Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 272 Hall Master Nianduan

Chapter 272 Hall Master Nianduan
Regarding his successor, Lu Wei's idea in the early years was to use Li Mu.

Li Mu has outstanding abilities and is mature and prudent.The situation of Gonggongtang was very broad. After he was promoted to the title of Xiakui, Jingxian County in the south could no longer be under the governance of Gonggongtang, but had to be under his direct jurisdiction.

However, even if Jingxian County is separated, the strength of Gonggongtang is still the first among the six halls. Of course, such power must be given to someone who is absolutely trustworthy.

But Li Mu didn't want his status to suddenly surpass those of the elders in the hall, so he refused to accept the order.It seems that Zhao Guo has reflected a lot on his embarrassing experiences over the years, and his character has improved again as he approaches his sixties.

Lu Qing, the current general manager of Gonggongtang, has been in charge of the affairs of the hall for more than ten years. Logically speaking, he should be the first person to take over Gonggongtang. But when Lu Wei tentatively asked for his opinion, Qing, who called himself "Old Man" My uncle didn't dare to take over the position because of his old age.

I'm not a suspicious superior, so why should I protect myself so early~
Li Mu's identity cannot withstand scrutiny. Lu Qing's son Lu Chen and son-in-law Lu Shan are both mainstays in the hall. These two people have some hidden dangers. If they don't want to, Master Xia Kui will not force it.

The leader of the Armored Sect, Dianqing, does things steadily, has no ambitions, and is loyal enough to himself, but it is a pity that he has only been a member for a few years and has insufficient qualifications.

I thought I had a lot of talented people, but once I put them to use, they turned out to be too few.

"With Ji Yan's methods in Siyue Hall, it's probably okay for her to ask Zhang Er to assist her in becoming the hall leader."

"Over at Kuei Hall, even though Wu Kuang is back and Chen Ping is junior, as long as I give them a 'fair' competitive environment, the position of hall leader will still belong to Chen Ping."

"Lieshantang can use a soft approach: let Ayu bring the spies to the station on the pretext of checking for spies. After two or three years of investigation, the power will naturally be seized by Ayu. I will then appoint Ayu as the director. The leader of Lieshan Hall, even if Ayu is not capable enough to manage a hall, he has qualifications and loyalty, which is enough."

"I'd better set up a good-looking but unambitious puppet for my own Gonggongtang!"

Muttering to himself, Lu Wei reconfirmed the arrangement of the four halls in his mind. The previous Xia Kuai Tian Guang did not centralize power, and his main energy was on expanding external development space for the farmhouse. Therefore, the heads of the six halls had great private power in their respective halls. .

As the new hero, there is no scope to expand the external space for the time being, and it is his task to control the internal space.

Lu Wei's natural advantage in this regard is that, except for the Zhu family, the other five hall leaders no longer use old people, so naturally there will be no obstacles from the hall leader level!
The next day, he specially found Duan Murong, and after rubbing her ears and temples gently for a while, Master Xia Kui took her to the hospital at the intersection of the three forks again. They were looking for Dr. Nian Duan.

This old doctor is the new Gonggong Hall leader decided by Lu Wei.

As a puppet who needs to be exposed, Dr. Nianduan is very suitable!
First of all, in terms of reputation in the world, as a former head of a medical family and a master of medicine, her position as the hall leader after succeeding Lu Wei will not be hindered in any way.

In terms of reputation in the entire world, Lu himself is not even as good as this old man.

Nian Duan's good reputation means that as long as the news of her becoming the leader of the farm hall spreads, it will even further improve the farm family's reputation.

Secondly, Nian Duan has no power ambitions.

Those who act as puppets will most likely feel uncomfortable anyway, and will inevitably want to be tainted with real power.However, the old doctor is different. Of course, she will know that she is just a high-level 'jinfu'. Even if she becomes the hall leader, she will still spend most of her energy on teaching in her own medical hall.

Moreover, there is an extra layer of protection: Duanmu Rong is in his hands.

The only difficulty is that like Li Mu, Nianduan certainly doesn't want to take over this position.

"Let the teacher be the leader of Gonggong Hall? She won't agree." Duan Murong, who heard Brother Lu's idea halfway, said with a worried attitude.

"It's just that Senior Nianduan is here to show his name. I will naturally arrange for other people to do the usual affairs and will not disturb Senior's business." Squeezing her soft Rouyi, Lu Wei explained gently: "Now the farmhouse is in crisis. , as the leader of the peasant family, I have too many problems to solve. If Senior Nianduan can stand up, he can relieve a lot of my pressure~"

Duan Murong heard about the news that the farm family was infiltrated by the net and several families suffered heavy losses. Now she heard Brother Lu's request. She looked at her reflection in the deep eyes, lowered her eyes and couldn't bear to refuse: "Okay. I'll try my best. Help persuade the teacher."

After waiting for the old doctor to give the students morning lessons in the medical clinic, I heard in a private chat that I was asked to be the leader of the Gonggong Hall, and I refused decisively without any surprise.

Under this situation, Lu Wei decisively went to see the injury of Wu Kuang who was sent here yesterday, leaving the chat space for the master and disciple.

Although Duan Murong always obeyed the teacher's words, in fact, she could rarely firmly refuse the old doctor's request sincerely.

Tian Hu's punch was not so easy to catch. Wu Kuang's internal injuries were not obvious when they were first caused, and because of his high concentration of energy, he was able to use Qinggong to catch Tian Mi yesterday. ,

Now, as soon as he relaxed in the hospital, he could no longer stand for a long time and had to lie on the bed to slowly recuperate.

