Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 273 The overall situation of the world

Chapter 273 The overall situation of the world
Zhang Liang was naturally very interested in Daze Mountain, but his main purpose of coming here today was not to farm, so he smiled and said:

"In recent days, there have been more and more guests visiting Xiaoshengxian Manor, and their status cannot be underestimated. Zifang has arranged an itinerary with several of the guests from Linzi for a month."

"The current situation is like this. Little Sage Village relies on the Qi State and has been cared for by all forces in the Qi State for many years. Now that they are in danger, we should take care of them." Fu Nian turned the pages of the book in his hand, his expression did not change at all: "As long as you don't break the rules of Little Saint Xian Manor, there's nothing to worry about."

"So, Junior Brother Tian An," Zhang Liang hesitated, hesitating to speak.

"He broke the rules of Confucianism and secretly inserted his servants and crooks into the village. He even brought danger into Confucianism. He is no longer your junior brother."

Fu Nian calmly stated his decision: "I have submitted a document to King Qi, asking him to recall Gongsun An."

"I have heard about Gongsun An's behavior." Zhang Liang decisively followed the leader's intention and changed his words: "It's just that senior brother thinks that what he did is not..."

"I know you are worried. You suspect that Gongsun An's actions were instigated by the King of Qi. I may offend the King of Qi by being so unkind. This may be seen as adding insult to injury to the King of Qi whose country is in trouble." Fu Nian He calmly responded to his junior brother's question: "But if I didn't have full confidence, how could I do something that would bring disaster to Little Saint's Village?"

"This time Gongsun An and the Yin Yang family's forces in Songhai did evil and provoked the Yin Yang family to pursue and kill them. This is definitely not the result that King Qi wants to see."

"What's more, his Black and White Chess Courtyard did a lot of things without telling the King of Qi. The young master also had a plan to deceive the King."

"The various talented and foreign disciples he has adopted are involved in many forces, and the identities of some of them as dead warriors will make King Qi furious."

Since Fu Nian learned about Tian An's secret stronghold when Lu Wei left last time, he has been investigating it quietly. Even Zhang Liang has not found any clues about this.

Until now, he knew everything about the situation, and by taking advantage of Tian An's big mistakes, he exposed them all in one fell swoop.

Not only would Wang Jian of Qi not be angry with Xiaoshengxianzhuang, but he would also feel a little grateful to Fu Nian for his secret letter.

Tian An's special status and King Qi's attitude also need to be investigated. If Xiaoshengxianzhuang cannot make plans in advance and act later, it will always cause a lot of trouble.

"But as far as junior brother knows, this matter seems to involve Canglong Qisu?" Zhang Liang said softly: "Over in Xianyang, Li Si, who studied at Xiaoshengxian Manor, sent someone to inquire?"

Mentioning 'Canglong Qisu' and 'Li Si', Fu Nian finally raised his head and glanced at Zhang Liang. He closed the book and said calmly: "I have reported all the facts to King Qi. This matter The matter has nothing to do with Little Sage Village."

"I know that Zifang has an old Korean friend who has a close relationship with Canglong Qisu and Li Si. I also know that this old friend studied in the Little Sage Village and has met me several times."

"I have never stopped you from investigating him, but you'd better not get involved in Tian An's case. It has some unnecessary dangers."

As the head of Xiaoshengxian Manor, the senior brother knows many secrets that only the head can understand. Zhang Liang heard Fu Nian's sincere answer. Although he was unwilling to do so, he still nodded and admitted it, and then turned the topic back to the guests from Linzi. them.

The State of Qi has sent large armies to Gaotang and Pinglu on the border. Both cities are one of the five capitals of the State of Qi. The city defenses are strong and they can use the mountains and rivers to defend against foreign enemies. The two places can also help each other and form a An impregnable line of defense.

It seems that although Qin has not sent troops yet, it will be a matter of time.

Xiaoshengxianzhuang is far away from the battlefield and is a peaceful place. As one of the top nine schools of thought, Confucianism is unlikely to be disturbed by war.

