also a member of hundreds of schools of thought!

Of course Dazeshan didn't know what happened in the back garden of the Qin Palace.

While Zhao Gao was still returning to Xianyang, Lu Wei easily obtained the Nine Star Pearl Grass from the Liuxian Tomb and hung it on his waist.

As the new leader of the peasant family, it stands to reason that he should hold a major ceremony just like Fu Nian of Xiaoshengxian Village in the past when he succeeded to the throne. This is the process of "establishing a name", and no matter how painful it is, it cannot be omitted.

But now there are three vacancies in the farmhouse. A new purge will be launched in Lieshan Hall and Kuikui Hall, and Chiyou Hall will not be spared. The farmhouse will have a very busy task next.

Moreover, in reality, the Qin State's army has defeated the State of Dai and is attacking the State of Yan in Liaodong. At the same time, there are clues that the Qin State is gathering an army and is ready to attack Qi State at any time. The situation in the world is very tense.

To hold a ceremony at this time, apart from Daze Mountain, the disciples of the farmer's branch in other places cannot send representatives back, and the hundreds of other disciples who have good relations with the farmer. There is only one Xiaoshengxian Village in Jiuliuli. Send important people to attend.

After much consideration, it was really inappropriate to hold a ceremony.Moreover, the attention of the State of Qin is on the State of Qi at the moment, and the location of Daze Mountain happens to be on the border of Qin and Qi. It would be a bad thing to make too much noise and attract too much attention.

Anyway, I will have a larger-scale ceremony to hold in the future, and being a hero from a small peasant family is not something worth celebrating.The real key issue for the farmhouse right now is: fill the vacant hall leader position first!
It was already evening when we returned to Gonggong Hall. Tian Mi’s detention would be handled by Dianqing without any problems. At the same time, Wu Kuang was sent to the hospital and asked Dr. Nian Duan to take care of him. Mr. Xiakui had just entered the main hall of the hall. When he was about to take out the information to properly analyze the personnel and appoint them, Xiao Yaner walked in.

"Shouldn't we still be in confinement? Has the order to lift the confinement been issued?" He criticized the little girl lightly, and Lu Wei rarely felt a little doubt in his heart: Ji Yan was so smart and well-behaved that he shouldn't have made such a mistake.

"The confinement was terminated due to some reasons at noon today due to interference from outside. This is why Ayan came to report to Xia Kui."

Ji Yan nodded and continued to explain calmly in the face of cross-examination: "It's Zhang Er's side of Siyue Hall."

"Earlier, he sent someone to inform Ayan about the situation in Daze Mountain in the past two days. Ayan did not dare to hide it, and he guessed from the information that the hall master's brother would definitely become a hero when he came back, so he came here specifically to inform him. thing."

"After all, Zhang Er was once a disciple of Lord Xinling. He is not absolutely loyal to Xiakui!"

Ji Yan decisively sold Zhang Er who was loyal to him. Ji Yan's meaning was very clear: Zhang Er was not loyal to Lu Wei, but her Xiao Yaner was loyal.

Even if it is one of his own subordinates, Ji Yan can report it with righteousness!

"Oh~" He looked up at Ji Yan, who was blinking. His eyes were clear and clear, showing his loyalty openly and openly.

Zhang Er did not tell Lu Wei about this during the day.

Zhang Er and a considerable number of Xinlingjun's disciples joined the farmer's family because of Ji Yan's identity.

After a few years, even if some people did not stand the test of reality and really recognized the farm family, the majority were still only loyal to Ji Yan.

Although this is logically understandable, Master Xia Kui still feels dissatisfied:

The original plan was to wait for Xiao Yan'er to grow up and send her to Siyue Hall, and then use the collected evidence of Situ Wanli's crimes to let Zhang Er seize power and slowly push Ji Yan to the throne.

But now Situ Wanli died early and Ji Yan was only 13 years old. Under such circumstances, it was not appropriate for Ji Yan to become the leader of the first hall prematurely, so Lu Wei revised his plan and wanted Zhang Er to be the leader of the Siyue Hall for a few years, and then later It depends.

As a result, it is now known that Zhang Er actually secretly informed Ji Yan of his plan to go to Siyue Hall in the morning, who was being detained in Gonggong Hall. He cannot be allowed to become the master of this hall!

"Your report is very timely." He raised his hand and took out the intelligence information that Ayu reported every day from the upper left corner of the desk. After a purposeful search, he found that it recorded the news that Siyue Hall disciple secretly asked to see Ji Yan at noon.

In the entire Daze Mountain, Ayu's intelligence network cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.But in the Gonggongtang headquarters, Ayu's monitoring was very good.

If Ji Yan had not violated the confinement and came to see him immediately to report the matter, but had waited until Lu Wei saw the message herself, she would not have been able to explain the matter clearly.

"With the current situation of Siyue Hall, do you want to go over and take charge in advance?"

Zhang Er cannot be used. The goal of handing over power without regrets can only be done by Xiao Yan'er.

"Ayan can give it a try!" When Ji Yan heard brother Xiakui ask the question he wanted to hear, his heart was filled with joy, and his face responded solemnly: "Although Ayan is inexperienced, under the guidance of Xiakui, he can also I can take good care of Siyue Hall for Xiakui!"

"In this case, you can do it yourself at Siyuetang, Mei Sanniang. And you can also continue to use the Princess of Chu."

"Ayan obeys your order!"

After receiving the permission, Xiao Yan'er jumped back to the solitary room, and she would stay there for another two days.

It sounds a bit irresponsible to leave a Siyue Hall with more than 13 people in the hands of a [-]-year-old girl.

However, with his own support, even if Xiao Yaner does not do well, it will not have any huge impact.

Compared with Siyuetang and Kuuitang who had been sent to Chen Ping, the new leader of Lieshan Hall, Lu Wei, did not have time to make arrangements. It was not difficult to snatch this hall from the Tian family, but choosing who to take charge of Lieshan Hall was complicated. The form needs to be chosen carefully.

Lieshan Hall is the third largest hall in the farmhouse after Gonggong and Shennong. There are many problems in the hall, including spies, disciples of the Tian family, and disciples with other surnames.

For this church, if there are no suitable talents available, seeking stability is the next best option.

In addition, after oneself ascend, the master of Gonggongtang should also consider carefully
(End of this chapter)

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