"Xia Kui!" Seeing Lu Wei's arrival, Wu Kuang hurriedly wanted to sit up, but was prevented from getting out of bed to salute, so he could only lie down half-lying with his hands raised and clasped fists.

"How is Brother Wu Kuang's injury?" Lu Wei asked cheerfully, accepting the courtesy calmly.

"Tian Hu's punch is not serious. You just need to take medicine regularly." Wu Kuang smiled bitterly: "It's just that when I was lurking in the net, I accumulated a lot of other hidden injuries. I will have to trouble Doctor Nian Duan for a while." "Hidden injuries." Accumulation is the most troublesome. Take good care of it with Senior Nianduan, and you will be able to make greater contributions to the farm in the future!" Sir Xia Kui consoled him.

"Yes!" Wu Kuang nodded heavily when he heard that he could contribute to the farmer's family.

"I came here this time because I have something to ask you." He walked to the table and poured a cup of medicinal tea to Wu Kuang. The latter took it gratefully and thought about it: "Is it about the new master of Kuei Hall? "

"That's right." Lu Wei said in a majestic tone: "There are many vacancies in the position of the leader of the farm now, and they need to be filled as soon as possible to ensure the operation of the farm."

"You are the former manager of Kuei Hall, and you were ordered by Tian Guang Xiakui to lurk in the net. This time you return to the farm, and the choice of the new head of Kuei Hall will naturally take you into consideration first."

"It's just that more than ten years have passed since that incident. In the past ten years, Kuei Hall has changed a lot. If I, the new hero, were to appoint him directly, I would probably make the disciples resentful. So my idea is What do you think about the selection being held in the hall?"

As a disciple who grew up in a farm family, Wu Kuang had always firmly believed that the position of leader of Kuei Hall could only be held by his eldest brother Chen Shenglai.

However, now that Chen Sheng is in Qin's prison, and his grievances have not been washed away, it is impossible for the farmer's family to leave a vacant position waiting for his return, so the appointment of a new hall leader is imperative.

Kuei Hall was reduced to the bottom of the six halls by Tian Mi, and the quality of the talents in the hall was average. Wu Kuang certainly did not want the position of hall leader to fall into the hands of outsiders again, but the selection was a legitimate and justifiable method.

So he solemnly nodded: "I don't have any objection to Xia Kui's idea. Kui Kui Hall is established after the establishment. It is necessary to select a hall leader who can convince the disciples through selection!"

"Okay, then it's settled. You have a good rest. After the injury is healed, Kuei Hall's formal performance will still require your participation!"

Wu Kuang's ability is considered top-notch among farmers, but compared with his opponent Chen Ping, his chance of winning this selection is really slim.

Of course, if Wu Kuang can really defeat Chen Ping, then he will be given the position of Kuei Hall, and Lu Wei will not interfere too much.

As for the doctor's master and apprentice, Duan Murong's hard work made it difficult for Nian Duan, who loved his apprentice, to deal with it. It was obvious that as long as Duan Murong stayed here for a few days, the old doctor could only agree.

Come to the medical center to resolve the matters concerning the heads of Gonggong Hall and Kuei Kai Hall. Lieshan and Siyue are long-term tasks, but they are not urgent.


The situation of farmers is improving.

Here at the Confucian Little Sage Village, Fu Nian's anger was erupting early in the morning!

The head of the Little Saint Xian Village rarely gets really angry: when he criticizes his students, disciples, and fellow juniors, although his face may seem ugly, he always criticizes the situation rather than the person. Beneath Fu Nian’s serious appearance My heart is actually peaceful.

But this time it was different. This time he reprimanded Tian An because it was exposed that Tian An brought Qi's 'martial arts warrior'.

It doesn't matter that a royal grandson secretly brought some guards. What matters is that Tian An with these guards actually took the initiative to provoke some dangerous enemies, and then took refuge in the Little Saint's Manor after losing the enemy!
What does he think of Little Sage Village?

Tian An angrily scolded Tian An in the tone of the head and senior brother. While Fu Nian was furious, Zhang Liang walked in with a smile and a book in his hands: "Senior brother, you are well."

"What's wrong with the ovary?" Fu Nian suppressed his anger and tried his best not to let his emotions implicate others.

"Liang has compiled his experiences and insights from his study tours. I would like to ask my senior brother to criticize me."

"Oh?" Fu Nian's anger subsided. He was quite interested in his junior brother's insights from his study tour. The head of the Little Sage Village has always commented fairly: His Confucian attainments are far beyond the reach of this third junior brother, but among hundreds of schools of thought, In terms of learning and unique understanding of things, I am not as good as this junior brother.

Fu Nian stepped down from the main seat and went to the outdoor water pavilion with Zhang Liang. He took the book from the other party's hand and carefully read through the pages.

Seeing his senior brother's focused expression, Zhang Liang wanted to ask about Tian An, but before that, he had to use another thing as an introduction:

"Senior brother, does he know that the new hero of the peasant family has been selected?"

"Brother Lu has sent me news. It is a good thing that the farm family is stable." He didn't raise his head, but Fu Nian's tone was obviously much more relaxed: "It's just that in the current troubled times, I can't go to congratulate myself, so I only sent a congratulatory gift. Send me a letter of apology."

"Zifang wants to take a trip?"

(End of this chapter)

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