Therefore, just like what King Qi did publicly before, many nobles wanted to join Confucianism.

Fu Nian was subject to many restrictions and had to agree to accept some of them, but he needed to be carefully selected.

Of course he understood that opening up such a thing would lead to trouble, but he had to do it. As the leader, Fu Nian could only personally lead his junior disciples to check the situation and keep dangerous people out as much as possible.

Lu Wei received the gift from Xiaoshengxian Village. Fu Nian also mentioned in the letter the military preparations of the Qi State in Gaotang and Pinglu. The location of Daze Mountain is very close to the battlefield, and the farmer is afraid that he will have to recruit some disciples. Go to the battlefield, and also provide some food and grass for the Qi army nearby.

Fu Nian's warning was not groundless. Less than a month after Lu Wei became the leader of the knights, officials from Qi State came to make an appointment with him.

In addition to troops and food, money was also mentioned.

The meaning of Qi officials is very simple: there are [-] disciples in the peasant family, and the state of Qi only needs to select a mere [-] from them to form an army. The peasant family will bear the army's food and salary themselves, and they will go north to Pinglu to resist the possible attack of the Qin Dynasty.

It is impossible for a farmer to agree to such a lion's open-mouthed behavior, but there must be a gentler way to refuse.

After all, Daze Mountain, where the farmer's family is located, relies on the Qi State. Although the farmer's family can ignore the conscription officer due to the future situation of the Qi State, that can only be used as a last resort.

Lu Wei's tentative way of refusing was also very simple: 2000 military personnel and food and grass farmers could be given as remuneration to the officials from Qi who came to recruit soldiers. The other recruiting officers would surely have a way to solve the problem on their own.Then, he saw the recruiting officer expressing his embarrassment and bargaining for a share of 5000 men.

Mr. Xia Kui is not afraid of the other party's bargaining, but is worried about the other party's cold rejection: The current attitude of the recruiting officer means that it is not a higher intention to embarrass the farmers.

Just the personal behavior of these officials is much easier to deal with. It is not ruled out that the King of Qi also mentioned farmers when he issued orders, but he certainly did not make specific requirements.

The recruiting officer can trade, which means that in addition to bribing him, the farmer can also negotiate with the other party to make a 'small fortune' together.

War is cruel, but for some people it is also a source of wealth.

By leaving the negotiation to the experienced Zhu family, Lu Wei does not need to worry about the farmer's identity in this war.

Nowadays, the general trend of the world can be understood by knowledgeable people. In contrast, the attitudes of hundreds of schools in the world are more complicated.

Although Lord Xiakui's own farm broke away from the plan and eliminated the infiltration network in advance, he also sent Zhou Wen directly to a place where Zhao Gao had enough trust, and also dealt with Qi's recruitment order, and the external environment was relatively stable.

Inside, the competition between Wu Kuang and Chen Ping for the leadership of Kuei Hall is still going on.Wu Kuang was the general manager of Kuikui Hall more than ten years ago. Together with Chen Sheng, he developed Kuikui Hall to a level that could compete with Lieshan Hall. But now, his old cronies have long been dealt with by Tian Mi.

The current middle management of Kuei Hall are all newly promoted in the past ten years. Wu Kuang does not know any of them, and the elders of Kuei Hall who know him are not in key positions. Their help to Wu Kuang is very limited.

It is not difficult for Chen Ping to suppress such an opponent: as long as he quietly publicizes the hatred between Tian Mi and Wu Kuang, these disciples promoted by Tian Mi will certainly know who to choose in order to let everything be forgotten and maintain the pattern of Kuei Hall as much as possible. constant.

Tian Mi herself has been imprisoned for some time. All it takes to kill this woman is a single sword strike. However, as a hall leader who has penetrated into the farmhouse, she knows a lot of important information, which must involve the depth of Luowang's placement in the farmhouse. It doesn’t matter if you really don’t know the hidden personnel and evidence of the crime. You will naturally know it after interrogation!
Regarding the flowers of sin she planted, Lu Wei originally wanted to destroy them all, but on Duan Murong's suggestion, he only destroyed most of them and handed the remaining small part to Dr. Nian Duan's medical clinic to take over.

They have certain medicinal value, but they must be used with caution. Nianduan and Duanmu Rong know this much better than a layman like him.

In Lieshan Hall, Ayu is already leading people to investigate. Wu Chen, the former general manager of Lieshan Hall, has escaped, and a large number of Lieshan Hall's senior executives have also escaped from Daze Mountain. This undoubtedly proves how deeply Lieshan Hall has been penetrated by the net. Now, the new Xia Kui wants to send someone to investigate this matter, but Tian, ​​who has not yet completely cleared up his relationship with Luo Wang, cannot stop him.

Tian Hu's Chi You Hall is the hall that Lu Wei wants to capture next, but don't rush and act immediately. Leave a gathering place for the Tian family first. Tian Hu will not be difficult to deal with, and he can catch all the Tian families in the future.

Ji Yanzai is in charge of Siyuetang, and everything goes well.The youngest farm hall leader in history was originally Lu Wei, who succeeded Gonggong Hall. He was 17 years old at the time, and now he will be replaced by Xiao Yan'er.

Lu Wei, the Zhu family's Shennongtang, is not planning to move in the short term. The Zhu family still has a great role, and Shennongtang should not seize power rashly. The Zhu family is not young anyway, so let's keep him as a substitute for Liu Xianzhong.

Dr. Nian Duan from the Gonggong Hall agreed to become the leader of the Gonggong Hall even though Duan Murong stayed in the hospital and kept asking. The matter was handled quickly, and no one in the farm family objected. Even outside Daze Mountain, there were people from the past. After hearing about this incident, Nianduan's students rushed to seek refuge.

The medical power of farmers has been further improved. Combining the treatment methods of doctors with the mastery of medicinal herbs of farmers can be described as a powerful combination.

Taking this opportunity, the relationship between the medical headquarters and the farmers has also become closer.

The special identity of this school of thought determines that it has never taken sides in the world, but now it will inevitably favor the peasant family.

If nothing else goes wrong, the heads of the six farmhouse halls will be replaced from the old Lu Wei, Zhu Jia, Tian Meng, Tian Hu, Tian Mi, and Situ Wanli to Nianduan, Zhu Jia, Lu Yu, Tian Hu, Chen Ping, and Ji Yan .

Tian Hu can also be replaced by Jian Jing in the future.

Except for Nianduan and the unchanged Zhu family, the fame of the next four hall masters may not be as good as before in a short period of time, but as time goes by, the world will understand the power of the new farm family.

In addition to farmers, the Confucian family of Xiaoshengxianzhuang is officially recruiting a large number of third-generation disciples. The proportion of disciples in this new generation may be slightly larger than the norm, and the overall composition of the disciples is more skewed towards the natives of Qi.

Confucianism is of course a secular doctrine, but under the rule of the Qin State, it is unlikely that Confucianism will be truly reused.When Fu Nian concentrated on teaching, he was observing changes in the world and preparing to revise Confucianism to make it more relevant to the times.

In the Taoist family, the Tianzong is still in Xuanzhiyouxuan, while the Renzong Xiaoyaozi is active all over the world.

However, it has only been a few years since the new Tianren Sword Competition. He has already lost three rounds in a row. In the fourth round of sword competition, can he win back a Xue Ji for the Renzong?
The Yin Yang family's mirage plan underwent a new round of revisions to the drawings. Although the construction process of Songhai encountered some minor obstacles, it did not affect the expected progress.

In the Yin Yang headquarters in Xianyang and outside the residence of Donghuang, the three people of Sun, Moon and Star have been waiting here for some time.

Finally, after another quarter of an hour, the giant door opened.
(End of this chapter)

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